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The Department of Home Affairs has issued a "Multicultural
Framework Review." It explains why Australia has succeeded
where other countries have not.

"Australia's multiculturalism is no mere policy document.
It thrives in our communities. In our work places, our
institutions, our sports grounds, our streets and our homes.
In our churches, mosques, synagogues, and temples.
It's who we are."

"I often reflect on the fact that when the post-war immigration
program began just after World War II, Australia was a country
of seven million people, 90 percent of whom of British and Irish
descent. It was institutionally racist through its formal
embrace of the White Australia policy."

"Today we welcome people from all over the world, and invite them
to become citizens and enrich our society and nation as 7.5
million migrants in the past 75 years have done before them."

"No other country has achieved such a transformation so
peacefully and in the space of an average life span. This is
"the genius of Australian multiculturalism."

This Review is an example of why Australia's success has been
achieved and will continue to be achieved in the future. We're
told that success did not happen over night, or through good luck.
Thankfully Australian governments have not been complacent.
The success has happened through the fruits of deep thought
and hard work, over many, many, years. And we're told that the
work will continue to ensure success. Community consultation
and inclusion is vital.

There's more at:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 25 July 2024 10:52:44 AM
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Yes. As I said, the problems are generally not with the immigrants, but with their Australian-born offspring. This one will continue belting out the irrelevant claptrap she plagiarises until the cows come home: all the while lying that she doesn't or won't read the posts of people - that's just about everyone - who don't fall for her crap.

She is entitled to pound out whatever rubbish she wants to; but it is certainly of no interest to me. If other posters want to keep her nonsense coming, that's their business.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 25 July 2024 11:22:09 AM
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Mikk said-
"1. Culture always changes, grows and progresses. 2. The culture the right wants to see is the homogenous, stifling, boring culture of the 1950s. 3. Where anyone who wasnt a white male was a second class citizen. Where men ruled over their wives, families and society in general with incompetence and authoritarianism. 4. A crap, insular and ridiculous society perpetually 30 years behind the rest of the world. 5. A society rejected by the baby boomers and transformed by the immigration and multicultural policies of a succession of Australian governments."

Answer 1- This culture wasn't changed by the people but by dictatorial special interests against democratic principles. One of these special interests was Hebrew Edward Bernays Father of Consumer Culture who sought according to his daughter and Adam Curtis to enslave American's through their emotional desires. The rise of mass television media in the 60's had the pernicious effect of enslaving the peoples minds to superficial ends.

Answer 2- All cultures are stifling and boring in a sense. Aristotle talked about freedom by virtue. Mill talked about doing what you want. I believe that society will be better served if the members of society work together for common goals. I want my society to be modelled for the members, Mikk wants something different.

Answer 3- If others don't like the views of white males then they can choose not to have relationships with white males. White males similarly can choose not to have relationships with white females. But males and females think differently because of evolution- and have different roles in society- maybe some white females are so arrogant that they know better than evolution. Feminism was apparently originated by Marxist’s in the Women’s Day Marches. Some white females say that they are unable to find their idea of a good man- I wonder why. Men and women need each other for the continuation of the culture. Some seek to create conflict between men and women for their own chaotic nihilistic evil ends.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 25 July 2024 12:51:29 PM
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Answer 4- The Dunbar number says that our social circle is between 100 and 200- so an insular society is inevitable even in a society of millions. If anything a society of millions often means more isolation than less. I don't want to be in a society that idiotically follows the world, rather than leading it.

Answer 5- Multiculturalism is racism. No one asked the people. Bob Hawke's Memoire's apparently talks about the media conspiracy and complicity of silence on immigration- a silence that heroically broken after 40 years by Peter Dutton. The 'Extreme Trotskyist' side of politics doesn't believe in popular politics because they don't trust the people and believe they need to be controlled- despite their claims. Joseph Stalin — 'Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?'. Immigration weakens white British culture in Australia. Immigration is only promoted in Western nations. Most immigration is from dominant cultures not minorities such as China, India, Africa. European nations have created systems and processes to create the quality of live that we enjoy- Marxism is the culture of envy that wants to destroy this- and make everyone as poor and miserable as themselves.

From my perspective Mikk is an Anglophobic Anti-White Racist.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 25 July 2024 12:51:56 PM
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Armchair Critic,

You said to me that:

"I think you are and always will be a migrant at heart."

I see myself as a European Australian. A citizen of Australia
whose ancestry originates from the peoples of Europe. We form
the largest panethnic group in the country. At the 2021 Census
the number of ancestry responses categorised within European
ancestral groups as a proportion of the total population
amounted to more than 57.2%.

You're welcome.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 25 July 2024 2:10:03 PM
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From my perspective Mikk is an Anglophobic Anti-White Racist.
Canem Malum,
There can be no other description apart from just plain stupid or deranged ! A typical product of our modern education or rather indoctrination system.
Some do snap out of it but many don't have what it takes to think for themselves. Add to that a total lack of life experience & the insidious cirlcle of stupidity is complete !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 26 July 2024 8:06:33 AM
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