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Labors Jobs Policy

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Dear Shadow Minister,

It's a strange paradox that, while we live in a
torrent of information, there's such a limited
range of available news. As I've stated previously
media ownership in Australia is notoriously narrow
and mainstream media offers precious little diversity.
I fully agree with your statement that what many people
choose to read is very subjective.

However, say what you will I still think that although
it would be difficult to agree with every view expressed in
the columns of New Matilda, it would be equally difficult to
disagree with them all. And it would be impossible to
criticise any of them as irrational or foolish.

I've enjoyed our robust discussion and shall see you on
another thread
Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 27 February 2013 10:07:09 AM
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I have a gut feeling I stand in a corner, not far from Richo, in my god friend Lexis mind, on this matter.
I am comfortable in that spot.
Gillard is trotting around Sydney, shaking hands talking to folk, who have no intention to vote for her.
Nice smiles, false words of praise, she see,s them all.
But let us look, this was the HEART of FEDERAL ALP!
Along with Rudd,s Queensland, it won us office, in the not soon to be repeated 2007 joy slide.
Tony Abbott, the man so many fear, on both sides, has got Gillards measure.
As bad as he is!
Read what you wish, but confront our fate.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 27 February 2013 4:50:39 PM
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Dear Belly,

Don't worry - I'll still luv ya... as I
have to date.

I'm simply stirring all those who insist on
bagging the PM and Labor.

Besides what right does the PM have to go visit
Labor's heartland in Sydney's West during
an election year just because the party deems it
necessary. After all Sydney doesn't have any probs
as we all know. And Mr Abbott up until recently
didn't have a camera following him around all over
the place.
Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 27 February 2013 5:16:50 PM
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Lexi, Belly,

All that can be asked of a news organisation is that it report the facts without fear or favour. The Australian has done this, and the Australian and associated newspapers have done this. Neither labor nor the Greens have produced one jot of evidence to the contrary. The NM does not meet this criteria by a country mile, with many articles that are extremely foolish.

With Labor's constant bungling, the coalition has strategically chosen to take a low profile and allow Labor to be judged on its record. That low profile means that 'most anything newsworthy is about Labor.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 27 February 2013 5:26:50 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

After reading your last post I was going to
go into great detail in my reply to you but
then I changed my mind because I mean -
what would be the point. So instead this
will have to do - it sums up my perception of

Nothing in the world can take the place of
persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is
more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not: unrewarded genius is almost
a proverb. Education will not: the world is
full of educated derelicts. Persistence and
determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan
"Press On" has solved and always will solve
the problems of the human race.

You seem to hold that thought and no matter
what - you keep on doing your job
on this forum. As Gerard Henderson would say:
"Well, somebody has to do it!"
Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 27 February 2013 5:42:46 PM
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First SM if you owned a paper would you use it to get your views seen.
Now do not be naughty, the answer as it is for that demented dwarf Murdock.
Lexi we are getting in to both a hurting and a gloating time.
The SM s of this world think a twisted form of Liberalism/Tea Party/Conservatism is perfect.
We will witness the dread this country,s center and left,even and highlighted, true Liberals will suffer.
And mid term American elections will show most NEVER WANTED OR EXCEPT Tea Party politics.
Our turn to by just reviewing the madness of a government, is coming to gloat.
Elections such as this, such as recent state ones deliver both a warning to Labor to reform, and in time, new followers upset at being conned by the scrambled eggs policy's of those SM loves.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 28 February 2013 7:20:45 AM
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