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The Forum > General Discussion > Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

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Dear mhaze,

You engaged in another falsehood: “But my point is that the claims made by the medical fraternity and the political elite was that the vaccine reduced the chances of spreading the virus and that is now shown to be false.”

This is what the Lancet Study found: “For infections caused by any SARS-CoV-2 strain, vaccine effectiveness for the primary series reduced from 83% (95% CI 80–86) at baseline (14–42 days) to 62% (53–69) by 112–139 days.

Read the damn study.

And this was rich from you as a Trump apologist: “Most won't see the 1930's parallels”

Dear Armchair Critic,

Why are you bringing up Rickson 'Ricko' Williams. You don’t know whether he was vaccinated or not. You don’t know if or when he had a recent Covid infection.

Here are some impacts of Covid infections.

“Very sick kids”
“When first admitted to the hospital, most of the 45 children (median age 9 years old) in the study were critically ill and required intensive care. Nearly 80% of the children had some type of cardiac dysfunction, and almost half had moderate to severe cardiac abnormalities, including decreased ability of the heart to pump properly, coronary artery dilation, and leaking heart valves. Two-thirds of the children experienced a temporary decrease in the number of white blood cells during their hospital stay. The majority had an increase in inflammatory markers, and more than half also had elevated cardiac-specific markers indicating heart injury.”

Why are you so determined to milk this tragic death to feed your conspiracy theories?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 12:18:03 PM
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SR wrote: "Read the damn study."

I did and it doesn't say what you claim for it. Its simply showing a declining effectiveness for the vaccine over time. But it has nought to say about the vaccine as regards to further transmission, which was my point and which seems to continually fly over your head.

Read the Fauci paper I linked to earlier. It explains it rather well but I'll further dumb it down it for you.

The vaccine works in the blood-stream. That's where it resides. So it can only be effective against the virus once the virus enters the blood-stream. But the virus initially enters the body through the nasal systems and infects the "human respiratory mucosa". That's where it replicates and that's where further transmission occurs. But the vaccine doesn't and can't attack the virus there. Therefore it can't and doesn't reduce the incidence of transmission.

Read the Fauci paper.

This has been known from the outset yet the people who were trying to get this information out were censored. Why? Because the justification for the vaccine mandates was that the vaccine stopped transmission. It doesn't. They knew it. They lied. And the media helped them lie.

Now I get that you're okey-dokey with being lied to in a 'good' cause but many aren't. But the mandates were enforced based on the lie and people lost livelihoods and possibly lives due to the lies and the censorship of the truth.

As to your assertion that Trump was fascist, it just shows a lack of understanding as to what that term means. Standard SR there.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 1:28:59 PM
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Recent data carried out by other countries,not Western countries put the serious adverse effects from the vaccines as 1 in 800.
Dr Campbell, the latest Covid statistics reviewer using well known credited sources shows the numbers and discusses them online

Also myocarditis may not kill you weakens the heart and at any point in the future,1 year, 5 years if you really exert yourself
It will kill you then. It's part of the Big Pharma gaslighting, that most people recover. No they are left with a ticking timebomb.
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 1:29:08 PM
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Also I've seen a long list of the names of fit athletic sportsmen and some women as well, who have died over the last couple of years.
A few spectacularly collapsing on the field.

The last count was 160.

The ridiculous New York Times thought they'd cover this story, only one time and they actually showed a big stack of photos being tossed on top of each other on their online video on Twitter, of all the sportsmen who had suddenly died.

The reason they gave was,"more sports people are smoking cannibals these days". Yeah right!
The one thing these sports people all have in common is they are forced to be vaxed to be allowed to play.

Dr Campbell doing the stats on the excess deaths in the UK and around the world, said in the UK it was up to 16% more deaths.
700 to 15,000 extra deaths across all ages a week.

Might account for the huge demands for ambulances that seemed to occur after Omnicron was causing very little hospitalisations.
Why the sudden big shortages of ambulances?
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 1:49:23 PM
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Dear mhaze,

you really are holding on for dear life on this aren't you. Wonder why.

The Lancet paper clearly states the effectiveness against documented infections which it pegs at the following percentages:

0-13 71%
14-42 87%
112-139 66%
140-167 57%


These are not the figures for hospitalisations nor mortality.

Reducing infections reduces its transmission.

Why is this so hard for you?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 4:44:15 PM
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As usual SR misunderstands the numbers, but continues to push his misunderstanding because that's all he's got.

SR , they're not measuring the numbers of infections, their measuring the severity of or longevity of it. Remember this is a meta study and they are combining numbers of symptomatic and asymptomatic infections from all sorts of different methodologies. Struth!

But did you read the Fauci paper I linked? More to the point, did you understand it? The vaccine can't stop infections. It just can't. But it can reduce the progress of the infection once it moves into the bloodstream.

A month or three back I reported on the admission from Pfizer that not only doesn't their vaccine stop infections, it wasn't designed to do so and they never even bothered to test what effect it had on initial infections. Did you miss that or did you delete it because the real world doesn't comply with this fantasy world you've constructed.

So again, the vaccine mandate was based on a lie about how the vaccine worked. A lie that was known to the authorities who used censorship via the levers of the media and social media to suppress contrary and more accurate data. Lives were lost, careers destroyed, families rent asunder.

Rather revealing that you're good with that so long as it done in a cause that suits your side of politics.

History is replete with examples of free societies slowly giving up their freedom in the pursuit of partisan politics. History is also replete with a-historic fools failing to learn these lessons.

What Elon Musk has done with the Twitter Files is lift a curtain to reveal the true horror of what goes on behind the scenes and how the anxiously gullible are led down the garden path. He's already done much good in the world, but this one thing outweighs all the others.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 7:46:09 AM
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