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keryanne, I've offerd you good advice in good faith. If you don't possess the mental capacity to process that advice it's no longer my problem. Go and have a talk to your mate Wendy and ask her when she plans to start the defamation action she threatened me with some years ago.

That was in regard to the fact that I uncovered PALE's misuse of tax-exempt resources. Has that stopped yet?

It seems to me that you have a problem with the old verbal diahorrea which you could do with fixing.

Col, I tend to your POV. Having seen really serious, genuine bullying the like of which some people here would have difficulty imagining and having been at the sharp end of a fair bit of it, I learnt that the best way to deal with those who seek to attack me is to attack harder and better.

In the workplace, bullying can only occur when the "vicyim" acquiesces. Far too often a claim of "bullying" is actually a call to arms to "get the bully". We see it here when the "gang of three" (is it officially 4 yet girls, kerryanne has been trying really hard to join the gang?) starts up: the thread rapidly deteriorates into a crow's chorus of claims of bullying, with all the noise coming from the self-appointed victim's side.

It's just a symptom of the sense of entitlement that has pervaded our society over the past couple of decades. After all, if one has had everything handed out on a silver platter, it's hard when someone suddenly says "you've got to earn it". He must be a bully!
Posted by Antiseptic, Sunday, 7 August 2011 6:29:45 AM
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Antiseptic, I have stayed away, hope you do not mind my self defense here.
First work place bullying takes place, it is always wrong.
May I? KerryAnne has ran quite a distance from truth in her lies printed here.
RObert, one of her past life victims,remember the car park threads?
Defended Kerry Anne on me saying she had posted before under other names.
Now the story about me too is a lie,responding to remember KA the words exist here,
Some nastiness I wrongly, said Yabby referred to her as GLENNIS, forgive me he called her Gertrude.
I am in part responsible, I knew from day one I should go no place near the lady.
In my defense I offer nothing but KerryAnnes post history.
I get a link to another site and a thread she started PRAISING ME!
KA please read my post in boat people and know I am not requesting this be looked at by the administrator.
I am aware you may indeed not be in control of your thoughts ideas and statements but refrain from threats and lies please.
I promise,no further comment ever, but to refer all future insults to forum manager.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 7 August 2011 8:42:53 AM
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But believe me, for the same reasons I was a good union official, the need to help, I wish to defend RObert again.
Poirot was after me,Banjo was said to be me, Ammonite got both swipe and kiss on the cheek.
Yabby has boot marks all over him.
This poster would need to be able to totally adopt the personality in printed form, of PALE not to be a past poster.
The past was bleak, animal welfare its self suffered as a result of that warfare.
We, all of us, must think about this, some clearly are not in control of their words thoughts and actions.
Some need to build imaginary alliances with those in power.
Some can not see that like every action spoken or written we leave, as a snail does,evidence of our journey behind us.
The Belly of those car park debates would have over reacted, been in a rage sometimes, but he grew, just a little.
Hopefully I am not the only poster who can leave the bad bits behind and learn the difference between spite and fantasy.
Anti, you have grown a great deal of late and the new you is good.
If I trip and fall I would hope some one will remind me of it.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 7 August 2011 10:52:54 AM
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Dear Anti,

I wasn't going to respond but there are a few things
that need clarification. Firstly - one can't cry
foul when one clearly and simply starts
being abusive - and is then called out on it.

We all need to remember that there is another
human being on the other side of the computer. Of course
people will respond - when forced
even wish to retaliate - and this usually
lowers the bar of discussions. They become slanging matches.
Conflicts can be avoided - it only takes a look
at the way we communicate with each other.

I sincerely appreciated your earlier apology - adding mine
to yours and I hope that we shall continue to have many further
discussions on this forum. Let us call a truce to all this
ill-feeling of the past and move on. Pointing to the "gang" of
three - (or whatever) is as mature and intelligent as pointing to your team of cheer-leaders. Arguing on an emotion level can be done by both sides. But it doesn't achieve anything constructive.

Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 7 August 2011 11:38:06 AM
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Hi Antiseptic "I learnt that the best way to deal with those who seek to attack me is to attack harder and better. "

the words of Sean Connery in the Movie the Untouchables spring to mind

"They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue."

On a forum like this or I suppose facebook or anywhere else on the internet -

being articulate, in possession of a broad and comprehensive vocabulary (oops, tautology), using words one knows the meaning of, is the best way of challenging bullies.

"heightening the bar" is all one can do

bullies never like to be pointed out for what they are.

I do agree with you on the "entitlement" issue

too many people feel "entitled" to hurl verbal rocks at others who offer different views to their own.

yet they call "foul" when, if they hurl them at me, I hurl a heftier rock straight back

The initial rock hurling is a typical "left wing" strategy, where "bullying" people to conform to the collective uniformity (and worse) are the remedies for those self minded people who freely choose to dissent -

it is because most of the time, the left are so ignorant that reason and critical argument are beyond their feeble skillset and threat is the best they have.

Ah well... I will continue to do what I have always done... not because it necessarily right nor that it works but because it is what I want to do and I find it fun......

and lets face it... when I get bored of this place I simply scoot around the world and post somewhere else.

The internet holds infinite solutions to infinite problems...

just as one finds someone to disagree with, we will also find someone to agree with...

problem.. too much agreement leads to a boring argument

-which is why I tend to come back here.... I always find someone who disagrees with me....
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 7 August 2011 12:40:32 PM
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Col one of us has to have the intestinal fortitude to withdraw.
It is me.
You are far too bright, no not love, to not understand that the enemy of my enemy situation only puts you in poor company.
Rest assured I never in my life TRIED TO BULLY YOU.
And mate as You would say of your views about me, our mutual dislike of each other is because we totally disagree on every thing.
Second attempt,for OLO sake.
Can we agree to ignore each other?
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 7 August 2011 2:34:40 PM
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