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Labors Jobs Policy

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Dear Shadow Minister,

I did read the article by Genevieve George.

However, I happen to believe strongly in
Innovation. I believe that what the government
is doing by investing to make Australia more
productive and more competitive in increasing our
capacity to find new ways of doing business is the
key to building a modern economy based on advanced
skills and technologies.

The key to success in this
21st Century and beyond is of course investing in
Research and development. It does involve
taking considerable risks - but almost every human
advance is based on experiment, and innovation.
Miracles don't happen overnight.
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 22 February 2013 3:47:15 PM
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but almost every human
advance is based on experiment, and innovation.
Miracles don't happen overnight.

Yes and nearly all of them were done in some inventors garage or back yard. But nearly all is illegal or heavily restricted now in this county thanks to all the do-gooders and lobbyists. It's all too hard!
Posted by RawMustard, Friday, 22 February 2013 3:53:31 PM
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Bazz give some thought to what you know of me.
That is what you have seen from me here.
I hope you come to the conclusion I am proud to be an ALP member, and too of the AWU.
And just maybe, you will remember it is often me, starting threads that question both.
So do you think I might lie?
To protect the name of movements I live for and love?
The AWU has given this country great politicians, Swan, now a bit past it, Shorten,close to leading, and more.
Unfortunately,UNIONS, dump dills on the ALP, to get rid of them.
It is the control of power brokers that hurts me, and my party.
The ALP, and all Unions, must understand, voters/members think far differently, than the 20% of Australians who understand politics and keep up to date.
Look deeper in to the INFAMOUS charges against unnamed Labor parliamentarians, and by inference me.
Is the control so tight so all governing, that if our opinions for our party,s good are barred from being aired?
EGO,s are hurting, but let it be so, opinions are free, and a right.
I know, with no doubt, Gillard can not win an election.
And I care enough to tell two young blokes WHO I ADMIRE STILL, EVEN WITH RUDD,S BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS Shorten and Howes to not try the Stalinist tactics on workers who think differently.
I never saw my union as a ladder, it was and is my mate a workers best mate, but silence me, no chanc3e party first.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 22 February 2013 3:54:28 PM
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Try Googling Australian Inventions down through
the ages and see how many of them were partially
or fully government funded.
Ever heard of CSIRO?
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 22 February 2013 7:24:30 PM
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So you want me to fund innovation with my own money so that it can be sold to highest bidder in another country and I don't even get the benefit of the knowledge behind it? How many of those inventions are made here and directly benefit us financially, lexi?

And where is the technology transfer to me "personally" for my contribution to any of it? Like tell me where I can download the whole plans to say, vanadium redox batteries? I mean, I did pay for the development didn't I? So I should be able to have all the plans no?
Posted by RawMustard, Friday, 22 February 2013 7:46:26 PM
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I don't think you quite understand what
this is all about. Judging from your post
you can't seem to grasp the fact that tough
times demand creative solutions. Investing
in R & D will help find these solutions.
It's an investment to make Australia more
productive and more competitive - increasing
our capacity to find new ways of doing business
is the key to building a modern economy based on advanced
skills and technologies.

However, I think I'm speaking over your head so -
may I politely suggest that you go to a library
and ask the librarian to point you in
the direction of a basic encyclopedia
where she will show you how to look up
the history of invention. It should
explain to you what inventions are, why people
invent, how people invent, and the entire
history of invention, their benefits,
and why they are important
to our survival. Heart diseases
and other illnesses kill countless millions
every year. To solve these and other problems
people must rely on inventors and their ability
to invent.

But enough said.
Good Luck.
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 22 February 2013 8:27:01 PM
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