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The Forum > General Discussion > Multiculturalism


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Dear ttbn,


You wrote :

« Multiculturalism should never have been inflicted upon us, but it is now entrenched, with dingbats even claiming it to be “successful” … »

Each one in turn seems to be the name of the game, ttbn.

First came the pterodactyls and brontosauruses, then the Aboriginal tribes wandered in from Africa after a 15,000 km casual stroll around the globe. About 65,000 years later, the British dumped a load of convicted criminals on the island continent and left them there to sort themselves out. They dumped some more from time to time and created a colony, chasing the Aboriginal tribes off their land and parking them in isolated reserves like animals in a zoo.

The first free settlers arrived in 1793. They were the rich ones. The poor ones arrived soon after when the British colonial government began to pay the transportation costs and provide them with free (Aboriginal) land to develop, free agricultural tools and convict labour.

As you (didn’t) say, ttbn :

« Multiculturalism should never have been inflicted upon [them], but it is now entrenched, with dingbats even claiming it to be “successful” … »

All that's history. There's no turning back now.

Australia has irremediably become a multicultural country.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 23 July 2024 11:22:31 PM
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The old bigoted racists is at it again, the history of multiculturalism here is well documented. News for ttbn, if you lump together 27 million people a percentage are going to be criminals, committing criminal acts.

I don't agree with arranged marriages what so ever, not the ones arranged by Southern Europeans in Australia post war, or any arranged by people from the Middle East or anywhere else today. Wasn't it terrible how 61,514 Australians died in a far off European war in 1914-18, or wasn't it terrible how 'Pig Iron' Bob made his "Melancholic Duty" speech in 1939 dragging Australia into yet another European war. Then there was Korea, Vietnam and a host of other far flung wars that were none of Australia's business, however many Australians fought and died in them.

The truth is, this thread is the usual guff, ttbn is not against immigration as long as it's pure of race, white Anglo Saxons, excluding all others. This is the same bloke who was touting votes for the out and out racists One Nation party not so long ago.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 5:41:57 AM
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I have to admit that I am disappointed that only idiots have shown any interest in the subject of multiculturalism; and I am not going to bother myself with them, except to note that one of the morons still can't tell the difference between race and culture.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 8:40:49 AM
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On mass immigration in general, one of the government's pals, the ANZ bank, is warning of big rises in unemployment, with hundreds of applicants for one job. Not that that will worry most posters, who spend all day in their underpants viewing the world on a screen, waiting for someone to put up a topic so that they can argue pointlessly with another idiot.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 8:59:46 AM
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Hundreds of applicants for one job?

Tell that to our farmer's. They will be so
happy to hear that. As they have had to rely on
backpackers and immigrants in the past.

Also our hospitals, aged-care facilities, and vital
services will also breathe a sigh of relief - as will our
transport services who rely on migrants for fulfilling
the essential jobs - like taxi drivers, bus, tram and
tram drivers, and the list goes on.

Regional Australia will be so glad to receive more doctors
and nurses and teachers.

Good news all round.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:07:50 AM
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I almost wish everyone looked the same.
No black, no white, everyone look exactly the same like dna clone of everyone else.
That way when I say 'Tell 'em to feck off'
- I can't be accused of being racist.

Never mind the road full of potholes and everyones cars are getting wrecked and roadworks I have to drive on and through
- 30 minutes to go somewhere that used to take 10
Never mind the extensive waits for ambulances or visits to emergency
Never mind that some places become no-go zones.

Never mind that I go to see the doctor and can't understand a word the bloke says anyway because he's from Bangladesh.

It's not because I don't like rapid increase of population in my area, crap roads, extensive emergency waits or the fact my mum could need an ambulance and die waiting for it, or that I can't understand what the doctor says...
Or that the government diverts billions in prudent essential services to spend on stupid woke agendas that only cause more division.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:07:52 AM
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