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The Forum > General Discussion > how to suceed succesion ..?..[lamb-island]

how to suceed succesion ..?..[lamb-island]

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OK some are content to believe such a thing can take place.
I am now one of them.
I declare home and land Belly country.
No one may enter without producing both current union membership card .
And proof of membership of the ALP.
Now can we admit it can not happen?
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 5 October 2013 3:14:51 PM
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belly has seen the light..<<..OK some are believe such a thing can take place...I am now one of them.>>

we know your only making a point
but me lets go

<<.I declare home and land Belly country>>

please belly..we need more info
ps if you USE THEIR details..[their names..
their street address..EVEN just..THEIR postcode or pay..*their rates.>.

you by your works..have invalidated
your declaration..but your doing more..

<<>?.No one may enter..without producing..both current union membership card..And proof of membership of the ALP.>>

these may only be joined..
by declaring PERSON writing
to wit..say mr of birth..[that detail..
is actually..the intellectual property of the owners of births/marriages act..union/party whatever

thats why our sig* the mark of the beast
our signature gives that the writing warrants


see ol' a unionist/partyy ,man
must*..follow the party rules/obey the union-rules
or they can..punish you..BUT*..[not me because i never join their club]

the same thing re being an..ozzie
see your parents..APPLIED/begged..for your be registered
and living beings cant be registered..[only slaves or cargo[]..

hence the birth certificate..[berth/certificate]
represents the any 'cargo'..that lands..on the *berth

see we..just like the ship..emerged from the waters
we like cargo/slaves..were accorded..our own berthing certificate

but our birth certificate..isnt you
just like your union card isnt you
but you think its you,or many seem to..but its represents..the not the person..cause its only a paper
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 October 2013 4:15:57 PM
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thus the lie
they never told you..they only control..the id card
and thus they bound an age old lie
you thinking your 'a an ozzie
they are all..ALL..paper fictions..

begun..[berthed]..when our parents..when your parents..'registered a stud horse..or a trademark..or a rank/office created a person/under the act

the living being..dont hold control over nothing
created by the state..[the first paper fiction..
upon which..all the rest was built..
its..all in whatever the paper warrants..licenses

<<Now can we can not happen?>>

no mate
it did happen..and why did it happen..
two law maxims..a know..for what he begs
[and when you applied..[or your parents di..theyt sought a perceived advantage..BEGGED[app-LIED]..for the preconceived advantage..other state constructs..*set up FOR control over BUSiNESS./.not for people

thus we have license.[ie permission..for a person..UNDER the TRANSPORT do that otherwise a 'person'..cant do..[ie a the creation..under the many-fold act's

ie the license/your name..your marriage/your kids..all OWNED/creations of the stAte..[itself yet another creation]

see transports goods
thus under the transport act..they drivers[that 'drive transport..called vehicles..[driver means control of a vehicle[a vehicle means making income via driving[delivery]

if your nor doing commerce..its not a vehicle[under the act]
thus dont need a license..but we all would be fine with all them lies

then they lie again..again
next thing cooperation got rights
and we are pay as much as govt can get out of us
trouble being..

govt borrows ITS OWN intrest off bankers.. alone own the right to make its own..

now bankers own govt plus
money and we are wage clever lies
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 October 2013 4:16:56 PM
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one under god, I really wish you could write in proper English

"bris-bane-ites/etc <<..What they this matter?>> none.. let.them fail..or succeed.on their own terms"

Lamb Island will fail alright.
But they are currently part of "Brisbane", part of "Queensland", part of "Australia", so those entities have every right to have a say.

"how many..councils are there now?"

Local councils aren't even constitutionally valid. They shouldn't exist.
If local councils are evil abusers of the poor, why would you want them to have even more powers?

"how many..referendum..have succeeded"

Very few, and with good reason. *Australians* didn't want those changes, the politicians did.

"a few big one big_pond or many..little little ponds? unable to all down..when they inevitably fail"

And the smaller they are, the more likely they'll fail, as they won't be economically viable.
Many independent states/territories would make sense only in places like Spain or Russia, where there are significant ethnic regional differences.
Australia, with the exception of the Aborigine-dominant far north, is fairly homogenous, and therefore unlikely to need one law here and another there.

Uniform laws and policies make life easier.
The only question is how democratic those decisions are.
The current two-party biased system is not truly democratic.
I'd want to change that, rather than create 520 fiefdoms where the major parties would still dominate.

"EX-brits get british-pension."

Yes, from the *British* government, not the Australian.
If they are ex-*residents* of UK, not ex-citizens.

"many workers PAY.iNTO THE SYSTEM*"

Not the Australian system.

"<<..PNG has no anything "Australian".>> i will..let the miners know you said..they can keep their mine"

Are you talking about a PNG mine?
No, Australia has no "claim" on it, accept where agreed to by the laws and policies of the *PNG* government.
We need legal permission to do anything in another country, and vice versa.

"they are all..ALL..paper fictions.."

And so is the "Independent Republic of Lamb Island".

*Everything* in human society is an invention, a creation of our imaginations.
There's no point hoping this will change.
All you can change are the particular fictions accepted.
Posted by Shockadelic, Sunday, 6 October 2013 2:16:04 AM
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but lamb-isl..lies in redlands
adjoins the..logan council..etc

thank you for pointing out..that councils have NO..formalised recognition..but then again..neither does the state

[you would know an.;.upper house..[like a senete],..
cant vote itself..out of egzistance..[like..qld upper house did]

that needs a referendum[never the less councils claim..their powers via a state act[and the state ass revealed earlier..isnt kosher[cause it arbitrarily dumped..the upper house[criminal treason]

and peter beaty..rewrote the constitution..into an act
[act 70..0f 2002..[the constitution act]..then signed it into law himself..that is the reason..i made the coat of arms head of the deer

[that coat of arms..[my totum
and they didnt proceed..with..the case..
cause they know..i owen the head..for over 5 centuries]

that lack of known
thus the intention..of the referendum..alp dropped/federally at last election

i didnt re quote..your stuff
cause thats..when it gets messy

despite that..i forget your other points

<<why would you want..[councils] have..even more powers?>>

i..dont..thats why a referendum

<<the smaller they are,..the more likely..they'll fail>>

no..the more..easy to control/jail

<<they won't be economically viable.>>

hence the urgency..for federal recognition

<<..Uniform laws..and policies make life easier>>

as long as its lawful[govt got no right to police a plant[fixture]..into..fungable crime

<< democratic/decisions are.>>

ab-origonal society..require consensus
[lets wait ..nd see what Nguduroodistan comes up with?

<<..The current two-party..biased not truly democratic.>>

agreed..but..democratic means the 51%..lorded the 4%
use that to..claim..of 51%..abuse the remaining 96%..

<<I'd want to..change that,..rather than create 520 fiefdoms
where the major parties..would still dominate.>>

ahhh yes BUT..if you proposition
[govt is divided in half] and womens business
the ruloing state allocates 50/50..

between..the mens[business]..
and the womans/business[nurture]

<<We do anything>>>

nomate..[those claiming advbantage..uinder the act[only they are subject[tothe act]..your subject..[i rejected then 4 years ago[complretly]..

how ?
i gave them..notice..and simply returned their id/crap]..
sure im completely..on my own..but i dont like criminal govt..and always was alone..[govt declared war onme lot just havnt noticed it yet

<<There's no point..hoping>>

yes..its time..for lawful action
<<All you can change..are the particular fictions accepted.>.

no..we can accept them..from the beginning[openly]
do it proper
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 October 2013 7:05:43 AM
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OUG I think you know I am your mate.
But yes I too wish you would drop the poem like post style.

I offer this as evidence, if we could do such things folk who have for decades wanted new states would have give us a few Queenslands, including one with Rockhamton as its center.
A new, at least one, state in WA.
Tassy may drop off forming a tax haven/tourist industry naming them self *The Real Australia*
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 6 October 2013 11:00:11 AM
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