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The Forum > General Discussion > Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

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"No I didn't suddenly discover it. I knew it from the outset but only now are the authorities owning up to it. That's the difference.

If, as you assert, the fact that vaccines can't stop the transmission was always known .."

Still rubbish.

The "authorities" always maintained that despite being vaccinated, one could still become infected.

If you give it a bit af thought ... you might come to the conclusion that vaccinations were encouraged in order to contain the severity of the virus ... um ... so as not to overload our hospitals.

Did that ever occur to you?

Every strategy during this pandemic has been with a possible collapse of medical infrastructure in mind.

I realise that if you have a mind that seeks conspiracies in every corner, this may be a difficult scenario.
Posted by Poirot., Wednesday, 15 February 2023 2:39:37 PM
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The "authorities" always maintained that despite being vaccinated, one could still become infected."

Well that's not the point we are arguing, but nice try changing to change the point. The issue is whether the vaccine stops transmission.

But sit down Poirot, this is gunna be brutal.

Resident Bush...“you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations”.

Fauci..."vaccinated people become dead ends for the virus."

CDC Director Walensky...“vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick”.

D'ya want something closer to home?

Berejiklian...."get vaccinated not only to protect yourself and your loved ones but also the community" because "Unvaccinated people spread the disease more readily. "

Hazzard...."you’re being extremely selfish if you think you can not have a vaccine just because you don’t want to have a vaccine, well you should think about what you’re doing to your family".

Chairman Dan...."Two doses of this vaccine is the greatest protection that you can have for your health and the health of those you love"

Dan again..."[Take] three doses … to be protected or to minimise the likelihood that you get it and that you give it to the people that you love.”

Dan again...."with three doses that you’ll be prevented not just from serious illness but from getting this virus, this Omicron variant, and therefore giving it to others.”

and many more.

Its a standard human trait, Poirot, to change history in their mind to suit later knowledge. (My favourite is JFK - about 30% of USians voted for him, but surveys show 70% of those alive at the time claim to have voted for him!!).

The lockdowns were used to stop the spread. the vaccines were used as a way governments could extract themselves from the lockdown hole they'd dug for themselves.

Of course, (and this seems to be hard for others to follow) the issue isn't whether the vaccines worked or didn't work. The issue is that dissenting voices were suppressed and censored by government/media/pharma and democracy can't work like that. Its interesting watch the soft-authoritarians here trying to justify this censorship.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 3:23:53 PM
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"Well that's not the point we are arguing, but nice try changing to change the point. The issue is whether the vaccine stops transmission."

I quoted you banging on about the other aspect.

Any "authorities" will an ounce of expertise never said the vaccine would stop transmission.

Who's "Resident Bush"?

If it's President Bush, then he's as thick as two short planks - no surprise

You're the one who keeps darting about introducing different angles every time your argument is whittled away to ... zilch.
Posted by Poirot., Wednesday, 15 February 2023 3:43:56 PM
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"Firstly, trying to influence the results of the election is CAMPAIGNING"

Lies aren't campaigning, there was no truth to the Christopher Steele Dossier.
I'm starting to think people cling to the lies rather than admit they were wrong.
Russiagate was a hoax.

"And you also seem to have failed to notice that Trump was running a smear campaign (based on lies) against Hillary Clinton."
- You mean the Podesta emails and the data leaked by Seth Rich?

"I know you despise the Ukrainian people for refusing to capitulate to Russian tyranny, but that's no excuse to try to shift the blame onto them!"
I'm not shifting the blame, I heard the info years before Russia invaded.
Just as I also heard the DNC Server Trump was looking for went to the US Embassy in Ukraine.

And I don't despise the Ukrainian people, I think it's tragic whats happening to them largely because of the US but I do think little of the Ukrainian government for shelling innocent people in the Donbass for years and dragging high school kids, disabled and pensioners off the street and sending them to the front to prolong a war they can't win, and I do support Russia in this conflict.
I do despise the neoconservatives who started this war and the US governments foreign policy who are now largely comparable to the NAZIS themselves.
And also I don't like the Ukrainians bombing hospitals, killing POW's and innocent people or using chemical weapons, and plenty of other things that I've seen during this war.
In the end it will all have been pointless, because Russia will win.
- And stories out of the MSM over the last few days seem to be preparing everyone for this eventuality.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 10:54:27 PM
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ooops not Bush. The quote was from Resident Biden.

I quote...

Fauci..."vaccinated people become dead ends for the virus."

CDC Director Walensky...“vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick”.

You double down saying no authority "wil[h] an ounce of expertise never said the vaccine would stop transmission."

If you're going to just ignore the facts because they don't suit your narrative, there's little point continuing.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 16 February 2023 7:54:08 AM
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It was my understanding right from the start of vaccines being available that they did not stop transmission,, but at a societal level, they would at least hinder the severity of the disease in most people.

This was widely promulgated.

Here's Fauci again - "One of the things that’s clear from the data [is] that even though vaccines - because of the high degree of transmissibility of this virus - don’t protect overly well against infection, they protect quite well against severe disease leading to hospitalisation and death”

You do realise the nature of this virus, and the efforts made by people to mitigate it - yes?

And here you are bellyaching about a few quotes, obviously rattled off before the true effect of emerging vaccines could be studied.

But please do carry on! ... it's not often that I get to witness a real live conspiracy theorist do their thing (I've usually got better things to do, but this is somewhat entertaining)

What's it called? - oh yes, the "Twitter Files"

Please continue ...
Posted by Poirot., Thursday, 16 February 2023 8:44:05 AM
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