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The Forum > General Discussion > how to suceed succesion ..?..[lamb-island]

how to suceed succesion ..?..[lamb-island]

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oh..belly..please..ol mate..every tax avoider?

mate they all-ready do better in london/amsterdam..Cayman islands Switzerland..or ire-land or espana..or hongkong..or that tiny fiefum..just off france..

heck i don think lamb island
even has a bank..or post office

[im sure you too.have been on bigger building sites
than lamb island..[iron]..Nguduroodistan ..

can we at least diss-cuss..ways to help..
not drown their cry for egsaduration..
like every tax avoider..or every dole bludger..etc

they are great people
just like you belly..just like you/me..trying to figure wre govt went wrong[it was by thinking govt was there to PROTECT>.the taxing the poor to death.

by doubling their energy prices..
selling public assets..revenue govt BORROWED dead multinational-ist duel passport holders..and cooperation

mate its wrong wrong wrong
lest we forget..libs stay-in..
and your party takes over..only..what 5 times last century.?

you may have rolled back some things
but state labor..mate they feathered their own nests

[i was going to say fouled our nest]..
soon going to send us steal our homes..
for pennies on..the pound..when..the libs send us old people hostels..taking our homes cause..we cant pay our rates..or turn on a fan..

belly..its about the people saying
stop*..enough..[open a window..and yell]
who made this eden..into hell?
Posted by one under god, Friday, 4 October 2013 3:17:51 PM
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It is hard to see here democracy in action (we all remember the ridiculous recounting process in Florida) or even justice in action. In America's questionable legal system, nepotic politruks run the scene. See Prison America.

++ Western dialectics are beyond any doubt the pinnacle of human achievements. "Democracy" means "rule of corporations and oligarchs," "Law" means "what civil servants need for their own profit" while dictionaries define Ev·i·dence [noun] 1: False claim made by a government.

"Terrorists" are those fighting Western regimes; "freedom fighters" are those fighting for Western regimes. All others are slaves to be exploited by their governments.

This is an implementation of 1984's Doublethink. "The keyword here is blackwhite. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this.

But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest, and which is known in Newspeak as doublethink.

Doublethink is basically the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them." George Orwell, 1984

Posted by one under god, Friday, 4 October 2013 4:19:32 PM
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Interesting to see some the posters here are taking this more seriously than I'm sure the Lamb Island folk are.

Lamb Is. is a little lump of rocky clay. There is not much going for it, except perhaps it is not Brisbane, or any other city, & it is surrounded by water.

It is not even very nice water. The tides roar through the area, swirling mud from the mangroves along with them. I would not swim in the water for quids.

It has no beach, & if there is any tourism, other than weekenders escaping the city it is very small & low key. The chance of supporting itself is nonexistent.

The best thing about Lamb is it's people, who are friendly & helpful.

They have been ripped off for years by the council on the mainland, as have all the bay island people.

My guess this topic has achieved some of what they are hoping. More people now know the island exists, & that they are unhappy with their treatment by the local government, & state & commonwealth governments.

Whether this is likely to make any difference is doubtful. For years there was no council, & most of the people were happy. Then a council was imposed on them, & since then they became unhappy. I don't think much has changed in the 30 odd years since I was there, & I'm afraid not much change is likely from this either, but I wish them luck.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 4 October 2013 4:42:35 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

<<It is not even very nice water. The tides roar through the area, swirling mud from the mangroves along with them. I would not swim in the water for quids.

It has no beach, & if there is any tourism, other than weekenders escaping the city it is very small & low key. The chance of supporting itself is nonexistent.>>

As it was said, The meek shall inherit the earth!

Because this place isn't rich in resources and isn't a big city like Brisbane, it is more likely that the Australian government will not interfere in their independence. Whether and how they will support themselves is nobody else's business but theirs.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 4 October 2013 5:09:00 PM
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one under god "we the people"

And what of the "people" of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia?
What say do they have in this matter?
What if they don't want this island or 520 other towns having their own independent governments?

"the federal-con..allows the formation..of more 'states'"

Only with the agreement of the majority population of the current state and federal parliament.
Lamb Island isn't even asking to be a new "state".

If you don't like the term "indissoluble", the constitution can be amended by referendum. Nobody has proposed changing this, as far as I know.
Nor this:

"the federal rules state.. that where..state divergent..the fall..under federal law"

Yes, so the states are basically redundant, so why create 520 of them?

"your missing that we all got birth rights"

As "citizens". Which they won't be anymore.

"great i will inform..png..and other places australia dont care"

PNG has no claim to anything "Australian".
We can *choose* to offer them anything, but that is our choice, not their entitlement.

"no..merely a visa stamp *our own govt..provides..passport"

And many Australians don't have one, and certainly aren't going to the trouble of getting one just to visit some tiny island a few metres from Brisbane.

"via a cyber smart card?..or in coin? or in collectible fiat bank notes"

It doesn't matter what *form* the currency is in.
It still means Australians can't use the cash or accounts they already have, and must make extra effort to exchange.

"we got parks we got ..wildlife[running free]"

And so do plenty of other Australian locations that don't require a passport or other currency.

"your implication is two/thirds are dole blunderers but most there..are retired..[on-pensions]"

I implied nothing.
The others are a third part-time and a third non-working.

Pensions? And who's paying them? The Australian government, to *citizens* only.
What are all those retirees and unemployed going to do when their payments suddenly stop?
Posted by Shockadelic, Saturday, 5 October 2013 1:18:07 AM
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<<..What they this matter?>>

let.them fail..or succeed.on their own terms

<<What if they don't..want this island>>

so what?
i their refuge/islands..our money helpless too

<><..520/other towns
having..their own ..independent governments?>>

how many..councils are there now?
[isay kill state..just have local council/fed

council's abuse..the poor..
to hold..races or expo's..or build stadiums..o
r de-desalination PLANTS..OR FREE SOLAR*..we see none of it./.but somehow pay for..all of it

<<.Lamb Island isn't..even be a new "state".>>

point taken

<<the constitution..can be referendum.>>

lovbe..that word..canbe..tell me shochaholic..
how many..referendum..have succeeded in changing..anything?

*out of how many?

you just need..alan jones
to call em taX avoiders..and their closed

<<..Yes, the states..are basically redundant,
so why create 520 of them?>>

a few big one big_pond
or many..little little ponds?

unable to all down..when they inevitably fail

*big money attracts big sharks

<<birth rights"..As "citizens" Which they won't be anymore.>>

please dont be ignorant..EX-brits get british-pension..
EX-dutch get dutch pensions..if your in the get govt cash
and many workers PAY.iNTO THE SYSTEM*

what are you really afraid of

<<..PNG has no anything "Australian".>>

i will..let the miners know
you said..they can keep their mine too

<<We can *choose* offer them anything,>>

yet you cant vote onlamb island

sour grapes?
grapes of wrath?

<<..but our choice,>>

noits theirs

<<.not their entitlement.>>

present proof

<<..passport">.<<And many Australians don't have one,>>

me either
thats why irecomend a smart card
that does the lot..we buy a declares our status

<<..It doesn't matter..what *form* the currency is in.>>

yes what..matters is who..*controls its buying worth
ankers dont..lend money..our loan application created it
once its 'payed/off' disappears as if it never was..but meanwhile inflation ate half of it

in 100..yeaRS..WE HAVE GONE

inflation has made..a shilling coin
[containing $3 dollars..of silver worth..near nothing today
[10cents cant buy nothing..compared to what a shilling used to buy]

thats value..stripped from..our coin-age system

if i..hold the bank..its mine..not yours
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 October 2013 6:29:48 AM
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