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Labors Jobs Policy

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As already mentioned, R&D is a most effective avenue for innovation leading to new employment opportunities and improved productivity - both of which make us more competitive in world markets. Cutting support for R&D can only lose existing jobs and future potential jobs.
This Gillard/Swan $1Billion jobs scheme is a ruse and a mirage - all spin and no substance - and is solely aimed at regaining some of the flagging support from traditional Labor voters. They should not be fooled by it for one minute.
As also mentioned, the NBN is proving far less 'productive' than we were lead to believe it would, and the NDIS can only be implemented gradually over some years (at best) and currently lacks full commitment from State governments. Gonski's not on the radar, the MRRT is falling short, and Gillard/Swan have cut the ground from beneath single parents with kids over 8 years old - just when these kids will be needing more support, not less.
We've had enough 'spin' from this lot. Abbott will at least try to create jobs by investing in alternative energy (without a C tax). Let's give him a 'fair go'.
U.S. wages used to be double ours, now it's reversed. They're fighting over increasing the minimum wage from $7 to $9/hour. (Slave rates?) We used to be the 'lucky country'!
Posted by Saltpetre, Friday, 22 February 2013 3:18:02 AM
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Lexi we are not alone.
Our words are not just seen by fellow contributors.
I am aware mine have made their way in to my formers mates.
And others, do you know Bill shorten once posted here.
Is silence in the face of perceived wrong an answer?
Can we ever reform if we the very victims of the current owners, oh yes they own, of the ALP?
I tread on broken glass.
Because I know,I am informed.
On Rudd emerging as a contender for the leadership, threats came down the chain, from his enemy in QLD, and within my workplace.
I stood by my views Kim, a truly great bloke, a hero of mine, had to go, and we needed Rudd.
There, those already anti Rudd, not his anger, not his popularity, Gillards is far worse, removed him.
Read todays heralds, all of them, discount for the New Matilda factor, self interested bias/blindness.
See we are in trouble, know it is the start of much more.
My next post will show how I would mend Labor
Posted by Belly, Friday, 22 February 2013 6:43:20 AM
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If it was in my power I would put these things in place to revive the ALP, [fist know it will be done, but in my view now not after we stand in our own blood, now is the time]
Picket every court appearance of every HSU offender, call for the disbanding of that union and its remaining funds given to a brand new clean union.
Picket, in both cases, by ALP members and unions, the NSW inquiry and call for prison terms and removal of mining rights.
Inquiry into ex ALP senators roll in Sydney casino.
meeting of ALP nationally , and without threats from power brokers hold a vote on Gillards future.
Your future Lexi and mine, is to watch the joy of 2007 turn to a nightmare .
While my party,s owners fight to stop the uncovering of great wrongs they did to those they should serve not direct.
It is an election year in the AWU.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 22 February 2013 6:55:57 AM
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Belly, The main thing that worries me about the ALP is the large
number of AWU past office holders who are now members of parliament
and members of the cabinet.
There are also a lot who were ex officials of other unions.
I would like to know exactly what are the numbers.
I realise it is career path, but has it gone too far ?
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 22 February 2013 7:12:24 AM
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Dear Bazz,

We are in critical times and Australia requires a
re-assessment of the relationship between labour
and capital, a re-assessment which takes into
account the politics of industrial democracy, profit,
and long term planning which allows for the proper
protection and preservation of our environment.

The only way in which the country can work properly
is for management and labour to co-operate with
one another, not condemn one another.

Unfortunately, the sad truth is that condemnation is
the only language that some members of parliament
appear to understand.

As for what kind of pollies are in our political

You might appreciate the following from Dennis
Pryor, who with his tongue lodged firmly in his cheek
exposed all the hypocrisy of our leaders and bureaucrats
in his booklet, "Political Pryorities."

The A.L.P. he wrote is made up of - Battlers, Trade Unionists,
Intellectuals, Teachers, Do-Gooders, and Apparatchiks.
He lists as their spiritual home - "At one another's throats."
Their preferred sin as - envy. And their motto : "Jobs For
The Boys."

But wait there's more. The Liberal Party he tells us is the
lawyers' party. Legal training equips members for
unlimited nit-picking when in Opposition and to employ their
forensic and rhetorical skills when in government. It's
membership apart from lawyers is made up of small business
people, big business people, stockbrokers, money marketers,
working class Tories, and old ladies. Their spiritual home
he lists as - going round in ever decreasing circles.
Their preferred sin is - greed. And their motto:
"omnia deducenda (Latin for 'everything should be deductible').
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 22 February 2013 9:34:04 AM
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This has all been tried before, never successfully. This is yet another example of labor crookery.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 22 February 2013 11:46:56 AM
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