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meat prices and value for money

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As Australia is going to be taken over by Halal Meat I thought we should discuss the impact this will have on us all at the check out=

OIC Eyes The USD580 Billion Global Halal Market Last Updated: Mar 18, 2008, 22:27

By The Halal Journal Team Mar 18, 2008, 22:15 DAKAR, 14th May 2008 - The Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) set its eyes on the USD580 billion global halal industry today and earmarked the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) to look into the developing sector.

“The global halal industry is huge and yet there is no official authority that looks into the integrity of the halal mark on a global scale. Now there will be one,” said Sheikh Saleh in Dakar.

The OIC on the 11th Summit recognised the ICCI as the principle representative of the private sector in OIC member states as regards to values, halal and quality control, and urged all Islamic governments to facilitate the procedures for activating its mechanism.

Sheikh Saleh said that this initiative was expected to help develop and modernise the halal sector, which affects 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide, foster trade, and facilitate access to genuine halal products in both Muslim and non-Muslim countries.

“There is a need to ensure the entire supply chain of halal products is protected for the benefit of the Ummah and also those in the industry.

“ICCI’s mission for halal is not only to provide credible and professional halal certification but also to help develop existing halal certification bodies to be at par with global industry requirements,” he said.

Details of the ICCI’s global halal program will be unveiled at the third World Halal Forum, a business gathering of global industry leaders on 12th and 13th May in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, this year.

The third World Halal Forum themed ‘Sustainable Development through Investment and Integration’ is expected to draw some 1200 participant from over 40 countries. It will look into the issues of global halal standards, certification, Shariah compliance, investment and trade issues of the global halal industry.

Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EGYPT)
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 22 March 2008 8:56:16 AM
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I don't see why you have a problem with that Gertrude. For meat
to be halal, the Koran says that Muslims should be kind to animals.

Clearly halal needs enforcing in the ME, you should not object to
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 22 March 2008 10:04:28 AM
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*but I do think that you should prove them to be relevant to an argument before you use them. usually to the detriment of an opposing argument when you have no better one to advance.*

Nicky, I have all sorts of great intellectual arguments that I can
make, but if you think that eating meat and farming livestock is
evil, then nothing will convince you, for its about how you feel,
not rational arguments. The pope tells me that abortion is evil,
but that is just his opinion, no more. The same applies to your

The question then arises as to why you and your band feel as you
do. How rational are those arguments and how much do emotions come
into it? Both influence our decision making, as you might know.

You have been unable to accept that pets and farm livestock are
not the same thing. We keep pets as companions, we eat livestock
for food. Call it barbaric as you do, etc, that is the reality.

That does not mean that we cannot care about those livestock,
or that they can have happy lives whilst alive. Its just that
one day they will be dinner, as you will be dinner for some species,
when you are recycled.

All the commments I have heard so far from the animal activists on
here, is that they treat their pets more like kids. Ok fair enough,
so you have mothering instincts, you have them, wether you have
kids or not. You have replacement kids in terms of pets.

The fact is, you might well know that I am correct in my analysis,
but you of course would never admit that to me :) Fair enough
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 22 March 2008 7:42:11 PM
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Dear Yabby, your arguments are neither intellectual nor rational. My views regarding meat are not emotional, they are ethical. And I hope you are not accusing the Pope of having some sort of frustrated maternal instincts in condemning abortion.

Yes, I have admitted that I have difficulty with the fact that I have my dogs, and hypocrite that I am, I justify it by the fact that probably neither would be alive today if they were not with me; one came from a RSPCA shelter and the other from a dumped litter whose next step was being dropped into deep water. Likewise my hens, who came from a battery farm (not necessarily the deep water bit, but who knows?).

However, not having ever experienced the slightest maternal instinct, I can assure you that I regard none of them as kids (I can't stand kids and never could; they only get civilized when they get to about 4'6"). I also do not argue that some "producers" may care for their animals, but you must equally admit that there are many who don't - or are the court cases we read about figments of our imagination?

PALE, you greeted the news of my sprained ankle with all the banality I expected, I hope I can do the same for you one day.

Posted by Nicky, Saturday, 22 March 2008 11:09:32 PM
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Nicky, being pretentious does not give your arguments any kind of intellectual
validity, it just means that you act like a snob :)

You are free to point out where my arguments are not rational. The world is
full of people with flawed philosophies. You have yet to show why your
claimed ethics are the correct ones.

Despite your claim of not being maternal, judging by your comments, you
clearly fuss over your pets like a doting mother. You worry about them
being injured, gourmet food is on the menu and they sleep on the bed.

Perhaps you are just in denial about your maternal instincts, despite the
pets copping as much fussing over, as many fuss about their kids.

Most farmers actually do care about their livestock, although I admit some
don’t. But then some of you girls have boyfriends who are not the best
either. We don’t suggest that they should be banned, or that they are all
evil. Life if full of imperfect people, making mistakes. The perfectionist
in you might have trouble with that, but that’s the reality.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 23 March 2008 12:53:33 AM
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Now Nicky, at Least we said 'something' about your ankle and you need to lighten up and get a sense oh humour.

Maybe it should have been your rist because on second thoughts its seems that gets you into more trouble =- at least on olo anyway:)

Yabby for God Sakes you sure have some hang ups . Why cant you except everybody is different. I am just the same as Nicky as far as gone darn kids are concerned.
Why do you think babies are smarter or more important that animals anyway? Just because Mummy told you I suppose.
A baby is of risk of growing up like you.

Whats wrong also with Nickys dog sleeping on the bed. My bird sleeps with me in her pillow case.
yabby said-
don't see why you have a problem with that Gertrude. For meat
to be halal, the Koran says that Muslims should be kind to animals.

Clearly halal needs enforcing in the ME, you should not object to

pale replies
Ok yabby I will tell you because it wont be a secret much longer anyway= look at the links below = , then I will tell you whats wrong!You wont be able to read it all because you need the pass words but it will give you an idea.

No I dont have a problem with the programe because ITS OUR PROGRAME and PROPOSAL to them to turn Maylasia into the Halal Hub of the world. Its even OUR wording.
What I DO HAVE A PROBLEM with is two!! things have changed!!' Its all our bloody hard work. Even most of the wording!

It was "suposed to be slaughtering HERE in Australia"! using Gas once we perfected it and exporting the whole carcuss through to JAKIM.
So I DO have A BIG PROBLEM with it!
That IS the problem- One small change only.
One We wont tolerate. AFIC suggested I sue. MONEY or compensation IS NOT ON THE AGENDA -= because that wont help the Animals!

So Now you know Whats Wrong.

Not that you would care.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 23 March 2008 5:43:19 PM
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