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The Forum > General Discussion > Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

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In the runup to the 2016 Presidential Election, there was an enormous campaign of lies against Hilary Clinton. People changed the way they voted because of examples of corruption that they were told (mostly on Facebook, but also on other social media) of the corrupt activity that the leaked emails proved.

In reality, of course, the leaked emails showed nothing of the sort. They were uploaded as a searchable archive, so everyone who checked could easily see the claims were false. But few people bothered to check. And at least partly because of that, they elected a President with fascist tendencies (not caring about human rights, the rule of law, or even the truth).

Four years later, similar tactics were tried, but this time the social media companies did something about it. And for that, they get labelled "fascist" by people who'd prefer actual fascists to rule.

The truth about Hunter Biden's laptop is that there's evidence of it being tampered with between Hunter losing at and the FBI receiving it. AIUI investigations are ongoing, but there's no reliable evidence of Joe doing anything wrong.

'Tis almost certain those polls you claim "have shown that up 5% of Biden voters would have changed their vote had they known the truth of the laptop" actually showed that up to 5% of Biden voters would have changed their vote had they heard more of the lies about the laptop.

Elections should be fought on truth not lies. Fortunately this time Big Tech favoured truth.
Posted by Aidan, Monday, 13 February 2023 8:12:10 PM
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"It is only the cooker sites which are claiming the excess death are caused by the vaccines. Most non-deranged people accept the scientific studies showing Covid infection is the primary cause of excess deaths."

There is now ample evidence that, even after adjusting for claimed WuFlu deaths, deaths from other causes is inexplicably high. I'd walk you through the numbers, but we know how statistics confuse you.

Aidan claimed..."The truth about Hunter Biden's laptop is that there's evidence of it being tampered with between Hunter losing at and the FBI receiving it."

That's complete rubbish and completely misunderstands the history of the laptop and the timing of its hand-over to the FBI. I suspect you just made it up or at the very least fell for someone else's fabrication.

But even it were true, (and did I mention that you just fabricated it) if you check the Twitter Files you'll see that the reasons it was supressed had nothing to do with any claims about its provenance. Still why check the facts when they might upset the narrative, eh?

The Hunter laptop shows the utter corruption at the heart of Biden family. Its interesting to see their flying-monkeys racing to their defence.

Still the Hunter laptop story is only a part of the entire Twitter Files exposé. There are plenty of other instances of the social media elite seeking to suppress opinion in the interests of their power structure. But people like Aidan have picked a side and so long as its their side doing the censoring, their okeydokey with that.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 13 February 2023 9:31:48 PM
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It doesn't say it in the article, but I heard that the parents are convinced it was because of the Covid vaccine.
- Apparently his mum Tania posted her thoughts on facebook.

Aiden, Hillary was never transparent or released all of her emails, she had a state department email and a gmail account that she wasn't supposed to have and she refused to hand her emails over and obstructed every attempt to do so, and when she eventually did it was only after she'd had every chance to delete anything that incriminated her. If I remember correctly this was back when Huma Abedin was her personal assistant.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 February 2023 10:51:42 PM
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You bought into the lies of the media most of which is financed by six of the world's wealthiest Globalists.

Truth is Hillary Clinton paid the FBI $6million to find something incriminating to take Trump down. You should realise by now if you've been paying attention that the Biden left-wing are running a police state in America and they use the secret police the FBI to go after political opponents

The Department of Justice, in America never investigates the left wing government because the FBI and the Department of Justice are corrupted
The WEF, worlds richest Globalists want Biden and the left wing in powerin America because the left helps them to work against American power and prosperity.

Pr Trump tried to bring prosperity back to America but that takes money away from the big corporations and funnels it back to the people. They used their owned American TV Channels and Australian owned TV Channels to demonise Pres Trp 24/7.

China lost $1 billion dollars under Pres Trump because he bought jobs and trade deals back to America for the workers.
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 12:41:18 AM
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Covid is unrelated to flu, and it's highly likely that an actual strain of flu will originate in the Wuhan area in the next few years, so it's best to avoid referring to Covd as WuFlu.

With hospitals overwhelmed by Covid, and other procedures cancelled or postponed, it's not at all surprising that deaths from other causes rose.

Unreliability of the Hunter Laptop data is a significant issue, but perhaps more importantly, none of its contents actually shows Joe Biden to be corrupt. You claim "The Hunter laptop shows the utter corruption at the heart of Biden family" but the ONLY member of the Biden family it MAY show was corrupt is Hunter.

No flying monkeys needed for Biden's defence, though Trump's defence seems to need hordes of them.

Remember the presence of a conspiracy theory doesn't indicate actual wrongdoing.
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 12:42:37 AM
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To Aidan continued ....

The FBi obtained an illegal warrant from the Fisa Court
Illegal because they lied on the Fisa documents so they could obtain a warrant to subpoena all President Trump and people around him documents.

The FBI with 6 of their top Lawyers went through thousands and thousands of documents with a fine tooth comb looking for anything they could find on Pres Trump.

All they did was prove how honest Pres Trmp is because they found nothing.

They have tried everything they could to get him on something. Taxes everything. All they succeed on doing is proving how honest Pr Trump is in his dealings.
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 12:54:42 AM
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