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Tobacco Should we Ban it?

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Thanks OUG, I should stop over-thinking my actions. Three people standing by remarked they would not have done what I did for someone like him at which point a number of bad thoughts took root.

I suppose I expected a pat on the back instead of looks of disgust and suggestions I’ve probably now got a disease. I was feeling a bit sorry for myself and really appreciate your kind thoughts – now I feel a bit ashamed popping into OLO for a cup of tea and sympathy.

But lets not forget the person in question is a smoker so he probably would have joined the death by tobacco stats.
Posted by Jewely, Monday, 28 February 2011 7:33:02 AM
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YOU DONE NOTHING to feel shame
people like to cast blame
only because they didnt even try to help..!

think about a what if..
if those sorts go to heaven...
mate you sure wouldnt want to go to the same place..!
as them...sensative judgmental types

their hate will draw them into the same place
as those they hate..

you on the other hand ..have now earned a the place where people help others...and dont judge others...[where do you think hell really is?]..its within..knowing you helped when needed

their dark thoughts naturally lead them to the dark place
where such dark thinking needs to go

and forget the guilt tea's and sympathy
we need to be able to vent..thats what olo is here for

your also got that extra burden
..of what if i now get sick..let it go
worry *never fixed ....*anything

your body has inbuilt defences
saliva kills any poisen ..that could raise any realistic fears

we have been deliberatly made fearfull..
simply so the weak ..have an excuse...* not to do anything

if you make people frightend..they keep their fears for as long as they let the fear bring them down...

shove it..
its not your fear[dear]

dont be ..chosing to let their fear
put fear into is what it is

nothing more nothing the end its not
what we said or thought but what we did for others
when we did.. or didnt ..try to help someone..who clearly needs help

if you did nothing
would you now ...feel better?
or worse...forget it ever happend..
look at those who ..even now ...need you to just to be


love is all we need
all we need is*
Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 February 2011 8:37:17 AM
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OUG Belly knows it’s in his hands. I can respect his wishes to not communicate without understanding why if that’s the way he wants it.

The dude I helped has returned from hospital and already yelled some rather nasty abuse at me so I’m pleased he appears full of beans. I doubt he has a memory of me being there.

I give up I am now going out the back to eat worms. :)

Nah I’m all good OUG, if I had to do it all over I wouldn’t know how not to. Eventually nothing new will happen and I will have worked out how I react and why without second guessing myself so much.

He hates me, I’m happy I did it anyway now I’ve talked to you. xox
Posted by Jewely, Monday, 28 February 2011 9:21:40 AM
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As I said, you go right ahaead and smoke all you want.

Did you note that most forms of lung cancer also involve irreversible genetic damage to the cells?

Did you note that several of them can be traced to damage to particular genes? There is no reason that the rest will not, though the genetics may be subtle.

Did you note that DNA is damaged most specifically by the mutagens specifically known to be present in tobacco smoke?

That the genes damaged in cancers are a subset of all genes and all genes are potentially damaged by smoke?

Did you bother to note that while particle size has an impact, it has more impact on where in the lung the smoke deposits, rather than on the likely contribution to cancer? Parenchymal adenomas and bronchial epitheliomas both kill.

Bah, collect your own cancers, analyse them yourself, compare the general type of mutations to those found in in-vitro exposures of cells to smoke fractions, compare the adducts formed from naked DNA and smoke to those in lung samples, the "mutations" formed by replicating adducted DNA with those found in smokers lung samples.

Go on.

I state of my own experience that tobacco smoke causes damaged DNA such that replication or attempted cellular repair will result in permanent somatic mutations, the general type being that found in the tissues of all smokers, and of the same types found in the mutations of cancer-specific genes of tumours of smokers. I further state that genes carrying such mutations are found in a large number of cancers of all types, including those of smokers, and that when such mutated genes are present in germ lines the affected families have cancer "syndromes".

I don't care what whinge sites you frequent OUG. Smoking causes cancer in anybody if they live long enough and smoke enough to give it a chance. There is no "safe" form of benzopyrene, or nitrosamines, or pyrolised phenols, for anybody. Smoking speeds cancer formation in the susceptible and makes it possible for the lucky to be less so.

Good luck.
Posted by Rusty Catheter, Monday, 28 February 2011 8:41:26 PM
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your a funny boy cathiter
if i could smoke all i want..this wouldnt be a topic

do you know how insane irreversable damage is
the whole body is fine..

its the fact that the mutated cells arnt fine..
thats the problem

simply kill them.. or stop the sukkers from division..
and its reversable because only the mutated cancers cells [the cancer/tumer/mass..arnt 'reversable'..killing it [them]..kills the 'cancer'..

could YOU please be scientific..
and give authoritive SOURCES for what your selling?

but mate lets talk about the other spin
fed to govt members by the drug lobby corrupting the govt libery
[many govt members in sprouting their distorted lies give credit for their facts to govt wit proopaganda fed by liars into the govt libary

trying to get a subsidy
for their latest nicoteen replacement drugs

in fact yesterday yet another one was approved
seems the chemical drug industry has taken over nicoten addiction
[and they are the biggest lobby]..thats the lobby pushing all these lies..and as you sem to be a spokesperson for the perscribed drug lobby

lets go with your questions
before revealing more spin spouted as fact..yesterday in govt
chief ammoung which must be one million smokers wioll die in the next ten years..[considering only 15 percent smoke out of 21 much spin is in that one

realise 15,000 times 10

govt members histeria mate your lobby
has done its perversion of govt process well
for what ol buddy..for cash from govt taxes

how come we need to know details re carbon tax
yet smokers dont get the facts when govt puts in a new tax law
that tobacco is to increase 25 percent abouve indexed inflation[every year]

so that alone will get rid of smoking
and assure your drug supply industials ever more custom
who then will be hooked on subsidised drugs..[subsidised by who..smokers]..till they all give up

then govt will need a new tax
on you..!

cause all smokers will be
on your mates new l;atest..biggest adiction[nicoteen]
you lot ..took over the tobacco lies

now own the drug..nicoteen..
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 6:54:34 AM
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and got ..the plan IN PLACE..
to tax it out of egsistance

except for that ..supplied
by your mates..with govt subsidy..

perpetual addicts..subsidised
by tax payers[govt]

the chickens will come home to roost
on this huge ruse

so that let govt cash ..supp-lies it for free
god bless govt subsidie

but one million smokers of 15 percent of the population
that attributes 15,000 actuually dying now..if that isnt joke enough

its taken you 3 days or more to get a reply from ya masters
so lets see what they came up with

..''Did you note that several of them'[ie several of the 7 goups of cancer?..or many of the other subgroups of cabncer..remembetring there are many cancers

...''can be traced to damage to particular genes?''
yeah mate thats basic stuff
[it took you 4 days to find that?

""..There is no reason that the rest will not,""
mate get back to ya mates...thats a lie
remember..only 1 in 3 ..can even only..get cancer
two out of 3 NEVER WILL

but notice your
GIVE PROOF sunshine..!
""though the genetics may be subtle""

[or opinion..or spin or destraction ..or who cares
give proof this is the case in all of us
not just the one third..*perhaps*

""Did you note that DNA is damaged most specifically by the mutagens specifically known to be present in tobacco smoke?""

in such micro quantity numbers
they claim 7000 is present in tobacco
but the same can be said [or more]..
from the sweat on your hands..

how your masters find 'cures'
is via a bank of known chemicals in ya chemicals bank
[arround half a million of em
and test the required see what works*

its fully automated..[they dont care what the chemical is..
only what it though they say there are mutagens
dont mean nothing..NAME NAMES BRO..lets pretend you got a clue?

""That the genes damaged in cancers
are a subset of all genes ""

yes not all genes mutate via the mutagene
thats why only 1/3..get it?

thus this next quote is a pure
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 7:14:41 AM
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