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Stand by Your Man

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'If you keep prodding a brown snake it will eventually strike then whose fault is it if you get bit (the poor old snake? I doubt it as they are protected).'

Hey if anything men are the snakes (oh for so many reasons!) and women are the protected species. Lots of snakes bite and kill, but lots of snakes get hit over the head with a shovel purely because they are a snake. Some people, including women, eat snakes for breakfast too. Actually I'm not sure about breakfast. But dinner for sure!

Where is this leading... well I'm glad you asked! I have no idea, but it's a great analogy, even if purely for the imagery of men being snakes and phallic symbols and women eating them.


'sometimes a word started it and the person who said the word is just as guilty as the one who retaliated in a physical way. Problem is always seeing the lead up and not just the climax.'

That's all I'm saying man. I mean I hate the hippies as much as any sane person, but they were onto something when they used the word holistic all the time. I know it got irritating and more than mildly pretentious and grating, but it had some merit.

It needn't cost jobs either! You could just as easily employ a bunch of 'communication facilitators' or some such crap as a bunch of 'all men are evil abusers lets shout it to the world' mob!

People can bang on all they like about zero tolerance, 'under no circumstances' to hit a woman, but to me you're expecting many a guy to sit there while being slapped in the face and spat on to say 'Oooh. Pleeease don't do that. '

'What did you say! Are you raising your voice! That's abuse you know. Domestic violence!'

'Ok love. I am shamed, I will walk away form this conflict'.

'How dare you. You coward! I need you. You're supposed to protect me from myself! Oh go on, walk away, that's the easy route! Another deadbeat dad!'
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 17 August 2009 5:19:10 PM
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Houel I do believe you’re having some sort of OL breakdown. C’mon honeys go pour yourself a large one.

Problem always is the there is no funding to approach anyone or their situations as individuals with individual needs. Actually that might be a load of horsesiht, maybe there is funding but it all seems too hard.

How humans who are so diverse can have themselves be named a “type”. Nothing is ever simple with any department or organization when their product is humans. It leaves me amazed and often angry that they think “policy” is an answer to anything or any individual’s individual situation. The flexibility is absent, which has caused me to rethink an important point; go pour yourself a flexible one based on your individual requirements right now – I’m just guessing a large one would be better.

I still have got to take it back to Examinator and his “one size fits no one” statement. Could probably expand it a bit more now to one size fits someone but policy says all ones are the same ones.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Monday, 17 August 2009 5:49:21 PM
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G'Day All,
Thanks TPP, The problem is D.V but if we only treat the problem then the problem will remain. If we are to fix the problem then we have to fix the cause. The cause of the problem is the granting of all these rights without the education of the responsibilities that go with all these rights.
If women want to be treated with respect & decency then they must behave respectfully & decently.
If women want to challenge a man at the hieght of a heated argument & behave as a man then a man will meet that challenge as if it is another man.
The cause of all this is this idea that man is the only one that is responsible for D,V & any thing said different is treated with contempt one only has to look at the public out cry when the NSW Police issued the statistic that 35% of D.V is caused by the female. Thanks Again from Dave.
Posted by dwg, Monday, 17 August 2009 5:57:01 PM
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Pied Piper I'd hate words being treated as the equivalent of physical violence. Words do hurt, when coming from a loved one sometimes more deeply than physical blows but in terms of conflict they are different things. Some use the excuse of hurt feelings as justification to instigate physical violence. It's difficult to have that discussion without tripping over all sorts of agenda's, personal hurts and different understandings.

Dave "If women want to be treated with respect & decency then they must behave respectfully & decently." no more so than men and many men don't get that stuff right either.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 17 August 2009 6:14:54 PM
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G'Day All,
Houelle, You shouldn't be saying that a lot of snakes get hit on the head as these poor little things are protected & to hurt one is a criminal offence.
The whole point is that women cannot expedt men to lie down while thier rights are challenged. This is no better than the verbal bullying that everyone is up in arms about with the kids at the moment so I wonder where the kids get this idea that one can belittle another without any recall.
Thanks again from Dave.
Posted by dwg, Monday, 17 August 2009 6:17:45 PM
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Stand by Your Man?

The girlfriend of Greg Inglis
is doing just that by changing her testimony -
to protect him, as many partners in an intimate
relationship have done in the past - and will
undoubtedly continue to do - in the future.
Tension over gender roles however, is only
one aspect of conflict in a close relationship.

Surveys suggest that each year
large numbers of couples go through a violent
episode in which one partner tries to cause
the other serious pain or injury. Women assault
their partners as often as men assault their
partners, and both are equally likely to kill
each other.

The police detest "disturbance calls,"
because of the vicious and dangerous nature of so
many of these conflicts.

The sources of violence may lie in the dynamics of the
relationship - as an intimate environment. Close relationships
are likely to involve more conflict than less intimate
ones, since there are more occasions for tension to
arise and more likelihood that deep emotions will be
provoked. Then again, sources may also lie outside the family -
as violence is frequently a response to frustration.

If a person can't strike back at the source of the
problem (lack of a job,an arrogant employer,drug problem,
gambling problem, alcoholism et cetera), the
aggression may be directed towards a partner.

In any event, the extent of violence among people who
are supposed to love and care for one another
isn't easily explained, and suggests that modern
relationships may sometimes be under greater pressures than
they can easily bear.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 17 August 2009 6:28:50 PM
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