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Animal Welfare

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Given what seems to be Wendy's support for Fletchers, I'd like
to ask her to find out, why there is such a large discrepancy in
the price of mutton, between Dubbo and Katanning, Midland
saleyards. Why do WA farmers receive so much less for much
the same product?

Without a live trade, who is going to keep Fletchers honest
in WA, where they own the one and only really efficient
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 7 September 2006 11:03:59 PM
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Yabby...shut up...

Give the girl a break and hey, by the by Yabby where do I get a feed of Yabbys these days...
Tell me how to farm yabbys and Ill tell you something.
Posted by OZGIRL, Thursday, 7 September 2006 11:23:30 PM
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Ozgirl Thanks.

He bugs me too but only because he is purposley trying to confuse readers knowing they probably know little about abattoirs and the meat trade.

However I would really like to answer that question if you dont mind.

Better still lets let Rodger Answer it.
Please click here to here Rodger Fletcher speaking on live exports animal cruelty and Jobs for Australia. For those of you who dont know rodger is the Dick Smith of meat works and the Steve Irwin of meats works. A true Assuie hero. The Live Expoter shiiping people hate him.Please take the time to listen tothe truth. Oh and yabbie we work with Rodger.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Friday, 8 September 2006 6:49:23 AM
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Family First
We got a meeting with him after two years myself Mark Townend RSPCA CEO QLD and the head Of The Catholic Animal Study circle for Animal Welfare group John Drennan A teacher of English Langauge and literacy . John is one of the few good men I spoke of in the church. John has lived in the middle East and seen much of the way Australian Animals that WE send ALIVE are treated.

To: steve Feilding
Cc: ; Dargan, Felicity (Sen S. Fielding)

Dear Senator Fielding ,Felicity Dargan Ivan Herald.

I write further to our telephone conversations and your request I put something in writing outlining the reasons to support RSPCA and all Animal Welfare Organisations to Ban Live Exports. You requested just a few lines however this is such an important issue to every Family In Australia it would not do the cause or yourselves justice for me not to inform you fully.As you are no doubt aware there is a Senate inquiry into Animal Welfare being conducted at present so now is a good time for you to have all the facts if you did not have all of them before. We also have elections coming up again soon and our members write continually enquiring as to whether PALE has received Family Firsts policy On Animal Welfare.. We have waited a very long Time and would appreciate your answer and your policy please.[asap]

First to support the demands of the ninety six percent of the I am sure you are already aware of the 60 minutes report on the Live Animal Export Trade.

The live export trade is inherently cruel, is costing Australia jobs and national income and could be effectively replaced by a chilled meat export trade, with broad benefits.
There has been NO reply!

Over Six thousand words were involved with much info to the Christian Steve Fielding.
It iS The reasonsibilty of ALL CHURCHES and LEADERS to stop Animal Cruelty
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Friday, 8 September 2006 7:56:44 AM
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Hello Everyone

Thanks again.

Suggest that we may no more attention to people who simply want to 'muddy the waters', and that way reduce any negative influence they may have - its a karmic way of looking at things.

With this in mind, I note the momentum that is continuing to grow with the exchange of ideas, action and useful links.

I am learning alot and see this thread as a useful resource in continuing to create greater awareness of animal welfare.

Afterall, taking care of animals is really about taking care of ourselves. We depend on our environment to live; our entire economy is reliant on a healthy and sustainable environment. Organic, chemical free, biodynmic farming practices are long term sustainable as well as being a more humane approach to farming of animals. Not only that, these practices do not impact so drastically on the environment, thus our native animals have a better chance for survival.

Celivia - I note that our two threads have had the most 'hits' out of all the general discussion threads.

Well done to everyone for their contributiions to this debate.

Posted by Scout, Friday, 8 September 2006 11:11:31 AM
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Yes You are right. Lets stick to the job at hand.
I could debate Yabby till the cows come home. However that is just what he wants!. He thinks that way you will all get bored or think its too hard to slaughter in Australia.
I promise I wont get side tracked answering purposely negative posts anymore.
Yourself and Celivia are doing a wonderful job not only for the animals but as a start to Jobs for Australia.

When you are ready I trust we can help support whatever you feel is a next best step.
Your forums are big, really Big and gaining more attention each day.

The time you take from your very busy days is apprecited by the animals. Trust me on that one.

I have a list of people enquirying about the free Range farms with a view to build new abattoirs or plants as we call them.

These oportunitys should not be missed.

The elections run next year and we need some TV adds running with footage of live exports asking.


Have you or any of the other posters any ideas on how vwe can raise funds for such adds.

I know after years of this work its the only way to make the public aware.

Scout And Celivia.

Your spinning them on their heads.

Darn great Forums Both Of them.
keep up the good work.

Thanks to all the other posters and any ideas for our TV adds or anything else wecome.
Scouts got most everything in hand alone with celivia and I am happy to put some ideas up if asked.

Something tells me however these two women are well able to handle anything.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Friday, 8 September 2006 11:45:02 AM
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