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The Forum > General Discussion > Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

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"The point being the suppression of information, the suppression of dissent, the censorship of facts and information that the elites deem unhelpful."

Of course it bloody is. Which is why Trump firing the head of the FBI to take pressure off himself was and extreme form of suppression and tore at the counterbalancing institutions which allow democracies to work.

I mean Trump was quite overt about it, censoring facts and information became the norm.

"In a June 15 tweet, President Trump said testing “makes us look bad.” At his campaign rally in Tulsa five days later, he said he had asked his “people” to “slow the testing down, please.” At a White House press conference last week, he told reporters, “When you test, you create cases.”"

Yet you are deep in the bowels of Hunter's laptop?

Stop it mate, you are making yourself look more silly than usual.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 13 February 2023 12:58:10 PM
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We know that Twitter worked hand-in-glove with the Democrats and FBI to suppress data that might cause those organisations angst. It has also been revealed that Facebook (among others) effectively handed their fact checking on the virus and the lockdowns to the US CDC. If the CDC didn’t like a post, it was either suppressed or downgraded. People, no matter how qualified, who took positions contrary to the accepted narrative, were censored, ostracised, threatened with expulsion from their professional bodies or had their careers destroyed.

In Australia, we’re now seeing admissions that doctors and scientists remained silent for fear of being deregistered or some other career ending attack.

In the early days of the great Wuflu scare, it was forbidden to suggest the virus was created in a Chinese lab. Again, people were kicked off various social media sites, or were demonetised. Now the lab theory is the favoured idea as to how the virus got started.

So many things were suppressed because of what were termed ‘conspiracy theories’. But many of those ‘conspiracy theories’ became facts. Remember when it was a ‘conspiracy theory’ to think the Obama regime spied on Trump? That’s now a proven fact.

But the issue isn’t about the accuracy of these issues. Even if the Hunter laptop turned out to be fake. Even if the vaccine did all it was claimed to do. Even then, it would have been wrong to censor those who said otherwise. At least that’s true in a democracy.

But plenty of these ‘conspiracy theories’ were not suppressed. It all came down to whether the claims were advantageous to the ruling elite or not.

In addition to the various social media organisations working in concert with each other and the deep state to censor any ‘unhelpful’ views, much of the MSM joined in and indeed cheered the censorship on. Even now, when the Twitter revelations are clear and unequivocal, the MSM continues to suppress the story. Those relying on the MSM/Facebook/Google for their news will be blissfully unaware of the Twitter revelations. Blissfully unaware is how they like it
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 13 February 2023 2:22:35 PM
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"Even the MSM is now talking about vaccine injuries;"

Yes, it is becoming increasingly hard to hide the fact that the vaccines carry many risks that, for certain age groups, outweigh the purported benefits. The dangers and growing death-toll from the vaccines are now so pronounced that even the MSM and social media censors can't suppress it.

That is why some countries have now altered their vaccine policies for people under 50.

As "excess mortality" data becomes more available, it is clear that there are unexplained 'bumps' in the death rates for younger age groups.

Of course, those who warned of this long ago were censored into silence. That is the real harm here and why things like the Twitter files need to be made apparent to as wide an audience as possible. Governments, our own included, implemented vaccine mandates to force people to take a largely untested drug, knowing full well that it was untested and didn't do what they claimed for it. That's bad enough. But then they stopped contrary data getting out which would have allowed their citizenry to make informed decisions about whether to take the shot(s).

That is dangerous beyond understanding. People who truly believed in democracy or the good sense of their fellow citizens wouldn't go down this path. They did because it suited their lust for power.

Social media and other companies joined in the deception.....corporate fascism. We enter a dark phase of our history.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 13 February 2023 2:39:25 PM
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Dear mhaze,

You really have drunk the Koolaid haven't you.

It is only the cooker sites which are claiming the excess death are caused by the vaccines. Most non-deranged people accept the scientific studies showing Covid infection is the primary cause of excess deaths.

This was the authorities trying to work out what was causing the increase in excess heart deaths as the pandemic took off. At the time of the article not a since vaccine had gone into an arm in the UK.

To now be saying it is the fault of the vaccine when Covid has hit two thirds of our population is utter nonsense, conspiracy trash, and frankly evil.

Here is a recent article from Lancet which is peer review and reinforces the effectiveness of vaccines.

Vaccine effectiveness at baseline was 92% (88–94) for hospitalisations […] and reduced to 79% (65–87) at 224–251 days for hospitalisations

(That’s about 8 months)


[vaccine effectiveness was ] 91% (85–95) for mortality, and [reduced to] 86% (73–93) at 168–195 days for mortality.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 13 February 2023 2:55:55 PM
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You'd think that in the age of cancel culture people might realise that any news that doesn't go with the current narrative is suppressed.

"It is only the cooker sites which are claiming the excess death are caused by the vaccines. Most non-deranged people accept the scientific studies showing Covid infection is the primary cause of excess deaths."

Independent media are the only ones actually trying to find the truth.
When you say 'most non-deranged people' you're talking about all the people just like yourself
- But they're the ones who DID DRINK the Koolaid
(Or the ones who took the jibby-jabby if you want to be more honest)
- and bought into all the false narratives.

I was saying right from the start I don't want covid
(because it was probably engineered in a lab as a bioweapon)
And I don't want the bloody vaccine either.
- And all I copped was criticism, coercion and guilt trips for it.

A lot of people are now sorry they took it, or allowed others to force it upon their kids.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 February 2023 6:28:14 PM
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Sure older people with weaker immune systems may have had everything to fear;
(But many of them are starting to have strange heath problems)
- Whilst younger people with stronger immune systems had no need to take it.

In the end everyone ended up getting covid anyway.
I ended up getting sick, twice actually, and it wasn't until after the pandemic that I actually did get sick.
- And it was horrible, the worst flu I've had in decades.

But I'm still here, and at least I didn't put any of that crap in my body, and I'm glad as hell I took the position I did.

CDC Updates Vaccination Schedule for Children and Adolescents, Includes COVID-19 Vaccine Feb 13, 2023

This is all part of WEF plan, and recently they started talking about a global vaccine database for vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 February 2023 6:43:48 PM
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