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Labors Jobs Policy

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Bazz yes true, but the fault is me, my words.
Tell me, a confirmed unionist, how would we remove this nest of grubs?
And tell me do you think it is a worth while task?
Do you think only those charged are at fault?
And what about those who paid those membership fees, for years, without true service, is that ok.
I can tell you about a visit to my local hospital, long ago, pre Rudd.
HSU never came, to a union protest! about work choices!
I did, the then leader of Unions NSW did, words of Nursing staff shocked us.
Worn out uniforms not replaced for five years, a requirement of the award they be replaced when needed.
We bluffed, on behalf of those workers, management and got it done.
We had no legal right, under work choices to intervene in another unions job.
Some one had to do the job that so called union neglectedto do.
Steps to remove a union?
Try government based on crimes against member ship, as has been done, bar from ACTU, RUN CAMPAIGN with members, to take over and disband the union starting again.
You Bazz in defending such scum, and targeting my miss used words as evidence something exists, that never did, play with the reality, this union is rotten all the way and deserves no help.
Such a conservative thinker protecting such a criminal Union is a mystery to me.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 25 February 2013 7:06:21 AM
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Belly, a lot depends on how widespread the corruption is.
If it is only restricted to say three or four unions then it is a job
for the ACTU. A condition for affiliation to the ACTU should be that
the ACTU could contract a firm of auditors to audit the unions books.

Now some will say that is appointing Dracular to the Blood Bank.
There could be legislation under the existing laws to take it further
then if significantly widespread rorting is found it could go straight
to prosecution.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 25 February 2013 12:08:05 PM
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Bazz have you ever noticed my constant demands of party and unions?
I demand here now, that both dump the dogs.
As I always have.
And always will.
Why then would I lie, about them, now, here?
No tell me, am I that stupid, to demand truth and honesty, from both but not my self?
Now Bazz, show me, other than in certain minds, not liked to truth, where is this flood of corruption.
We saw, AWU wrongly branded, over its leader in one state, twenty years ago, and the HSU, point out for me, the other corruptions you know of?
Is it ok to be a critic based on nothing, no wrongs no crimes nothing?
Governments, most probably, would not dare without support from unions, de register a union.
Now Bazz, know this, IF ANY trade union head has stolen from his/her members they should be in prison.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 25 February 2013 3:45:03 PM
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If you are well read, then the only conclusion is that you cannot find anything to support your arguments in the mainstream media or journals, and need to refer to the hare brained and poorly researched "opinion" pieces in the New Matilda.

There are no respected financial experts that think that this policy is anything more than populist window dressing.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 26 February 2013 3:20:20 AM
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SM as you are aware, New Matilda is biased, abit to the left of me.
But as you will not admit, Murdock press, indeed most, is too.
Our Gina, thank providence her good health can not last, wants to buy influence, to miss use it no less than Murdock, and his dad did/do.
I feel this morning, like I am in a movie, watching a remake of the years 1972 till 1975.
Then, absolutly as is the case now, Labor assisted in its own down fall.
Media, some then owned by an openly bigoted Packer.
Both reported Labors failures, and magnified them,even inventing them.
No need then or now, for that,the ALP has its own destruction well in hand.
I like Lexi now, held the view Voters knew about the railroading of Labor, that we would win.
Points to me for faith, misplaced.
I for that reason HIGHLIGHT Labors sleeping on the job/self destruction.
May my years of hurt ahead, be rewarded as the election of Hawk did so, the crying of Big Mal,and his lack of the ability to use the total power in both houses he had.
HSU? NSW FILTH? and as big a fraud committed by Union control of my party? installation of this tough but lacking skills Gillard.
September will be a black month for me and my country.
We all know do we? 50% of votes in ALP conferences MUST GO TO UNIONS?
So Paul Howes can ORDER folk in the house to STOP THINKING FOR THEM SELVES.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 26 February 2013 6:28:41 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

I beg to differ. Perhaps you're not looking
far and wide enough. I cited from New Matilda
because the article was by an economist of
good repute who not only teaches at the University
of Canberra but is involved in policy development
and knows what he's talking about. Had you bothered to
read the article you would have also been able to read
the man's background - which is impressive. And if
you have read it - then I can only assume you're
simply stirring and trying to provoke me.

Therefore your arguments have no substance
as far as I'm concerned.
I don't expect you to do anything else but keep repeating
the same old same old mantra just don't expect me
to take you seriously.

BTW: Are you Gerard Henderson?
Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 26 February 2013 8:16:46 AM
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