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[Deleted for various breaches of forum rules.]
Posted by Kerryanne, Tuesday, 9 August 2011 12:12:51 AM
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[Deleted for abuse.]
Posted by Kerryanne, Tuesday, 9 August 2011 2:06:14 AM
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kerryanne, you're obviously very upset and I'm sorry about that. I remind you, however, that more than one poster has tried to offer you good advice in respect of the group you espouse.

That group was a serial pest here on OLO, demanding special treatment and whinging and carrying on for days over every perceived slight. t seems that you and they have not changed.

I have asked Graham to pass on my details to the group if requested, as I offered directly to Wendy some years ago when she threatened defamation. That offer was not taken up at the time. I suggest to you that the reason was simple: she understood that such an action was not going to fly. It's a bit hard trying to pretend to the high moral ground from the level of the gutter, after all.

My advice to you and to that group is to stop trying to make people do what you want them to do by using threats, especially threats that are baseless and smell very much of an attempted "SLAPP" (look it up).

The reason your group became odious to the public here on OLO is simple: it acted unpleasantly, irrationally and demanded special treatment, then tried to shut up dissenting views by threats.

I recommend you reconsider the company you keep.
Posted by Antiseptic, Tuesday, 9 August 2011 7:26:43 AM
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I wish I had said that antiseptic.
I get no joy in the Lady's hurting but from day one knew in my heart I had seen this poster before.
Edgy after a few weeks of disturbing posts, not just from one poster.
I followed the links, looked at? well strange attempts to insult yabby me and others in another forum.
As well as here.
I do not want to live in the PALE wars again, in truth I ask myself why, but I stopped putting canned dog food in the RSPCA bin at my super market after that war.
Never re starting that,the recent actions look extreme in my view.
At some point,such posts say more about an underlined problem, in the poster.
Let us hope the bitter charges stop.
I have been victim, in my private life of intervention from that past group, it however resulted in a win.
But we must remember we should be careful online.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 9 August 2011 3:49:54 PM
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over night events make it clear I need to post yet again this warning.
Be much more than careful when posting personal details on the net.
I will not go in to it but be careful.
Watch the British police force ,for weeks after these riots bring crims to trial.
Any one can track you down be at your door over night.
I need too to say this,any group, not knowing one another,can have very strange people within.
Normal looking sounding but quite strange.
we are in no way different than a family here.
And like any have our problems, let us all be wise,every word we post is here forever,some truly see things that are untrue.
Last night bought this home, I can look after myself, am not yet too old or infirm to stand , but some have bought trouble to their homes by forgetting a human instinct, self defense first.
Thanks for the thread in the strangest way, any clear headed observer can see true attempts at bulling in it unexpected but clearly in sight.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 10 August 2011 6:09:25 AM
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Belly, I hope you've not been accosted by some member of this group? If so, I urge you to take it further. Such behaviour is simply not acceptable.

It's fascinating to me that this is the second disaffected "mob" that has thought to influence the conduct of OLO via defamtory websites and threats. I suspect that the members of both groups have more in common than they might like to think.

It's also interesting that both groups seem to be formed predominantly of middle-aged women.

The evidence is that most surveys show that women middle-managers are the most likely to be complained about as bullies. Perhaps the correlation is strong here too.
Posted by Antiseptic, Wednesday, 10 August 2011 8:54:30 AM
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