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Accountability in Government?
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Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Thursday, 28 February 2008 9:17:03 AM
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Hi Foxy,
you make some great points, unfortunately I am sure Jolanda will not take in. My opinion is that Jolanda does not want this resolves because it gives her attention and also makes her children believe she is the only one that they can trust or depend on. She obviously tells them that nobody cares everybody sticks up for the DET and not them! It give her maybe a sense of worthiness, her children and maybe even her husband praise her which in turn ecourages her to continue this as it make her feel valued, intelligent, best mother in the world, no children love their mother as much as mine love me, no mother loves her children as much as i love mine somewhat martyr like, ( I will die for me children,) Martyr : Usually has Long-term problem Stuck in their problem Rights violated by others Chooses to remain in problem situation Complains all the time Frequently has insight into the problem Frequently knowingly plays an active part in the problem anyway thats my 2 cents worth Posted by Annoyed Parent, Thursday, 28 February 2008 9:31:39 AM
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Here we go again. People focusing on trying to discredit me rather than focusing on the unfair and unjust complaing handling practices used by Government Departments and the neglect, bullying and victimisation of children by those in and with power.
Annoyed parent. I am anxious to hear what it is that you need to see for you to accept my families allegations. Posted by Jolanda, Thursday, 28 February 2008 6:27:17 PM
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"Here we go again. People focusing on trying to discredit me rather than focusing on the unfair and unjust complaing handling practices used by Government Departments and the neglect, bullying and victimisation of children by those in and with power."
Just out of interest, why do you think this happens? Your intent, I assume, is to get people questioning the amount of corruption within the different layers of government and the scrutineers of government. Instead, you seem to end up (on this and, I note, another thread on OLO, and on your blog) with people questioning your evidence and motives. What's your theory on why that happens? Posted by Vanilla, Thursday, 28 February 2008 7:01:53 PM
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Hi Jolanda
I would like to see something/anything that proves one of the below acusations from yourself. few weeks later their response was to target my son. They do this so as to create another situation and move the attention away from the situation at hand and confuse things. This wasn't the first time they targeted my son, my children have been targeted relentlessly." and evidence about Teachers humiliating my children and making sarcastic comments about my children’s intellect in front of the whole class and continuously criticizing them. and evidence about Teachers regularly totally ignoring my children when they are the only kid with their hand up wanting to answer a question and instead making a point to ask them to answer questions when they didn't have their hand up so as to put them on the spot and embarass them. you have said you can "support everything I say with evidence", Posted by Annoyed Parent, Posted by Annoyed Parent, Thursday, 28 February 2008 8:21:17 PM
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An interesting question is to ask why people attack and discredit others when they are trying to protect and get justice for thier children.
A big problem in the world today, or one of a few big problems, is child abuse. Child abuse takes many forms, sexual, physical, psychological, emotional. There is an epidemic of child abuse. When there are alot of people abusing children the last thing that they want is for children to be seen as honest and truthful so these people are always trying to present children as liars but in reality it is a myth that children are liars. Here is some interesting reading material. Annoyed parent & Ors if you are not all the same one. I will not give you any evidence of what happened in school as I would have to provide you with my children’s medical reports or have my children tell you what happened. I also am not going to post the letters to the school regarding the witch hunt. I have already told you all that what happened at school is not part of my families complaint – It happened it is over, I bring it up for the sake of understanding how the situation of the victimisation came about and developed nothing more. Our allegations are in relation to the mishandling and cover up of our complaints of bias, neglect, victimization, vilification bullying and misconduct by Departmental staff against children. If you really want to know the truth I will post the evidence of the bias, manipulation of test scores and documents and the misrepresentation of the facts by the Selective Schools Unit to the Selection Commitees and appeals panel. If you really want to know the truth I will also post evidence of the cover up. If all you want to do is present my children as liars then you can talk to yourself. Posted by Jolanda, Thursday, 28 February 2008 9:37:48 PM
Jolanda: "The Ombudsman has never said I was frivilous or vexatious - he just said that he has discretion and he has decided not to investigate."
Well duh. When the other departments labelled you vexatious, you launched a vexatious pogrom to find out why you were labelled vexatious.
Jolanda, sometimes you can be right in theory but wrong in practice. Tell me, if you're on some moral crusade to help your children, and they cop flak because of it, at what point will you be willing to say 'enough it enough' I'm making things worse?
Is it only when you succeed, even if your children wind up battered along the way? It's a sad fact of life, that sometimes we have to accept our losses and move on, because clinging to pride can hurt other people.
But I don't think you'll ever let yourself give up. You're stuck in the "why should I? I'm right" mantra, which unfortunately, ignores the "this is going to make life tougher for my kids" one.
I think your hysterics will just get more and more shrill as you alienate more and more people in the public services.
With each alienation and annoyed civil servant, you'll feel all the more justified in your conspiracy, but you've created a self-fulfilling prophecy that now fuels itself.
And its your children, who you claim to want to help, who are at the centre of the maelstrom.