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The Forum > General Discussion > Blessed Relief from Unspeakable Terror

Blessed Relief from Unspeakable Terror

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Anthony, yes in part Hasbeen I agree.
But not with the new party.
Anthony if you look back at my history here.
And in a now stagnant or dead forum? from the ACTU against work choices, under *Mainstream unionist*
Even at my introduction to computers, you will see not much change.
I think I am new Labor, before my party has even thought about it.
Now know, my words here, and in the past DEMAND recognition of our birth, our past our present and our future!
And too our need to constantly evolve, to meet the voters mid way, to not freeze in fear at such as the greens.
And to take on head on hard clashes, the race to the right of our Tory enemy's.
Labor has in its past present BUT HOPEFULLY NOT FUTURE things to be ashamed of.
A Criminal NSW Premier Liberal, was followed by his equal, a Labor one, we hide under that awful word solidarity! that grub still.
I paid over $20.000 out of my pocket while working, could have billed it on, but some ride on the backs of workers/poor/needy every day.
We face a horrible future, do not gloat at my descriptive terms of SOME in the ALP, Liberals/Nationals and the true Republicans in the other side are as bad.
I may still be about in five years, if not look back and see I am not far wrong.
Abbott Pyne, both Bishops, Hockey, Morrison, are already yesterdays men and women, the acid mouthed woman who did not help on QaA is another.
See the fear and lies the servant nature of power and this opposition is going to be seen, maybe only after they take power.
Greens are just simply hated by 4 for every vote they get, yet feeding Labors troubles, in time they will go the way of the Democrats.
We will pay carbon tax it will be nearly all the world and the NBN will prosper.
A new generation todays upwardly mobile young, will switch to and come to control Labor, new accountable Labor
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 5 July 2012 12:32:30 PM
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While I was part of the joy of Kevin 07 I too was part of the work choices pain.
As a proud trade union official I fought the unwindable fight too many times.
Julie Gillard in my view paid only lip service.
Her finger prints are all over our troubles.
Once she takes the last taste of Latham out of our mouth goes, we can start rebuilding.
We, each of us every single one must confront the hung Parliament and the awful wasted votes given to the greens.
They do not want consensus but control.
Along with the Gillard revolution we need to remove that control.
Labor cleans up the Gillard faction or dies, few of those lifting her to power care for the party as much as their self interests.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 5 July 2012 12:44:03 PM
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Should Labor go into furniture saving mode by bringing in Rudd and dumping principalled reforms Gillard supports then the swing towards popularism will be complete giving us two major reactionary parties with no no ambition but to hold power.

Mental health and disability, the MRRT, the CT, the NBN, industrial relations policy, the attempt at humane dissuasion of boat journeys and border control, these are all setting up a future in which Australia can look the world in the eye.

Labor's responsibility is to stand by its convictions and be judged by the electorate, not to cave in to self-serving MP's who may put their own political futures ahead of the country's. So far, the line has largely held but I admit to daily concern over whether it will continue to do so.

I will accept all the crowing and cuckolding that will no doubt come on OLO should Labor fail to maintain the line and will thereafter vote independent.
Posted by Luciferase, Thursday, 5 July 2012 2:22:54 PM
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Dear LF,

I will continue to support Labor - as you pointed
out - for the reforms that
Labor is implementing. They deserve support - no matter
what scattergun tactics the Opposition uses. I can do
no other for I firmly believe that were they (the Opposition,
under Mr Abbott) ever to get into power - it would be
a total disaster for Australia.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 5 July 2012 2:36:36 PM
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What is the difference between a religious fundamentalist & the party fundamentalist?

The religious fundy believes s/he will go heaven.
But, the party fundy believes that as long as his/her party is in power s/he is already in heaven.

@ Luciferase,

“Should Labor go into furniture saving mode by bringing in Rudd and dumping principalled reforms…[ I will ] thereafter vote independent.”

Arrh…isn’t it that the same thing?

“ I will continue to support Labor …I firmly believe that were they (the Opposition,under Mr Abbott) ever to get into power - it would be
a total disaster for Australia”

“Clive Palmer very clearly stated that under Mr Abbott we are looking at totalitarian control where everybody has to do what they're told"

Quite apt that it appears under a thread which is in part called: “Unspeakable Terror”

It must be about time for Richard Dawkins to bring out his sequel : THE PARTY DELUSION
God knows it's well and truly needed down under.
Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 5 July 2012 3:44:04 PM
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Dear SPQR,

We do have a "Party Delusion." Listening to Mr Abbott
and any of his front benchers confirms that.

All any of us need
do is take a look at "Question Time," in the House of
Reps. This popularly is supposed to be the dominant
House of Parliament (because governments are formed mainly
from its members), this ill-mannered debating society is
under the illusion that it runs the country while its members
spend their time deludedly being rude to one another,
cabinet, party heavies, pressure groups, lobbyists,
businessmen and overseas financiers get on with running
the country.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 5 July 2012 4:05:50 PM
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