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Labors Jobs Policy

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SALTPETRE well said you may be suprised to know I have the same dreams for the Union movement.
And that I simply will not let dictatorship comments to those opposing Gillard.
Labor is suffering from power brokers damage in NSW noway around it, investigations currently under way, are in to pure filth who took over my party after Carr left.
I stood against them here, firmly and warned of the out come, some quested me, but no one living in this state.
I find my self no less in trouble for warning, nothing Gillard can do will turn the coming election away from near death for my party.
Awful truth, bringing the very reforms I call for now.
Rudd can win, or at least lessen the damage.
This will hurt me, but I saw threats, started by a QLD man of power, a hater of Rudd, saying not to support him.
Robinson, a good honest and bright man, now leading NSW Labor knows what I mean.
I saw those threatening , me too, threatened , jump on Kevin,s back as the polls came in.
That powerful man, his power broker followers dumped Rudd.
I believe ZERO of their reason given, his polling has never got near as low as Gillards.
Labors has a single chance no other man can turn this around.
I BEG my party to weaken power brokers, let our members cross the floor get our branches out of the hands of leaches, some have been so for 30 years.
Let us combine to fix the party not bury its smelly wrongs under our bed!
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 23 February 2013 4:59:46 PM
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Union officials ex in my case are expected to remain silent about other unions.
That ignores this truth, our membership are not robots, they are often refugees from the true militants.
And proudly I gained by those folk wanting to change unions.
In answer to Saltpetre and another poster, who claiming they vote as told, has the idea Unions are unable to think for them selves here are my wanted reforms.Abolish, as proof we care, the HSU, force government to do it for us.
Cut union dues, extra membership will cover the cost.
Stop, [it never works] political indoctrination of members, serve more preach less.
Current moderate unions are the best they ever have been and many bosses invite them on site, in the hope of getting out of militants hands.
I see the probability damage will be done to unions by recent statements.
Quite simply, polling should be evidence enough, Rudd remains more popular than both current leaders!
How to win friends and influence people?
More likely how to get them off side.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 23 February 2013 5:12:33 PM
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Belly I understand your dilemma about Rudd & co, but this worries me;
You said; force government to do it for us.

Are you suggesting that governments should have the power to outlaw unions ?
That is rather dangerous, and if that idea is common in unions then I
think we have something very real to worry about.

A Royal Commission into corruption in unions would be the place to start.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 23 February 2013 5:32:12 PM
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I don't think Rudd wants to take over now.
If he lost and his result was worse than expected for Julia he would
be blamed, if he lost with even a good result he would be blamed.
So if he stands as leader after the election he can say "I told you so !".
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 23 February 2013 5:36:59 PM
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Bazz I just can not get my head around your post.
What did I say EVER that made you think I said unions could force government to do any thing?
And what is this corruption thing?
My remarks meant this, the actions of the health service union, HSU ARE PURE FILTH.
Unions, to show folk with views like yours, and Rechtubs, must picket every hearing ,and demand that filth laden tool shed be disbanded.
I know, without doubt, most unions HATE the things done to members by them.
But THEY FAIL! to tell the public and thier members that!
Now AWU, first the Gillard thing,I was a member then and right back to 1963, as co delegate on the construction of the first stages of the Sydney to Newcastle then toll way, section north of Hawksbury river.
ALWAYS, a thief took us down, selling union tickets for then cash, not payroll deductions like now.
The grubby thing Gillard was with did it by by passing a Union, useing its name, and that Union AWU, on finding out called in the police, who refused or just did not want to act.
Charges could in my view be laid about corruption in the so called construction union.
It feeds on its members, always the unions that make it up today took brown paper bags, and sent its members out on needless strikes, to put it in the public eye.
I REFUSE to forgive, or forget its tipicul RAMPAGE smashing Parliament House windows in the 1990,s.
Know Bazz not all unions are like that, we reserve our strike actions till no other path exists.
Did not see you today spent too much, but new toys worth it.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 24 February 2013 4:13:51 PM
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Belly here is the full sentence;
In answer to Saltpetre and another poster, who claiming they vote as
told, has the idea Unions are unable to think for them selves here
are my wanted reforms.Abolish, as proof we care, the HSU, force government to do it for us.

That is clear enough !
Now I know your writing can be very convoluted and I read it a number
of times to see just what you were saying as sometimes you are very hard to understand.
The last sentence that you would like the government to abolish the HSU, is very clear indeed.
You are suggesting that the unions "force" the government to do it !

If that is not what you meant to write you should take up the
suggestion I made some time ago that you read your posts out loud to
yourself. I am not ashamed to say I do that as some grammatical errors
poke you in the eye when you do that.
I got into that habit checking WIA broadcast text.
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 24 February 2013 6:05:42 PM
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