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Labors Jobs Policy

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You obviously didn't do your homework.

The New Matilda author Ian McAuley, while having done some economics is not an economist, and only a lecturer in public finance. Similarly the "centre for policy development" can be described as a club for left wing bloggers that possibly might meet occasionally, but generally publish individual opinion pieces, and as far as I can see, have yet to publish anything that can be described as a policy document, or do anything that warrants the august title they have given themselves.

Based on this, your arguments are vacuous, without substance, and cannot be taken seriously.


The Labor party was the main architect of its demise. Claiming that the Australian is biased because it reports on the bleeding obvious stuff ups of the Rudd/Gillard government, and has not been shy in criticising the Coalition during its term.

Note that Murdoch for the past decade publically supported the Labour government in the UK, and employs as commentators Graham Richardson, Cassandra Wilkinson, Troy Bramson, all from the Labor party, etc.

The Murdoch press is biased towards common sense and good policy, which Labor has been lacking. To call it biased is simply shooting the messenger
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 26 February 2013 9:53:26 AM
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SM I take it for4 granted, that producer of Sunday morning pavement pizzas out side a pub, the Australian, is in your opinion, the hidden one, as biased as any paper world wide.
Unfortunately, the three wise Monkeys of the ALP are not wise.
Gillard can not hear the polls, Shorten sees no evil, in his factions actions, And while many want the third Moneys seat, I can not separate Swan and Cretin Crean, those two refuse to even contemplate the thought of those who sent them in to the house.
Monkeys yes wise never.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 26 February 2013 2:36:15 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

So the Murdoch press is not biased in your
opinion, but New Matilda is?
Well then there's nothing more to discuss.
Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 26 February 2013 2:47:30 PM
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cont'd ...

BTW: Are you Gerard Henderson?
Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 26 February 2013 2:50:48 PM
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It was noticeable before 2007 that the coalition was under the spotlight and was not always happy with reporting, and the criticism of the "Murdoch" press by Labor was almost non existent. Suddenly after 2007, when labor is exposed in the spotlight the Australian and other news organisations become the evil empire. There are general accusations of bias with almost no examples of actual errors. Notably the Australian has run many articles critical of the coalition, and the major findings that brought down Thomson, and exposed the AWU scandal did not originate with the Murdoch press.

The concept of bias cannot be based on the lack of commentary from both sides, but on the reader's prejudices.

On the contrary, the new matilda has exclusively posted commentary supportive of the left and critical of the right. Further to this, it is entirely comprised of opinion pieces or polemics. It is never original and often silly.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 26 February 2013 6:29:00 PM
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More to the point SM, While I agree about NM , you surely concede Murdock and his machine driven by his own views is unbalanced.
A truth here is papers such as the Telegraph and Australian, feed the uninformed.
It is more than likely, as we some times see here, every word, even the tainted ones, is taken as true by some.
However it takes very little thought, even understanding, to see Gillard is heading for an iceberg.
Powered by a power brokers determination , NOT TO REVERSE an act of treason, and not to,LET Rudd prove them wrong.
I bet - post election their talk as I do now, in an attempt to say it was not me, shallow words from shallow men in Suits reminding us Labor is owned by them not its membership.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 27 February 2013 7:37:55 AM
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