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Dear Belly,

Can't you see he's only baiting and stirring.
That's all he has.
Actually, I never bother reading his posts in
their entirety. Usually I'll read a line just
to see whether he's saying anything new. I keep
hoping that he'll say something intelligent
apart from his usual same old Lenin,& Thatcher quotes.
But - he's so predictable with the same old thing.
As for responding. My advice is don't.
That's exactly what he wants you to do.
That's his entertainment.
Put him on your "to ignore" list like others have
Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 7 August 2011 11:04:47 PM
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Belly "Col, last effort was made, no need to reply I am extremely proud to be totally unlike you, to totally dislike you,"
At least we agree on something, Belly....

I, too, am totally delighted to be nothing like you

although I can understand your confusion and identity crisis originating from your self-loathing, if you truly think of yourself in terms of

"as much as I truly despise the SOCIALISTS you brand me".

"Good by, get well, and keep doing your shopping on line."

I Assume you are leaving OLO.. so be it, but I feel it is no great loss

my health is excellent... benefit of a highly skilled and motivated medico wife whose passion is to ensure we both live well into our 90s and look 30 years younger than we are (she has achieved the 30 years younger.... me its a bit more of a challenge)

I will shop similarly to where I post, being ... where I choose but we buy alot locally too... I find Costco really good value

Ah Lexi " he's so predictable with the same old thing."

Here is another one to add to my quotes from Dearest Margaret

"the truth is the same old thing"

but of course, your side of politics have so many failures you have to rename your philosophies and policies ever few years, to get distance from the past before you try the same old thing again.....

it does not matter how prettily you package it....

underneath the "bling of the tax-funded packaging" its the same old socialist leveling which has failed time and time before

Like "carbon tax" which is mostly paid back to the consumers by way of tax relief and welfare bribes

"Ignore list"....

not under the OLO options, that I can see....

If I post it you dont get chance to delete it from presenting on your screen...

its just another example of your aspirations to censorship....

like I said before

you can ignore what I post

but, sad for you, good for me,

you lack any authority to stop me posting
Posted by Col Rouge, Monday, 8 August 2011 1:23:42 AM
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Lexi I am well aware what you say is true have responded to a post from you that way in another thread.
Almost every one treats his posts that way.
So he comes in boots and all to get attention.
I am not leaving,room exists for every point of view and hopefully balance too.
No forum, ever, is free from such as Col.
We have seen some who came when seemingly drunk.
Col buys among other things on line his fuel for his ego.
He dare not behave like this in real life.
Lexi I am convinced we can see in our many differences here the root cause of mans inability to fix problems.
Your description is word perfect.
But truly, what is the answer?
If every problem child OLO ever saw was deleted we would miss some very true glimpses at the real state of the world.
I will not let myself become as blind and unbalanced uninformed and isolated from the world as the gentle man seems to be.
I will never post while drinking either.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 8 August 2011 7:14:39 AM
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Lexi, I will and always have posted as I see fit. I have received a great deal of opprobrium for that at times, mostly from the same group of people, although I have managed to aggravate others as well. That's as it should be. Apparently I've also managed to attract a few who think my witterings make some sense.

I see no need to engage in constant justifications of my views: they exist, they are reasonably clear, they have been well-stated and I believe they stand. I've given my view on the mobbing tactics employed by some already. You are to be congratulated for having the stength of character to stand aside from the mob. You would do well to also remember that trying to tell people how to behave is the province of politicians and priests and other persons of disrepute. As an adult I choose my own modes of interaction and if some choose not to respond because they don't like the tone, the conversation will probably get along better anyway.

I always remember there is someone on the other side of the screen, or why would I bother casting my glittering pearls of purest rationality? I live in hope that one of those someones will tell me something in response that is genuinely new to me. I'm occasionally gratified. You are one of those someones, but you have a strong tendency to the schoolmarmish which I find a bit grating. I'll live with it if you will.

Belly:"work place bullying takes place, it is always wrong"

But it doesn't take place at anywhere near the rate that has been claimed. Workcover's figures make that very clear, as does the response of some here to any suggestion that a claim might be unjustified.

Col Rouge:""heightening the bar" is all one can do"

I tend to agree. I also tend to use the cries of "foul" as a gauge of how successfully my comments have hit whatever mark I'm targetting. Clarity of expression can be very threatening, apparently.
Posted by Antiseptic, Monday, 8 August 2011 7:15:04 AM
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Antiseptic " I also tend to use the cries of "foul" as a gauge of how successfully my comments have hit whatever mark I'm targetting"

thanks for your agreement

to the above

Margaret Thatcher commented once "I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left."

You are in good company in your views.... :-)

I see, from the post immediately above yours, the gang have been chatting about me here OLO... rather than to me.....

Obviously, their lives are so bereft of anything of quality or meaning that tittle-tattle about my buying habits is sufficient to gratify their need for pointless gossip and innuendo....

I think, in a perverse way, It is quite flattering.
Posted by Col Rouge, Monday, 8 August 2011 11:36:27 AM
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Dear Antiseptic,

I do no mean to suggest that we shouldn't tolerate
a variety of opinions, or styles of posting.
However when someone consistently uses sweeping
generalisations and seems to be stuck in some sort
of time-warp. Adds nothing to the discussion topic
of any substance - then you can't blame people for
not reading their posts. Worse still if they
argue on an emotional level rather than a mature
intelligent one - and tend to be illogical and abusive.
They will subsequently be ignored. Just as I can't
forbid someone from posting. They can't make me read
their posts or engage in inter-action with them, when
I find them tedious and boring. Works both ways.

Posted by Lexi, Monday, 8 August 2011 1:15:30 PM
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