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It's not because I oppose poor policies - no
Nothing to do with oor policy or incompetence on merit.
They have to pull the racist card and beat me over the head with it into submission in a way I can't oppose it so they can continue their trough-snout grift.

I mean tell me 'Closing the gap'
Is it not a money sink, ideology over common sense?
How the hell is Edwin who lives 200klm west of Uluru, going to have access to the same health services and benefits of a community that I do 20 mins from a large local hospital and an hour from major city hospitals.

He aint got no woolies or local buildings full of specialists.
They probably don't even have access to fresh veggies.
How are you realistically going to make things equal?
You can't. If he wants to live there, then he'll suffer for it.

What do you want to do?
Build a mater childrens hospital in Ooodnadatta and convince all the specialists to go live there, or give the people there free flights?
Its a money sink and it will never be equal.

You have all these idiot chiefs in government coming up with stupidly thought out policies and none are accountable to anyone.
- Much of it based on unsound ideology.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:10:07 AM
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Who controls the country?

Who occupies the senior top positions?

Who makes the decisions?

And you're blaming the people who actually do the work
and do as they're told?

And it's all their fault?

Right. We get it.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:12:23 AM
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Most migrants speak more than one language.
Hold down more than one job. And ask for
nothing from anybody.

They work at jobs that nobody else wants and this
has always been the case.

Be grateful.

If it wasn't for immigration Australia would have remained
a cultural backwater.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:18:57 AM
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'If it wasn't for immigration Australia would have remained a cultural backwater.

Now this is the part that REALLY REALLY OFFENDS ME.
WE don't want yours or anyone else culture.

Our culture is 'any bloody thing EXCEPT TAKING UP YOURS'

- 'Tell 'em to go and get stuffed'.

Leave your foreign culture at the door or don't come here.
This s not the country you came from.
This is not a country that is fresh unfired clay you can mould to your own liking.
I like it better untainted.

WE don't want yours or anyone elses culture.
Don't come here from a foreign country and start talking about culture.
- Or our lack of it.

It's our lack of culture that made it what it was for you to come here so stop ruining it by trying to impose your own culture upon us.

And if you don't get that, I'm not sure you were ever really 'Aussia'
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:41:53 AM
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Armchair Critic,

I was born in this country.

My parents were invited by the Australian Government to
come here as displaced persons, refugees, after World WarII
fleeing from the Soviet Regime,
to fill the labour shortage at the time. They had to sign
2 year contracts and work whereever the government sent them.
They fulfilled their contracts and then became permanent

My parents did not force
their culture onto anybody. Nor did they ask for anything
from anybody. They worked hard and raised and
supported their family. Gave us an education - and also saw to
it that we contributed to this country, just as they had done.

You Sir, owe me and my family an apology.

How long does it take in your books to become a "true Aussie?"
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 11:10:38 AM
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Australia was a cultural backwater stuck in the past
before the abolition of the White Australia policy.
When my parents arrived after WWII - Australia was very
primitive. Christmas decorations consisted of paper
streamers and balloons. No glass decorations. Food choices
were very limited. As were education choices, especially for
females who were expected to marry and be supported.

Thanks to migrants the country has changed. Migrants have
found success in every field of endeavour - including the
arts, sport, media, science, medicine, research, education,
business, food, entertainment, civic and community life.

Their contributions are extremely diverse. All have felt
motivated to "give back" to society and they continue and
will continue to do so.

Migration has diversified the skill levels of the population,
increased economies, and fostered innovation and flexibility.

Migrants have benefited Australia enormously.

As for the myth of migrants "enforcing" anything? Migrants
have like everyone else had to comply to the country's laws
and regulations.

Just to jog some memories - here is a list of just a few
migrants who contributed to this country:

Anh Doh, Les Murray, Frank Lowy, Sidney Myer, Ilsa and John Konrads,
E. Borovansky, (the father of Australian Ballet). just to name a few.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 12:05:46 PM
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