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Labors Jobs Policy

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Dear Belly,

I'll see you on another thread.

This one has now run its course for me.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 28 February 2013 9:30:24 AM
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No worry s Lexi, I think you are right.
But before leaving have this to say.
Yes Labor is to fall, Gillard and her supporters have ensured that.
But it is laughable to see, in advance, the thoughts of many after they are forced to confront they elected no Halo wearing team.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 28 February 2013 2:40:42 PM
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I cannot put my finger on what you are trying to say, but if you are trying to impute that I am a embittered intellectual that has not reached his goals, I guess the 6 figure salary, international work, and kids at top private schools will have to console me. I also gather you have nothing to support your NM author.


You seem to love displaying your ignorance. it appears that you think that the tea party is the opposite of Labor, whereas the tea party is the party of red-neck working class religious conservatives who have more in common with you than me.

As for hare brained half Rsed policies, you would struggle to surpass the dross that Labor has served up in the last half decade. I look forward to Juliar remaining PM and leading Labor to an historic defeat.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 2 March 2013 4:14:08 PM
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I will write slowly SM try to keep up.
It is my considered view Abbott is from a faction within the Liberal party.
That faction, in my view proved by its membership, note Corry is only hidden after his gaff not gone, is of the Tea Party type.
A faction of true Liberals has been under threat,all over Australia, NSW has seen branch stacking and even internal charges of assult.
I constantly.
Yes you can not challenge truth.
Challenge, highlight, and force my party,s wrongs down their throat, you are incapable of doing that with yours.
It is the very nature of your party, and they do it well,far better than Labor, to Dennie its wrongs and hide them.
I could,even you could, if honesty was part of your make up, target dreadful acts, crimes,on your side.
I know this, it is not the right time for me to do it, see it would look like I am trying to take the heat from Labor.
That would be to betray my party,it needs the flame of that fire to clean its very guts out.
Contemplate however the nature of your WA/QLD/VIC teams governments.
Tell us of Newman lost members his minister and her sons activity's.
Talk to me about the ex Labor senator,a power broker, who left after trashing Rudd.
Then working for Packer?! got your state Premier to gift one hundred million dollars! by not getting true value from the casino?
Tell me of the minister linked to filth Obied on your side.
Tell me SM, do you care? Obied has this past week got permission via your team in NSW to go ahead with multi million dollar development on mid north coast.
Do you understand to target only my side is ignoring activity's that should shame you.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 3 March 2013 7:07:46 AM
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You are really grasping at straws:

The planning council re zoned an entire area which included the Obeid farm, the planning for which had been on the books since 2007. Are you suggesting that planning should stop until all holdings by corrupt Labor stooges are determined?

Secondly Sinodinus's links to labor corruption are so tenuous that the far stronger links to corruption for Carr, Juliar, Robertson, Shorten, etc would leave virtually no Labor pollies standing.

Newman's dismissal of ministers that behave inappropriately is in stark contrast to the blind eye to rampant cronyism, influence peddling, and corruption in the Bligh, Carr, and Gillard governments.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 3 March 2013 8:16:30 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

I'm sorry that you didn't understand my last post.
But that is your problem not mine.
Or perhaps an intelligent
man such as yourself is simply being facetious.

As for your claim of a six figure salary, your children going to
private schools, et cetera. I guess you've got every right to be
happy with those things.

I'm equally happy to have a husband
who loves me, who helped me while both of us worked full-time,
and saw me complete my university degrees and end up
with a promotion in a job I love, two children that we've raised who
are decent human beings, three grandchildren, and the list goes on.

As for the New Matilda author that you keep referring to.
I've already told you my reasons for choosing that article.
If you need more information on Ian McAuley - you can Google
him on the web. And his background is

I shall not be responding to you any further.
I have to take things easy for the next couple of days
prior to going into hospital.

Dear Belly,

Take care and All The Best.
Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 3 March 2013 10:41:22 AM
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