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Animal Welfare

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You Got My Attention.!

Its clear you have had some experience with extreme groups. Probably your thinking this looks interesting but you dont want to get too invovled. If I am correct you have be burnt out with the inner fighting and snobbery of groups and the totally counter productive rallys against people eating meat. I promise you this is! different. Please See.

To form Free Range Farmers Support Groups
To Form jobs For Australia groups

TV Adds To educate the public about The lack Of Leadership From Church Leaders Regarding Animal Cruelty.

To Introduce Farmers at Grass Roots Levels to Overseas live importers of Animals with a view to form cojoint ventures of exporting meat in boxes.[ They are very interested however this needs to be a Government policy]
Better Animal Welfare.
Farmer becomes Farmer and expoter cutting out the middle man[live ship offshore owners.
Domestic Abattiors updated at no cost to them into export accredited plants.
More Abattoirs built at no cost to farmers.
More jobs For Regional Areas.
Training provided to aboriginal and regional people. country towns re open. Oportunitys for people making a sea change for employment.

What we need to do now is to all write to the AVA very publicly because most people do not know who is reasonsible.

We need to stand up against the anti meat eating fund raisers.

We Need To Ask the v newspapers and other media to declair any conflicts of interest publicly in reagards to media gaint ministers ownership of intensive farms and involmentment with live exports. We need to demand ALL Animal Welfare advisers can NOT have a conflict of Interest.
We need the Minister for comunication to deal with conflict of interest. We need To Let the public know We had another Ship Load Of Sheep STUCK here! In Australian Waters While it was nOT repoted to the Australian Public

Hope You Stick Around.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Saturday, 9 September 2006 12:13:33 AM
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To add to our store of knowledge here are few links that people can cut and paste and hopefully find of help and interest:

Animals Australia:

Animals with disabilities:

The Cruelty Free Shop:

The Wagglz:

A short movie about animal rights:

Say no to animals in pet shops:

The Lost dog's home (VIC):

The Victorian animal aid trust (VIC):

Lort Smith Animal Hospital (VIC)::

Monika's doggie rescue (NSW):

Free to good home :

Pet rescue

National Desexing Network

Senior Dog Rescue:

Sydney dogs home

Canine foster care

Bendigo Animal Shelter

Best friends rescue:

The Geelong Animal welfare society

The young animal protection society

K9 Dog rescue group (WA)

Cheers m'dears!
Posted by Scout, Saturday, 9 September 2006 10:46:47 AM
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yes that’s the problem, I have tried to email them to ask for a website but email came back with error message. Glad you’re working on definitions and standards etc- it’s so confusing.

That Fletcher site looks great. I understand he only exports- or does he perhaps supply in Australia as well?

About fundraising. You know, the RSPCA always sells cute Christmas cards around this time of the year and I always buy a packet of them.
It made me think that it would be nice if such cards were available from PALE website for fundraising. Perhaps there is a photographer or artist one of us might know who wouldn’t mind taking a few pictures of for example, * a cute calf with a Christmas bell, or * a cute piglet or pig wearing a wreath, or * lamb wearing rendeer headband, awwwwwwwww. Is that too daggy? Cute pictures or drawings could even be turned into Christmas tablecloths (from recycled paper).
This idea is probably not a good one to raise funds quickly this year because it’s probably too late to arrange all that for this xmas, but it’s a whole year away to get it ready for the next one. Perhaps the RSPCA could work with you with this idea since they have already been doing this for years and might give you details about the production of cards etc.
My ideas are mediocre, but what if you started a new discussion on How to Fundraise- many people who do not read animal forums might be interested in fundraising (church people might be good at it?) *Smile*.

Posted by Celivia, Saturday, 9 September 2006 11:23:56 AM
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thanks for the link about facts of live exports. I hope that you read the report Wendy gave us as well.
Yabby, the first point in this report is stating that the export is not cruel. I think that live exports ARE cruel- even if the animals are being treated well during shipment, they are still on board for days or many weeks in fairly cramped positions. BTW why do some ships have mincers on board or throw sick or dead animals overboard as reported and in some cases they’re still alive. I am looking forward to the footages of shipments to prove that exports are not cruel.
Yabby, it is not only a concern that the animal exports themselves are cruel- but also how our animals are being treated once they reach their country of destination.
So I am not at all convinced that it is a myth to say that exports are cruel.

yeah our discussions are a hit, and we are amusing as well according to some troll. What more do we want? Oh thanks for that long list of sites, will have a good look at them later.
Posted by Celivia, Saturday, 9 September 2006 11:27:35 AM
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What an absolutely brilliant idea - discussion on "how to fund raise"- with 'for animal welfare' in small print, tee hee! I think I may have alienated too many Christians with my comments on your thread. Shame really.

Hey Rex, how about it? Wanna start a discussion?
Or Yabby?

Maybe R0bert?
Posted by Scout, Saturday, 9 September 2006 11:58:49 AM
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Just thinking about long distant travel. I know how well I DON"T pull up when flying to LA and I chose to do it AND understand the reason why. Animals have no choice, don't know why and even if their physical needs are tended to (although doubt there is sufficient space - too uneconomical) psychologically they are stressed, which as we know, manifests itself physically as well as mentally.

For anyone to argue that animals are not harmed by long distance transport, sounds more like wishful thinking to me and self justification to ease a guilty conscience.
Posted by Scout, Saturday, 9 September 2006 12:08:58 PM
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