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The Forum > General Discussion > Multiculturalism


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Hi Foxy,

As I said before, speaking to an endorsed One Nation candidate, the type ttbn advocates a vote for, he described migrants as "wogs" and "terrorists" I suppose ttbn still want these bigoted racists voted into office.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 6:46:46 PM
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If they had a working life they failed to provide for themselves in retirement. These guys are now the mill-stones of society.
Words written by a Tick of society who doesn't give a thought to when we were young & supported his parents who became millstones of society after they'd brought yet another parasite into this world for us to feed !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 7:31:02 PM
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To add insult to injury, the Albanese Government has offered Australian taxpayer money for scholarships to employees of the Palestinian Authority at Australian universities.

The scholarships include: return airfares to Australia; an establishment allowance; full tuition fees; living expenses, and health cover.

Remember, 70% of Palestinians support Hamas terrorists.

These employees of the PA work for a dictatorship that last faced an election in 2005; the same leader has been at the trough for 19 years, and the organisation pays terrorists to kill Jews and anyone else who objects to Islamic terrorism.

This bizarre action by the Albanese government has rightly been described as the most ridiculous, dangerous and reckless policy in terms of our interests and security.

We already have a dangerous anti-Semitism and pro-Hamas atmosphere in the universities that these undesirables will be attending.

What an excellent opportunity to place serious terrorists in Australia.

The Albanese government is either very stupid, or it is evil.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 8:43:21 PM
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Albanese Will come out as a homosexual soon…keep watching.

It’s the ultimate badge of woke honour.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 9:28:36 PM
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Im pretty sure Ive posted this before but it remains relevant.

So what actually is multiculturalism? What is culture? I see "culture" as what people do. Everything we do is culture. Going to the beach. Thats culture. Going to the theatre or the movies. Going to Mcdonalds. Watching Neighbors or Home and away. All "culture". Getting Chinese takeaway or a pizza, having porridge for breakfast, a meat pie and sauce for lunch or a stir fry for dinner. It all counts as culture. Everything we do is cultural and since we all do so much then we could also quite sensibly be called "multicultural". Every day we each live a multicultural life. We watch tv. Thats culture. We read. Thats culture. We eat, work, play, live. All culture. Multiculturalism is already here and so well entrenched in all of us that any call to stop or reverse it is ludicrous.

Culture always changes, grows and progresses. The culture the right wants to see is the homogenous, stifling, boring culture of the 1950s. Where anyone who wasnt a white male was a second class citizen. Where men ruled over their wives, families and society in general with incompetence and authoritarianism. A crap, insular and ridiculous society perpetually 30 years behind the rest of the world. A society rejected by the baby boomers and transformed by the immigration and multicultural policies of a succession of Australian governments. Governments head and shoulders above the past few.
Posted by mikk, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 9:48:06 PM
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I suppose that could win a few votes from the weirdos. He could get that desperate: nothing seems to be working for him any more.

The huge Twiggy/hydrogen saviour flop is the latest blow.

Now handing out more money to Palestinians on top of the millions Wong handed out. He seems to be off his trolley. The way he is going, Dutton should have to just sit back and watch.

Saw a repeat of the video of Biden holding his hand tonight. Perhaps something of Biden's disease was passed on.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 11:30:22 PM
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