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The Forum > General Discussion > What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

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Dear Josephus,

«1. Does Israel have a right to rescue their stolen family members?
2. Does Israel have a right to justice?»

Whenever you speak of "rights", you must refer to someone who conferred such rights, but in this situation, I cannot think of anyone other than God who could confer these - so may I confirm that this is what you were referring to?

In that case:
Since nothing is possible without God, then if Israel is successful in rescuing its stolen family members, then it implies that they have the right, but if they fail, then it implies that they have not. In any case, they should certainly try their best.

By God's grace, justice is immanent in creation.
Not only Israel, but everyone (whether they like it or not) receives absolute justice.

«A crash course on history of the PALESTINIAN STATE»

Good point, and while the argument still stands, the historical facts are correct only in 1-15 while 16-19 needs to be corrected.

Before the Babylonian empire, there was the Assyrian empire as well as a number of small vassal kingdoms that paid them tax - including Israel and Judea, which were not truly related. The kingdom of Israel earlier rebelled against the Assyrians and was therefore destroyed. The kingdom of Judea kept paying its taxes to Assyria and thus remained longer. The so-called "Canaanite" people and the Judeans, are one and the same, while both the modern "Jews" and these fellows who now foolishly call themselves "Palestinians" are the descendents of the same, all brothers who should treat each other as such.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 5 November 2023 10:07:08 AM
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"1. Does Israel have a right to rescue their stolen family members?"

I think they have every right to 'try' to 'rescue their stolen family members if they so choose'.
Common sense dictates if many die trying (potentially for nothing) it may not be that smart of a thing to do.
Another question is whether or not they have an obligation to?

"2. Does Israel have a right to justice?"

Does anyone have a right to justice?
And what is justice?

Say Hamas killed someones 19 year old daughter at a Music festival.
There's no bringing her back, where's the justice?

Say Israel attacks an apartment building, and you're a 8 year old kid, the only person in your family who survives the airstrike.
Your whole familys dead there's no bringing them back, where's the justice?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 5 November 2023 10:58:25 AM
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Where are American values?

What does the civilized world stand for?

US President Joe Biden provides $3.8 billion
every year for Israel. He wants to give them
even more. As well as military aid.

Israel is already a super military power.
And controls the air, sea, and land in the

Everyone agrees of a country's right to defend itself.
Israel does have rights. But what about Palestinian rights?

I don't think that any rational person can defend what
Israel is doing now - in an indiscriminate way.

The bombing of refugee camps, the bombing of ambulances,
the bombing of school, hospitals, making Gaza uninhabitable,
killing thousands of innocent men, women, and children in
violation of International Law.

This is simply not acceptable.

It has got to stop.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 5 November 2023 10:59:30 AM
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There are no such people as Palestinians; never have been:-

Statement in 1977 by Zahir Muhsein, a PLO executive committee member:

"The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a “distinct Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism".

There was never a Palestinian state, culture or language.

Palestinians are a recent invention.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 5 November 2023 11:06:26 AM
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Hey ttbn,
"Well-read people know that there is no such thing as "Palestinian people": just a bunch of stateless Arabs with a made-up name. You are all arguing about something that doesn't it exist. Helps pass the time I suppose, but totally pointless."

I hate that argument, it's so cheap.
It seems to attempt to remove a person from basic facts.
People lived there already, and its the same argument for the indigenous.

You're arguing that because these people didn't build a lumber mill, then build a town hall, invent paper, hold a meeting, proclaim themselves as 'leaders' declare a 'state' or 'people' and sign founding documents together with drawing up maps with defined borders, that they 'as a people' simply don't exist at all, or that these OTHER 'people' are just like vermin, pestilence and it's ok to eradicate them as if they don't have 'human' value.

IF you go back into history, I think you'll find that these people were given assurances of self determination by the British if they rose up against the Ottomans, and that part of the reason Britain wanted a foothold there was because of oil, when the world had started moving from coal towards oil.

Also I think you'll find that these people you seem to imply 'don't exist' lived there for many, many generations, from way back earlier than even the Ottoman empire itself.

People lived there, it wasn't a vacant block.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 5 November 2023 11:13:19 AM
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What do you mean? What is "cheap"?

I wrote: "Well-read people know that there is no such thing as "Palestinian people": just a bunch of stateless Arabs with a made-up name. You are all arguing about something that doesn't exist. Helps pass the time I suppose, but totally pointless."

Apart from the second sentence (you are entitled to waste your time if you wish to) what I said is fact. Since then, I have posted a statement from a PLO operative who admitted the fact. There are truckloads of evidence to prove the fact. Not in the emotional, ideological, make-it-up-as-you-go Leftist trucks of Wikipedia, the ABC and Google of course. I'm referring to scholars who actually know their history and what they are talking about. The sort of stuff that lsreali-haters, anti-Semites and the like avoid like the plague.

Your third paragraph is absolute bullsh-t, and not worth a response.

Your fourth paragraph is irrelevant.

Of course the people existed, as all Arabs did. But, look at my post and see that one of the people in question himself is saying what I, and many 'well-read' people know. Palestinians are a recent invention for political purposes - mainly to get Jews out of Israel, and preferably into oblivion.

Just continuing to beat out the same Communist crap, and constantly look for more of the same crap instead educating yourself after leaving whatever brainwashing factory you emerged from is a sure path to permanent ignorance and madness.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 5 November 2023 12:58:40 PM
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