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Well I tried. The response being complete misrepresentation of what I've tried to do.

I'm pondering a link to some history but will leave it for now and hope some of this just settles.

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 7 August 2011 6:40:04 PM
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Dear RObert,

Give it up.
Best to simply get on with discussions you
Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 7 August 2011 6:56:30 PM
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Dear Lexi,

Thank you for your reply. I think i know what your saying but I am not sure tbo. I dont have your background and its all a little difficult. To others in here apart from Lexi and Col do not address me.
I do not know you & I do not wish to

Posted by Kerryanne, Sunday, 7 August 2011 7:00:25 PM
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Lexi you started your last offering with

“unleashing offensive remarks”

You then continued

“because it's the Internet, and hey, you can.”

And concluded with

“Obviously, Your manners indicate where you really belong!”

your comments illustrate your capacity for hypocrisy

Because you are neither entitled nor qualified to stand in judgment over my “manners” nor to condemn me with the smart-arsed aside “where you really belong”,

especially when you are clearly coming from the same place.

“Do not "shout" (use capital letters excessively)
is one of the forum rules that needs to be adhered to.”

Again… not your call to make…

and I note the absence of a civilised "Please"....

I will also remind you

you are in no position of authority to "bark" your commands at me, your lack of civility again illustrates a level of hypocrisy which is all too common among your gang

Lexi “and I am speaking
to the main offender”

Please identify when was the previous time I ever used capitals the make a point?

When you have trawled back through the 3900+posts OLO has on record you will see it was a long time ago, if ever….

So your assertion “main offender” fails…

But failure does so become you

Now I see we are back to the “bullying” topic and the gang of three….

Strange how these threads entwine

KA "Weird!"

get used to it :-)
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 7 August 2011 8:26:18 PM
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Hi Col,

Simply being honest I have not seen you shout beyond here.

Did you get the email address ? Graham said he sent it to you.
Inquiry is in fact closed but got a extension & hey, if your too busy just let me know & i will think whom else has a lib connection that may be half way bright.

As for the other stuff it will be sorted but this is more important tbo.

Posted by Kerryanne, Sunday, 7 August 2011 8:59:35 PM
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Lexi RObert may I ask you do not take the flack for me, it is my view both have come under attack because of your fair and honest defense of truth.
We are best to ignore this,it may be a symptom of some thing else that is driving this.
KerryAnne one hour ago I woke from a sleep, I had a night mare, some one was hitting me extremely hard with a heavy object.
The last line of your last post looks just like one of the many threats you made under other names.
It would be handy to have those links .
Col, last effort was made, no need to reply I am extremely proud to be totally unlike you, to totally dislike you,as much as I truly despise the SOCIALISTS you brand me.
Good by, get well, and keep doing your shopping on line.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 7 August 2011 10:23:08 PM
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