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Stand by Your Man

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Dear Examinator,

Here's another take on women drivers:


I got a letter from my grandma yesterday, she writes ...

"The other day, I visited a local Christian bookshop and
spotted a "honk if you love Jesus," bumper sticker for the car.
I bought the sticker and placed
it on the rear bumper of my car.

Boy, am I glad I did! What an uplifting experience followed.
I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection.

I found that LOTS of people love Jesus. Why, while I was sitting
there, the fellow behind me started honking like crazy, then he
leaned out of the window and screamed, "For the love of God,
GO!GO!GO!GO! Jesus Christ, GO!" What an exuberant cheerleader he
was for Jesus.

Everyone started honking. I just leant out of the window and waving
and smiling blew kisses to all those lovely people.
I even honked my own horn a few times to share in the love.

I saw a man waving in a funny way with only his middle finger
pointing up to the heavens. When I asked my teenage grandson
in the back seat what that meant, he said it was an old native
good luck sign he'd read about. Well, I leant out of the window
and gave him the good luck sign back. My grandson in the back
seat burst out laughing. Even he was enjoying the religious

But, just then, I noticed the light had changed to green
for the second time, so I waved to all my sisters
and brothers and drove on through the intersection.

I noticed that mine was the only car that got through the
intersection before the light changed to red again. I felt rather
sad that I had to leave them after all the love we had shared,
so I slowed the car down, leant out of the window and gave them
the native good luck sign with my middle finger one last time
as we drove away!

Praise the Lord for such wonderful people.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 18 August 2009 9:45:23 PM
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Foxy, great story, LOL! I know of a group of men in a small town in W.A. who call themselves 'Mates'. They are solely for the use of the men dealing with domestic violence.
This group are listed as somewhere for potentially violent or violent men, or their victims, to phone for advice or to ask to be removed from the violent situation without the use of police.
Instead of the women and children being taken out of their home to safe houses to escape the aggression, the man is relocated at a safe house where he will get help for his anger and aggression problems.
Some will eventually be able to move home with their loved ones to try and work their problems out without violence, if all parties agree to try.
Wouldn't this be worth a try everywhere else?
Posted by suzeonline, Tuesday, 18 August 2009 10:02:12 PM
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Dear Suze,

It sounds like a great idea.
There is a special connection between men -
as there is between women. I think men would
open up a bit more to other men. And a support
group could definitely help. I know of several
male friends who've been deeply moved listening
to another guy talking about his divorce or
the death of a loved one in a way that they
often wouldn't open up to a woman.

Getting people to talk to each other is a step in
the right direction.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 18 August 2009 10:20:06 PM
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Sometimes I'm just not appreciated ;-(

what a great tale ya gotta luv granny.
My mum is a god botherer and a menace on the road. She does the most terrifying things in her 30 yo mazda HoRaS (Heap of Rust and... )
Then says "God is protecting Me"...."that's fine for you" I've gasped in absolute terror but I'm a secular Humanist..."
She says given the way you kiss the ground when we get there...there's hope for you yet"
Gee thanks mum!
Gotta luv grannies

Fortunately this coming Feb she'll be 86 ,her license expires and she says it's time to stop driving besides your beard has gone grey in the last 5 years and I'd hate to think my driving has caused that!'
Very considerate mum....phew.The whole suburb can go back to the roads then. :-)
Posted by examinator, Tuesday, 18 August 2009 11:11:05 PM
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Pied Piper I know marriage can be really bad but you are just a tad over the top to call the period after the wedding ceremony "post relationship". Maybe at least wait until kids are conceived before the relationship is regarded as over.

Houellebecq, "Now I have never complained about anyone's manners or prose or etiquette on OLO" - you seem to have found the need to take a number of digs at me for using different manners to yours. Maybe you will see that as being something different but don't hold your breath waiting for me to be convinced.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 18 August 2009 11:43:58 PM
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The digs at you are nothing to do with manners. As I have observed, when a gender thread is in full swing, you get really put out if you don't get singled out for special attention from the female posters.

You try desperately for affirmation you're different from the 'misogynist' posters. You just tread so carefully around those chicks. It's like you're terrified someone will put you in the same basket as antiseptic, and if someone says 'CJ isn't like that', it's almost as if you're shouting 'what about me! I'm not like that either! Please say I'm not like that!'.


'My comment to PP was a whimsical point.'
How many times has antiseptic made a 'joke' and all hell has broken loose. Double standards much.

'the capabilities you express '
I've never expressed any capabilities. You're the one who sings from the rooftops about what a fantastic altruistic counsellor and volunteer you are, and how other people are all talk no action.

'By all means challenge what I SAY'
'arguments aren't logical or based on facts? '


'your seeming anti female stances.'

robert; 'I agree with most of what you have written'

piper; 'I would prefer a more non gender specific approach to any advertising campaign. '

cornflower; 'I second that, it was unacceptable stereotyping for a political agenda.'

So if I'm anti-female, so are these posters. In fact, you seem to be in the minority.

Foxy;'Stand by Your Man?
The girlfriend of Greg Inglis
is doing just that by changing her testimony'

I spent two paragraphs explaining that she has probably been coerced into doing just that.

'you don't call me names and I won't make poor jokes.'

Oh I'm all for name calling. Bring it on. As I said, I'm happy to let that comment stand. See what you don't seem to be able to grasp is that I can say anything I like. You're the one who has constrained yourself by your constant calls for people to be 'nice'. I'm being consistent, you're being hypocritical.
Posted by Houellebecq, Wednesday, 19 August 2009 9:16:46 AM
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