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Stand by Your Man

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read it again this time properly
OH yes you could respond to the post in THIS TOPIC
Posted by examinator, Monday, 17 August 2009 2:10:50 PM
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The burning question in my mind is why the NRL and Melbourne Storm have waited so long to publicise this version of events. They must be aware of these claims and the damage that this scandal has done to their reputation.
Perhaps they wanted their critics to push the "she's the victim, he's the villan" story, so these critics would end up looking foolish. Perhaps people had genuine concerns about Sally. Perhaps the story is garbage. Very interesting.
Posted by benk, Monday, 17 August 2009 3:42:33 PM
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G'Day All,
The situation with domestic violence is exactly that. For a start Domestic Violence Laws are worded to the degree that even an argument is D.V. well the term violence is wrong in that format as violence is not reached if there is no physical force as violence is the product of physical force.
I tried my gut to keep a marriage together for the sake of my son who wanted both parents.
That meant putting up with the continued affairs of my wife,the drug & alcohol abuse,the continued denigration of myself,the abuse of my son (both physical & psychological) over a period of 91/2 years screamed at my ex to get the hell out of my sight for six months & all the time my ex knowing my past & why I couldn't take anymore of her stupid games.
This then falls all back on me the male. If you keep prodding a brown snake it will eventually strike then whose fault is it if you get bit (the poor old snake? I doubt it as they are protected).
With rights come responsibilities these rights do not give a person the right to denigrate,ignore the child so they can have a good time etc.
I thank you for your time & may your Lord shine on you all well.From Dave
Posted by dwg, Monday, 17 August 2009 3:59:00 PM
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Oh pompositator,

Slowly, and gracefully you move around the weight of the evidence
Forever side-stepping your own shadow
knowing, only what you want to know.


'why the NRL and Melbourne Storm have waited so long to publicise this version of events.'

It takes that long for the PR people to sit around and come up with that angle (Lot's of coke to be got through), convince the missus it's the only way or that she'll end up with more money this way, or that her life will involve a few less lenses in her face and a few lucrative New Idea articles where she can spew her soul forth.

'Perhaps people had genuine concerns about Sally.
Oh I'd love to believe that! Even better that Greg is further standing by his woman, and was ready to take all the heat, because he just loves her and wants her to get better. His shoulders are broad, and what's his career compared to the love of his life?

'push the "she's the victim, he's the villan" story, '
I wasn't aware any other story existed. That is the only story! 'To violence against women, Australia says NO!'. What more could there possibly be to it? You need re-educating I think.

Come on people! quick quick! We must identify the villain and the victim pronto.


'They’re broken, it is near impossible to convince them they or the partner they chose needs fixing.'

Exactly. Hey when you have kids and they fight, do you just tell the older/larger one they are always in the wrong, that they are basically just prone to this kind of evilness, and that you have zero tolerance and will lock up the more powerful in any fights?

If so how does the less powerful one respond to this? Are they more likely to just taunt and tease the older ones to get them in trouble?

When they do, do they sometimes feel bad when the older one gets a thrashing, or they get moved to another home and they never see them again?
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 17 August 2009 4:16:44 PM
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Hmm… Benk it’s like the complete opposite of what Anti would query. Why would they let it go this long and make this man look so bad or did the story get boring so now the other side gets heard. The media seems to have this kind of rhythm to it aye. Like a little shot of adrenalin into a dying patient.

Dave as the only functioning parent in your relationship you did what you thought was right and tolerated things above and beyond for this child of yours. Many of us fall in to a trap willingly to protect a child and so many of us loose. You took your child’s wants and upheld them and so often our children don’t understand what is good for them and we often don’t want to cause them any necessary pain on the way towards what would be better.

You did your best at the time (as many of us do) and now I hope things improve.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Monday, 17 August 2009 4:34:39 PM
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It’s tricky aye Houel, sometimes a word started it and the person who said the word is just as guilty as the one who retaliated in a physical way. Problem is always seeing the lead up and not just the climax.

Back at home, amazing how patient one child can be and then snap at the wrong moment – with the wrong witness. I know it looked bad and I understand how husband just saw what looked like some really nasty behavior but hey seriously tell the other little one off that has been stealing their new toy all day and has been told 20 times to give it back.

I’ve had one violent kid moved from my home, repeated vicious attacks on smaller children. Now I don’t know but I’d say that one came from a home where violence was common but they probably hadn’t yet picked up on what instigated it and just acted out the culmination.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Monday, 17 August 2009 4:52:46 PM
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