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Live cattle trade to Egypt to resume

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Nicky, of course my livestock have far more freedoms then your dogs. You have told
us enough about them for it to be obvious that you act more like a besotted mother,
then let them lead natural lives. In the end they are your slaves, stuck with you.

As to your questions, I’ve made it clear many times before, that I am not personally
in favour of factory farming. So I buy free range products, as any other consumer
has the choice to do. 80% of Australians clearly are not prepared to pay the extra
cost involved.

Brutalising of animals can occur in any country, including Australia. Unlike you
I am not racist and judge things issue by issue, situation by situation. There is good
and bad everywhere. If you accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative,
slowly you bring about change. If change in the ME is your issue, then go about
bringing about change in the ME. Livestock will always be slaughtered there,
so you might as well help bring about change there. Of course Peta failed there,
why should anyone take notice of such a crazy, blackmailing organisation?

Livestock are not just put on long distance truck transport for fun. Something
is wrong somewhere. It could be drought, it could be lack of infrastructure,
It could be all sorts of reasons. But two days on a truck is little different to
two days in the shearing shed, being shorn. Sheep can handle it fairly easily.

Castration of sheep is practised around the world, including NZ, USA, EU etc
most of them with rubber rings, in the first few weeks, before those organs
have developed. It’s the same age as babies, when they are circumcised. Vets
around the world seem to think that’s the best method and time to do it. If you
know better then the world’s vets, you are free to speak up.

I on this farm in fact leave a lot of lambs uncastrated, the result being that many
lambs are born when they will be born, as sheep do what comes naturally.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 20 July 2008 10:35:27 AM
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Hi Nicky

Hotmail address:

Posted by dickie, Sunday, 20 July 2008 4:37:35 PM
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Yabby, of course "livestock" are not put on long distance transports for fun, They are put on them for profit because you might get a few extra bucks for them. Expect overloading of transports to get worse, though, the authorities have told me, because of fuel prices.

As for implementing change in the Middle East, Animals Australia has proved in five investigations in seven countries that it isn't going to happen. That's why I have formatted a complaint to the OIE, to see if some regulatory force can be brought to bear, but I don't hold out much hope, given the nature of the people we are talking about.

On a brighter note, I read today that Australia is sending less animals because of the high Australian dollar. As fuel prices continue to be an issue on these crappy old hulks you use, ultimately, it may just get too difficult.

As for my dogs, they said you should give the gender insults a rest and come up with something a bit original if you want to criticize their lifestyles.

Posted by Nicky, Monday, 21 July 2008 7:03:48 PM
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*They are put on them for profit because you might get a few extra bucks for them.*

There might be a drought, there might be no slaughter space, etc.
etc. You really do know nothing about this industry Nicky.
Ignorance is clearly a bliss in your case.

*Animals Australia has proved in five investigations in seven countries that it isn't going to happen.*

They proved nothing of the sort. That footage was filmed to try
and shut down Australian exports, not stop slaughter in the Middle
East, of which Australian animals are but a small minority.

AFAIK, when AA did put in some effort and contacted the Queen
of Jordan, they got immediate results, with the investment of
a few emails! So clearly your theory is wrong yet once again.

*As for my dogs, they said you should...*

You sound just like those women who dress up their doggies in clothes
and jewelry, because the dogs are meant to like it. Maternal
instincts here we are!

I said that my animals live naturally Nicky, not smothered by
besotted would be mothers.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 21 July 2008 9:23:59 PM
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Once again, Yabby has to rely on gender-based insults to try and get his point across. I agree that Animals Australia has filmed what it has because it expects to shut down the live export trade - but they only filmed what is happening. They couldn't have done it with by graphic design.

They have been able to shut down a particularly appalling slaughterhouse in Jordan by more diplomatic means, but nothing seems to work on the rest of the butchers over there, and nothing will until a country like Australia takes a stand and says "no more"

Then there's the "collateral damage". The sheep mortality rates rose between 2006 and 2007, despite the fact that far fewer numbers were exported. Still - they were the "lucky" ones.

As for my dogs, they are perfectly normal dogs and at least they will live a full, natural lifespan, and if needs be, will be pout to sleep painlessly and humanely if they are suffering. Not like your sheep, who may have the misfortune of being sent to a Middle East bloodbath, or if you can get a couple of extra bucks for them, get transported across Australia under conditions like those described by Animals Angels.

There is a world of difference.

Posted by Nicky, Thursday, 7 August 2008 7:41:22 PM
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Err Nicky, so the reality that some females have strong maternal
instincts is an insult? I thought it was natural, but there you

*but they only filmed what is happening.*

Yes, but marketed as propaganda, there is a difference. Its not
objective reporting by a long shot. Its biased information,
published by those with a clear objective, to try and push public
emotional buttons.

*Still - they were the "lucky" ones* If they were the lucky ones,
what is your problem? I've told you before, the mortality rate on
sheep sent to the ME is 100%, they are all eaten.

*but nothing seems to work on the rest of the butchers over there*

says Nicky, who has not tried anything over there. When AA did put
in a modest and tiny effort, they got results. Which proves you wrong.

*they are perfectly normal dogs*

As Pericles once so wisely put it, they are basically your slaves
and do as you say. They have little choice in the matter. They
certainly don't lead "natural" lives.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 7 August 2008 8:21:33 PM
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