The Forum > General Discussion > Tobacco Should we Ban it?
Tobacco Should we Ban it?
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Posted by Belly, Sunday, 20 February 2011 2:06:50 PM
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I for one am all for banning tobacco and smoking.
Nobody can possibly deny the fact that it kills, but, like many things, where do we get the revenue from that tobacco products raise? Solve this problem and we can tackle many issues that cause premature deaths. In the mean time, make them pay their own medical bills. Same goes for anyone who knowingly abuses their bodies then calls for medical help. We already have enough extra mouths to feed. Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 20 February 2011 11:07:17 PM
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why are you telling lies belly?
you say 15,000 deaths but the lawyers use the word ATTRIBUTED ie not the cause of death as such..but deaths ATTRIBUTABLE to smoking how is it attributable by deeming smoking to cause cancer heart-attack..empghasaema and frost be caused by smoking..thus any deaths FROM THE SAME are ATTRIBUTABLE to smoking.. its funny how we swallow the spin we heard lawyers colluded to hide the facts BUT ARNT ALLOWED TO SEE THE FACTS..its a clever catch 22 how do we KNOW ..they got the facts? they could have ..made this whole thing up..! just to get their mates a nice tax cash cake.. you know most politition's...ARE or WERE lawyers over half ya govt members WERE LAWYERS..the self same lawyers that are now DEEMING tobacco to kill..and getting a nice new tax out of guilt UNSUPPORTABLE by the facts i dont know any sick smokers how many you know of? but aint it funny how they go into hospital and die within days aint it funy how we get a tax then get new guilt..from adverts ..WE PAYED for our tax started IMMEDIATLY but the miners TAX will never be whats the difference? 25 million of adverts? to be continued there is a lot more .. im going to be saying on this those who trust lawyers put their trust on fools GIVE US FACTS give autopsy reports but we dont do autopsies they would expose WE BEEN LIED TO Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 February 2011 6:05:31 AM
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you say industry will fight
lol you are a funny guy mate i been waiting for my tobacco delivery to arrive for weeks seems they are about to cut and run...worse i paid for my order via anz...[and you know what they been doing to this site] im taking this personally mate govt steals my tax..feeds me some guy coughing up strawberry jam his cough isnt even believable why arnt our suppliers taking govt to court for the lies we se a cows artery filled with margerine or some guy with tooth problems teeth..mate aint that neat i got yellow teeth..with smokers breath..but NOThING LIKE THE ADVERT how many smokers got teeth like that? any dentist could tell ya it aint smokibng what donbe that those teeth come from too myuch acid [ie softdrink or orange juice] those teeth are in some kids mouth..! their mother/father fed them softdrink not toobacco or how about the guy with black toes mate thats some mountain climber with gangrenous toes HOW YA THING SOME JURY WILL REACT TO THOSE LIES dont be joking lawyers wont represent us because they are the PROBLEM but all it takes is truth to be revealed we are still one third the of us will be on the jury or know a smoker and be forced into compulsory tax because of that BUT ITS ALL BASED ON A LIE tax by guilt shame blame lies and ever more taxes Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 February 2011 6:15:30 AM
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you talk about alternatives
yeah like chewing gum..priced by lawyers? how hard is it to take suger out of gum and throw in a few ciggie butts? then charge us ten times the price of real chewing gum? make it SO EXPENSIVE that it NEEDS and GETS a govt SUBSIDY via your health dollars? mate ya being conned...AGAIN i dont know any smoker in hospital NAME NAMES many you got? how about those abusing sugar.. who need medical aid for diabetus they stealing from you too? or those people need their blood washed every week /day..they stealing from YOU? are they paying tax ..on the cause of their disease reviled by all..blamed for everything advertised ridicule and insult smokers go to hospitral..told you did it to you ..GOAWAY who else cops many obese DONT OVEREAT THEIR WAY INTO SICKNESS? but no we must protect the sugar industry mustnot tax lollies or transfats..or booze mate if lawyer really helped this lie couldnt have got started but they been sheparding the lie ASK YOURSELF WHY think of the ruling in usa that forced the companies to payout EVEN THAT WE SMOKERS PAID FOR how come other multinationals appeal and get off..but was all that spin ever appealed? why not? Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 February 2011 6:25:16 AM
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smoking causes
next we hear they will cure cancer shortly heck they even made gmo tobacco that is said to stop this but can we buy it...NO WHY NOT? we pay our way stop giving the money to the media for adverts that lie put the tax WE ARE FORCED TO PAY..into health..for smokers but no we get told you stink ..go to hell is govt allowed to declare war on its oWN PEOPLE via lies? you swallowed the coolaid..and we get abuse and a new tax IS IT BANNED NOW? then whats the problem..if its really bad ban it but there is no proof its bad.. so we get sold spin/lies.. via adverts drinkers are the real problem go to the emergancy center on any friday or saterday night you will see glassings rapes the result of violence and drink drivers we got real problems mainly that lawyers [prophesional liars]..are running politricks spinning spin to get ever more guilt taxes.. the ozone hole will cause global heating now the earth is melting give us a new tax.. because now its carbon ..not ozone? cant you see this spin ..for ever new taxes].. will be the death of all of us mate im angry i got a weeks worth of smokes left then i really get angry you aint seen nothing yet cant find that time the libs planned a smokers tax that julia adopted then we got the adverts just like adverts spin the miners used to not get their tax but dont worry this time we will have a debait its time we stood up or hit the streets ..or the courts or formed our own 'smokers rights party' Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 February 2011 6:53:19 AM
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OUG, a load of home truths in that lot. My only response to the governments sham of taxing us supposedly to facilitate a better health outcome is bullsheiser, it is about the money and only about the money.
Why are our aboriginal children still dying at a third world rate? Can't find a way to tax that problem away it seems. Posted by sonofgloin, Monday, 21 February 2011 7:33:10 AM
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Since it has been shown convincingly that tobacco reduces lifetime medical costs by significantly reducing life expectancy, (possibly a solution to our aging population - sic) banning tobacco would be a move to improve the lives of citizens at large cost to the taxpayer.
As someone who had a father die from a tobacco induced protracted illness, I personally am for the ban. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 21 February 2011 7:39:51 AM
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To a non-smoker it may seem a simple issue. Smoking is bad for your health, taxpayer dollars are used to treat smokers, so it should be banned.
But as with everything in life, it ain't that simple. Many things are bad for your health, as oug points out. Where should we draw the line? Once we have been successful "banning" tobacco, what might be next? Fatty foods? Driving petrol-engined cars? And does prohibition have its desired effect anyway? The US tried banning the production of alcohol between 1920 and 1933. Even Canberra was dry between 1910 and 1928 - though one of the first acts of Parliament in the new location was to repeal the legislation. In both cases the reason for prohibition - "men should be with their families", and "prevention of unruly behaviour" - remained unfulfilled, with the only beneficiaries being a new breed of law-breakers. More interestingly, discussions on how we should combat drugs, from cannabis to heroin, from e to PCP, is now gravitating to its effects, not only of the drug in question on the individual, but the widespread corruption that, as we know from past experience, criminalization inevitably entails. While the decriminalization of drug dealing is hard to contemplate, there are some pretty forceful arguments that say society will be better off with regulation, rather than prohibition. I have no doubt that we should continue to discourage individuals from harming themselves, whether through smoking, alcohol, drugs or fatty foods. That is part of the role of a responsible society. However, creating an entirely new class of criminal through aggressive legislation will not, in my view, produce a positive outcome for anybody. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 21 February 2011 8:11:59 AM
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Of course it should be banned. How could there be any other opinion.
If was any other product they would have been rushing around the shops taking it off the shelves. Actually enforcing it would not be all that hard. It is a very bulky product. When grown the leaves are large and can be found from satellites. When it comes into the country it comes in 40 ft containers smelling for all the world like tobacco. So a few would grow it and sell it on the black market but the consumption would fall so much that it would no longer be a burden on society. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 21 February 2011 8:24:02 AM
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there are many here
WHO WERE SMOKERS as they knew ..when smoking.. they werre sick there wasnt a day when they didnt suck up big on the docters time and as for beds ..they filled them up now they have stopped smoking ..they have the money to pay extra ..for electicity and water get save two grand on not smoking meaning govt needs to get that two grand out of you ..somehow they reformed your evil habbit..yet your still broke reformed smokers..never sick* aint it great when you got up..from your death-bed oh how easy to forget but think ..did you chose to give up or did others chose for you... did others fill you so full of shame/blame/fear i recall my kids lecturing me ..after my tax paid for the schools to get propaganda.. but now ..the non-smokers lol.. are into drugs/booze and yes pills..aint moralism great just like before they killed the jews first they picked-on ..the mentally feeble then the sick and old..then the homo ..then the jipsy ..then the jew soo it will be you..! too yes it will be based-on ..bias and lie but thats how the game is played.. you missed it when govt broke-up ..the free-love hippy thing with aids..via the grim-reaper.. ie your next lover ..will kill you..get it? think why you swallow the pr spin those who used to smoke cant get onto no high-horse it wasnt the smoking that was killing you..only fear.. and if it is i paid in full..with my taxes.. its not my fault it went to the media and anti-smoking brigade why does my smoking concern you? i havnt seen a docter in ten years nor been to any hospital i dont cough up blood and smoke like a chiminy i pay my tax.. its my only friend its you lot ..that are sick i live alone.. and shall die alone now leave me the hell alone.. go pick on fat people.. or drunks or robbers or thieves [if you dare] Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 February 2011 9:13:55 AM
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Problem with banning substances is that it strengthens mafia riches and consumer base of dependent addicts, and therefore power.
I'm all for banning smoking in public places though, and quite happy so long as Tobacco companies are taxed enough to break even (although in many countries they are taxed a lot more, and pay further straight into public coffers. So long as this revenue does not go into politicians' salaries but medical costs and then infrastructure, it should be good. Posted by King Hazza, Monday, 21 February 2011 10:03:54 AM
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Although I detest smoking , I do not argue that it should be banned. This is not because of the alleged civil liberty of persons to smoke , as I do not believe that such a right exists , but because a ban would be resisted by the addicts and the pushers , using the same types of specious arguments that have appeared in some of the above posts . There would be illegal suppliers of banned tobacco , but this [ by itself ] is not an argument against a ban . People commit breaches of all laws , but the laws are still needed , with suitable penalties for breaches . My reason is that it is probably just not worth the expense and trouble of enforcing a ban . One of the saddest features of the smoking addiction is that the pushers seek out the most poorly educated and financially poor citizens as addicts . Even more aggresssive smoking restrictions and anti - smoking advertisements should continue . Any loss of revenue from smoking taxes would be more than compensated by the savings in health expenditure .
Posted by jaylex, Monday, 21 February 2011 10:05:13 AM
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Its a furphy to suggest that smokers are costing society all this
money. Govts earn many billions a year from nicotine addicted citizens, so smokers more then pay their way. From a cost point of view, some of the most expensive people to maintain, are those who live on a pension to a ripe old age of 95 or whatever. The smoker who dies 30 years earlier, will actually save Govts money. Posted by Yabby, Monday, 21 February 2011 10:49:24 AM
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I don't smoke and I am opposed to a ban. Government is already far too involved in the private lives of citizens and we should be demanding a retreat from, not further invasion of, people's privacy. I am happy that more than enough has been done as a deterrent and smokers should be given a little freedom back.
The sedentary moaners who consume processed food are the ticking time bombs for serious chronic health problems gained early in life, such as Diabetes 2. They will get sick early and last long. They also come from generations that are used to consuming medical care to the max, frequently visiting doctors and demanding scripts. You really have to feel sorry for smokers though, they are social outcasts and are taxed outrageously. It seems that there have to be groups to pick on and there is a broad range of victims available, from 4X4 owners through to university students (many are jealous of the young). Even people who wear hats cop a serve from some. Australia is becoming, make that has become, a nation of busybodies whose recreational pastime is looking over their neighbour's fence for something to complain about. I also detect the growth of envy, which would really top off the Whining Oz as a serial nuisance and health hazard. Let our motto be 'Vive et sine vivere', live and let live. Posted by Cornflower, Monday, 21 February 2011 11:53:04 AM
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I may have been deleted or may have hit the wrong key, thought I answered rechtub.
OUG, lets call it game set match bloke,tried very hard, in fact gave it up and tried again later. But lie? attributed or said to be how can than be different. Now you, and cornflower put the point about personal freedoms. 17% who smoke 83% who do not, then rechtubs is right? let those who can not pay pay, the sick and unwell victims. Here is the reason OUG I will no longer read your posts, this is a question, one I have put two answers for here. TAX it out of existance, or ban it, either way for me it has to be one or the other. For you? seemingly no tax and leave the bills to us. Others without doubt have views different than both of us, one may have an answer we do not see. But freedom to debate any issue without being called for lies that do not exist are a must. Posted by Belly, Monday, 21 February 2011 12:07:29 PM
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If you're serious about banning tobacco you must also have to ban alcohol, which is far more socially destructive substance.
Then we can move onto removing unhealthy foods from our diet and impose some sort of mandatory exercise regime on the population. The restrictive bans implemented to date are more about legislating against individual behaviour rather than out of some higher moral purpose. Some political parties are still accepting donations from Tobacco Industries and Nick Minchin's own website used to promote the notion that dangers from passive smoking was a fraud. Posted by wobbles, Monday, 21 February 2011 12:25:03 PM
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Government revenue taken from smokers should be quarantined and used to build "Smokers-only" Hospitals.
Posted by rache, Monday, 21 February 2011 12:29:34 PM
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Bans would be highly profitable for organised crime who could turn out lines of weed+tobacco, weed+tobacco+crack and so on.
Bans would also affect tourism. However I object to bans anyway because this isn't a totalitarian state, well not yet anyhow. Small government please and stick to the knitting but do that well. Posted by Cornflower, Monday, 21 February 2011 2:12:16 PM
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belly your being loose with numbers well as definitions
claiming not to read my posts ..then commenting on selected bits of em i will let the record speak for itself now you say its 17 percent.. [from which these 15,000 come from] matey your numbers are slippery least give sources.. you say we dont contibute in fact leech of you lot you know of course old folks cost 50,000 a year to keep in old folks homes ..thats a thing we smokers cant be accused of slurping at.. statisticly we shall be dead ..long before you lot are still leaching of the public purse.. we dont live long enough to even get a pension mate ..more savings we pay multiple hundreds percent tax on top of the basic LEGAL substance but thats not enough for you lot.. you want to add more stress kill us even quicker... and then say you dont read my posts and by so reveal your ignorance yes you will no doudt get me banned ..again your idols to have feet of clay it would be great if i could ignore you bloke but your a persistant nuisance ..just like the party policy think you promote we know each other well enough to call a spade a spade and not a shovel but as you got no idea of the difference between a fact and a presumption of fact ..there is little use even replying ..your poor attempt to create a flame your numbers seem rather rubbery present proof re '' you? seemingly no tax and leave the bills to us.'' i want proof matey..! do you even know ..what your trying to say about me? your accusation is clearly an ignorant faulse presumption i pay my tax as i it gst ..or the tax on tobacco ALL smokers clearly ..*must pay the tax are you just blind /dumb ..or trying to apear ignorant? just because you think to be clever dosnt mean you got any factual proof PRESENT PROOF ..of what clearly /absurdly.. a lie Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 February 2011 3:44:02 PM
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OUG writing slowly,only read your last post, first line because it started with Belly.
And until the word lie was reading all your posts. Now please let us look at grog in all its forms, it can be taken is, without any side effects. Yes some die and destroy their lives by it, far from all. Mafia? ? what of the many do we mean? yes some trade would go black market,governments with guts could make that and drugs not worth the risk. Is it true? my concern for the health and cost impacts of smoking is a challenge to our freedoms. And even now if every dollar retrieved in tax was spent on health we would still fund more than we get in tobacco problems. The slur on us once smokers is cute, hands up I was a walking Ashe tray. 4 packs a day, more, chain smoker,said I can never give this up. I did, the day an old gentleman died after telling me he killed himself smoking. Cold Turkey. Should the government then stay out of personal choice? stop warning us about sun cancer. Not ask us to live more of our life, warn against smoking, not introduce plain packs? Posted by Belly, Monday, 21 February 2011 4:26:39 PM
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There are many drugs that are dangerous, habit forming and lethal.
Alcohol and tobacco are amongst them. Alcohol is a factor in traffic deaths, homicides, and implicated in thousands more deaths arising from such causes as liver damage, and so on. The numbers of compulsive alcoholics and the destructive effects of their addiction on family life, human relationships and the economy are incalculable. Tobacco, a drug to which milllions are addicted, kills thousands each year through diseases such as lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, strokes and consumes an even greater share of medical resources. It's unfortunate that modern medical practice focuses primarily on the treatment rather than the prevention of disease - on surgery for failed hearts rather than preventing the habits that led to those hearts to fail in the first place. We've grown accustomed to the idea that if we become sick - the doctors will make us well. In all too many cases, however, the truth is that we make ourselves sick, and the doctors can do little or nothing to make us better. A prime example of this is tobacco - the dangers of smoking are well known, yet millions still smoke - spending mega bucks on the drug (a certain portion goes in taxes) and the tobacco industry is thriving. Banning tobacco however, will not force people to give up smoking. The same as many people refuse to use car seat belts, even though the practice drastically reduces the chance of death or serious injury in an accident. Many eat themselves into cholesterol-induced heart disease, and still encourage their children to eat junk food. Many more become addicted to alcohol, barbiturates, cocaine, heroin, and other drugs whose dangers are common knowledge. I'm not sure what the answer is - but banning something I don't think will work in the long term. Strong continued warnings of the dangers involved in smoking, and making the drug socially unacceptable - may get better results. Posted by Lexi, Monday, 21 February 2011 6:53:33 PM
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Most studies of addiction find that about 5% of the population is susceptible. About 70% of Australian men were smokers after WWII. Smoking rates in Australia have fallen from about 40% of men in 1980, to about 15% of the population today. In contrast, use of illicit drugs seems to maintain a more stable usage pattern, with reductions in use of some drugs as the use of others increase.
In light of the success of public health campaigns in reducing consumption, making tobacco illegal seems moronic. How much would be spent on policing? Why risk giving a harmful substance the appeal of illegality? What would be the point of persecuting people because of an innate vulnerability? And how would all those chain smoking beer swilling footy executives be able to encourage high moral values in Aussie kids with such a prohibition? Health authorities have been very successful at reducing the consumption of tobacco in Australia. The war on drugs has been a total disaster, and can only boast of killing the stupid, young and desperate, and of enriching terrorists and organised criminals. Making tobacco illegal simply defies common sense. Posted by Fester, Monday, 21 February 2011 8:49:59 PM
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<The smoker who dies 30 years earlier, will
actually save Govts money.> Yabby, a World Bank report claimed this statement to be false for high income countries. "recent reviews in high-income nations conclude that smokers’ lifetime healthcare costs do indeed exceed nonsmokers’, despite their shorter lives.",,contentMDK:20365226~menuPK:478891~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:376601,00.html What annoys me is the utter hypocrisy of banning the e-cigarette because of uncertainty about its safety while continuing to allow the sale of carcinogenic tobacco products. Posted by Fester, Monday, 21 February 2011 11:04:05 PM
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Oneundergod, I'm sorry, but you are in denial.
Check out this info from the Australian Medical Association - who have nothing personal to gain at all by promoting a smoke-free environment. " Tobacco smoking is the largest single preventable cause of death and disease in Australia. Smoking contributes to more deaths and hospitalisations than alcohol and illicit drug use combined. It is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, cancer and a variety of other diseases and conditions. Smoking rates have been in decline over the past few decades, but it is still responsible for the greatest burden on the health of all Australians, with an estimated 18 000 people dying each year as a result of tobacco smoking. Smoking needs to be universally recognised as one of Australia's major drug problems, as it accounts for 80 per cent of all drug-related deaths." They could be wrong of course. But what could they possibly gain from lying? They get a lot of their revenue from patients who smoke! Could it be that, as doctors, they actually CARE about people's health? The medical profession have to watch the suffering. Believe it. Give it up. Ban tobacco. We have to start somewhere! Posted by suzeonline, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 12:10:34 AM
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Well put Suzeonline, I find the reasons not to ban more interesting, in the denial.
We saw attempts to ban alcohol fail, and it always will, but is it a danger TO EVERY ONE who uses it? I do not think so. The costs in health care may even exceed Tobaccos, but not even close on a per user basis. I heard a debate about the coming legal battle by Tobacco giants against our government leading the way, in plain packs for all products. It was said if we do the world will follow and the strength of the coming fight to continue adds on packs is being watched world wide. We may get a visit from a lobbyist here. Any close look will see massive investment by the industry in selling its goods in the 3rd world, adds aimed at teenagers. Tax it out of existance as it seems we may not have the drive to Ban it. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 6:10:44 AM
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QUOTE.."..estimated 18 000 people dying" think about this..this is docters..ESTIMATING where is the science FACT? look suzie...this is the same docters..that persribe you drugs that the rep gives them gifts to perscribe...get it yet..these docters put you on brandname meds..just to get a free trip.. read up on adverse reactions to perscribed drugs one in 100 hospitalisations are ADVERSE-reaction to legal drugs perscribed by a docter..[1 in ten of those RESULT in death.. now why needs docters GUESTIMATE ie estimate..because we dont do find out what killed 'the patient'..if he dies under a docters care ALL THEY NEED DO IS FILL IN THEIR OPINION.. of what was the cause of death..IN THEIR OPINION these are the same mob ..getting gifts from big pharma who dont want govt intefering with their govt gifts.. and subsidised legal drugs...that help pay for their FREE trips no docter is going to say my treatment or my ignorance killed that smoker THINK ABOUT IT..! thus we get estimates in lue of facts [they cant even get their own numbers spin right..!] thing is we are being conned when they baned booze..the drinkers said we wont be the last when they banned dope..they said we wont be the last when they ban smoking WE WONT BE THE LAST...! think about it after we ban smoking its back to drink that is the underlying REAL cause of death for 4 of the 5 highest causes of death go ahead you lot are drunk on your own spin seeing the sin in others but not in yourselves AT LEAST BE HONEST Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 7:12:30 AM
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…One under god: You are such a “classic”. I just love your passion: Especially on the subject of smoking I have noticed: But you “slid“ a quip past all here. I have heard it said many times in the past, a smoke is quite often referred to as a “friend” by a smoker. Smoking is a pacifying habit of addition and I conclude from that oft supported premise that the smoker actually experiences a transference of affection of a kind, from themselves towards the cigarette, thus making realistic conclusions on the evils of smoking difficult for them.
…I have some sympathy with the oft proffered argument from smokers that its not necessarily a smoking related illness that will ultimately “get you in the end”. I remember a documentary recently ( that I can no longer refer to, since the circumstances have slipped my mind), but the show went on to substitute the theory of premature death from smoking to relating death to a genetic predisposition: In a more colloquial sense, “If the skeeters don’t get ya’ the Gators will”. …Now, I am not in denial since I no longer smoke, but I feel inclined to fall in behind “Fester” above. If his figures can be believed, then the actual number of smokers has been drastically reduced in the post war period, to a point of almost insignificance. …Public health campaigns appear to work, but better is the current trend in partial prohibition policy, which makes the smoking of cigarettes in high profile public areas illegal and punishable with fines. …So my conclusion is that Governments have got this one right. The chip, chip, chip, approach is far superior and potentially more successful than prohibiting the consumption of the product. …Next; Alcohol…He, He, He… Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 9:23:51 AM
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Yul Brynner quote, I would hate to see any of us inflicted by any of the dreadful diseases associated with smoking, various cancers are just some of the awful possibilities. Posted by Cornflower, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 9:43:13 AM
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Actually oneundergod, I didn't have to agree with any of the doctor's 'spin' at all. I made up my own mind with the evidence I saw with my own eyes, during 30 years of nursing.
Sorry, they tell the truth! These days there are new laws regarding 'presents' for Doctors from drug companies. Look it up if you don't believe me. Don't you dare tell me I am 'sinning' because I don't believe the 'denial' rubbish you spout about smoking. You are mixing up two passionate beliefs of yours there. If I had a dollar for the number of people who have bemoaned the fact they ever took up smoking, I would be a very rich nurse indeed. Why not wander into a respiratory or cardiac ward in any hospital, and ask how many of the patients sucking on oxygen tubes have ever smoked? Or are you too afraid of the inevitable answers? Posted by suzeonline, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 10:42:27 AM
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*If I had a dollar for the number of people who have bemoaned the fact they ever took up smoking, I would be a very rich nurse indeed.*
Ah, now you are getting closer, Suze. The answer is not to ban smoking, but to make it easier for people to quit. Some people have huge difficulties, not everyone is the same. People like Renee Bittoun understand the complexity of it all, clearly your average nurse does not. Champix is making a big difference out there, its heading in the right direction. Fact is that society encouraged smokers, took their money and got em hooked. Society can now do its share to get em unhooked, without banning. It doesen't work. Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 11:57:33 AM
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Suze, you do carry on.
The medical association have nothing to gain by spinning tobacco you say. I believe they started the whole war on tobacco in an attempt to distract attention from the fact that they, including nurses, kill more people with their poor workmanship than all the drugs put together. As for medical costs, in my social group, mostly old fa*ts, the heart attacks, & cancers are all occurring among the non smokers. It is a source of some annoyance that it is us pure non smokers who are suffering medical problems, not those foul smokers. However let me assure you that from a consumers point of view we are all in total agreement. The most dangerous thing anyone can do has nothing to do with indulging in the pleasurable vices, but is to allow ones self to be admitted to hospital. You may not have much wrong with you when you go in, but you will have when you come out, if in fact you ever do get out. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 12:04:52 PM
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a few decades ago the insurance industry went into a panic
there was going to be an epidemic of asbestosis well many of those sucking on their tubes are the fruit of that substance...but without autopcy..we will never know how come these people got their ailments yes many asbestosis victims may be smokers even so did smoking make them die or did asbestosis make them sick thing is no autosies..then its only opinion NOT FACT..the highest cause of lung cancer is woodsmoke the second highest cause of lung cancer is micro particulate from diesal third is from smoking but the stidies that prove this are few and far between why?..because its hard to tax woodsmoke we know the power of the petrol lobby.. so no tax on their causing sickness we seen how jameshardy moved os abandoning those THEY MADE SICK.. but smokers hey..their fair game hated despised by all you see a smoker and say he is sick BECAUSE he smokes SO HOW THEM NON SMOKERS GET SICK and dont say pasive smoking..think of ther other causes yiou work in a smoggy city? well you gonna be on them tubes one day AND IT WONT BE BECAUSE OF tobacco..but ignorance 3 out of 4 people DONT GET CANCER because their body self heals any one who is related to a REAL death from cancer shouldnt smoke just as faties shouldnt scoff transfats you are a nurse not a docter tell me nurse jow many autopsies you attend? WHAT REAL PROOF YOU GOT? how many times you stood there ..while a docter said smoking caused his death..and that was it... a statistic ..via opinion was formed docters kill more than they cure especially if your poor or smoke..[even you carers hate us] get it? Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 1:00:51 PM
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Suzeonline I would just like to say sorry, not for hasbeen but from me to you.
I could if I wished tell of a death in my family that bought questions. But those Nurses? great Lady's great human beings. They nursed us too mums visitors all of us, I trust them. Now tobacco is getting some protection here,I always knew it would, but saying prove it kills? A lobbyist's dream here that fact known and proven in debate? Government, IF LOBBY CASH is not to get in the way, will further reduce users. How many of us knew a dead or dieing smoker who told us if only they had never smoked? More tax seems the way but just remember we all complain about governments not doing things we think they should. Here some say they should do nothing . Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 2:21:36 PM
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its not ok
to be racist or slag off at imagrants or homosexuals but smokers no worries.. generate any accusation and the mud sticks those vile smokers they ..steal your health funding they..dont pay their way..etc etc they fill hospital-beds.. thats why/you cant get..your new breast-implants they.. can say ..these deaths are smoking/RELATED but there is no proof.. WE DONT AUTOPSY DEAD SMOKERS so the docters CAN ..AND DO...write the case closed 'death by smoking' well i dont know ...any smokers hospital/sick..! i have experienced ..the oppression of smokers but who cares its only a smoker the self agrandised ..labor spokesman says quote ''..tobacco is getting some protection here, I always knew it would,'' so he admits to raising the issue as a flame* but lets egsamin the racist/slur further quote..'A lobbyist's dream here'' what the kills thing? "that fact known..and proven in debate?" we never get a balanced debate/mate its all based on fear spin and hate you havnt put up... a single link..! because thats how the trick is played people allready bought into..the adverts pr/spin... ie drank the coolaid 'IF LOBBY CASH not to get in the way,' [lol] [hasnt 'got 'in_the_way"] proving your deluding..!..again...! look for ever more NEW TAXES.. ON THE REST OF THE other MUGGINS by ever more perverse adverts giving spin..not hard-science fact [ie no autospsies ..means its all based ..on opinion] "How many of us..knew a dead or dieing smoker' good point..i havnt met any..! be honest the rest of you.. how many you know?..personally..! think..why is it so? "who told us if only they had never smoked?' yea i saw yule brenner ..on tv too was that ..who this unnamed 'smoker' was? "More tax seems the way" a typical labor the fruit falls not far from the tree tell your labrat mates GET YOUR HANDS OUT OF MY MONEY/life..! get the reds out.. from under your bed and stop sipping the stuff ..when your posting it rots not only the brain and ya liver..but feeds hate/mate Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 8:09:46 PM
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its a lobbiests dream to wit the anti smoking lobby cleaning up from subsised ..nicteen gum/patches[ie big pharma] or by selling..anti smoking adverts.. to the biased media loving the advert cash [we even have them ..on top of this page] yes mate a lobbiest dream,,!* WE AGREE FOR ONCE..! your so clever in not naming WHICH LOBBY..! is dreaming up this nightmare..! the same fear/hate.. advert pr spin merchants..."lobby" cleaning up on this tax cake... the ones who dont care ..what they advertuise as long as the lies/spin is believed and they get money.. heck mate ban it at least THEN..the ANTI SMOKING RACIST/lobby ..goes broke HA HA HA..ban it mate that would be great ban it mate if you got the guts like to send that sort broke then they will get onto the next product BOOZE you loose Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 8:22:39 PM
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OUG is right; keep on lighting them up, your death with smoking, will be helping others you dont even know.
BLUE Posted by Deep-Blue, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 9:50:32 PM
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Yabby <"People like Renee Bittoun understand the complexity of it all, clearly your average nurse does not."
Actually Yabby, I am not only a nurse (obviously a hated creature on this thread!), but my husband was also a heavy smoker for 15 years. He used some nicotine patches to stop within 3 weeks. My brother and sister-in-law still smoke unfortunately. Do you realise how awful it is to know what is possibly ahead of them, but not be able to stop them? It is frustrating and it makes me angry that tobacco companies are allowed to keep peddling their deadly products. I don't blame the tobacco addicts for their habit at all. Hasbeen<"The medical association have nothing to gain by spinning tobacco you say. I believe they started the whole war on tobacco in an attempt to distract attention from the fact that they, including nurses, kill more people with their poor workmanship than all the drugs put together." Where on earth did you get that 'fact' from Hasbeen? Maybe from a medical lawyers handbook? I think it best if you stay away from those nasty hospitals, and let the predominantly dedicated medical staff continue working at saving the lives of far more people than have negative experiences in hospitals. I realise some people hate to have the truth pointed out to them, when they are comfortable with wearing rose coloured glasses... Posted by suzeonline, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 10:54:28 PM
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"I realise some people hate to have the truth pointed out to them,,,,Sue.....truth is something people havent of heard or seen in a very very long time.
Its like religion, all are in control until mother/nature shows how and who,s realy in control. How small we have become. BLUE Posted by Deep-Blue, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 11:19:37 PM
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I'm curious about your views on morality and substance use. You seem to feel yourself the subject of persecution because of tobacco use. Is your concern based on your belief that smoking has no effect on a person's health? Do you consider yourself to be addicted to tobacco, and would you feel that this was a moral failing were it so? Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 22 February 2011 11:24:40 PM
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As a lung cancer researcher, I say go right ahaead and ban tobacco.
As a watcher of the news, I might suggest that banning tobacco will result in stronger product being sold on the black market, at unknown volumes, tax free, grown hydroponically under lights if need be. Given that the consumer will have a greater choice of providers, it may be that quality will go up, adulteration will be down and absolute harm done will be down due to more "bang" per buck. I will not shed a tear for big tobacco, however. Their shareholders can go bust for all of me. Good luck to prohibition, it will need it. Rusty Posted by Rusty Catheter, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 12:11:02 AM
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Rusty, well why not make all of gods drugs becomes the, "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK" that way, one can avoid all callings to the matters.
BLUE Posted by Deep-Blue, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 1:00:22 AM
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Suz I may have up set you in other threads but never intended to here or there, not all do not understand how hard your job is.
I need to understand,truly do, why some hold views that are, to me, so strange. Fester asks OUG why he thinks as he does, I could never pretend to know the answer to that. But here in his own post history you can find reference to smoking other than tobacco, in truth many do/have but overuse can do great harm. I have noted insults from OUG watched from his first post here,tried to understand and welcome him. Not easy some times but there are some thoughts worth looking at in his posts. A bitterness and willingness to target others has ended my interest in his posts. But have we noticed the wish that smokers be free to continue? And the blindness to the costs imposed on us all? Far more than one poster tells of the right do do as you wish. Others say let them pay their own health bills. We are better than that, never would do that, but should we sponsor self harm. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 4:42:18 AM
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I'm right with you, 95% of the way suzeonline. But this, I cannot accept.
>>I don't blame the tobacco addicts for their habit at all.<< That is the excuse that many smokers use. I did not expect to hear it from a nurse. It actually says to the smoker "you are powerless", when in fact each and every one of them could give up tomorrow. For ever. It is also a variant of the pitch used by companies who sell products that are supposed to help you give up smoking. The assumption is "you can't help yourself, we know, so buy our chewing gum/patches/inhalers/microtabs etc". A few seconds thought will tell you that these companies would actually go out of business, if their products were effective. So - like you - they perpetuate the myth that giving up is something out of the individual's control. It isn't. It is as simple as... not smoking that next cigarette. Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 7:13:18 AM
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the prominant theme of the big be-lie
is about my stealing his money ..""Should we pay for others folly's."" and the fact is far from it he is stealing mine he becan this war knowing im a smoker activist continually throwing up my FORMER use of cannabis as some sort of talism.. and the addition of CLAIMING..not reading my posts[thus ignoring trying to reply to them... its a clever stadgedy..but obvious to many to reply fester do i think its yes mate it fact has been made even more a deliberated policy is it injurous..yes it is..[ya think they add sulpher to it to make it burn then legislate adding in other chemicals to stop drunks burning themselves to death in their beds yes mate its all they say and more belly reads my posts..but resists replying them yet he takes studious throw back into my face as he choses this should indicate much about the one who began this thread with the teaaser words..'nanny state?' yes it is mate 'what do 'we' ban next' lol mate you think yoyu and yer mugg antidrug party ..are so omnipotant so clever at red herrings but i dont hate you..[as im dying i got no time to hate anyone] not even the lobby..nor the legal drug merchants ..nor the docters that perscribe their adictive /destructive drugs ,nor the lawyer polititions and the anti-smoking lobby up on this colluded kill off smokers i dont even hate those who ripped me off..[more about that later] but for now im in pain..going to take the only drug i take [nicoteen]...and hope i die sooner rather than later.. i have seen heard felt enough pain in satans realm im ready to move on ya cant argue ..with those serving satan cant even recall why i even botherd to try Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 7:21:33 AM
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it is worth noting
the last few words of this post [its about the fat controler ..[be-lie]..saying he reads but wont respond] something that has become obvious as previously his commenting on stuff i posted..but he claims not to have read..[or not read..'anymore'] the post basiclly advises bobbon on the new policy no comment...[ie ignore them ..and we will go away] its the scam thread so i added a few of the last scams i did mention the super scam in detail but didnt mention the 2yk scam nor the birdflue aids swine flue tobacco scams nor the levey scams... nor the other scams or the 6 levies from the howard fears years but the list of scams are extensive.. if you bother looking for them nbm is the latest we voted for to the node then got a 46 billion white elephant soon its the carbon tax and the levy...[its so sad you lot who claim to be so clever dont keep note of these things but its not your fault we get liars running destractions did you lot even notice italy stock market is closed today seems libia owns mabny italian shares any wonder europe is staying silent..on the libia genocide GOING ON NOW...[while the usa pres is on ANOTHER off season 'holiday' its sad you all miss whats going down ya getting continualy fed fear based scams then asked to bailout bankers or greenies or drunks i hope you enjoy your stay in these realm where decievers rule the roost..serve their satanistic adgendas my life sentance to this hell is near over but yours is only just beginning Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 8:24:43 AM
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Ban tobacco?
It must be just an easy one to focus on, lots of good emotive pics and statements in the media about smoking. We can now live to 100 if we don’t do it? I’m not sure where the logic in that is. Lung cancer isn’t a nice death? Then let a person choose at which point and how they die without it being a crime. I’m sure there are many types of deaths not blamed on smoking that aren’t particularly pleasant. I actually have a very sensitive nose; in a previous life I may have worked making perfume. I can even smell if a person has a mild infection somewhere on their body and other things humans leak from them from quite a distance. Being in public is not pleasant for me especially around other women. Tobacco really is not bad; the smoke it generates isn’t offensive. It’s funny how we’ve been conditioned so quickly to find it “bad”. As a kid it was a normal smell in a home, I’m a bit scared about how advertising can alter what we find offensive. Can organic tobacco be purchased anywhere? There are more obvious and more dangerous substances out there and I would appreciate it if the big brains in the world removed them first. Alcohol and other mood altering drugs I thought would be more of a priority. Addictive and unhealthy foods maybe and those crappy bloody soft drinks that make kids go nuts. People with serious genetic defects being allowed to breed (just thought I’d slip that in). Other chemicals, vehicle exhaust fumes, poisons in the environment etc. STINKY PEOPLE! And please, for the love of god – perfumed period pads and all deodorants. Posted by Jewely, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 8:27:21 AM
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I listened to an interesting interview on the radio last night.
Smoking has reduced from 35% 20yrs ago to about 17% today. The levels of smoking is projected to drop close to zero by 2035. This enables smokers to wean themselves off the habit, and the government to wean itself off the its addiction to tobacco taxes. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 8:44:58 AM
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oh dear [twofaced tony]..currently in parlement
'just said mates help each other they dont tax each other' this from him who gave labrats party the idea of the extra smoking tax [no doudt given to both of them the antismoking lobby] who now got subsidy for nicteen-gum/patches but lets move on here is some info re big pharma [you know those with the big govt bucks/subsiodies globally who control lawyers and laws..who pay big bucks for docters to study drugs and make reports or plot and plan..[who own the media..and are experts at sin and spin] quote Nearly all drug trials scientifically invalid due to influence of the mind; Big Pharma science dissolves into wishful thinking A new study in Science Translational Medicine has cast doubt over the scientific validity of nearly all randomized, double-blind placebo controlled studies involving pharmaceuticals used on human beings. It turns out that many pharmaceuticals only work because people expect them to, not because they have any "real" chemical effect on the body. As you'll see here, when test subjects were told that they were not receiving painkiller medications..even though they were* *the medication proved to be completely worthless. END quote so tell me what does a docter saying 'YOU GOING T0 DIE' do to the mindless drones ..seeing the quack? and who reek of smoke? remember ..all you X smokers how many times went to the docters and they said ..'YOU GOING TO DIE' were they right?.. [brain-dead ..dont count] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 9:01:34 AM
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( -- Every year, millions of people are diagnosed with cancer - a remarkably high number.
But what about the flipside of those statistics? That is, two out of three people *never get cancer, and more than half of heavy smokers *don’t get cancer, either. A recent study points out this overlooked fact, and suggests that researchers might discover something by asking why so many people are resistant*.. to the often deadly disease. YOU MIGHT ALSO ASK YOURSELF why govt media and your docter REFUSES to tell you this? oh by the buy..the cure for cancer [but why fight it] is high ph all you need to do kill it[if your of the 1 in 3 who COULD get it is take a teaspoon of baking soda[baking powder]each day and the cancer goes away cancer can also be sucked out of your body using electrolisis...and one c cell battery you hook up the anode to your body..[usually by sitting in a 'bath'..and the cathode to the cancer location and it melts away but no its more mobney to let people die long slow deaths then get a donation off their estates..when they eventually and needlessly die but then again ..some of us know too much and are over this living scam thus chose to let it be and let the chips fall where they will [you chose to be ill] docters get their pay by study of the sick they should be studying the find out why they didnt get sick but in the end its all about money some will do anything to get their hands on yours but you wont get bellies he earned it...its his..he dont care who gets taxed.. as long as its not him..typical unionist me me mine Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 9:39:05 AM
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oh...and if you wanna know why the war on drugs
is mainly a war on a plant try this link see if im ever going to allow my cancer to kill me i had*to give up dope but docters dont want people ..*not getting sick so they support the war on a weed/plant and those staying healthy smoking dope because you getting sick makes them rich its all about money welcome to hell and you thought govt was there for your bennifit heck dont think lawyers[ie your leaders]..dont know this stuff i wasted 10 years of nmy life telling them believe me they know and still let you learn lies from deceptive adverts aimed at you to get you into fear to get more tax thery dont just send the kids to die in war recall the drug war..thats aimed at keeping you sick Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 9:48:41 AM
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*It is as simple as... not smoking that next cigarette.*
Ah Pericles, you mean as simple as losing those extra kilos, just eat less. No need for Jenny Craig and all the rest. No need for all those fatties in society, costing us a fortune in health bills. If only the human mind and how it works were that simple. But nice try. Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 10:02:50 AM
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One under god:
Herein is my conspiracy theory for you! ...You apparently live in a world where a choice is going to the doctor. Where I live, going to a doctor is a recipe for starvation. Effectively, one runs the risk of dying from a doctors treatment or dying from lack of it. I agree with you: The decision is quite the conundrum. ...I am acquainted with people who live a life of addiction to a rainbow spectrum of substances. Many of them addictive pharmacy prescriptions, and needing that unaffordable visit to the local Capitalist stalwart (Doctor), for the purpose of repeats. ...So I wonder, with the anticipated free (Ho, Ho) issue of patches becoming available shortly for smokers, and in view of the facts pointed out by Shadow Minister and Ferster in these posts, that the incidence of smoking in the community is fast decreasing, (17% of the population), then what is behind the free (Ho, Ho) issue of anti-smoking paraphernalia. ...Should one take the cynical view, and conclude from observation and experience, the real intent of the medical profession is to enrich “themselves” from the physical suffering of the ever diminishing smoking public, by tying Doctors to a lucrative market of desperados returning through their revolving doors, being the gullible and conned smoker, thinking the Government actually cares about them and their health; but which secretly supports further rorting by Doctors now anticipating another windfall improvement to their “bottom-line”. ...Maybe the innovation exposes itself as just another masterstroke of political lobby by the AMA? Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 10:42:25 AM
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Personally I avoid smokers like the plague. Can't stand the stuff, but as much as I would love to ban smoking I would not go down that path.
As others have wisely pointed out, there are many activities humans undertake that cost others in supporting those endeavours including daredevil adventurers, overeaters, overexercisers, drug users, dangerous drivers etal. It is almost impossible to ban an activity once it has been legalised or entrenched hence a lesson in why we should not legalise any other unhealthy or mind altering substances. The ban on smoking in public places where the offending and unhealthy activity may encroach on another's rights, is only fair but a total ban would not work. Help people to give up smoking would be more of a benefit to them and to others. Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 11:30:16 AM
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There is a difference, Yabby.
>>Ah Pericles, you mean as simple as losing those extra kilos, just eat less.<< (I know you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. But I thought I might take you seriously for a moment) Eating is essential in order to live. Smoking is not. So if I were to say "getting slim is as simple as... not taking the next mouthful", you would suggest something a little less drastic. Like cutting down. Or cutting out carbs, or fats, or whatever the latest gimmick might be. You would not have much success with a no-food diet. Not in the medium-to-long term, anyway. The problem with smoking is that cutting down the intake does not solve the problem. The tars are still layering themselves up in your lungs. The acrolein and benzopyrene still attach themselves permanently to nuclear DNA. The carbon monoxide and cyanide will continue to cause the alveoli to lose their elasticity. So whereas with dieting, there is at least a chance that the lower intake of food will have a beneficial effect on your weight, cutting down on smoking will not have a similarly beneficial effect on your health. Cutting it out completely, however, does give your body an opportunity to effect some repairs. I would not normally use Fox News as supporting evidence, but their summary is quite succinct: "By the first anniversary of your last cigarette, your risk of heart disease should be about half of a smoker’s. By your 15th anniversary, it should be about the same as the risk for someone who never smoked.",2933,229761,00.html So losing weight and giving up cigarettes are two entirely different propositions, Yabby. But you knew that anyway, didn't you? Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 12:38:00 PM
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I don't mind smokers. I have an old neighbour who has a problem driving from time to time. I often take him into town with me.
He smokes a strong roll your own tobacco. He always asks before having a smoke in my little sports car. The rolling is not that great, as some tobacco is often spilt, however the smell of the smoke is really great. It is almost enough to make me want one. I gather the smell of stale smoke is as bad as that of stale grog, but as my old thing doesn't have air conditioning, the windows are open, & all the fresh air means no smell remains Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 1:03:11 PM
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*Eating is essential in order to live. Smoking is not.*
Ah, but overeating is not essential to live Pericles, in fact it might kill you. So my point is, why can't people just simply eat less, if as you state, they can simply stop smoking. Why people overeat or have that next cigarette, is far more complicated then simple rational thoughts. We are all just a little different, physiologically, so for some quitting can be easy, but others extremely tough, depending on many things. Like genetics for instance. Like brain chemistry. Nicotine affects dopamine levels. You'll find that those with ADHD issues, or those with schyzophrenia issues, have a far more difficult time quitting, then perhaps a Pericles. If quitting smoking was as easy as you claim, the average smoker would not need 13 attempts to do so. The failure rate is well over 90% and some of those are not hard core addicts. That includes people with patches etc. If you are really interested in all this, read what Renee Bittoun has written on the subject. She's a professor, based at Sydney University, IIRC. Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 1:40:58 PM
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IMO the overriding issue with smoking is that it does not kill quickly enough, if at all.
Now if there was a larger dose of arsenic mixed with the other chemicals, then we would have a ball game. Warnings on packaging would really be pertinent given that inhalation over a 10 year period definitely caused your death. But for now if it is legal and by that I mean taxable, other than a prohibition on the age of the consumer, leave it alone. Yabby:>> We are all just a little different, physiologically, so for some quitting can be easy, but others extremely tough, depending on many things. Like genetics for instance. Like brain chemistry<< Hey Yabby that is the most valuable thought you have added to this forum in eons, well said. My only criticism would be that you should have replaced “like” with “such as” Posted by sonofgloin, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 2:42:03 PM
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Shadow Minister I heard that story too.
It reminded me I had thought about starting a thread here. We humans are different are we not. Never thought, for a second tax would be called us stealing from smokers. And my beer is taxed just as much. But to see doubt placed on if it kills at all stunned me. Health costs surely, out way tax income. Now once most of us smoked, we started as a fashion thing, surely few of us liked that first drag. But we after seeing it displayed that way, smoking was sexy, cool, the thing to do. I even remember young smoke in hand never drawing it into their lungs. OUG I did not know until this thread you are a tobacco activist, am in no way taunting you. Mate you speak as if you just may be going through a bad time. As you go along in life except this, opinions are every ones right mine and yours. You move yours around a bit, seeing things I never intended in my posts. But NEVER EVER will I give my right to say much more harm than good comes from smoking. Last OUG tell me, please, how I knew you smoked other substances, you Bragg about it often bloke. Tax Tobacco ,almost out of existance, yes black market will follow ,but a big reduction in health problems will too. Imagine how you smoke if it is not legal. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 3:39:50 PM
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Not just a story. I was surprised, but the state of California tried to sue Philip Morris and some other large cigarette producers for the increased costs to the state for health care. This collapsed when Philip Morris showed that the average medical cost to the state of a smoker was less than that of a non smoker. This was mostly due to the high cost of medical care as one ages, and the final year is expensive whether due to smoking or not. For example lung cancer is relatively cheap, as it is usually untreatable, and relatively quick once diagnosed. The more cynical would suggest handing out cigarettes with the pension. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 4:03:55 PM
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pericules please be more carefull about your statements
others just might[will presume theyare fact when they demonstratably are fiction to wit.."The tars are still layering themselves up in your lungs." wrong in so many ways i think they are called fibracules..[but regardless of the name or the mechanism..lungs have a flow of mucas that 'cleans' then from dust [and tar]..etc ''The acrolein and benzopyrene still attach themselves permanently to nuclear DNA.'' yep so too does the benzine your fuel [you know that known carcinogen]...that replaced lead in ya car..! go figure how that was ever allowed eh? just think ..we didnt want kids to get dumb from lead so we give them cancers instead... [only govt via lobby gets something that stupid passed as law..! 'The carbon monoxide and cyanide will continue to cause the alveoli to lose their elasticity.' at least be honest about dose rates used to prove this using egsagurated dosage one of their means to get lies made into fact while were on that dosage rate there is a thing with medicines to wit..doses needed to cure rate ie how many people..NEED to take a get one cure i recall the dntc number for stroke meds is 50/1 50 people need to take it ..for ONLY ONE CURE big pharma hates the dntc number [and even worse..the drug has the same affect as one suck on a joint] and the joint has a dntc cure ratio of 1/1..[it expands the arteries..thus the red eyes] now lets look CLOSELY at ya quote "By the first anniversary of your last cigarette, your risk of ...*heart* disease*...LOL should be about half of a smoker’s yes certainly written by masters of spin [joe hockey ..just said the same words parlement] i go to listen to real facts oh and bellies i buy it on the black market now so do as you chose..ban it mate..i dare ya im not going through a bad time just cleaning up some wrongs this world before i move on Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 5:36:10 PM
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"... hence a lesson in why we should not legalise any other unhealthy or mind altering substances."
I disagree Pelican, I look forward to the day a decent mind altering substance is legalised. I'm sure they have some available but if people were happily addicted to a health neutral and calming substance I suspect many large companies would go broke overnight. Posted by Jewely, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 5:42:52 PM
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I would agree with you Jewely if the effects of the substance did not affect other people in any way or create a huge swell in the numbers of those with mental illness, psychosis or depression.
So far it hasn't been invented yet. Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 5:55:17 PM
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You are quoting research by a tobacco company that suggests a benefit (reduced life time health costs) from smoking. What a surprise. But there is a large and growing body of research suggesting otherwise. e.g. Posted by Fester, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 8:19:21 PM
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And then there are critiques of the Phillip Morris research. To quote one:
"the correction of only one among numerous errors in assumptions and calculations in the Phillip Morris study leads to the opposite conclusion: Instead of savings of $150 million per year, smoking drains at least $373 million from the state budget annually, nearly .8% of the Czech gross domestic product." Hey, but if you still think your opinion to be correct, then you could always show the forum how much cheaper health insurance premiums are for smokers. Oh, that's not right, but because you dont live as long you pay less overall on average. And if you get lung cancer, well that wont cost much because you will be dead pronto. Wow, what a selling point. Why aren't the health insurance companies using it? Posted by Fester, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 8:52:02 PM
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the statistics confirm... 2 out of 100 users of cannabis get phycosis [the pr spinners have been correct?..right?] well what they DONT SAY..! is for NON SMOKERS..its 4 in 100 [so 2 less than non smokers...but they wont add that bit] see thats the trick same with the latest advert.. [i caught the end of it just tonight] i think it says in words..something like every cigarette is one step closer to CANCER BUT WAIT A MINUTE..remember the link i revealed a few posts ago? ie ONLY ONE IN THREE..can even get cancer ie two in three CAN*not..!..get cancer so the current lie is rebutted..! see the scam? sell the propaganda in schools or on tv telling half truths..and out and out LIES little wonder SOME get parranoid... is that the afect of the drug or nerosis ..GENERATED by fear.. [by the lies/spin BIASED pr blurb?] see how it worked with dope now they done the same trickery ...with tobacco using the full weight ..of govt propaganda mercandising to declare the lies and lies of WAR its really a worked on the drug war now you seen it work on tobacco [and you wonder why over the bullllssshhhhiiiit] the name of the gamer is govt declaringf a plant a drug then CRIMINALation of one percent of the population..[mainly kids]..every year...WHY? so people get the ones using the cure stop using the cure..and get made into statistics[without even an autopsy] without proof..or by distortion of selective facts like 20 times STRONGER what my eyes get 20 times redder? see on thc recepters..once every recepter has a thc..THATS MAXIMUM more thc recepters..[plus the affect is physiological..[it expands the arteries..[thats the rush feeling] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 9:29:29 PM
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my kids tried it once
and said it didnt do anything [because my smoking it had allready passivly given their thc recepers all max dosage possable..the thc had no vacant recepters.. to attach with..thus either got excreeted or stored in the fat] no overdose is EVER possable no deaths EVER.. its fat soluable.. thus gradually disipitates ..over a few weeks.. so no withdrawel...either..being stoned is all in the mind..! heck tobacco smokers ..used to use it to get over nicoteen addiction.. i didnt know even that my kids tried it they only told me a few years ago... [thats when i figured it all out] and the fat solubility ensures its able to be detected for weeks after..even if only inhaled passivly..even worse there are 5 vegetables that have thc [so just eating a mixed salid means you got thc.. the whole thing would be a joke if it wernt for all the lies lies they now used with tobacco because lies makes fear fear campains work big pharma is tied all over this to make it worse they even patented thc now its called marinol...[only on subsised perscription] AFTER SAYING FOR YEARS dope has no medical bennifits [just as nicoten has no bennifit] or least not till big pharma gets a govt subsidy but why bother if you swallow the spin your part of the hard is it to do research its the same thing re evolution there are no gap species..but the spin [liers say there is..and people who dont get science..swallow the lies] ditto they [media] talk of species.. but evolution [science] says genus but ignorants dont know the difference read dumbing down education its deliberate policy.. to build the perfect soviat worker smart enough to work hard..and die young.. but not too smart..a follower..not a a sheeple..[wage slave] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 9:40:20 PM
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You go right ahead and smoke all you want. I recommend you smoke home-grown, pesticide free rollies with filters. Good luck. Rusty Posted by Rusty Catheter, Wednesday, 23 February 2011 9:46:00 PM
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OUG <"ie ONLY ONE IN THREE..can even get cancer
ie two in three CAN*not..!..get cancer" That observation may well be true OUG, however, the other 2 out of 3 smokers probably die from heart disease, emphysema, stroke, DVT, COAD, ... the list just goes on. I have seen it all. I agree with Rusty though, you just keep on smoking, and pray that your mistaken beliefs turn to reality. One thing you need to know though. Diseases caused from smoking do not always cause a premature death or a quick death. Many elderly smokers live for years sucking on a home oxygen tube... Posted by suzeonline, Thursday, 24 February 2011 12:18:43 AM
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Tobacco kills it does most know it, few deny it.
The money spent on defending it by multi national tobacco firms clouds the waters but it kills. Some, claiming knowledge and understanding we do not have should understand,they just could be wrong, totally. So tax or laws? tax it out of existance my answer. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 24 February 2011 4:48:36 AM
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I didn't say it was easy, Yabby.
>>If quitting smoking was as easy as you claim, the average smoker would not need 13 attempts to do so.<< I said it was simple. "It is as simple as... not smoking that next cigarette." The point about giving up being "simple" was precisely that. No monitoring fat content, no counting calories or carbs. Just a straightforward rejection of the next cigarette. Of course it isn't "easy". Nicotine is after all highly addictive, and withdrawal symptoms can be significant. But in the end, it is very simple. Binary. Yes or no. Just ask any ex-smoker. Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 24 February 2011 7:34:16 AM
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you must remember that some will profess anything for money
its likely these things go out to tender ask why the danes got the tender...this time more deciet [from the festering link] quote''We included a broader set of smoking-related* diseases..[lol] than previous studies....'' in other words..included EVEN more diseases that can be ATTRIBUTABLE* smoking..[see next quote] so including say diabetus.. [or item 4 ALL DISEASES}.. [see next quote] scews their numbers.. [also noted ..*"never smoked".. not in study..[see later notes] aINT THEY SOO CLEVER..? hey fester...! if this links spin ..was valid WHY DIDNT THEY APPEAL? or submit it.. where it AT THE COURT hearing..! but a judge would see through the spin HEY..*they still lost the facts of the court case...stay unchanged..! you cant change the diseaes ATTRIBUTABLE* without fully explaining WHY ..or how come ..*they are..[now]..[attributable*] most judges say 50 percent attributable or 5 percent etc..or 100 percent or NONE...! then this selector mechanism ""Extensive sensitivity analyses were performed to ensure*.. that results were robust the ..*assumptions*.. made."" LOL assume all you like not science...! please note the 'impact factor' is 2...[out of ten] to wit thats just above out and out/lie..[0] then this great QUOTE>> ""..comparing the health costs ..of continuing* smokers ..and ex*-smokers"" ..NO NON SMOKERS...! get it? how valid is it if it dont compare NON SMOKERS..? think why *you chose to be blind you lack critical thinking ability..? you need to believe the spin? Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 February 2011 7:58:58 AM
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ya gotta love this
NOTE.. [the last one] quote..""Costs of the Danish population in 1999 were studied within ...*four disease groups:""" NOTE 4* DISEASE GROUPS now read the last '*group' LOL "" 1..cancer (ICD-10: C00-C99), 2..vascular disease (ICD-10: I00-I99), 3..respiratory disease (ICD-10: J00-J99) and 4..‘all other diseases’*...""" lol your slip is showing as is their spin see the joke? come in spinner fess up ..ol boy you do see the joke..right? it would be funny if you lot didnt take this scam/link.. seriously PLEASE.. ..learn to think criticlly*.. or the lies will only continue..! [this is egsactly why bellies stopped posting links long ago] knowing where the lies *come from makes them easier to rebutt also of intrest the age was truncated*.. at 89 years [must have skewed ..the numbers ...*they NEEDED to CREATE*] it still ONLY compares EX smokers..with smokers..! so apparently there aint...* no obvious difference between the un-mentioned*.. never/ever smoking group wonder which came closer smokers? ex smokers/..or never smokers? i suspect ..*never smoking and smoking were much the same thus never smoking...was deleted*.. from the 'study'.. in other words eliminate the outliner and thus the never* smoking ..never made it ..into the final edit talk about selective spin its just sooo typical... spin for the gullible preaching deciete the decieved ..who love being decieved if it feeds their need hate or just cheat.. i thought the danes would know better the great-dane ..would be ashamed..but thats only a dog this link was more a dogs breakfast or something some dane cooked cut and paste looks like the 'danish paste-y'.. is the heights of danish abilities Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 February 2011 8:26:49 AM
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suzie clearly cant read properly..
all cancers..not only the smoking 'related'.. how many adverse reactions ..because suzie is dislectic? 2 our of 3 DONT [cant] get cancer sue..any cancer! how does this mean ..something else will kill the 2/3.. that is attributable to their smoking...only by docters saying so yes we all die ...3 out of 3 but what..NOW according to you ALL DEATHS ..ARE SMOKING RELATED? im glad your not still pretending to 'care' re suzies intitial speak diseases she saw the result* but not the cause* of your bias ..presumes they are all smoking related just like the quacks putting up their.. cause of guess.. death numbers unsure if ol rusty is serious so will ignore his encouragment to die via filter.. recalling they used to be made ..from ASBESTOS..! if he is sincere not smoking 'good' tobacco when the price increase was flagged i bought a kilo of store tobacco and a kilo of some other the web ..called tobacco [it went i added in a hundred grams of mint and homegrown tobacco about 200 grams] mushed the whole lot together and thats what i now smoke the mould the tobacco ..has given me lung problems [black mould is a known killer..but as pericules has said store bought has got benzine and other mutagenes in it too see i hate govt much im willing to die early some might chose to call it suicide im calling it murder govt taxation i aim to be the first actual death..'by smoking'.. who actually did die from the act of trying to smoke but my web dealer is having supply problems... paid my three hundred a kilo and havnt recieved my him a few more days.. then may chose to name names [edited] 4 now i paid my money for me its no joke Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 February 2011 9:12:42 AM
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*tax it out of existance my answer*
They are already doing that Belly. Clearly you are out of touch with the price of tobacco these days. But its not as black and white as you might like to see it. Last time I checked, a packet of Winfields was around the 17$ mark locally. At that kind of money, it would not surprise me if smuggling boatloads of fags becomes far more profitable then smuggling boatpeople, so most likely a smuggling industry will grow and prosper. So will home grown tobacco. But personally I think that we are already enough of a patronising wowser society. There are alot of old pensioners out there, who have little to live for and their couple of packets of smokes a week means a great deal to them. That now costs them 10% of their pension. I think its unfair to them, to go robbing them blind. Let them be, for christs sake. Because you don't agree with their perspective of life, does not mean that you should not tolerate their perspective. You, of all people, who claims to care about the working man. I just think we are getting things a bit out of whack here. I know of nurses who gave up nursing , tiered of being attacked by patients either drunk or on speed or ice. Yet there we go hassling a few old pensioners about fags. Not just discouraging, more like hassling to the point of persecution! *Of course it isn't "easy". Nicotine is after all highly addictive, and withdrawal symptoms can be significant. But in the end, it is very simple.* Ah Pericles, just like losing weight. Eat less, yes or no. Sometimes yes or no, just ain't that simple. Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 24 February 2011 9:39:33 AM
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Oneundergod, please go and get some help.
I hope life improves for you. Suze. Posted by suzeonline, Thursday, 24 February 2011 9:39:56 AM
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I agree with that Suzeonline.
Yabby, then do we stop embargo's on all nonmedical drugs. Do we stop painting pedestrian crossing on the road. Is there then any room to protect us from our selves on any issue. And tell me yabby do you think tobacco tax covers health costs? I am aware of the costs,my Winny red days saw 4 cartons plus 4 rolly packet and 40 mindget monopoles cigars each fortnight. Bought on pay day same shop,$208 cost every time, half a weeks pay, I was on fortnightly pay. 30 years ago. I gave it up in pure hard cold turkey, have seen many suffer trying to and dieing early because they failed. No high moral ground here I want less to suffer want less to die and want tobacco sellers to find another way to make a living. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 24 February 2011 12:07:51 PM
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...Suzeonline, please remove the "patches" from your own eyes!...
...Three cheers for the AMA! Keeping all tethered to the surgery….One way or another! Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 24 February 2011 12:42:25 PM
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*And tell me yabby do you think tobacco tax covers health costs?*
Indeed they do. The worst thing for the taxpayer would be, if you lived to be 95. In your last 2-3 years you'd get sick of something, generating costs. Meantime you've had 30 years of healthcare and pension, perhaps 5-6 years with Alzheimers in a home. What do you think all that costs? *have seen many suffer trying to and dieing early because they failed.* Ah, now you are gettig warm, Belly. If they failed perhaps rather then torture them into quitting,as you plan to do, perhaps its time to find out how to make it easier for them to quit, which is basically about brain chemistry etc. We spend nearly zilch on that. Instead we install a Quitline, where a good deal of the staff don't have a clue. Then wonder why people don't magically quit. IMHO Champix will make a difference, because its the first drug that actually deals with the brain chemistry issue, rather then keep the addict chewing on nicotine. But if somebody became addicted whilst we encouraged them to smoke, and now wants to finish out their life with a puff or two, so what? You will die too, just like the smoker, maybe sooner, maybe later and most of the time it won't be that pleasant. Trying to clobber them with a proverbial 4 by 2, because they don't agree with you, is hardly the way to tackle this issue. Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 24 February 2011 1:37:12 PM
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offers her idea ..of sage-advice 'get help' so suzz who can help to put the nanny/state back in its box? ie get their greedy-hands ..out of my tobacco? who do i go to to stop do gooders trying to lobby..*a ban on my habbit's but not theirs who do i go to..*to stop the moralisers who think they know whats best ..for me by taxing me an early grave? and ongoing fear campains so who do i go to to find the server that put a web-site on line to steal my money? who do i go to..[to get help] re the anz acting as co conspiritor in [perhaps]stealing my money how do i find out what the real issue is with supply who do i see about lies in the media who do i go to to find out who's rotten-teeth are compulaory ..put on my tobacco packet? who took the photo of a bloated pigs artery [filled with margerine..govt pays put on my fags] who do i go to to see what facts sustain the lies of 15% or 15,000 or all the other statisical lies ..sold as fact? i been to see the cops they dont care you no doudt want me to see some drug-docter [legal pill-merchant] to medicate me into a drooling fool ..who is thus as ignorant as others seem to be how do i let go of people ...[busybodies]..wanting to put their hands on my business how do i even begin telling of the barrrrtardry others do others..with impunity how do i convince ..a deluded person im more than paying ...*my own way not taking up the bed ..reserved for him he paid for it let him sleep in it get help ya-self the only help i need is get govt's greedy hands..out of my pocket's get govt to stop passing ever more moralising laws and paying for adverts utttering threats and fears on my tv and smokes packet go in peace NOW let me ...smoke in peace your smoke-screen is bothering me ps perfume reeks worse than smoke Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 February 2011 2:46:40 PM
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the nanny state is out of control
they put flueride/chlorene ya water [it kills bugs..what ya think its doing to you] flueride by itself is useless... [it needs other minerals to calcify into teeth/bones] but it pacifies the population...thats what its there to do it was the first thing the romans put into the water supply..because it works but then it makes us kill milk's enzimes via pasturisation...[for our own good] but do the research on whole milk..[people dont get sick] but spin them bull and they swallow it as fact [just put up a fear campain and the docile sheep love you] think of all the gmo they pump into kids [thats how they make 'vacibne' nowadays the usa even pased laws so we cant sue the subsidised drug merchants giving our kids dumbness;autism..look at them numbers..huge] govt gives us transfats.. lets multinational suppliers supply us with poisend food faties abound because govt protects them..and oppresses its own captive dumbed down people First they came for milk maids then they came for the kids then it was the dope fienmds..grown up kids then it was the smokers next the media then the teachers, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a teacher. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Bloggers, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Blogger. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me. Apologies to Pastor Martin Niemoller but curses on the demon autocratic capitalists multinationalist passport holders doing the dirty deeds on us all.. go now..AND LIST THE POISENS in your medication cabnet or in ya garrage..or under ya sink check out the aditives put in ya food or the poisens you spray in ya yard..or on your body and then think what DID.. you do when they came ...for you* Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 February 2011 3:15:08 PM
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C'mon, Yabby. That's just silly.
>>Ah Pericles, just like losing weight. Eat less, yes or no. Sometimes yes or no, just ain't that simple.<< "Eating less" can mean anything from 1% less to 100% less, which is far from being a simple decision. And depending on which number you pick, the effect will be different. With cigarettes, it is binary. Yes, I'll smoke a cigarette. No, I won't smoke a cigarette. I know you actually understand, because you're not stupid. But I also know you like having the last word. So, off you go, it's all yours. Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 24 February 2011 3:24:09 PM
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That program both I and Shadow Minister heard, was I think on radio national or the ABC.
It gave figures of smokers as 17% gave an end date in about 2030, by that time it said we will have stopped smoking. Other parts of the world too. Not Latin America, not the African continent, sales are rising there as western world combats health problems with smoking. And promotion is increasing there I do not think promoting early death as a welcome side effect is humanity at work. I see the I smoke so it is harmless group as ,well look for your selves. Yabby in your case,the one you put to me,elderly who just must smoke, want to smoke need to, lets put for them only it on the health care lists, like other drugs including grass can be, not my best out come. Hard to win, but worth the fight. Nanny state? I find references to such weak and not related to the reasons people intervene in such as smoking. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 24 February 2011 4:13:58 PM
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*Eating less" can mean anything from 1% less to 100% less, which is far from being a simple decision.*
Come on Pericles, now its you being silly. Most fatties know perfectly well that those 3 servings of ice cream were too much, that the 4 extra cream tarts are overdoing it. If they halved what was on their plate, they would lose weight, just like they do if forced to halve it, by lapband surgery. The problem is not about straight rational thoughts, its deep inside that brain, eating as a compulsion to feel better. Like I often point out, rational thought is only a part of all the activity going on in the brain. Its that following of compulsive feelings that makes it so difficult for some to lose weight. Following compulsive feelings is why smokers have such difficulties quitting. In terms of brain chemistry, the two are actually linked. With both in the end, its about rational thought or following your feelings, one or the other, yes or no. Smokers get a joy from dragging on that smoke, fatties get joy from biting into that cream tart or whatever. Gamblers get high on the adreneline rush of the dice, some women go shopping to feel better. The demons of addictive behaviour come in various colours, but in the end they are all linked. Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 24 February 2011 5:09:23 PM
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Pelican:”I would agree with you Jewely if the effects of the substance did not affect other people in any way or create a huge swell in the numbers of those with mental illness, psychosis or depression.”
I suspect nature already did invent it Pelican but I’d be just as happy if a synthetic one was created by our pharmacy gods. I am avoiding thinking about all the sci-fi books and movies that have warned against just such a substance going horribly wrong though. Thinking of smoking… my older sister used to smoke 3 a day. No idea if she still does, I kinda find that perfectly healthy. If she lived out in the country (which she does) and maybe also avoided car fumes etc I’d say she will outlive me. But I find smoking three a day or even just one along the lines of not over-eating etc. It’s never what we do is it – it’s when we overdo it. And because I have googled myself out today I have forgotten which country I heard about that recently made it illegal to smoke tobacco anywhere. I will go try find it because I’m wondering what sort of political system they have…. Posted by Jewely, Thursday, 24 February 2011 6:10:22 PM
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OUG, you can take my comment as nastily as you like.
If you don't believe smoking causes cancer, then you don't think I'm being nasty. If however you consider that I am professionally certain that it does, then I might be being very nasty indeed. I was not talking of asbestos filters, but of normal ones. You are welcome to improvise yourself from cotton, cork, hemp or whatever takes your fancy. They reduce particulates but not vapourised nicotine. Sadly they also don't reduce vapourised benzopyrenes, produced by burning just about any plant material, and incidentally the model carcinogenic mutagen found in coal tar. It forms adducts of DNA and proteins, causing mutations and overt cellular damage. If the somatic mutations that accumulate don't add up to a bingo for you (yet), the constantly irritated damaged lung tissues will gradually and inevitably become emphysemic a very grim "smoking related" condition that is no fun at all. Live long enough, smoke enough, sooner or later it will get you, and you will have been better off not smoking. If you are going to smoke, I'd still say go for untreated, pesticide free home grown. Chuck out the mouldy stuff, specific carcinogens in plant moulds, like aflatoxin, are quite aggressive, usually targeting liver. Rusty Posted by Rusty Catheter, Thursday, 24 February 2011 8:07:59 PM
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I am truly concerned that we find some who think only in terms of personal freedom.
I suspect RC knows a lot more about this than me. But is it not true we have been told damage to unborn children can come from smoking. Yes know it comes from using grog and other drugs the subject is tobacco. Once we grew a lot here, may even have subsidized the farmers. Now not just here, world wide it is shrinking in use and few doubt it harms many. Posted by Belly, Friday, 25 February 2011 5:37:00 AM
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i will let go bellies number changing from 15 to 17%
[ask wether this is globally or locally]..and how it was determined we know china is a growth area..[he didnt mention them] i too have heard media and the last time i heard it was near 30 percent regardless of how it is determined smoking sales is useles..many have curt down their use so half the sales dont translate into half the smokers then he said..''$208 cost every time,..half a weeks pay,. 30 years ago.'' mate no wonder you gave-up thats obesity type smoking [i spend 30 per fortnight..[on my chop chop mix] one rollies pack ..a week ..4/5 packs of ciggie papers] also funny was the definition of 'smoker' hawke and obama ..are teqniclly 'smokers' so many closset smokers not in the numbers and then there are the bums..smoking others ciggies then...many did as i do and havnt officially bought in a shop yet its easy to play the number game lies its easy to tax people to death to use propaganda to get a new tax cash cow its easy to pick on those who cant fight back se how brave they were when the miners fought back its easy to hate those..'others' who you regard as scum i gave up smoking a long time ago but the world is so stinkey.. i had to go back to numbing my nose with smoke.. just to be able to like people..who stink with all sorts of chemical pheramoans...fake perfumes cheap oils bad breath..and gosh...'body oder' how do you non smokers stand the stink? how do you block your nose as close as you blocked your hearts and minds [oh ..i realise you just hate others and pick them off one by one] till you got no one left you despise yeah like that could ever you got ya hate i got me smoke see the joke its all smoke and mirrors that you hate in hated in yourself Posted by one under god, Friday, 25 February 2011 9:19:45 AM
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we have long seen they add transfats to processed food
or caffene to sugar water and CARBON dioxide 'soft' drinks we have seen even how they add a few ciggie butts chewing gum and get a govt subsidy from ..the medical 'benifit'[legal drug subsidy trust fund] noted this one DEA to legalize marijuana chemical for Big Pharma but keep it a crime for everyone else By: malterwitty Today, yet another example emerges as the DEA moves to legalize THC in Big Pharma's pills while simultaneously making it illegal for anyone else to grow, sell or possess THC. The DEA, you see, is working to change the classification of THC from a schedule I substance (like street heroin) to a schedule III drug (pharmaceuticals). So if Big Pharma grows its own marijuana plants, extracts the THC and puts it into a "pot pill," those pills will be perfectly legal. They're already FDA approved, actually, when made with the synthetic version of THC....MARINOL..[but it dont works the real stuff 'works'.. But if a guy grows the very same chemical in his backyard, then extracts THC from those plants -- even for his own personal use -- suddenly he's guilty of committing a federal crime and will likely be subjected to an armed raid by DEA agents. even though a plant is 'only' a drug by legal manuvering... ie as listing the plant as a drug deeming the plant to 'be'.. a drug..[ie a lie] anyhow i know you will be as troubled as i cant believe how that really happend well it happend the same way this topic was created to 'happen' by some pretend do-gooder putting it out there then selling their idea..for their mates to make an advantage or destract abn activist from posting on more important issues ie keep me distracted so i dont talk about 'other' stuff and it works Posted by one under god, Friday, 25 February 2011 10:32:07 AM
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here is just a few
i have been distracted from trying to fix but the powers that be know i cant be everywhere so sent the big bellie to tie me down its up to others to explain but who cares right im up to my butt in butts worrying about you and all you want to do is bring me down ok you win the spin wins what next? do i ask for my money back? do i name names[who might be totally innocent? like the website server that tricked me the anz bank ..that took my money the person who owns the anz account etc i told him of this topic and respect ..he is being decieved i will encourage him to add in... who tricked 'him,' however it goes...i expect to be dead sometime this year either by smoking or trying to simply smoke death will be such a relief so much better than this hell full of liars and those who think lies true Posted by one under god, Friday, 25 February 2011 10:34:25 AM
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ahhh see the joke rusty
my father lived to be 52 im now 56 i been the oldest living male in my line for over 20 years none ever made it to retirment..EVER you see we got the prefect genes we contibute compulsory super.. YET not ever live long enough to collect ANY of it...not even once.. yet we must subsidise you lot who get longer life sentances we who live long and prosper because we of the weaker genes ...*die young you think to hurt me but im beyond pain i been rejected all my life i have only lived as long as i have because i smoked dope my family genes have a heart deffect i didnt realise the dope was easing the presure i stopped breeding or even having sex long ago so mutating ..this corpses gene pool ..means nothing get it sunshine? you cant hurt many have tried i will be dead..and bellie or you can have my bed you can have my super contribute..and have my compulsory smoking taxes you can have it all i will be silent..before you even notice i might rate a byline in the local paper loner died a few years ago was found police enforcing a warrent for letting a plant grow but they were 10 years too late but remember that old fool refused to hate many hated to hears his truths but life as it shall be will give you your proofs no flowers no grievers no mourners..please just put me into the dirt its near worm feeding time Posted by one under god, Friday, 25 February 2011 10:55:44 AM
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If your plan is to die sooner, smoking will help that. Others, enjoying life, even with modest means, might like like living, seeing the next generation etc. No smoking helps such people. I think well-grown dope is probably no worse than well-grown tobacco. Both produce mutagens in the smoke that affect not particularly your gonads (except in proportion to their weight), but the somatic cells of your body. A reasonable standard model of cancer has cells of a given tissue (say lung) being washed in mutagens (say smoke). Individual cells may accumulate mutations in any gene whatsoever. Of the twenty or so of the most important cancer-related genes, if that cell (or it's daughters, which replace it and inherit it's mutations) accumulates mutations in enough of those genes....Bingo! Even a susceptible individual might take a long time to accumulate mutations. Another resistant one might take not long at all. The process is stochastic, and anybody counting on family history to justify low risk might yet be one of the "winners" in the cancer lottery. Anybody who *wants* to live is strongly advised to not smoke. Anybody who *wants* to live but cannot give up is advised to filter and smoke unadulterated material, or seek alternatives, it *might* make a small difference. It is clearly the case that you insist on doing this to yourself. Many others smoke for reasons that are very poor, and less vehement. These could be helped by yet greater barriers to access. Rusty Posted by Rusty Catheter, Friday, 25 February 2011 11:54:22 AM
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oh rusty ..all smoke isnt mutagenic
why are loose with facts much depends on the size and shape of the given smoke-particle which is dependant..on just what is being burned make the 'smoke' the micro-particulate from fossil-fuels are particularilly dangerouse.. mainly because they have jagged edges and are micro cause entry past the body/defences it is noted that low-temp burning also is a danger and burning any plastic ..causes the creation of dioxen's in short its not as simple or clearcut as your wordy spin indicates much like the flawed modeling re globalwarming [sorry climatechange]..also sold to us by quack-science take the so called modeling.. excludes such basics as el nino and la nina..not to mention the sun-cycles or earth-quake's and volcano eruptions ..all of which cause cooling not warming but you educated types like to say science.. and watch the sheeples eyes close... selling the mugs a simple santa clause carbon causing lets tax carbon but others agree ..there are more greenhouse type gasses than methane.. [from home composting or leakey gas wells or mining coal 100 TIMES WORSE...* than co2] but like el ninas are conveniantly deleted to keep it simple to get their adgenda wit a new tax..through the public process[and into guilt/blame/shame..thus geting their new-tax via lies docters are much to blame hell indeed full of em sadly so too is govt add-in accountants and ex-lawyers.. you got most of govt as serving an outside adgenda and thats the game ol rust buchette [as you well know] so its union shills..and bloggers selling their opinion it still dont make either bigger/truer than god spin is spin however much its spun docters still write opinion.. and cause of death ..{smoking and there you have ..the root-cause of this lie made into fraud statistics that is enritching the anti-smoking lobby and media and big-business..[even govt purse] who peddle their perscribed drugs to get at the govt purse ..via their new latest taxes tell me why there were fewer deaths when 90 percent were smoking something smells Posted by one under god, Friday, 25 February 2011 2:45:40 PM
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One Under God give me the benefit of the doubt here please.
Not provoking you mate. I TRULY am concerned for you. Ask others too note you need help lets not taunt this bloke. Reading between the lines you got ripped of buying chop chop, raw tobacco, probably untaxed and illegal, thieves are grubs mate no matter who they are. Not sure about that bank, left that one years ago,they are not fair dinkum with our money, cost me $1.800 to learn that. Mate I have seen you in far better moods, happy full of fun and it is bad to see you so down. You speak of death, fight it mate every day get the little things that bring happiness done. I may not be here for long, but every day I fight every day is fun and no I am not dieing not yet fight bloke. Now my reality's are different than yours but those thirty years ago the black dog followed me every place I went. Sat on my shoulder too, but I can tell you this self help is the strongest weapon, I gave up more than smoking back then. Give it a go OUG worth the effort. Posted by Belly, Friday, 25 February 2011 3:50:18 PM
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Tax it out of existence. Costs the nation billions a year.
Posted by 579, Friday, 25 February 2011 4:01:26 PM
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rusty we have had these debaits a few times
qwhile it is ok for bellie to chose to be ignorant you [who claim to train docters] cant have the same right thus lets inform the lie cancer has at least 7 types and very many causes even the 7 types have sub types lung caner's..for egsample has 5 subtypes each having different causes and cures to lump them into a ceneral heading of cancer AND SAY THEY ARE ALL SMOKING [related] a provable lie its the same with heart disease but to attribute them ALL to smoking statistics is again pure faud we can go through the list pick any smoking attribtable..'cause' ..and chances are docters are ignorant[i blame their teachers] thus hide their ignorance.. as well as their misstakes under died by smoking i recall study of numbers way back in 2002 there was deaths by drinking [ie directly drink related]..not attributable [they went to smokers] anyhow the number for drink deaths was just under 5000 but this was AGJUSTED down to 2000 because of the cLAIMED benifits of drinking [a glass/nip] per day now we dont need to guess where those 3000 DRINKING DEATHS..went to do we? but thats the game and wether you chose to be ignorant or are just blogging under a number it is still a PROVABLE LIE but no lawyer nor docter willcome out and say that because they are all quacks think of a broken bone docters 'set-it' then allow god [natures nurture] fix it or a common cold take the docters jabs and pills OR simply DO NOTHING and in 4 days it goes away quack quack about as usefull as a former union official or a random number quack quack lol Posted by one under god, Friday, 25 February 2011 5:44:47 PM
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OK OUG you have had more than a fair go more than once tried to help.
You do need help, in one thread you post word perfect no spelling mistakes, better put together posts than me. Then the rambling rubbish you put here. It to me is clear you need help, I never walk past a chance to help. But you jam your biases and rants back in my face, those, quite a lot,who no longer read your posts, if they wish to wade past the rants can see you need help. I am aware you can not avoid the rants, the lol thought you know every thing, so bloke no more not a chance, you do as you wish, bit a hand extended in friendship if you want. But this ex unionist if he saw you diving in to bins for a feed would have given you his last dollar. Sorry but you need that help please. Good by, say want you want, you have proven not to be worth the effort. Posted by Belly, Friday, 25 February 2011 7:11:29 PM
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Belly babe, don’t worry so much.
OUG doesn’t need help. I don’t see rants but a cadence he walks to. The honesty can be abrasive to us that have been media addicted far too long. Smoking is a quibble when such large things are in the world. I think that we have been sidetracked somehow to see it as an issue verges on the obscene. It’s like a vehicle to see just how us sheep can be influenced and keep us focused on a subject that distracts. There’s a few of them we like to whinge about that don’t matter but they keep us busy. Did anyone notice the Ch-Ch buzzword… ? QLD media buzzword was “inundated” during the big flood. They used it about every 7 minutes. Christchurch got … c’mon anyone watching heard it over and over again. Umm.. smoking gets, death, kill, big C blah blah blah. Doesn’t make it real but some smells sure linger Jean. Posted by Jewely, Friday, 25 February 2011 9:01:04 PM
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Jewely perception is hard to avoid.
I see a different world than you. A different OUG than you honesty can be Brutal. I rather think others in my real life know I can be that way, say it like I think. I do, you know, try to be of help to those who need it, get hurt often. Do not however see me as a soft touch, I have leaned in my lifetime self help works best. OUG is free to say as he wishes, like you and me, in all our posts,we can not power control what others think of us Posted by Belly, Saturday, 26 February 2011 4:24:51 AM
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im both happy and sad [bellies]
happy that anz is seemingly back sad that now i feel conflicted revealing the part they MAY have played in scamming me if my tobacco...bought and paid for via the forementioned money changer... hasnt arrived by wed next week i was going to reveal the complete scam [i feel has been facilitated by many parties] it began by visiting this web site [detail deleted] and placing an order on monday i recieved the payment details [account numbers etc deleted] and was told 2 to 14 days delivery two weeks later [18 th feb] i wrote this quote To: [details deleted for now] it has been 14 days since i placed my order 12 since i paid in full in cash 5 since you promised it would be in this week.. i am reluctant to wait much longer than tuesday to begin actions to recover that i have paid for in good faith it its a supply problem with part of the order as long as i get 900 grams of tobacco in total ..i will be fine with that if its some other problem please advise and we shall see what we can work out i have resisted many presures to keep on smoking will be most upset any who force the choice on me by actions.. not above board or worse please advize me as soon as you can if i dont hear anger only gets the better of me id rather avoid those negative emotions ..if possable as you may gather i feel put upon..and thinking the worst yours johan hendrick expose continues on wed govt cant help being insane but humans can reason things out if not in private..then in public thus thank anz and others for allowing freespeach to be honestly voiced special thanks belly who raised the topic Posted by one under god, Saturday, 26 February 2011 6:43:53 AM
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i will reply belly
even though i know he claims not to read.. thus why bother..[right?] but i know he does try and is trying so i must try too firstly and importantly its great to see our jewels back in her rightfull place..[at olo] and darling.. i am grieving the tradjic loss of life in nz [and as usual angry at govt ..for being so dumb as to build multistory buildings ..on swamp ground ..known to liqufy during earth tremmors im also shamed i havnt given that issue the attention [and censure] it truelly deserves [but maybe its gods will im here rather than saying the wrong things to those who grieve] its likely i would be saying what to others would seem absurdities [like it wasnt by gods will; because god diont do that sort of stuff up[only men can claim full ownership of the disaster that was completly predicable.. and finally bore its bitter fruits also i would bec saying stuff like we are spirits...sentanced to one life term that far greater ..than these foul worlds egsist the land of the ever light and love.. where we all end up going to eventually nz is unique its place in the grand sceme has gone quietly un-noticed there are no greater than the tiwis nor the land that convolutes most clearly the delusions of evolution i will be spending much of my eternity life in the greater of the southern lands please give them my love i know your giving them yours allready anyhow belly you must realise my brother some take sympathy as attempts at paternalistic supirority i hope you too can see the difference between my sympathy with new sealand and yours for me.. i should be gratefull and realise your only concerned about me you wish to save me from what you feel is a destructive me but mate... i dont need anyone saying poor you me in fact resent any one..!..trying to climb on my case by fake sympathy and steal my CHOICE..directly from me.. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 26 February 2011 7:26:10 AM
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..[to wit tax me to death..
especially via many lies].. or worse ..ban my only true life companion some chose* to keep poisen snakes or CHOOSE* dive off tall buildings or CHOSE race cars..or box each others heads to pulp or CHO0SE booze chose pills or chose to be ill..[poor them..!] go feel sorry for them..! go tax them,,!* you dont get that this life is a 'life' sentanance [thats a real word..check that in ya spell check] where spirits to ignorant to learn by love or egsample are sent ...where they cant hurt others... only each other..[as we can clearly see..just by turning on tv] [this place is where ..we outcasts from eden end up] this is where god sends missfits its a jail mate we each got a life sentance some serve their life short others serve their jail [exile time ...long] when our times up we all go back home god mercifully wipes out our memory of edon many dont even know ...they are in the place where the trouble makers dwell dont know they are really in hell i do i known it for a long time been trtying to tell folks ..they are chosing to dwell in hell but hey some dont get what is being revealed they think a prison is all we got thats sad mate really sad i fel so sorry for my fellow inmates who think only in mortal terms jail in real jails..they give ya tobacco [two packs]per week for free or give you even in private/prisons enough to BUY one 30 gram pack per week.. mate i lived a life[sentance] here im near getting parolled can blieve your felow..inmates mate they are liars..or they wouldnt be serving their 'life'sentance here.. get it? no i forget you dont read my posts sadly i must read yours can you at least help others your* opinion need new taxes need help curbing their greed like miners? or bankers? or polution or ALL* the greenhouse-gasses? not just cannabis and carbon Posted by one under god, Saturday, 26 February 2011 9:36:35 AM
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I did read them bloke, every word,felt insulted again but forgive you.
See I am what I am read and watched in fear for you, no man should stand alone in bad times. OUG you talk of your parole coming soon, are you unwell? hope not. You wrongly brand my concerns ,seem to think I am being paternalistic, far from it mate. I had to be father to my siblings from an early age, then to some of their children, concern for others is not a bad thing. Remember school yard bully's, some only young but the cruelty? I stood again them as my younger siblings became targets. Debate, thoughts, freedom to think as you wish are a given. But we humans do carry on ,me too, about my side is the right side. In truth we all get it wrong. You talk of my ex union official days, OUG you will never know ever how much concern and help not related to work a good one does,the drugs the relation ship break ups the after hours calls from crying women and drunken men. Do not take my right to care away. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 26 February 2011 1:50:23 PM
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its nothing worth the worry belly
i boycotted docters alltogether 10 years ago when i went to get a boil lanced and got a lecture on smoking [or rather not smoking] i decided ..when my time is up...its up and no great loss ..nor any fears im sorry for making you feel upset at what you percieve name calling [my name's.. are spelled wrong ..all the time.. and some of the takes on one under god i have read ..right here on this forum... [well it dosnt affect me.. so i presumed others ..let it slide as well] stick and stones rule [i figured as a former unionist..[able to guts-illy walk onto a worksite and hold the bosses to account.. i just figured [it seems incorrectly] that you would laugh it off too as to my health..its going down fast 2 weeks ago when i did my bin dive run, i only needed to rest 4 times today i had to rest 10 times.. [fell down trying to open the door] then nearly fainted 5 or 6 times and finally collapsed into the shower anyhow after half an hour i was fully recoverd and at no time passed out of conciousness mate smoking is the least of my problems who knows how i will go next week [the only sure thing is i will have [then] no tobacco as the supplier with my cash isnt answering emails] its funny suzie says get help.. [im presuming see a docter] because i refuse to see a docter they cut off paying my disability pension.. [its funny if you think about it] smoking is the only thing i got left im only alive because i raid the bins but it looks like that will kill me ..before smoking does anyhow next week [arround wed] i start naming names if im not banned before them only delivery of my tobacco [or refund] or banning will stop that but heck i mightn't live that long anyhow dont grieve its my choice im over seeing the spin wreak its ugly fruits Posted by one under god, Saturday, 26 February 2011 5:58:08 PM
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post script
please note the in [brakets] on this post Posted by one under god, Saturday, 26 February 2011 6:43:53 AM was by me i repeated the post at the advertisers wanted topic and it was removed for being off topic i put it there because iit related to our sponcer anyhow as they have been 'named all ready i wont need to name them again when the [in braketts]..details get revealed hopefully my supplier sorts out his suplier and things return to normal i knopw he isnt to blame [for non supply] nor for the tax that meant i needed to stop bying store bought tobacco he is totally innocent except if he holds onto my money and dosnt deliver and this was facilitated by our sponcer i will be going there first to get my money back and hopefully get a list of others [who also might have been defrauded..[if fraud it turns out to be] i then plan to name the site thus the server unsure if i need to go to the police as yet [they tend to nmake only trouble for me everytime i try to complain] no wonder crime stats appear to be going down thery simply speaking refuse to take the details so of course the reported crime numbers are falling mainly because police are policing drug policy..not real crime real crime must have an injured party but stop them complaining..they dont need to do a thing and thus can go on jaunts to nz or the islands to teach them how we do it here, not doing policing only policy ie victimless crime Posted by one under god, Saturday, 26 February 2011 6:25:32 PM
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Mate if I lived there,and you agreed, I would love to take up your fight but it is not possible.
My health is not a lot better,and before asking you to see a doctor I must admit to not seeing one for 6 months. Mates are threatening to take me to one. A visit is happening for me this week ,give it a go please mate. This is my last post in this thread it is at a stand still and out lived its purpose All the best Belly Posted by Belly, Sunday, 27 February 2011 4:20:45 AM
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best of luck with going to docters
my mothers former partner went to the docters[at her insistance to check if he was getting cancer from his smoking]..[january last year] after batteries of testing poking and other indignities including prostate egsamination he was given all clear ..early march june he got a swelling of legs...docters said thombosis he was eventually hospitalised and other complications soon developed[one of which involved surgery]..on splitting him open they closed him back up without doing anything as his body was riddled with the big cancer no they didnt say which type they gave him a few days to get his will etc in order and he then 'quietly' died..drugged to his eye balls in his sleep thats a phrase many will hear in hospitals so much so in aborigonal concentration camps [out west] refuse to go to the big house ..regardless of how sick they get aNYHOW MATE SEE YA ON THE OTHER side as they used to will be much loved in heaven but then again most of us are i feel sorry for those people taking 10/20 PERSCRIBED types of drugs a day but then again i feel sorry for those dying/'smokers' [like me] paying compulsory tax* ..right up to the moment ..we draw our last breath/*[gasp] and then be told 'we' are stealing others beds or monies it hurts to be called a bludger but with smokers its only too easy for others to hate us look were dying as fast as we can even ex smokers [who spent 300 a fortnight much of which was tax [WITHOUT REPRESENTATION] taken by threat and fear of force they let us get cancer [reportedly it takes upto 20 years to devolope so how has quitting helped?] and even if the tests [in january]..say you dont got cancer your death notice [in july],says you do so who do you trust god... [its a short list] ya cant even trust priests or lawyers both got no clue but i allready said ..all i can say ..for now Posted by one under god, Sunday, 27 February 2011 7:10:27 AM
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They discredit themselves these medical professionals. Before a rather boring little procedure involving a scan nowhere and nothing to do with lungs, chest etc it was advised not to smoke for several hours before coming in. What a load of twaddle.
Oh but I did find out about “gap” and “no gap” doctors. Ripped off abloodygain. Given the life and limb endangering constant botch ups experienced at the hands of doctors if they told me smoking was dangerous they’d be the last people I’d believe. Hope you all know not to fall for the old “you’ll be sedated” line they give you these days in the accident and emergency department. This lie depends on a drug that is supposed to make you forget what they just did to you. And I suspect having medical insurance is slightly handy when popping in to the dentist for a small filling once a year and very little else here. I’d like to die of the consumption; whatever it is… has a nice old fashioned ring to it. Trust me when I say trust no one OUG. :) Posted by Jewely, Sunday, 27 February 2011 8:29:10 AM
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i been watching them jewel
watched them mutilate my teeth felt them rip them out one by one as the 'new' cleaning method that ripped my teeths fillings out did its dasterdly job [only one extraction per visit] only twice a its put ya name on a list and they will contact you..[but never have] till all my chewing teeth are gone i watched the dog lady on 10 at lunch time she showed a graph on stress...its not as if they dont know how stressfull adverts are that lie..or the thought of a new tax etc or the affect of not having a smoke as you feel to need it but they do know its all a deliberated policy just this one topic...should we ban it has added enough stress i cant even fully get into this issue as it deserves let alone the other lies like clobal warning tax built by the same manipulation and officially endorced science lies anyhow i need a smoke 15 percent is a lie...[there are very few non smokers in the town camps]..the rich can get duty fre on their anual trips os..the poor or self retired..just get forced to pay as we go..or pay as they earn its the guilt trips i really resent and the lies paternalistic nialists serving capitalists and oppertuinists even racists needing a ...'type'.. to hate at least..[reportedly]..the church [ch] in ch/ch...hasnt said the quake to be an act of god now if only they started truthing ..about the afterlife and the lie of a judgment day.. and cleaned up their own act... wishfull thinking this would still be the doorway ..into h or h Posted by one under god, Sunday, 27 February 2011 1:24:42 PM
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Jewely I got the message.
You are wrong not the fun lover I once knew and even admired. Lets leave it mate goodbye good luck and may you find peace. No further correspondence please. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 27 February 2011 6:43:51 PM
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Apologies Belly, I replied in another thread to everyone before I saw you did not wish any correspondence specifically from me. If you could do me one last favor before we do the whole ships in the night thing - explain to me what message you got?
Stressful week maybe and a few hours ago I stepped up and did the right thing. Or maybe I didn't. I kept someone alive who I honestly believe is a bad person and will continue to spread misery just because he still exists. Plus he's a smoker. Plus he probably would have lived anyway if I hadn't done anything but now I don't know that. Is it our right to step in and decide? Might be something OUG can shed some light on. Arrghh... I'm going to have a smoke and go to bed. Posted by Jewely, Sunday, 27 February 2011 9:38:08 PM
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it can never* be wrong
to do the right-thing i can only read between the lines and..dont need to know more who are we to judge anyone? lets face it ..the good guys can only..'chose to do'..their good if there is evil..that needs to be fixed jewel you are..who you are does a mother judge her children? does not the holy-bible say ..."do unto others as you would have them do unto you'? what would you have them do in the same case? dear heart..please know..what we feel in this world we take with us..into the next...everything will get revealed there is no your acts of love/service.. that save one...[who is the all wise good[god] live there are untold millions..who stuffed-up in this life yet in the next..[maybe even because they*stuffed it up here so badly]..yet are the light of the next who is to judge.. god dont judge why should we its said our very best inherant revealed in the instant*..of an were tested and passed if they go on..and destroy the world is for them to account...not you you can only be held to..the things you chose to do i see no fault in you ...nor shall any..who know your heart lets believe for a moment..this person was satan himself but for him..asking of eve..the question 'did god forbid'? we all..wouldnt be here.. dont judge yourself what we are soon revealed to all only you can make you..dwell in the darkness let you the love dont think about it.. just feel good about it and helping any god gives to live.. is not in any way to be judged wrong except by those themselves feeling guilt ..about other things [those who think ..doing the wrong thing.. for the right reason ..ever could or can fix that wrong THEY judged *wrongly] people change they have a sudden event that wakes them up think of nobel... he only thought of ..the nobel/peace prize after reading his own orbituray.. naming/shaming the father of bombs/death/war Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 February 2011 6:42:17 AM
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life is about freewill
its about giving us each..'enough rope' we learn here that freewill ..decided most of our lives events egsamples are better than words i have a few troubles that i have allready mentioned my licence is suspended for means of spers because i refuse to pay a 65 dollar fine.. this means i cant drive meaning when i have to go anywhere..its by my own efforts if these efforts end up killing me..that was my choice.. sure there are events that led up to this like my feeling put in jail for letting a plant grow and govt calling me scum ..and trying to tax me into an early grave declaring war on me.. or the other lies cast upon me re huge compulsory base-acces charges to services ..i barely use [power phone water health etc] ..but in the end was my choice as i have effectivly got no licence i dont see any valid reason to pay rego on my 4 vehicles and considering that i only use a vehicle 18 times a year... [using less than one tank of fuel]per year ..i see little reason to why i should pay third party insurance.. the same as those who use their vehicles 24/7 so im an outcast my own govt sees it fit to tax me death declare war on me personally.. set me up for further theft by allowing thieves steal my money with impunity.. using the instryuuments of state[web/banks/fiat money..etc just trying to aliviate the stress govt has helped..*install.. into me.. im further victimised.. but can CHOSE to sink into victimhood and blame or chose to rise abouve it all as can we all sure life wasnt meant to be easy but it also wasn't..meant to be this hard to 'do the right thing'..either Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 February 2011 7:11:07 AM
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and there is the rub
if i hold blame ..against others this spiritually ...*ties my soul to theirs if they end-up in hell im only there ..because i refused to let it go so i let it go* [this might not seem so ..on wed] but heck im only huh-man and have a lot of anger better off letting go here where it was brought up... [thanks belly] ps comon you guys your both better than this we of the light ..shouldnt chose* to fill our souls ..with darkness is getting a group-hug ...*too much remember as we forgive others so to shall we forgiven [as we too forgave those who sinned against us] Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 February 2011 7:14:15 AM
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Thanks OUG, I should stop over-thinking my actions. Three people standing by remarked they would not have done what I did for someone like him at which point a number of bad thoughts took root.
I suppose I expected a pat on the back instead of looks of disgust and suggestions I’ve probably now got a disease. I was feeling a bit sorry for myself and really appreciate your kind thoughts – now I feel a bit ashamed popping into OLO for a cup of tea and sympathy. But lets not forget the person in question is a smoker so he probably would have joined the death by tobacco stats. Posted by Jewely, Monday, 28 February 2011 7:33:02 AM
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YOU DONE NOTHING to feel shame people like to cast blame only because they didnt even try to help..! think about a what if.. if those sorts go to heaven... mate you sure wouldnt want to go to the same place..! as them...sensative judgmental types their hate will draw them into the same place as those they hate.. you on the other hand ..have now earned a the place where people help others...and dont judge others...[where do you think hell really is?]..its within..knowing you helped when needed their dark thoughts naturally lead them to the dark place where such dark thinking needs to go and forget the guilt tea's and sympathy we need to be able to vent..thats what olo is here for your also got that extra burden ..of what if i now get sick..let it go worry *never fixed ....*anything your body has inbuilt defences saliva kills any poisen ..that could raise any realistic fears we have been deliberatly made fearfull.. simply so the weak ..have an excuse...* not to do anything if you make people frightend..they keep their fears for as long as they let the fear bring them down... shove it.. its not your fear[dear] dont be ..chosing to let their fear put fear into is what it is nothing more nothing the end its not what we said or thought but what we did for others when we did.. or didnt ..try to help someone..who clearly needs help if you did nothing would you now ...feel better? or worse...forget it ever happend.. look at those who ..even now ...need you to just to be XOXOXO OOOOOO XXXXXX OOOOOO love is all we need all we need is* Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 February 2011 8:37:17 AM
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OUG Belly knows it’s in his hands. I can respect his wishes to not communicate without understanding why if that’s the way he wants it.
The dude I helped has returned from hospital and already yelled some rather nasty abuse at me so I’m pleased he appears full of beans. I doubt he has a memory of me being there. I give up I am now going out the back to eat worms. :) Nah I’m all good OUG, if I had to do it all over I wouldn’t know how not to. Eventually nothing new will happen and I will have worked out how I react and why without second guessing myself so much. He hates me, I’m happy I did it anyway now I’ve talked to you. xox Posted by Jewely, Monday, 28 February 2011 9:21:40 AM
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As I said, you go right ahaead and smoke all you want. Did you note that most forms of lung cancer also involve irreversible genetic damage to the cells? Did you note that several of them can be traced to damage to particular genes? There is no reason that the rest will not, though the genetics may be subtle. Did you note that DNA is damaged most specifically by the mutagens specifically known to be present in tobacco smoke? That the genes damaged in cancers are a subset of all genes and all genes are potentially damaged by smoke? Did you bother to note that while particle size has an impact, it has more impact on where in the lung the smoke deposits, rather than on the likely contribution to cancer? Parenchymal adenomas and bronchial epitheliomas both kill. Bah, collect your own cancers, analyse them yourself, compare the general type of mutations to those found in in-vitro exposures of cells to smoke fractions, compare the adducts formed from naked DNA and smoke to those in lung samples, the "mutations" formed by replicating adducted DNA with those found in smokers lung samples. Go on. I state of my own experience that tobacco smoke causes damaged DNA such that replication or attempted cellular repair will result in permanent somatic mutations, the general type being that found in the tissues of all smokers, and of the same types found in the mutations of cancer-specific genes of tumours of smokers. I further state that genes carrying such mutations are found in a large number of cancers of all types, including those of smokers, and that when such mutated genes are present in germ lines the affected families have cancer "syndromes". I don't care what whinge sites you frequent OUG. Smoking causes cancer in anybody if they live long enough and smoke enough to give it a chance. There is no "safe" form of benzopyrene, or nitrosamines, or pyrolised phenols, for anybody. Smoking speeds cancer formation in the susceptible and makes it possible for the lucky to be less so. Good luck. Posted by Rusty Catheter, Monday, 28 February 2011 8:41:26 PM
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your a funny boy cathiter
if i could smoke all i want..this wouldnt be a topic do you know how insane irreversable damage is the whole body is fine.. its the fact that the mutated cells arnt fine.. thats the problem simply kill them.. or stop the sukkers from division.. and its reversable because only the mutated cancers cells [the cancer/tumer/mass..arnt 'reversable'..killing it [them]..kills the 'cancer'.. could YOU please be scientific.. and give authoritive SOURCES for what your selling? but mate lets talk about the other spin fed to govt members by the drug lobby corrupting the govt libery [many govt members in sprouting their distorted lies give credit for their facts to govt wit proopaganda fed by liars into the govt libary trying to get a subsidy for their latest nicoteen replacement drugs in fact yesterday yet another one was approved seems the chemical drug industry has taken over nicoten addiction [and they are the biggest lobby]..thats the lobby pushing all these lies..and as you sem to be a spokesperson for the perscribed drug lobby lets go with your questions before revealing more spin spouted as fact..yesterday in govt chief ammoung which must be one million smokers wioll die in the next ten years..[considering only 15 percent smoke out of 21 much spin is in that one realise 15,000 times 10 =150,000 NOT ONE MILLION govt members histeria mate your lobby has done its perversion of govt process well for what ol buddy..for cash from govt taxes how come we need to know details re carbon tax yet smokers dont get the facts when govt puts in a new tax law that tobacco is to increase 25 percent abouve indexed inflation[every year] so that alone will get rid of smoking and assure your drug supply industials ever more custom who then will be hooked on subsidised drugs..[subsidised by who..smokers]..till they all give up then govt will need a new tax on you..! cause all smokers will be on your mates new l;atest..biggest adiction[nicoteen] you lot ..took over the tobacco lies now own the drug..nicoteen.. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 6:54:34 AM
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and got ..the plan IN PLACE..
to tax it out of egsistance except for that ..supplied by your mates..with govt subsidy.. perpetual addicts..subsidised by tax payers[govt] the chickens will come home to roost on this huge ruse so that let govt cash ..supp-lies it for free god bless govt subsidie but one million smokers of 15 percent of the population that attributes 15,000 actuually dying now..if that isnt joke enough its taken you 3 days or more to get a reply from ya masters so lets see what they came up with ..''Did you note that several of them'[ie several of the 7 goups of cancer?..or many of the other subgroups of cabncer..remembetring there are many cancers ...''can be traced to damage to particular genes?'' yeah mate thats basic stuff [it took you 4 days to find that? ""..There is no reason that the rest will not,"" mate get back to ya mates...thats a lie remember..only 1 in 3 ..can even only..get cancer two out of 3 NEVER WILL but notice your GIVE PROOF sunshine..! ""though the genetics may be subtle"" [or opinion..or spin or destraction ..or who cares give proof this is the case in all of us not just the one third..*perhaps* ""Did you note that DNA is damaged most specifically by the mutagens specifically known to be present in tobacco smoke?"" in such micro quantity numbers they claim 7000 is present in tobacco but the same can be said [or more].. from the sweat on your hands.. how your masters find 'cures' is via a bank of known chemicals in ya chemicals bank [arround half a million of em and test the required see what works* its fully automated..[they dont care what the chemical is.. only what it though they say there are mutagens dont mean nothing..NAME NAMES BRO..lets pretend you got a clue? ""That the genes damaged in cancers are a subset of all genes "" yes not all genes mutate via the mutagene thats why only 1/3..get it? thus this next quote is a pure provable LIE Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 7:14:41 AM
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''and all
are potentially* [lol].. damaged by smoke?"" make up ya mind.. smoke.. or mutagenes.. or nicoteen or tar greenhouse gasses weopens of mass destruction? wtf? please get your spin straight mate NAME NAMES which mutagenes mutate which genes claim the science highground PRESENT FACTS not opinion how/why.. whats the cure one million..are said to be going to die* [in only 10 years] hurry up mate your a gene queen just like that lot selling the global warming tax sceme or the wepons of mass destruction.. [you are ..pens of mass destraction] its obscene.. re your particle size yes i know so you say that causes..'Parenchymal adenomas and bronchial epitheliomas".. so tell me are these cancers the result of ciggie smoke.. or other non taqxable non banned industrial smokes? i shouldnt ask dumb questions... i know they are caused by die-sal..[diesel and woodsmoke and indistial polution/s and coal smoke.etc not persons personally or pasivly smoking mums smoke but passivly inhaling industrial smokings ..yet these are ATTRIBUTED to ciggie smoking. you sell-out people ...are too clever by half add that ..with add-man spin..and govt lobby you lot are ..the only real and present danger you get what they you lot target ie govt cash by any means foul or fair you lot get..however loose the science fact or lies/ or loose the put your spin arround the issue and no one knows what is true anymore Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 7:30:03 AM
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you seem to be operating under the idea that I am involved in a conspiracy. I told you, I know these things for a fact of my own experience, and I have used reasonable terminology to state them. Go read some real literature on the topic. Your rantings are not useful to my understanding of cancer, you are again trying to play word games about something that occupies people of greater ability for lifetimes. If you know so much about cancer, go fix it. Chemicals are available to most people and if you know a fraction as much as you claim you can make your own. We used to have to make our own preparations of enzymes, nucleotides, organic substrates and antibiotics, so you are surely up to it. Don't worry too much about the law, I don't think you'll be punished much for revealing a simple cure for cancer. It seems you only know how to avoid "rules" for the self-serving indulgences of getting cheap smokes and making your comments tiresome to read. If you want to know anything concrete about cancer, just ask, or drop in to any lab studying such. Any junior student will be able to assist you, I should think. Rusty Posted by Rusty Catheter, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 9:00:19 AM
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intelectualised name calling
isnt doing it for you catty cathy re the cure..these i have allready posted earlier in the piece that you now try to make some is obviously revealing you cant even read , let alone lead in educating us regarding the issue.. we note your quicker reply this time but note simularilly how little info is presented by your ravings you have previously made claims to be a teacher of docters your defence of the sellout nmedical industry comes as no surprise that big medicin is cleaning up from this censure of smoking clear as the list of subsidised* stop smoking quack fixes ..grows accordingly long...many will in time see its all about getting a govt subsidy for their nicoteen replacement products as the smokers gradually stop paying tax and get on the other side..of consuming govt subsidised drugs the worm turns..and other means of raising the required cash will reap its ugly fruits.. no good can come from lies and many lies have been created by the big pharma lobby so called 'big tobacco' down to 3 anti smoking groups seeking their bit of cash number in the hundreds..if not thousands thats the real lobby running govt acts.. acts that will convert their lies into cash and earn their servants a place in hell..the place most docters and lobbists politions and spin merchants all go time.. they all care about others habbits curb others habbits but never curb their own lusts anything born of lies ..just cant end well well now..tomorrow we name names Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 1:17:13 PM
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lets hear what was spun in govt yesterday
all quotes from first lets attack bellies 15 percent from Craig Thomson [ALP} ""smoking rates in Australia..down from around 35 per cent to around 18 per cent 19 per cent today*."?" willing to admit your wrong bellies? WAKE up mate..someone is lying to you..! here is the clever bit media hasnt told us of ""the legislation.. included increasing tobacco excise by 25 per cent above normal CPI adjustments"" thus every year* the price goes up 25 percent* not just once..EVERY YEAR* when people wakeup to this who knows what will happen its just too clever* who else has ever gotten this treatment recon they will get angry? were they told? fully informed or even consulted? would you be happy if they did that cleverness unionists? with work hours? or beer or grog.. why do you think they wont? this worked..if it worked once it will work again..and again and again now lets hear from the libs[Sharman Stone] ""We have seen a drop in the number of Australians smoking from 30.5 per cent in 1988 to 16.6 per cent in recent times."?' so just in two speakers we got 18 percent and 16.6 percent depends on which lobby spun the numbers eh? NOTE*.. NEITHER SAID 15% Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 2:09:06 PM
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""15,000 Australians still die from smoking related*.. diseases""
smokeing related.. if based on science fact there should not be these loose buzzwords* but here is more ""on the other hand we ignore the harmful effects of alcohol and the advertising of alcoholic products."" ""we ignore another product, which causes serious health effects. Alcohol causes serious problems for family members in terms of alcohol fuelled violence. It causes serious problems with accidents, lack of productivity and non-genetic birth defects in children. In fact, foetal alcohol syndrome is a serious problem amongst Australian children, particularly in some Indigenous communities. That condition is a consequence of the mother consuming alcohol during the early stages of her pregnancy. The sad thing about the permanent intellectual and physical disabilities that are manifest in foetal alcohol syndrome in the newborn is that this condition is totally preventable. If the mother had not consumed alcohol during her pregnancy the baby would not have been born with permanent, irreversible intellectual and physical handicap. Surely a country like ours must bite the bullet."" ha ha booze gets it next suck it up while you can mate next alp Michelle Rowland "" Western Sydney, where most of my electorate lies, experiences some the highest rates of avoidable deaths from causes amenable to health care. This research shows 77.4 per cent of males under the age of 75 will die of avoidable deaths."" this means all of them not just smoking attributable* ""A study undertaken by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare in 2007 compared lung cancer* mortality rates.."" note the quick change from a general population statistic to a specific one[to wi SPIN]... ""This study found that people in Western Sydney experienced the highest lung*cancer mortality rate.."" ie inner city polution..! pwetrolium product particulate ""when compared to the aforementioned regions, and this is why I have a special responsibility to my electorate to support this bill"" clearly ..she dont know of the other TWO highest*causes of lung-cancer... [wood-smoke and diesal particulate..[soot] next alp ...Kirsten Livermore Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 2:24:50 PM
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""2.9 million Australians smoke each day""
and we hate them cause they dont elect us we control them..we tell them ..what to do because they are only ignorant smokers and we are clever lawyers slaves to spin merchants and drug merchandisers wanting ..a govt cash cow..who will soon be looking for their next project.. ""we also added nicotine patches to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme*"" ""recommended by the National Preventive Health Taskforce"" should check out the board members shares ownership, or who they really work for.. alp Geoff Lyons former administrator at the Launceston General Hospital,lol ""in my home state of Tasmania there is evidence that smoking rates have increased* despite decreases in national trends"" ""50 per cent of the Tasmanian Aboriginal adult population ..were found to be current smokers"" yep tax the poor and you thought they were allready 'extinct' ""The move was not without community debate.."" yeah right..i wasnt asked to debait ""smoking rates cut from 30.5 per cent in 1988 to 16.6 per cent in 2007"" numbers seem all over the place ""as the minister said in her second reading speech, from 30.5 per cent in 1988 to 16.6 per cent in 2007. But we do know—.. We are talking about 16.6 per cent of Australian's"" "" We know as federal members when we go to a railway station to hand out our pamphlets—some would call it propaganda""lol ""The Cancer Council of Queensland has advocated strongly"" ""Each year nearly 21,000 Queenslanders are diagnosed with cancer and over 7,000 Queenslanders die of the disease."" ok ban it in qld THEY HAVE HALF THE NUMBERS..! in one state it on labrat spin..[anna blight] why dont the number add up? Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 2:49:08 PM
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""there are nearly three million Australians smoking.""..
then in the next breath..""10 per cent; that is a reduction of about a million smokers each year."" he certainly dont get the math correct..! see how thery are confounded by their own numbers spiners? ""Cancer of the lung is one of the most deadly killers of both genders"" we coverd the TRUE causes a few pages back but big petrol big coal/gas..dont want us talking about truth but when were all non smokers then we will search out for the real causes and reverse engeneer..back through the get revenge on the liars..[ju-liers] ""the record investments* we have undertaken in antismoking social marketing campaigns"" lol yes they did their lobby well got the extra cash from you thats what its really all about ""that you can see when you watch the media"" yes the media up from running spin we know advertising buys their loyalty.. the certainly would not.. reveal the spin, brings in too much revenue..,nice govt cash..[sellouts] ""The changes will not be popular with everyone"" but heck no one hears them let em die ..anyhow they pay tax ..till their last day so our lobby gets their subsidy and advertiserrs get theirs the media and big pharma gets theirs and the anti smoking yes they get theirs..[each has a voice] but not smokers ""We do anticipate that there will be some opposition to even these types of amendments, but we think—and I am sure the minister has made this plain to the large tobacco companies—that it will not really have much impact on tobacco companies’ activities. They will continue to sell their product;"" and pay their taxes and yours too ""Those retailers will be consulted;"" but not ""we will not do this in the absence of having some discussions with them"" as well as our other stakeholders but not smokers..stuff them tell them to quit and thats it Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 3:07:56 PM
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""I really welcome
the establishment of the Medicare Locals. ..the idea of funding and targeting services in terms ..of not just local diabetes care, but also some antismoking*.. activities and targets. I think that is an opportunity for the Medicare Locals in my area who work with primary health care, particularly doctors*. We have got the psychology clinic attached to the University of Queensland, where the GP superclinic is. But improving patient care by dealing with antismoking activities in our schools, is a good focus for the Medicare Local which will be established. I think this is a great opportunity for the new Medicare Local to undertake ..some antismoking activities by advertising and really reaching out with doctors, allied health professionals and nurses in the schools ..and the various groups. The Prime Minister made it plain in her press release on 22 February 2011,our new guidelines for the Medicare Locals, would help health practitioners."" do what? ""..through developing integrated and coordinated "services". I can think of no better activity.. than to undertake an *antismoking activity and coordinated campaign. I think this is a good opportunity to do that because it will get doctors and allied health professionals.. with particular this area,"" quite a collusion of organised authority certainly hope they can prove their case.. just in case ..someone gets it into his head sue the lot of em.. alp Tony Zappia ""80 per cent of smokers are addicted at below the age of 18 years"" ""following World War II, throughout this country about three-quarters of the male population smoked and about a quarter of the female population smoked. By the mid-1970s the number of male smokers had dropped to around 43 per cent of the population, but the number of female smokers increased to 33 per cent and hit its peak around that time. It is interesting to follow those trends"" yes it is tony tell me mate... what was the death-rates ..back THEN? reducing the numbers has only increased the deaths smokers.. Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 9:06:21 AM
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some fail to see where there is fire
there is occasionally smoke just because we see no smoke dont mean there aint no fire [smoking RELATED] ..not cause of death get it? there is a real difference continue quote's ""The anti-smoking drug varenicline, otherwise known as Champix, has also been made available through the PBS for an additional 12 weeks. I commend the Minister for Health and Ageing for supporting that move."" ""last year I raised the importance of ensuring that nicotine patches were placed under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme."" ""Australians discard some 32 billion cigarette butts each year"" and someone had to count them all* or its a lie...SPIN* ""that equates to something like 40,000 cubic metres of waste."" did they get a govt grant to run the numbers? ""you can understand the serious implications and impacts of cigarette butts on our environment generally"" i certainly did when that cute young greenie explained it all for me.. she wasnt a just a numbers counter... tired..?..from counting all them ciggie butts ""I will touch on is the impact of passive smoking."" i wonder will he tread ...on big petro? putting all that smokey diesal your kids lungs? ""..Again, it has been well-documented that passive smoking has a direct impact on other people"" yes mainly city-dwellers and farmers running their tracters in their sheds alp Steve Georganas ""The argument has been that people should be their own filters, being free to choose what they watch, read, listen to et cetera. ..It is a purely social libertarian argument"" watch this one ""It is a nice idea. It would be lovely if people made rational choices or if their choices could be made without impact on others"" yes especially drunks or nanny state lobbiests media types.. needing a quick buck ""one is never totally rid of the desire to smoke."" thus we NEED to continually SCARE THE PANTS OFF EM! increase the price by indexing 25%..ANNUAL.. [ABOUVE INFLATION}.increases so that they give in..go broke.. or die trying..simply to pay ..the extra prices Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 9:12:24 AM
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""The Australian Health Institute
encapsulates* the effects*of smoking thus: Tobacco/ a major risk* factor* ..for the three diseases that cause most deaths in Australia: ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and lung cancer It is responsible for around 80 per cent of all lung cancer deaths and 20 per cent..!..of all cancer deaths."" ie those qld alone..! so what are *the true numbers? isnt it true reveal the truth was 7000 q'lders true? OR is 15.000 australians..true who knows? ""In 1998,smoking cost each and every one of us a combined total of almost $13 billion in healthcare,..lost productivity and other costs. Healthcare costs..*attributable to tobacco for the year 1998-99 were over $1 billion, including medical,hospital,nursing home and pharmaceutical costs."" and now{acording to 3 previous member's} 30 billion and/or 31 billion.. come on folks these numbers have been spun ""The costs of the cigarettes are in these figures"" were..? addition [in the 90's?] maybe now its a 'total'..number please explain..the divergence of ammounts? what has changed the math? spin? alp Deborah O'Neill ""I am glad we have got through this debate"" lol ""so far and managed to avoid those predictable..nanny*state arguments"" aint that funny THE SAME WORDS..BELLY POSTED>>! at the beginning..! ""You do not have to go far to find our public health authorities that smoking is..*expected* kill one *million Australians*.. over the next decade"" OH DEAR.. what is ten times 15,000? 150,000 NOT ONE MILLION..! cant you see how they are making it up they GO? ""care for million* Australians who simply ..*will not be here"" yeah tell me bout ""..because of the impacts of tobacco smoking on their life and health.The preventable death of one million Australians...*understandably..needs to be our No. 1 focus"" to make matters even worse SHE REALLY BELIEVES..HER OWN SPIN! ""Consider as well..that close to three million Australian adults..smoke on a daily basis"" and one million will ten ""and you get a clear picture of the public health costs..[spin]..of smoking""..{.."related...attriutable."} we/they have been decieved into believing SPIN Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 9:28:43 AM
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""Consider also that around half of these smokers
who continue to smoke..for a prolonged period ..die early"" not the use og half? for the other 'half' at best[worst].. 8 years early... Half of them die in middle age"" [thus the other 'half' die during old age?] ""The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has tobacco causing..just under eight *disability-adjusted* years. That is almost eight years off your life ..if you are a smoker"" interesting stat that which half? you can have the 8 years give me back my tax ""Many of us here know people who have died of lung cancer, and this is the case for me. One woman..."" im a smoker and i dont.. AFTER GUILTING by docters she said..""‘I shouldn’t have smoked.’"" "" She learnt too late to be able to stop herself from the habit, to be able to change her life outcome...That was two years ago—and, in terms of eight adjusted years of life, Gay should at least have another six."" this is all for a lousy extra 6 years? thought it was..8..mate? ""On a macro level, the total quantifiable cost to the economy lol..of smoking, *including the costs associated with loss of life, is estimated at over $31 billion."" ohh now we see how we got from one billion to 31 billion,,[creative accounting] ""Quitting at age 50 halves your risk of smoking related death,"" lol ""but quitting by age 30 avoids almost all* of the excess risk."" interesting point "" Stopping at age 60, 50, 40 or 30 can result in gains of, respectively, about three, six, nine or 10 years of life expectancy."" so the 8 year thing ..was SPIN? so a 12 year old who gives up by 30 will be just fine? gotta love statistics Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 2:19:02 PM
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""..regard to the prevalence of smoking
among blue-collar workers."" ""I am aware of research that found all three measures of socioeconomic status—education, income and relative socioeconomic disadvantage—are significantly related to the likelihood of smoking.."" ""Of these three measures,relative social disadvantage was most strongly related to smoking status."" THUS THEY KNOW.. ITS A TAX ON THE POOR..! ""to talk..about the importance of preventative health if you yourself..are addicted to tobacco dollars."" LOL IE the ANTI_SMOKING LOBBY and subsidised BIG-PHARMA? ""And..*no-one should underesti*mate the insidious*..ability of "big" tobacco [*BIG-BUSINESS*?} get its message through"" SHOULD not.. THAT READ the inside-ious.. able..big* anti-smoking* lobby? thats getting govt to get its mess-age even you? ""I find this quite disgraceful..."" lol ""The alliance home-page carries a disclaimer that, frankly, says it all:"" [ie smokers lobby =3] ""We are British American Tobacco Australia Limited … Philip Morris Limited …and Imperial Tobacco Australia Limited …"" 3..! ""Supported by" ..Owned by..!..those [BIG MULTI-NATIONAL LOBBY}..many..companies to prosecute their self-interest* ..would be much closer to the truth."" against HOW MANY..ANTI SMOKING LOBBY? and THEIR SELF INTREST'sss? ""I can only hope this preventative health campaign we..are running""... yes that you..are RUNNING and we are paying for? ""is experiencing great success and that that of the opposition experiencing its last gasp"" yes 3 dead ciggie companies who couldnt lobby via the media nor get govt money to lobby for nuthin against a group of colluding people we are paying to ride us into an early grave via lies and spin ""We have certainly come a long way. The medical and health communities"" how many lobby just there ""have been vocal in their support of the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Amendment Bill 2010. As you would expect, the Australian Council on Smoking and Health has welcomed the move. The AMA President,Dr Andrew Pesce, has also voiced his support."" yep hundreds*..on this colusion lobby to tax an early death and get GOVT ALP Chris Hayes ""Leaving aside the emotional costs..of that toll, ...*the social costs...* are estimated at $31.5 billion..."" estimated note NOT HEALTH COSTS..! Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 2:32:46 PM
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When we get carried away
looking at budgetary requirements we should factor in real*numbers like that.."" lol see previous speaker ""I got the Parliamentary Library to conduct some research for me"" who vets the raw research? can re-search be submitted by lobby? who fact checks? ""like to thank Dr Sang Giang Phan, What he was particularly concerned about was that we should be doing encourage people to kick the habit *by using the Pharmaceutical_Benefits/Scheme"" the seed was planted ""we are talking about an addiction, and kicking an addiction is difficult."" ""and,certainly,people who are addicted to smoking..know that it is not a matter of choice..for them."" AND NOW THEY GET THEIR SUBSIDISED ADDICTION payed for by..*the PBS... [and who gets the subsidy?] BIG recall the admission that tassie..has higher_average..smoking-rate check this ""The University/of Adelaide conducted various research studies into smoking. The important part..that they determined that, in the Fairfield LGA, 26.1 per percent of males are current smokers and,in Liverpool, at the other end of my electorate, it is 24.5 per cent..."" ""Those figures are still well above the national average""lol NOTE>>>""..of 22 per cent of the community being smokers. Further, from the university’s figures, 26 per cent of females in the Fairfield LGA and 24½ per cent of females in Liverpool are smokers."" again picking on the poor but look at..*the HIGHER numbers a bit higher than..15% or even 16.6..percent? numbers spin [from parlement libary?] aint it all..just too neat? ""The thing that underlines all this is that I know that,..of all the deaths of smokers that occur—"" WATCHING?..! ..""whether it is a car-accident, a heart-attack..or any other tragedy— 50 per cent.....LOL...are* tobacco *related.*"" ""I know the changes that are proposed in the bill..may not be popular with everybody"" but who cares they dont anti-smoking lobby on their door..everyday..! alp Laura Smyth ""We have heard the Cancer Council’s *..*estimates* that smoking claims the lives of 15,000 or more Australians every year and costs our economy around $31.5 billion."" there you go folks ESTIMATES*...! ON SOCIAL COSTS..* [see next post]...! Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 2:45:50 PM
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from the members own mouth
""There are a great many statistics that can be discussed in this debate,which have been discussed and which will continue to be discussed It is important that they be quoted regularly because they are so terribly alarming.It is really an unthinkable number of people."" yet ITS ONLY..A GUESTIMATE..! ""it is why we are making such a concerted effort to curb cigarette smoking through..a variety of measures"" get the picture they bought into the GUESTimate..! keep pushing the lies and the sheeple swallow it as true but it can only be an estimate because it is ONLY attributable* and we dont autopsy find the real cause..! ""The CancerCouncil>>esti-mates* that 15 per cent of smokers do not smoke every day"" lol ""targeting smoking rates, this bill is ...*very *likely.. to benefit those"" weasel word'S? how about this HIGHER THAT NATIONAL AVERAGE [the 3 rd state ABOUVE_THE NAT AVERAGE] ""It found that in my home state of Victoria,in 2007, some 19 per cent of the adult population..*were smokers"" lol anyone keeping track of the numbers? ""The centre also found that 19 per cent of young-adults in the 18 to 24 age category were smokers and that 23 per cent of those aged 30 to 39 were smokers. Obviously these are extremely troubling statistics"" yes your right THESE NUMBERS TROUBLE ME TOO..! ""...reaching the targets set under the COAG National Healthcare Agreement for reducing smoking rates by 10 per cent by 2018 and halving the Indigenous smoking rate."" ""It will be important in addressing the health associated with cigarettes"" "",We have seen that more than half a million fewer people are smoking than were smoking a decade ago...Unfortunately,"" ""we know that there are around* three million Australians..who still smoke."" ""significant measures...They include record funding* being committed to..targeted*antismoking campaigns"" yes they are doing...*quite nicely OUT OF THEIR combined..LOBBY eforts ""These measures are very consistent with the government’s strong curbing cigarette smoking"" ""We certainly know that prevention, most of the time, better than cure"" and having a govt-subsidy is better than coping..a govt_tax Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 2:51:19 PM
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"There will be, the next generation..or so,
a pharmacological*method*..of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship..without tears,so to speak,..producing a kind of painless..concentration-camp.. *for entire societies, so that people will in fact..have their liberties taken away from them,but will rather enjoy it,..because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel..*by propaganda or pills.. or brainwashing enhanced *..*!..*by pharmacological methods.*!*!*! And this..seems to be the final revolution."" *SUBSIDISED* BY GOVT subsidies...! And please don't forget: financial institutions love GOVT TAX funds].. no matter who wins or loses, debt is incurred,and must be repaid! Recovery ends if debt limit not raised: Webmaster's Commentary: What recovery? I certainly do not see it anywhere around here. The only place in Wall Street! And Bernanke wants an extension of his license counterfeit to keep the party..going JUST a little-bit longer. next ALP Laurie Ferguson ""The Centers for [USA}..Disease-Control..estimate that 443,000 people a year the United a result of cigarette smoking. That is related to an estimate* that eight* million Americans will die."" ""They note: More tobacco use..than by all deaths from human immunodeficiency virus(HIV), illegal drug use,alcohol use,motor vehicle injuries,suicides, and murders combined."" note what is excluded? ie..abortions...war.. and..other*..sickness*.. NOTE..{extracted QUOTE from next speaker} ""Tobacco-related deaths account for ..*approximately*..''15 per cent...*of all deaths""..! back to previous speaker ''This is indeed a very serious area of public/policy... ..Our nation has the forefront in this area"" so serious..*disease control center* *excludes...*other dieases..! ""..perfidious industry."" meaning:..decietfull and untrustworthy surely pot/kettle..stuff? ""So there has been very long-term action by governments in this country... I think Australia and South-Africa were amongst..the countries that were most draconian..with some of these measures..many decades ago."" yes ..a selective hate-base..helps get hate smokers and.. bobs ya uncle.. ""The background to a COAG agreement"" ""..As I said,the health figures..are very persuasive:"" {smoking is atributable to}.. ""...*20 per cent..! of all general"" ""tough regulations have restricted their*..ability to make money"" and we dole it candy to those hating..*smokers Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 3:15:39 PM
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re indexing ANNUAL price increases abouve*indexed/inflation told you it would catch on here in qld PUBLIC transport prices..*HAVE BEEN INDEXED for the next 3 15 %..[compounding] si told you...! the media serve the interests of state and corporate power, which are closely interlinked,..framing their reporting and analysis in a manner supportive of established privilege and limiting debate and discussion accordingly."-- Noam Chomsky but back to quotes ALP Melissa Parke ""At that time a review of the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act,..under the guidance of the then parliamentary secretary for health,Trish Worth,seemed to conclude that no change was required. I say ‘seemed’..because no report was prepared"" to the public..! ""as a result of the review and the inquiry submissions.. were not made public."" feed the sheeple spin have metings in secret hear the lobby..and make no PUBLIC CONCLUSIONS sound familour? ""This measure alone"" this new law ""has a double purpose:it adds a significant price disincentive to the purchase of tobacco products,and it will generate an additional $5 billion..over four years to be directly invested* better health and hospitals"" ie the anti-smokers..lobby ""through the National Health and Hospitals Network*Fund."" SEE MATE we are subsidising YOUR HOSPITAL BED>>! LOL official?..smoking rate.. ""fallen from 19.5 per cent in 2001 to 16.6 per cent in 2007. That rate is one of the lowest in the world"" ensuring the lobby ..will go overseas into other lucrative anti smoking lobby-groups to lobby other get yet more scemes to stir racists types into more ridicule of smokers.. ""Let us remember what was set down clearly in the National Tobacco Strategy 2004-2009 which stated: Tobacco is a unique consumer item. Tobacco products cause premature death and disability when used as intended by the manufacturer; and they are addictive...""" why add sugar/salt..and transfats into foods or caffene and sugar..into softdrink or codene into headache tablets we are scammed LIED TO we are THE ONLY PROBLEM not fatties or drunks [other addicts] ""National Tobacco*Strategy*..2004-2009..makes it clear that a product that needs to be distinguished*..[read sepperated]..from other products"" kill it first.. [to set a precedant] Posted by one under god, Thursday, 3 March 2011 9:13:10 AM
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""and that big a class of corporate citizen
that need to be distinguished*..[EXTINGUISED}..from other corporate citizens"" that we love to serve..! like those peddlers of the big macca or coke is cooler.. or hungry jackin a box or big pharma selling docters..on put kids on lsd... or codeen in syrip or pills [or nicoten in gum.. or nicoteen in patches.. or booze merchants or potato chip mob. .yeah they are your ""The fact is..that cigarettes are a legal form of highly-addictive and highly-effective poison."" yes nicoteen a POISEN...that now is put in bubble gum in concentrated form... and SUBSIDISED BY GOVT HANDOUT.. clever stuff..! but here is a good one ""Tobacco-related deaths account for approximately 15 per cent of all deaths"" ""in the financial year 2004-05 was estimated at $31.5 billion.""" SEE SOCIAL COSTS* comment ""This represents 56 per cent of the total cost of tobacco,..alcohol* and illicit drug use....!"" ""was responsible for 753,618 hospital bed days, and for $669 million in hospital costs..*."" LESS THAN ONE BILLION..! ""Tobacco control needs to be exercised without the influence, or even the perception of influence,}"" ..[by special intrest groups] big tobacco mentioned but not intended..[added in by edit?] ""Konrad Jamrozik,made the following remarks about big"" multinational's tobacco mentioned but lets face it it is standard opperating procedure for..*all big business ""in his role as the Professor of Evidence-based Health Care, University of Queensland: Its standard tactics are to debate almost endlessly the scientific evidence on the harm caused by its products, to cultivate (and regularly pay) spokespeople in other industries and in academia, and to purchase influence by making substantial donations to any political party that will accept them."" unsaid is thery love govt subsidy and use any trick in the book ""Tobacco control is not a matter of moral nicety and nor is it about playing politics."" no its bipartisen Posted by one under god, Thursday, 3 March 2011 9:14:36 AM
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*pure rancid hate
the FAVOURED lobby has lobbied its bias well nyet? ""Tobacco control in this country must be exercised"" EXCISED! cast out decried hated despised ridiculed silenced and victimised ""without the slightest hint or perception..of influence"" by any bias lobby or fearmongering hate not hating smoking or smokers..just looking like we give a damm ""One wonders not only about the intelligence of those conference participants ..but also about the guidance* they had received from their political elders in a political policy machine]..pot kettle].party which relies so significantly..on money from big.."" [insert big business] and organised dis-info special intrests groups and their lobbyists seeking govt cash franchised exclusive licence and funds sell their spin..[mess-age] ""Debate(on motion by Mr Marles) adjourned"" dare labrats.. to give the libs give a right of reply?.... or do both serve their big masters and the spin lobby who cares guess who is next? booze diatetics heretics? no know [the most silent lobby] will be next...[first silence their voices] as for exposing peter..[or his facilitraitors] let his [their] concience judge him[them] its of little use to stress out about 300 dollars im over needing scapegoats/.. or seking others to blame we are governed by tools fools and imbisiles who read prepaRED SPEACHES little knowing what their own words reveal may satan have mercy on their souls they chose their own version of hell those who the law shall be ruled ..under the same ..form of law as ..they thought to rule others by thus the mad ..make bad law ..built on spin and lie the deciete and collusion will remain unconditional..binding upon them for eternity enough said rip Posted by one under god, Thursday, 3 March 2011 9:30:06 AM
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some interesting developments this week
heard that lymphoma has over come breast cancer as highest cause of death[as they are both included in death by smoking its interesting to note this its also interesting to note previous post re only 20 percent of cancers being smoking related but is this reflected in the death numbers[who knows right cancer is cancer] [and it sems 43 types of lymphoma cancer] for a start this is a case of why do they do the things that they do see on sunday we saw a great piece[story]..of love its called 'the power of love' currently its on this page in two parts [that both seem to have the same link?] but it will get lost in the noise thus i give its name and location why? because negus did a hit piece on the same topic last night but he didnt mention the new german method[trial] his is the current 'best practice'..that failed [in the power of love] the hero of the story found a cure for luekemia after searching the web thousands of times.. using hundreds of friends [after going the normal route of radition and tcell that often fails but negass sold as some miracle-cure] the very next day in short the other cure that worked after negass cure failed and is in danger of being lost in the chatter yet again anyhow this other [non negass] cure also has a failure rate..and wasnt memtioned by name also involved tcells [but maybe not radiation] but worked..where 'classic medicine'.. only offerd dying see this is how big medi-sin works someone finds a cure that works but the media goes for the propaganda/spin of the old way Posted by one under god, Thursday, 10 March 2011 7:06:08 AM
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wow i have been selected to recieve[a chance] to win an eyemac
and all i want is my damm smokes im trying to keep the love but feel i should be naming names getting my vengance as others got my momey by deciete assisted by others..especially the anz bank and the service provider putting up a fraud web site its nice to be nice at least the thief could do is send his victims a smokeless cigarette or info as to who isnt supplying him i of course just use my hurt and anger to make the real evil people[govt] pay they might get one tax but no more taxes and no pensions they took from me by lies and deception i cant forgive them their vile where is the tax on miners but no they got protection[lawyers] will see them all in hell..especially that red franger with a beer bum Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 March 2011 8:13:47 AM
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why govts give a subsidy for nicoteen gum..[and patches]
becomes more clear when we notice the inspiration[rational] of the big pharma lobby for a crackdown on smokers to get they new subsidy why? they are loosing their old ones need more money FDA Suddenly Bans Drugs That Have Been On The Market For Decades By: ActivistPost As Techdirt recently discussed, the drug pipeline is running dry, as Big Pharma's patents are beginning to expire, and the drug companies are freaking out. *For years they have been spending more money on research and testing and getting fewer results. This year alone they are going to have 11 patents expire on drugs that bring in approximately $50 billion in revenue to the big pharma firms. Of course, the flip side to this is that consumers can start saving about 95% on the price of those drugs, as generics hit the market. More than 2,000 vaccinated babies died: The cost of doing business By: kdtroxel (NaturalNews) Earlier this month (March 2011), Japanese authorities ordered doctors to stop using pneumococcal and Hib vaccines because four children died after receiving the shots. *However, the real news was never reported: more than 2,000 babies died in the United States after receiving vaccines for these very same diseases, yet authorities refuse to warn parents and halt production. A safety review is vital to determine whether a recall of the dangerous shots may be necessary to protect additional American babies from disability and death. According to Shelly Burgess, an FDA spokesperson, the FDA and CDC "have not detected new safety concerns or unusual reporting patterns." That's odd, because the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), jointly operated by the FDA and CDC, has received more than 59,000 reports of adverse reactions to pneumococcal and Hib vaccines during the past several years. More than half of these cases - 30,094 - required hospitalization, with 2,169 deaths. About 95 percent of these deaths were in children under three years of age. its so easy to change the death numbers no doudt *all died by smoking Posted by one under god, Friday, 25 March 2011 8:48:09 AM
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more convoluted thinking
[see previous post re circular reasoning and cognitive bias[at carbon fraud tax topic] anyhow SMOKERS – YOU ARE INHALING THE SAME RADIOACTIVE POISON THAT KILLED Russian ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko! When Did Governments (and tobacco companies) Know About Polonium 210 and How Long Have They Known? ok lets keep this in context at that time in histry[when the study was done] they werre blowing nukes into the atmosphere lots of radioactive dust floating everywhere to wit govt killing smokers now needing to tax us to death by using lies [i will get to what you done peter] but bigger fish to fry for now more govt silence Sixth study in recent months links mercury in flu shots to brain damage, autism The toxic effects of the mercury, also known in vaccines as Thimerosal, have once again been confirmed, this time by researchers from the University of Brazil. Marking the sixth major study in recent months to condemn the use of mercury in medicine, the new study reveals that mercury causes serious brain damage, and is linked to autism and other developmental diseases in children and Alzheimer's disease in adults. lets recall we stopped adding lead to petrol because it was dumbing kids down clearly mercury has the same affect..! also please note when the lead additrive got replaced it was replaced with benzine[a known carcinogene] thats why the biggest cause of cancer is petro fumes smoking at best can be blamed for 25 percent se previous quote from koombiaya..[the labrat minester for a big new tax.. and rabid anti smoking activist] dont forget to put up the grenie link [that the govt holds shares in 'big tobacco' so they as major shareholders they can make SURE govt dont get lobbied for the big new tax [overnight ,....on smokers] indexed anually..see previous posts Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 29 March 2011 8:25:20 AM
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please note question [d
""Senate debates on 24 Mar 2011 Rachel Siewert (WA, Australian Greens) I move: That the Senate— (a) notes that smoking is the largest preventable cause of death and disease in Australia and places our health system under severe financial strain;"" one needs thgink why [if its a fact] govt needs to move a motion [thing is itrs not a fact] CHALLANGE ME ON THAT ""(b) recognises that Australia has in the past been a world leader in anti-smoking initiatives;"" the antismoking lobby has huge power in australia mainly because govt is a major shareholder see [d] ""(c) acknowledges the important ongoing work and recent initiatives of Australian governments to reduce the burden of diseases caused by smoking, including plain packaging, advertising and point of sale bans, mass media campaigns, the Tackling Indigenous Smoking initiative and cessation support;"" its funny how first we get a big new tax WITHOUT CONSULTATION..virtually overnight not knowing the real reasons[see abouve] behind it..[noting this was begun under howard.. first moved by liberals..sealed signed by labrats] ""(d) expresses concern at the investment of more than $100 million of taxpayers money in shares in international tobacco companies by the Commonwealth Future Fund; and"" why needs govt seervants to hold 100 million in shares except to get a major shareholder power on the board that nulifies the lobby ""(e) calls on the Government to review and revise investment criteria as a matter of urgency to ensure that the Future Fund is invested into ethical enterprises that are consistent with the health and wellbeing of the nation and not into tobacco."" now the knife blade has done its vile lobby couldnt change things even if it wanted to 100 million to raise billions aint the public ser-vice serving their add-vice empowerments..well ""Question negatived."" whatever that means Posted by one under god, Thursday, 31 March 2011 6:29:01 AM
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aint it funny
a pack a day smoker can save 4000 per year[advert] thing is this extra saving will go on a new tax[carbon] and increased water and power charges anyhow recall how an earlier post [quoting a govt member] attributed only one quater of all cancers to smoking its worth noting joel moskelovic has revieuwed all the studies on phone radiation causing brain tumours..[and found it holds up] trouble being a 20 year lag.. betwen getting exposed and you getting the cancer... [and then govt adding you to the smoking statistics] keep in mind the nuke bombs as you read this latest expose A disturbing study estimates over 220,000 cases of cancer will result from the Japan nuclear radiation fallout [ie going to cause many cancers] oh and here another 'death by smoking' how about the media? dont make me cry A disturbing study estimates over 220,000 cases of cancer will result from the Japan nuclear radiation fallout anyhow it looks like govt is going to get my tax dollars[&^#@#$] but on the positive side one tobacco company is fighting back '['Dying to be heard online NEW SMOKESCREEN Apr 4, 2011, by News Ltd. A big tobacco company has hit back at anti-cigarette campaigners by launching its own viral movement. Philip Morris has started circulating messages about its new I Deserve To Be Heard website inside cigarette packages.'' it aint much but fighting is better than laying down for a lie im changing brands now its just a matter of finding the right web site [the powers that lobby to ban..will lay decoys] play all their dirty tricks [as previously revealed] these people will lie just to get your ta Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 5 April 2011 3:24:54 PM
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keep on telling me its posted
but i go to this page and find its not so here goes again [3 rd time] Excessive taxes. How much more will they take from you? The government has already hit you with a 25% tax increase on your cigarettes in April 2010. How much more will they take from you? It’s time to get involved, speak up and say enough is enough. Did you know? As of February 2011, about two thirds of the $18.25 recommended retail price for Peter Jackson 30s is government tax. Less than 1% of tobacco excise taxes is put towards preventative health measures such as anti-smoking campaigns. (Source: National Preventative Health Taskforce, Technical Report 2, 2008) The recommended retail price of Peter Jackson 30s has increased by 109% since 2000. The real price of cigarettes has tripled since 1983. (Source: National Preventative Health Taskforce, Technical Report 2, 2008) Now’s your chance to write to your local MP to say NO to more tobacco tax increases, NO to more bans on smoking outdoors and NO to plain packaging of cigarettes. Click here to send a letter to your local MP. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 5 April 2011 3:53:02 PM
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Still keeping the thread going OUG?
Sorry bloke but you Will not win. Its in the numbers mate. 30% is it? smoke. The smell if not health concerns would stop more than than helping here. We differ on this, sorry but that is life, not because I am an ex smoker, in truth I wanted to give it up for 15 years before I did. But because I think dirty tactics tobacco firms are using, and my continuing health concerns about the habit I think more tax and new packs will be a great outcome from this. If tobacco lawyers go too hard our government should review outlawing it all together. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 7 April 2011 5:30:16 PM
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mate the lies are all on your mob
polititions [2 party liars] on last nights 7 pm project the former docter lobbiest [roxin] who next is attacking packaging of smokes with dirty pictures on it [pictures that will need be proving to be..what they claim to be in court...SOON*] completly ignoring the problems of adverse reaction to *perscribed drugs killing one in 10 hospitalised for adverse reaction [as well as the numbers needed to treat/number... [where the number that need to take a given subsidised medication to achieve just one revealed] that reveals most of the heavilly lobbied for subsidised drugs only work in 1 in one hundred cases ie 100 need to take the drug for one cure anyhow back to the weazel faced host asked rocks-on.. what was the medical cost of smoking..[669 million] and how much the INCREASE was taking in..[6 Billion] and rocks-on replied blah blah blah social costs =31 billion to which the rat faced host replied oh 31 billion *for medical costs IE HE WAS SPINNING A LIE CANT YOU LOT TELL SOMEONE IS SELLING us all..SPIN? since when is social cost=medical cost? social cost is AT BEST a guess ..CAUSE of death.. CANNOT be 'smoking'... [ie if you die of cancer..WRITE cancer if you die of heart atack..WRITE heart attack] CAUSE of death cannot be ...tHE ACT of smoking yes i know you hate smoking but just think i hate drinking.. when booze goes plain lable and you pay HUGE PUNITIVE..taxes on booze i will be laughing TOO all docters/polititions/medias..ARE LYING no autopsies are conducted the death numbers..are hiding LIES Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 April 2011 8:25:47 AM
| | thing is mate everything from ya numbers to the cure is a lie why ya think howard bought the shares in 'big tobacco' with the pension retirement plan as well as the liberal party funds then the libs put the idea into parlement collusions big time bother labrats run with it roxan is a docter [you know whicj 'big business they serve] the same ones cleaning up with persribed drugs [now running out of patent right thus loosing big govt subsidy it wont be too hard to find a smoking gun plenty of witness..[no wonder howard wanmted to hold shares to sit on the board]..but just in the board minutes is plenty of proof of intention to decieve you got no idea how dep patent right ties into product if big tobacco looses its comercial rights thats it for ALL the other brand names i hope govt goes ahead it will only ensure the end of the two party system as well as big busness subsidy from govt then you get the angry smokers LIED TO mate LIED TO.. you realise no matter how vile a thing is NO ONE LIKES A LIER its just unaustralian but they are *your mates your defending lIARS Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 April 2011 8:38:27 AM
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I have tried, it is just not possible, OUG I wanted to hold conversations with you.
At one stage I thought you where suffering based on your posts here. Knew you had been duded for your tax free boot leg tobacco. Made an effort to find out how I could get a few bob to you to buy some tobacco. Was unable to get that done. I know how hard it is to want a smoke. Have seen people really doing it hard, very very, hard,smoking unrolled and re used bumpers. On one occasion I bought one of those people, my dad a small pack of Rothmans, and enjoyed them just watching him smoke them. I have every right to think as I wish. You in my view have been mislead, smoking kills. We should ban it,tell me. Tell me should I bow to your mind not my own? How many smokers truly wish they could give it up? Mate loosen up, except my rights to be me, as I except yours to be you. Posted by Belly, Friday, 8 April 2011 6:45:39 PM
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oops siorry i didnt mean to ignore your kindness belly
plerase dont get me wrong..many have offerd to buy me smokes i have refused them all...the price dont worry me but govt taxing it because of lies really gets me going i will in time givein and pay tax again but will limit my self to only paying half of the tax i have been paying...the same as i do when other things go up..i simply reduce their income where i used to by one pack a week i now make the pack last two weeks when power went up i simply halved my power use they have their games and i know how to play theirs im waiting till the packs go plain lable then will buy up big..just to refute their point anyhow thats why im back now sems the olive perople rersent govt calling their new scam 'olive' on the abc they were just making their points with new lies..yet again the abc said 31 billion/health costs when what was meant is social costs..[an accounting term *including everything attributable to smoking..including buying smokes and days..said to be off work from smoking..even losses in resterants from smoking the sum total of EVERYTHING to do with smoking..losses as wel as gains...[including loss of tax income] NOT HEALTH COSTS but what ya going to do when govt lies anyhow have complained to anz about them facilitating the dude ripping me off FULL DETAILS SOON anyhow good offer but no thanks thanks mate but im mostly growing my own now when i tire of the taste i will spring for a store bought lift up the taste the last pack has lasted 3 far if only the rippoff muggins had sent me good seed [or one of them e ciggarette's] i would gladly forgive him..but till then he is the one who tried to stop my smoking this i refuse to do ever..[its a matter of pride] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 27 April 2011 3:18:27 PM
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anyhow talk being cheap
there is little reason to debate with you *who arnt intrested in truth [only defending a party..dead in the water.. and so despirite to get a win..its letting the howard adgenda run it from the back seat..the same game howard played.. so its not even origonal].. to wit addopting opposition policy.. to keep them from getting any traction on any policy the scaming of the number [social cost 31 billion].. was done by jonny the issue raised first by tony.. then adopted by juliar and the health[lol]..minester serving the 'health' and drug lobby....and quoting jonnies numbers [no doudt it was his thinking that bought up shares in lol big tobacco.. so they couldnt alp..fooled again .[recalling how labrats said they would fix health... ;what a joke..waiting times have doubled... lab-rats couldnt lie straight in bed anyhow as i said talk is cheap your offer is as sincere as your party your real opinion is only revealed later on in your post but lets move away from your 'sin-cerity.. my complaining to the bank...[about them facilitating fraud/theft got this response ''Hi Johan, In relation to your enquiry to this matter, unfortunately ANZ cannot conduct an investigation or initiate a dispute into this actual deposit."" complaint detials later noting i wasnt disputing depositing it i was desputing the fraud LIE...crime.. that saw it deposited into an account by a thief.. that they apparently support in his thievery ""Once we have rec'd the deposit over the counter as instructed by yourself being the authorised person to deposit the requested funds to this persons account,"" egsactly requested for a supply of a product.. he never intended to wit fraid ""after this we have no control over the transaction"' bull..they can get the fraud funds out of the account and return the STOLEN CASH ""and we are not able to retrieve these funds for you on your behalf.""" ok now to complain to the banking ombudsman Posted by one under god, Thursday, 28 April 2011 5:32:44 AM
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thank you for verifying reciept of the funds obtained via fraud
then i shall go to fed police[to report the crinme then customs to try to claim my product then gov general to formalise the crimal theft lies and collusions of all concerned ""The matter is now up to you to consult with the account owner and follow up on the transaction you have made to this persons account."" as i told you he is staying silent [a guilty mind] and your covering up for his theft enabling fraud.. ongoing fraud colluded fraud as you havnt supplied details of other complaints from the other injured parties ""I apologise for not being of further assistance, all the best."" dont worry mr landine you are trying to be honest in a corrupt system run by corrupt money changers[see other posts] but now i shall forward details on to the ombudsman as well as publicly post my claim to the tobacco.. and the details of the fraud full details follow origonal contact source please accertain the part played in the fraud by web host*/server email details sent as a result of my ORDER From: Cheap Cigarettes <> Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 13:51:46 +1100 Subject: RE: New Order - 201102040015374948 To: johanhendrick@edited] Hi Thanks for contacting Please allow 10 business days to receive your order after you transfer AUD $306.25 1. You can transfer payment using Internet Banking. 2. You can deposit funds into my account at any ANZ Bank branch. Account Name: ELIAS H TOBAC BSB: 013 427 Account Number: 571832804 You may direct deposit from your local ANZ Bank; or just transfer payment by calling your bank. or transfer money this was done to the nanmed acount[as confirmed by mr landine] noting all details supplied are still active/current product orded not recieved..and communication suspended by peter Posted by one under god, Thursday, 28 April 2011 5:43:03 AM
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belly quote..""I have every right to think as I wish.""
yes you do mate i never said you didnt but mate get your nose out of my business get it i dont need no ex union mugg telling me this lying cccccrap ""You in my view have been mislead, smoking kills."" in your un-informed vieuw as you could easy read were you able to read that posted abouve you and your mug party and lousy bankers are colluding to steal by lies and deciete you are a nanny state soc puppet.. mate you and your stinking party should go police REAL crime..not honest tax paying smokers get it you mug? ""We should ban it,tell me."" that isnt even a proper sentance go ban unionism..would you let that happern well im only smoking.. you drunks got your drink tax that..or tax uionism get your nose out of my life ""Tell me should I bow to your mind not my own?"" WHY SHOULD I BOW TO YOURS and yer mug party? ""How many smokers truly wish they could give it up?"" i dont know HOW MANY DRUNKS SAY THEY WANT TO GIVE UP? pot kettle stuff ya mug labrat ""Mate loosen up, except my rights to be me, as I except yours to be you."" mate spell check means your using the wrong words to say wrong things try accepting* that you and yer mug party got no right to tell me i cant smoke no exceptions ACCEPT my rights to be me ya mug it works BOTH WAYS get it? accept you and yer mug party have gone TOO FAR just as the anzwankbank didnt go far enough lets wait till the ombudsman dioes his 'thing' then ask the gg? [who should have been asked before govt went too far] you should ban ignorance..or feel good paternalistic despotism sorry about using such..big words growup ya mug..get a life..get ya nose out of mine Posted by one under god, Thursday, 28 April 2011 6:01:27 AM
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ok complaint lodged with banking ombudsman resolution sought restore the defrauded funds back to me or deliver a product or explain why the product couldnt be deliverd the supplier has ignored all questions bank says it cant help yet it facilitated the stealing of my funds a criminal act...accros state borders next i got to fed police once the crime has fully been exposed thus the need for the web link ps note im ticking the first box herunder 'under duress' as 'this field is required' ie ''I/We have provided the above information with the knowledge and consent of the account holder/customer."" your noticed it as..'This field is required.'' as i sent both parties an email of the abouver details..this is as good as done criminals arnt expected to reply their guilt are you saying only if the criminal agrees you can investigate i will refer this to the gg in my final concluding complaint[re process] see web link form is playing funny beggers so emailed copy to ok next move is fed police SERVICE see you soon ps note i reserve all my rights to recieve product orded and retain ownership over declared abouve just to be clear its my toobacco i want it now..or compensations shall be sought when you banned my comfort's you ended my peace invalidating your constituted obligation to serve and protect thus your authority to act over my person or my soul Posted by one under god, Thursday, 28 April 2011 7:03:43 AM
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as a courtecy
i emailed the defaulting toobacco suplier details previously posted..of my legal actions he advised the toobacco was sent[now] i advised him it hasnt arrived still awaiting his reply but noted another jury has dismissed ANOTHER govt suing smokers [thats 3 i heard of this year alone SUE govt darn it you will get smoker loyalty get it? no pelican I AM NOT LEAP..! you dont mind breathing diesal smoke [the biggest cause of cancer or woodsmoke the 2 de highest cause of cancer but its too easy to hate me you never met me but..i know your not* a man anyhow why im here is yet another jury has found against govts thinking to blame smoker's and smoking suppliers for selling a poisen/ causing costs etc [and trying to get yet more cash smokers VIA LIES] [noting 3/4 people CANNOT EVEN GET CANCER] see previous posts'-health-costs-dpgonc-20110429-to_12987706 St. Louis Jury Finds Tobacco Companies Not Responsible for Smokers ...29 Apr 2011 ... Jury Decides Philip Morris USA is Not Liable in Smoking Lawsuit 28 Feb 2003 Snus News & Other Tobacco Products: Jury decides in favor of ...March 31, 2011 A jury today, March 28th decided in favour of Philip Morris USA and RJ Reynolds in the first Engle case to go to trial in Clay County, ... our lives are made-up of moments that we chose to bring into our reality my point being it was our choice its not my fault if your making what you feel are bad choices we all get such feelings at times..thus learn from every choice but learn more from the ones we dont like than the ones that we do like then..think of the bits you do like, ignoring those we dont like [feel as you will] for good or ill.. its your choice alone.. you chose how you.. we chose to feel as WE chose..not you not govt WHAT WE CHOSE IS NONE OF GOVT's NOR YOUR BUSINESS... Posted by one under god, Saturday, 30 April 2011 12:59:56 PM
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anyhow as suspected
no tobacco has arrived and the banking ombudsman is ignoring reply but such is life.. now to get angry noted on lasts nights q&a simon crean...dolling out more cream to wit auberry/woodonga getting 65 million for a.. ...CANCER CLINIC sems townsville got one[41 mil] and we want one too is anyone seeing a pattern here? our smoking tax building...BUILDINGS read on about this global SCAM realise the why of these wars on smokers [oh and china has just declared its first shot against the one thrird chies that smoke..too] Cancer: The beat of an ancient drum? By: malterwitty Forty years ago President Richard Nixon declared a "war on cancer". [SOUND FAMILIOUR? Yet in spite of $100bn (£60bn) of taxpayer-funded research in the US alone,.. the cancer mortality rate remains little changed. Dozens of much-hyped "cures" developed by drug companies are either useless or have marginal effect*. but there is great..$$$ in building buildings dont forget to note the cancer cures i posted previously see the ban smoking topic link..previous posts that cost less than 5 bucks Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 May 2011 8:23:03 AM
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advised peter i was going to report to police[monday]
got this ""Dear All Valued Customers, We have cancelled a license agreement that was previously operated by Peter fowls. All clients that are owed money will have a refund by the 15th of May 2011. He has had some financial and supplier issues and have unfortunately cancelled his license agreement. We would appreciate your business if you wish to continue once we have rectified all issues regarding previous owner and have licensed a new agreement with a potential candidate. Please pass your payment details when you made payment, bank account details for refund in case we cannot fulfill your order and order number please. This will help us solving all issues and moving forward. Thanks in advance."" anyhow it seems peter has sold* and note other email saying under new managnment so will be gratefull to see what happens in the meantime thanks pete for the 'leaf' but thats not worth 300 bucks 25 at best for leaf mate anyhow lets see how the new managment...goes oh they got a cure for lung cancer be in trials for 5 years but its an ensyme..they shut down sems the really 'virilent cancers'' that 'enzyme' turn it off..and 'normal radiation 'treatment fixes it but baking soda ippping your alcaloid levels kills cancers too..[possably why 3/4 people simply cant get cancer oh and cancer deaths is 9000 [one quater of which is smokers] 1.200? the rest are non smokers so smoking 'prevents many cancers the numbers cant lie those one in four is the same ratio as the 3/4 ie smoking makes no difference..! Posted by one under god, Friday, 6 May 2011 1:53:49 PM
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Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 No Such User Here (state 14). Original mess-age MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with SMTP id v11mr880080yaa.15.1305671760000; Tue, 17 May 2011 15:36:00 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Tue, 17 May 2011 15:35:59 -0700 (PDT) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 08:35:59 +1000 Message-ID: <> ok say i told you so buttt hey i found a new supplier almost forgot what smoking bought tobacco tastes like and peter did sent me 'leaf' puff puff ahh aint it grand all them lies and next a toobacco war as brands go plain lable....let the tobacco wars begin i got a story i need to tell [he must have done a deal....plead guilty for a suspended sentance yet guilty of computer fraud interbnational fraud and so much more then we get to the spirit of his crime poor peter Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 8:46:25 AM
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To Whom It may Concern
Please be aware that I reported Peter Fowls, and his online store Account 878316 : to the Victoria Police for theft/fraud. Submission Id: 11568, PIN: f0a3a5881cb43ae3e56cd536dca3eff1 I also reported him to Gulfbusiness,, Gmail/Google Apps and ANZ bank Posted by Ariki, Thursday, 26 May 2011 1:37:36 PM
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Peter Fowls was last operating out of the following location for those interested and nearby
RL Global Group Level 9 440 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Posted by Ariki, Thursday, 26 May 2011 1:41:07 PM
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hi ariki
i saw on tv the seizure of tobacco putting two and two together..i figure customs has our tobacco i asked peter for details but these wernt forth/comming from him after i notified him about going to the banking ombudsman.. i got his email saying..his business had been taken over..and refunds were on the way of course these never came.. but here is the deal we bought together [in bulk] but individually each got about.. what the rich bring-in...*duty free and that is what we should be doing ie getting...our duty free tobacco..back from customs [all 500 of us] im just at a loss at how to get the others names [if only peter was more honest he could have gotten out of this setup] i do here by state my claim again i bought just under a kilo of tobacco and have not gotten a refund..and demand ...*whoever has my tobacco RETURN IT TO ME in fact return it to ALL of us [peter has my details] if you could find the court details i am prepared to go to court to stake my claim or cusstoms i want my tobacco declared this day johan hendrick Posted by one under god, Thursday, 26 May 2011 2:47:29 PM
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Rachel Siewert (WA, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source
I move: That the Senate— (d) expresses concern at the investment of more than $100 million of taxpayers money in shares in international tobacco the Commonwealth Future Fund; and.. (a) notes that smoking is the largest preventable cause of death and disease in Australia and places our health system under severe financial strain; [note cost for medical is 800 million] not 31 billion the health minester quotes as being..""SOCIAL costs"" [of smoking] two different numbers... that have been SPECIFILY chosen to push..'social cost"".. mantra and not quoting the health cost at all.. [although historians will in time note the dr's persistant prefixing it with indications its all 'health'] the medical spokesperson doing what she can to get subsidised nicoteen fixes to her masters [the legalised/drug cartel] but back to the greenie hoping..[the senate].. (b) recognises that Australia has in the past been a world leader in anti-smoking initiatives;.. [ie serving other special intrests lobby groups...hoping to get a share of the ex smokers they arnt 'wasting' it on smokes] (c) acknowledges the important ongoing work and recent initiatives of Australian governments to reduce the burden of diseases caused by smoking, including plain packaging, advertising and point of sale bans, mass media campaigns, the Tackling Indigenous Smoking initiative and cessation support; (e) calls on the Government to review and revise investment criteria as a matter of urgency to ensure that the Future *Fund is invested into ethical enterprises that are consistent with the health and wellbeing of the nation and not into tobacco. Question negatived....meaning the speaker..declared it to not have the numbers..[ie govt dont support what it says] and they have the hide to say ol tony..supports smokers [their overly generouse pension's come from 'big tobaco'] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 7 June 2011 2:23:45 PM
That Nanny state pays the bills via us, health and the welfare for those unable to work because of smoking.
15.000 are said to die each year because of smoking.
We are about to put cigarettes in brown unmarked packs,and the industry will fight that in every way they can.
How do we save lives and the costs?
Should we pay for others folly's.
An alternative exists, it too will be pilloried by the industry and users but we should not continue to pay.
40% tax on all production ,this tax straight to out national health system and distributed to the health care that is suffering because of smoking.