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The Forum > General Discussion > Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

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After Elon Musk took-over Twitter, he threw the internal files open to a series of journalists. The resultant articles became the ‘Twitter Files’.

The information is now quite extensive, but the bottom line is that Twitter had been liaising closely with various government agencies (primarily the FBI) and the Biden team to suppress information that was detrimental to their agenda.

The most egregious of these issues was Hunter laptop. The FBI had the laptop for almost a year and knew that it was both valid and detrimental to Biden. (Polls have shown that up 5% of Biden voters would have changed their vote had they known the truth of the laptop). The FBI had already been working with Twitter prior to the release of the laptop’s contents, to endeavour to suppress it. This went from merely downgrading some tweets that mentioned the data to completely banning news organisations that had the temerity to publish it. OTOH, when 51 ex-FBI agents wrote that they thought the laptop was false (a claim most have now rescinded), Twitter worked hard to promote that as truth.

All this while the Twitter executives suspected that indeed the laptop was valid and knew that they were violating their own rules by suppressing it.

In addition, lines of communications were set up between Twitter, the FBI and senior Democrats to allow those Democrats to flag certain tweets as ‘unhelpful’, which Twitter operatives enthusiastically suppressed. The changing government positions on Covid and RussiaGate formed a goodly part of the Twitter efforts to help the Democrat talking points.

This wasn’t confined to Twitter. We know that the FBI was closely ensconced within Facebook and YouTube, each of which did their part to assist in the suppression of the Hunter laptop story. And evidence has abounded that Google searches are skewed to favour woke talking-points.

The First Amendment prohibits the government from suppressing speech or engaging in censorship. No such prohibition affects the private sector. But what happens when the private sector does the bidding of the government to suppress speech? This becomes uncomfortably close to classic corporate fascism.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 12 February 2023 5:16:57 PM
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Everything you said was spot on mhaze.
Except it isn't close to being fascism, IT IS fascism.
- and it's happening on an international scale.

It's not government working hand in hand with the private sector to do the bidding of the state.
- It's globalist elite working hand in hand with multinationals to do the bidding of the global elite for the entire planet.
Bilderberg has been going on since 1954, and now Klaus Schwab and his WEF Great Reset.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 12 February 2023 8:26:06 PM
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My God this is laughable.

Trump sacks the head of the FBI to halt a legitimate investigation into Russia's interference in the election and Trump's team's potential role in it and yet we are still banging on about a laptop?

Utterly zero understanding of what constitutes fascism from the RWNJ set.

"WASHINGTON — President Trump told Russian officials in the Oval Office this month that firing the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, had relieved “great pressure” on him, according to a document summarizing the meeting.

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” "
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 12 February 2023 10:14:31 PM
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Hi SteeleRedux,
What's this got to do with the Twitter files?
There was no Russian interference in the US election.
It was all made up, I can't believe people are still going on about this.
On the other hand, Biden and Democrats most definitely tried to influence the election.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 February 2023 12:46:28 AM
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After a witch hunt that would make McCarthyism look restrained, the Democrats and FBI came up with diddly squat against Trump.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 13 February 2023 3:30:54 AM
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Dear Armchair Critic,

Well you had better tell that to the FBI who still have wanted posters up.

"On July 13, 2018, a federal grand jury sitting in the District of Columbia returned an indictment against 12 Russian military intelligence officers for their alleged roles in interfering with the 2016 United States (U.S.) elections. The indictment charges 11 defendants, Boris Alekseyevich Antonov, Dmitriy Sergeyevich Badin, Nikolay Yuryevich Kozachek, Aleksey Viktorovich Lukashev, Artem Andreyevich Malyshev, Sergey Aleksandrovich Morgachev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich Osadchuk, Aleksey Aleksandrovich Potemkin, Ivan Sergeyevich Yermakov, Pavel Vyacheslavovich Yershov, and Viktor Borisovich Netyksho, with a computer hacking conspiracy involving gaining unauthorized access into the computers of U.S. persons and entities involved in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, stealing documents from those computers, and staging releases of the stolen documents to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election."
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 13 February 2023 8:52:56 AM
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So how does all this affect Australia?

As democracy in the USA unravels, the implications for Australia are enormous. Firstly Australia’s very existence long term is utterly dependent on the continued hegemony of the US. But as power elite in the US seeks to impose their will and power over the heads of the US citizenry, the ability of the US to maintain the hegemony weakens.
Additionally, if the primary beacon for freedom and democracy ceases to be that, the legitimacy of the very notion of democracy erodes. We already see democracy under threat in its home of Britain where it is now possible to be investigated and even arrested for silently holding wrong-thoughts. Finally, who can forget that peaceful protestors opposed to Victoria’s lockdowns were fired upon by police in a demonstration that dissent is not permitted.

While the Twitter Files have not yet addressed the question of censorship attempts by non-US elites, it would take spectacular gullibility to think that Australian government entities weren’t aware of the possibility and processes to have local critics silenced.

We know that Australia politicians and official medical establishment were deliberately, wilfully and constantly lying about the efficacy of the vaccine and (to a lesser extent) masks. People lost jobs, careers, friends and businesses over the vaccine mandates which even the strongest proponents now concede were ineffective. The vaccine couldn’t ever stop transmission of the dreaded WuFlu (or any other flu for that matter), yet we were told otherwise and those trying to present the alternate view were suppressed and censored. Many people fell for the deception. We can assume, but not yet prove, that the Australian authorities were cheering on and supporting the US CDC’s efforts to suppress information about the efficacy of masks and the vaccine’s ability to hinder the virus’ transmission.

Sadly we will find that the anxiously gullible will have learned very little from this, even if they know they were deceived. The 'I-believe-the-experts' crowd will continue to believe whatever they are told.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 13 February 2023 9:17:32 AM
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Dear mhaze,

Bouncing from Hunter's laptop to Australia's Covid response in a single leap? That isn't even a long bow but rather a tangled mess of conspiracy theories which would do AC proud.

But you keep doing you, it is entertaining at least.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 13 February 2023 9:57:23 AM
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As usual SR you've missed the point.

The point being the suppression of information, the suppression of dissent, the censorship of facts and information that the elites deem unhelpful.

The information in and about the laptop was suppressed. The information about the vaccine and its efficacy was suppressed. That's the point. Clearly over your head.

Although I sometimes wonder whether you do indeed miss the point on these issues or just don't want to address the point and therefore try to move the subject elsewhere. If you don't like what's being said but haven't the wherewithal to address the issue, what do you do? If you're SR you try to change the point and then address that.

Of course, SR's not alone here. We'll see others in his cohort try the same tactic.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 13 February 2023 10:09:08 AM
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Hey SteeleRedux,
I was never a hack, but an internal leak.
Look up Seth Rich.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 February 2023 10:17:10 AM
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Hey mhaze,
Even the MSM is now talking about vaccine injuries;
There was a article a couple of days back in the HraldSun titled 'Rita Panahi: Vaccine injury victims have been forced to suffer in silence'
- I think they've changed the title though, and it's paywalled.
New title is 'Vaccine victims have been left voiceless'
- It's funny how they change story titles, I don't know why, maybe to either play the story up or down, or make it harder for people to find them again.

Also, it's been a long time since I looked at all the Crowdstrike, Guccifer 2.0, DNC emails, hack v's leak theory, Christopher Steele dossier, Russiagate, Comey, Podesta, Wikileaks, and missing server / Trump election etc. stuff.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 February 2023 10:40:04 AM
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"Of course, SR's not alone here. We'll see others in his cohort try the same tactic."

I imagine SteeleRedux is often incredulous at some of the bilge that is served up here ... I think he deserves a medal!
Posted by Poirot., Monday, 13 February 2023 10:54:13 AM
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"The point being the suppression of information, the suppression of dissent, the censorship of facts and information that the elites deem unhelpful."

Of course it bloody is. Which is why Trump firing the head of the FBI to take pressure off himself was and extreme form of suppression and tore at the counterbalancing institutions which allow democracies to work.

I mean Trump was quite overt about it, censoring facts and information became the norm.

"In a June 15 tweet, President Trump said testing “makes us look bad.” At his campaign rally in Tulsa five days later, he said he had asked his “people” to “slow the testing down, please.” At a White House press conference last week, he told reporters, “When you test, you create cases.”"

Yet you are deep in the bowels of Hunter's laptop?

Stop it mate, you are making yourself look more silly than usual.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 13 February 2023 12:58:10 PM
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We know that Twitter worked hand-in-glove with the Democrats and FBI to suppress data that might cause those organisations angst. It has also been revealed that Facebook (among others) effectively handed their fact checking on the virus and the lockdowns to the US CDC. If the CDC didn’t like a post, it was either suppressed or downgraded. People, no matter how qualified, who took positions contrary to the accepted narrative, were censored, ostracised, threatened with expulsion from their professional bodies or had their careers destroyed.

In Australia, we’re now seeing admissions that doctors and scientists remained silent for fear of being deregistered or some other career ending attack.

In the early days of the great Wuflu scare, it was forbidden to suggest the virus was created in a Chinese lab. Again, people were kicked off various social media sites, or were demonetised. Now the lab theory is the favoured idea as to how the virus got started.

So many things were suppressed because of what were termed ‘conspiracy theories’. But many of those ‘conspiracy theories’ became facts. Remember when it was a ‘conspiracy theory’ to think the Obama regime spied on Trump? That’s now a proven fact.

But the issue isn’t about the accuracy of these issues. Even if the Hunter laptop turned out to be fake. Even if the vaccine did all it was claimed to do. Even then, it would have been wrong to censor those who said otherwise. At least that’s true in a democracy.

But plenty of these ‘conspiracy theories’ were not suppressed. It all came down to whether the claims were advantageous to the ruling elite or not.

In addition to the various social media organisations working in concert with each other and the deep state to censor any ‘unhelpful’ views, much of the MSM joined in and indeed cheered the censorship on. Even now, when the Twitter revelations are clear and unequivocal, the MSM continues to suppress the story. Those relying on the MSM/Facebook/Google for their news will be blissfully unaware of the Twitter revelations. Blissfully unaware is how they like it
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 13 February 2023 2:22:35 PM
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"Even the MSM is now talking about vaccine injuries;"

Yes, it is becoming increasingly hard to hide the fact that the vaccines carry many risks that, for certain age groups, outweigh the purported benefits. The dangers and growing death-toll from the vaccines are now so pronounced that even the MSM and social media censors can't suppress it.

That is why some countries have now altered their vaccine policies for people under 50.

As "excess mortality" data becomes more available, it is clear that there are unexplained 'bumps' in the death rates for younger age groups.

Of course, those who warned of this long ago were censored into silence. That is the real harm here and why things like the Twitter files need to be made apparent to as wide an audience as possible. Governments, our own included, implemented vaccine mandates to force people to take a largely untested drug, knowing full well that it was untested and didn't do what they claimed for it. That's bad enough. But then they stopped contrary data getting out which would have allowed their citizenry to make informed decisions about whether to take the shot(s).

That is dangerous beyond understanding. People who truly believed in democracy or the good sense of their fellow citizens wouldn't go down this path. They did because it suited their lust for power.

Social media and other companies joined in the deception.....corporate fascism. We enter a dark phase of our history.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 13 February 2023 2:39:25 PM
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Dear mhaze,

You really have drunk the Koolaid haven't you.

It is only the cooker sites which are claiming the excess death are caused by the vaccines. Most non-deranged people accept the scientific studies showing Covid infection is the primary cause of excess deaths.

This was the authorities trying to work out what was causing the increase in excess heart deaths as the pandemic took off. At the time of the article not a since vaccine had gone into an arm in the UK.

To now be saying it is the fault of the vaccine when Covid has hit two thirds of our population is utter nonsense, conspiracy trash, and frankly evil.

Here is a recent article from Lancet which is peer review and reinforces the effectiveness of vaccines.

Vaccine effectiveness at baseline was 92% (88–94) for hospitalisations […] and reduced to 79% (65–87) at 224–251 days for hospitalisations

(That’s about 8 months)


[vaccine effectiveness was ] 91% (85–95) for mortality, and [reduced to] 86% (73–93) at 168–195 days for mortality.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 13 February 2023 2:55:55 PM
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You'd think that in the age of cancel culture people might realise that any news that doesn't go with the current narrative is suppressed.

"It is only the cooker sites which are claiming the excess death are caused by the vaccines. Most non-deranged people accept the scientific studies showing Covid infection is the primary cause of excess deaths."

Independent media are the only ones actually trying to find the truth.
When you say 'most non-deranged people' you're talking about all the people just like yourself
- But they're the ones who DID DRINK the Koolaid
(Or the ones who took the jibby-jabby if you want to be more honest)
- and bought into all the false narratives.

I was saying right from the start I don't want covid
(because it was probably engineered in a lab as a bioweapon)
And I don't want the bloody vaccine either.
- And all I copped was criticism, coercion and guilt trips for it.

A lot of people are now sorry they took it, or allowed others to force it upon their kids.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 February 2023 6:28:14 PM
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Sure older people with weaker immune systems may have had everything to fear;
(But many of them are starting to have strange heath problems)
- Whilst younger people with stronger immune systems had no need to take it.

In the end everyone ended up getting covid anyway.
I ended up getting sick, twice actually, and it wasn't until after the pandemic that I actually did get sick.
- And it was horrible, the worst flu I've had in decades.

But I'm still here, and at least I didn't put any of that crap in my body, and I'm glad as hell I took the position I did.

CDC Updates Vaccination Schedule for Children and Adolescents, Includes COVID-19 Vaccine Feb 13, 2023

This is all part of WEF plan, and recently they started talking about a global vaccine database for vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 February 2023 6:43:48 PM
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In the runup to the 2016 Presidential Election, there was an enormous campaign of lies against Hilary Clinton. People changed the way they voted because of examples of corruption that they were told (mostly on Facebook, but also on other social media) of the corrupt activity that the leaked emails proved.

In reality, of course, the leaked emails showed nothing of the sort. They were uploaded as a searchable archive, so everyone who checked could easily see the claims were false. But few people bothered to check. And at least partly because of that, they elected a President with fascist tendencies (not caring about human rights, the rule of law, or even the truth).

Four years later, similar tactics were tried, but this time the social media companies did something about it. And for that, they get labelled "fascist" by people who'd prefer actual fascists to rule.

The truth about Hunter Biden's laptop is that there's evidence of it being tampered with between Hunter losing at and the FBI receiving it. AIUI investigations are ongoing, but there's no reliable evidence of Joe doing anything wrong.

'Tis almost certain those polls you claim "have shown that up 5% of Biden voters would have changed their vote had they known the truth of the laptop" actually showed that up to 5% of Biden voters would have changed their vote had they heard more of the lies about the laptop.

Elections should be fought on truth not lies. Fortunately this time Big Tech favoured truth.
Posted by Aidan, Monday, 13 February 2023 8:12:10 PM
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"It is only the cooker sites which are claiming the excess death are caused by the vaccines. Most non-deranged people accept the scientific studies showing Covid infection is the primary cause of excess deaths."

There is now ample evidence that, even after adjusting for claimed WuFlu deaths, deaths from other causes is inexplicably high. I'd walk you through the numbers, but we know how statistics confuse you.

Aidan claimed..."The truth about Hunter Biden's laptop is that there's evidence of it being tampered with between Hunter losing at and the FBI receiving it."

That's complete rubbish and completely misunderstands the history of the laptop and the timing of its hand-over to the FBI. I suspect you just made it up or at the very least fell for someone else's fabrication.

But even it were true, (and did I mention that you just fabricated it) if you check the Twitter Files you'll see that the reasons it was supressed had nothing to do with any claims about its provenance. Still why check the facts when they might upset the narrative, eh?

The Hunter laptop shows the utter corruption at the heart of Biden family. Its interesting to see their flying-monkeys racing to their defence.

Still the Hunter laptop story is only a part of the entire Twitter Files exposé. There are plenty of other instances of the social media elite seeking to suppress opinion in the interests of their power structure. But people like Aidan have picked a side and so long as its their side doing the censoring, their okeydokey with that.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 13 February 2023 9:31:48 PM
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It doesn't say it in the article, but I heard that the parents are convinced it was because of the Covid vaccine.
- Apparently his mum Tania posted her thoughts on facebook.

Aiden, Hillary was never transparent or released all of her emails, she had a state department email and a gmail account that she wasn't supposed to have and she refused to hand her emails over and obstructed every attempt to do so, and when she eventually did it was only after she'd had every chance to delete anything that incriminated her. If I remember correctly this was back when Huma Abedin was her personal assistant.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 February 2023 10:51:42 PM
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You bought into the lies of the media most of which is financed by six of the world's wealthiest Globalists.

Truth is Hillary Clinton paid the FBI $6million to find something incriminating to take Trump down. You should realise by now if you've been paying attention that the Biden left-wing are running a police state in America and they use the secret police the FBI to go after political opponents

The Department of Justice, in America never investigates the left wing government because the FBI and the Department of Justice are corrupted
The WEF, worlds richest Globalists want Biden and the left wing in powerin America because the left helps them to work against American power and prosperity.

Pr Trump tried to bring prosperity back to America but that takes money away from the big corporations and funnels it back to the people. They used their owned American TV Channels and Australian owned TV Channels to demonise Pres Trp 24/7.

China lost $1 billion dollars under Pres Trump because he bought jobs and trade deals back to America for the workers.
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 12:41:18 AM
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Covid is unrelated to flu, and it's highly likely that an actual strain of flu will originate in the Wuhan area in the next few years, so it's best to avoid referring to Covd as WuFlu.

With hospitals overwhelmed by Covid, and other procedures cancelled or postponed, it's not at all surprising that deaths from other causes rose.

Unreliability of the Hunter Laptop data is a significant issue, but perhaps more importantly, none of its contents actually shows Joe Biden to be corrupt. You claim "The Hunter laptop shows the utter corruption at the heart of Biden family" but the ONLY member of the Biden family it MAY show was corrupt is Hunter.

No flying monkeys needed for Biden's defence, though Trump's defence seems to need hordes of them.

Remember the presence of a conspiracy theory doesn't indicate actual wrongdoing.
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 12:42:37 AM
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To Aidan continued ....

The FBi obtained an illegal warrant from the Fisa Court
Illegal because they lied on the Fisa documents so they could obtain a warrant to subpoena all President Trump and people around him documents.

The FBI with 6 of their top Lawyers went through thousands and thousands of documents with a fine tooth comb looking for anything they could find on Pres Trump.

All they did was prove how honest Pres Trmp is because they found nothing.

They have tried everything they could to get him on something. Taxes everything. All they succeed on doing is proving how honest Pr Trump is in his dealings.
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 12:54:42 AM
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Protectionism gives the short term illusion of prosperity, but it eventually just results in less competitiveness.

Trump funnelled money TO the big corporations by way of a huge corporate tax cut. That did improve the economy, as before that America was running too small a deficit, but as usual the people most in need got least.

>The Department of Justice, in America never investigates the left wing government
...Because the USA never has left wing government!

>Truth is Hillary Clinton paid the FBI $6million to find something incriminating to take Trump down.
ITYF that's just a conspiracy nut's claims, not actual truth.
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 1:03:47 AM
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>Truth is Hillary Clinton paid the FBI $6million to find something incriminating to take Trump down.
"ITYF that's just a conspiracy nut's claims, not actual truth."

- Who paid off Crowdstrike and Christopher Steele then?
Don't forget even Alexander Downer was mixed up in that mess.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 8:50:56 AM
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Dear mhaze,

You write: "There is now ample evidence that, even after adjusting for claimed WuFlu deaths, deaths from other causes is inexplicably high. I'd walk you through the numbers, but we know how statistics confuse you."

You see this will forever be the difference between us. I gave two references in my post to you including one from Lancet a highly respected medical journal.

You gave nothing just doubled down on unsupported claims with nothing to back them up. This is how cookers operate, I understand that. You have your 'own' studies which you rely on to back up your world view but you are loathe to cite them because deep down you know they are suspect. But you don't want your bubble burst so they can only be pulled out of you with great reluctance.

It is kind of endearing in a way but also really tiring when others are trying to have a rational discussion with you lot.

Oh well.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 9:04:37 AM
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Is there a reason why they call these 'vaccines' vaccines
- And not 'innoculation'?

Yes there is, it's because they don't bloody work mate.
They don't stop people from getting Covid.

Are you saying there's no side effects?
- People just dropping dead left right and centre.
People having blot clots and strokes and 100+ other different adverse heath events (death being the most untreatable) with 'experts' sending people away because they have absolutely no idea of whats going on?
- And being placed on gag orders.

- Forcing it on pilots of all people, there's one story where a pilot carrying hundreds of people nearly dropped out of the sky because of ad adverse event.

Are you saying they weren't fast tracked and were adequetely tested?
Some of these 'vaccines' were on the market a few weeks after the pandemic was declared.
- Which I might add wasn't until they ALLOWED it to spread to over 100 countries first.

We live on an island continent.
You think Scomo could've quarantined the country until we knew what was going on?
- They don't build a quarantine facility offshore like on QLDS abandoned tropical islands - No.
They let everyone in because they're scared of what the Chinese might say.
- Then put quarantine facilities right in the centre of all our capital cities, in hotels with shared ventilation.
Then later Scomo wants to pick a fight with the CCP
- And costs the country billions upon billions in reduced exports.

Some people really need to get real here.
Are all these people just dumb (inc. some of the commenters), or incompetent, or did they deliberately want to create a global crisis for vaccine and medical profits and so the WEF and WHO can take control over peoples lives?


H5N1 coming next.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 9:26:26 AM
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Hey everyone,
Lets just all give a good ole NAZI salute to Furer Schwab right now
- Like the good little slaves, labrats they want us to become

Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 9:31:09 AM
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Dear Armchair Critic,

More unsubstantiated blather from a cooker.

Mate, every single one of your statements are off some Facebook page.

You state: "it's because they don't bloody work mate."

Yet I had earlier in the thread given you a link to a meta study which showed just how effective they are. Yet you obviously didn't read it because it would have conflicted with your conspiracy ridden world view.

Now we have done this dance before and from memory you tend to come off second best, but how about you give me a link to your best evidence the Covid vaccines don't work and we can dissect it together.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 9:31:49 AM
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Aidan is upset with my using the term 'WuFlu'. He says its because of the 'flu' part but I suspect its because of the 'Wu' part. In some circle it's verboten to remind everyone that it arose in China. Indeed, continuing the censorship issue, at one point it was considered disinformation and people were censored for using terms that linked it to China.
As regards to it not being a 'flu, you should read the latest paper from Fauci wherein he explains the great similarities between the two and how those similarities mean that the vaccine couldn't stop the transmission of Covid, contra to the claims made by many, including Fauci, at the height of the hysteria.

(it looks like you'll have to copy-paste the link since the software can't interpret the brackets in the middle of the link)

Aidan asserts "the ONLY member of the Biden family it [the laptop] MAY show was corrupt is Hunter."
Like his claim about the laptop being tampered with (which he simply fabricated), this is rubbish borne of a lack of understanding and examination. The laptop data (primarily the emails, none of which are denied) show Frank Biden up to his neck in the graft. It also shows Joe, who claimed to know nothing of his son's affairs, not only fully aware and involved, but also the recipient of the proceeds of the graft (10% for the big guy). Additionally it shows the efforts the family made to give Joe 'plausible deniability' in regards to the bribe taking.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 10:09:34 AM
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The trouble you have with these issues is your propensity to re-imagine the points made and then seek to refute these re-imagined claims. Your Lancet link is an example. Sure, it shows or purports to show, that the vaccine was good at reducing the severity of the virus in those infected. But that isn't the issue and wasn't my point. I agree that the so-called vaccine works to reduce the risks of death and hospitalisation. But my point is that the claims made by the medical fraternity and the political elite was that the vaccine reduced the chances of spreading the virus and that is now shown to be false. Whatismore, it was known to be false at the time. But that was suppressed in order to defend the vaccine mandates.

So you've misunderstood or re-imagined my point, found something that refutes the re-imagined point (but not the actual point) and then claimed vindication. Oh dear!

Just something for you to go on with and get thoroughly confused by....

The ABS found that there had been 128,797 deaths from January 1 to August 31, 20022, which was 17 per cent higher than the historical average or an extra 18,671 deaths. Of those, 7727 were attributed to the WuFlu leaving 10,944 non-Covid excess deaths.

Deaths due to dementia are up 18.9 per cent, diabetes up 20.8 per cent, cancer up 6.1 per cent, and ischaemic heart disease up 3.3 per cent, according to ABS data
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 10:11:10 AM
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The responses to the post are as expected.

The Twitter Files shows a loose collaboration between government and corporate media/social media to suppress views and information that was detrimental to the power and interest of those bodies. Information was and is being withheld in order to further the power, wealth and interests of the already powerful and wealthy.

Yet this is being ignored by those who, for whatever reason, have fallen for the claims of that elite and believe the elite is working for their benefit. Even as the Twitter Files show that data and information suppression was rampant, the elite media and the government are working to suppress the evidence of suppression.

And yet we have people here, who I'm sure are representative of many others, who don't deny the censorship but applaud because it helped their side. We know that these people have a very poor understanding of history and fail to recognise that the collaboration between government and corporations over the heads of the populace is the very definition of fascism. But they are happy to be lied to, to have decisions taken out of their hands, so long as their side is doing the taking.

Most won't see the 1930's parallels. We might yet avoid the pitfalls ahead, but a dark period in our history surely awaits.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 10:26:00 AM
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>- Who paid off Crowdstrike and Christopher Steele then?

The phrase "paid off" when applied to people other than blackmailers, means paying them to fail to do their job. Is that what you meant? If so, it's quite a serious allegation, and one I've never heard before.

But if you mean who paid them to do their jobs:
Crowdstrike was paid by the DNC.
Christopher Steele was paid by Fusion GPS who were paid by the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Schwab is powerless and foolishly trying to exploit conspiracy theories to stay relevant.


I've got nothing against the "Wu" part. And everyone knows Covid originated in China (well almost everyone - I expect a few people still believe the conspiracy nuts who claimed otherwise) so reminders are redundant but not objectionable. Having said that, I do also object to it being called "the China virus" but only because there are lots of viruses from China, and there are likely to be more in the future.

If there are circles where it's verboten to remind people of it, I'm certainly a very VERY long way outside them, but I do value technical accuracy.

>The laptop data (primarily the emails, none of which are denied) show Frank Biden up to his neck in the graft.

>It also shows Joe, who claimed to know nothing of his son's affairs, not only fully aware and involved,
Again I ask for evidence!
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 11:13:10 AM
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"Yet I had earlier in the thread given you a link to a meta study which showed just how effective they are. Yet you obviously didn't read it because it would have conflicted with your conspiracy ridden world view."

No I didn't read it.
If it's shown to have reduced severity and deaths then I'll accept that,
- But it's the other half of the calculation that you can't gauge.

Let's start at ground zero...

The benefits of the vaccine (reducing severity and deaths)
AS OPPOSED TO short and long term side effects of the vaccine.

How do the reduction of severity and deaths weigh up against the true total number and results of all these side effects?

Did they study 10,000 vaccinated people from various age groups against 10,000 unvaccinated people from various age groups over a 10 year period?
- And how would the results then stack up if they did?
None of us can know the bigger picture, and lets face it;

As far as statistics were concerned:
If you had covid and fell down the stairs broke your neck and died,
Many of the worlds reports would have reflected that you died from Covid, not from falling down the stairs.
So how can anyone even rely on any of the numbers when the process for determining the statistics was flawed in the first place?

When was your study done - a year back maybe?
If so there's no way it included people such as Rickson 'Ricko' Williams who dropped dead in his bed a month back in QLD or people who are yet to have further health issues.
- And probably isn't included even now
(They'd say there's no evidence to suggest he dropped dead from the vaccine blah-blah-freaking-blah...)

They're still promoting more booster shots, (not even the 20th Feb yet) so this means there will be more side effects forthcoming.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 11:18:55 AM
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Well I hate to say it Aiden, but it seems like you just stepped in your own turd there.

You've just admitted that Hillary Clinton (who had control of the DNC finances) and the DNC paid Fusion GPS and Crowdstike for the purposes of running a smear campaign including the fake Christopher Steele dossier for the purposes of influencing the results of the election.


Which is far worse form of manipulation the election that what so-called 'Russian trolls' (That one would expect nothing less from and which is actually fair play)
- Foreign governments and individuals have as much right as anyone to hold a position on a foreign election, and if they don't then the US should stop meddling in other nations election.

Not only that, you fail to acknowledge that when Democrats used these tactics they set a precedent that says there was every chance they did meddle in the election results of the 2020 election where Trump lost to Biden.

Not to mention that the so-called 'Russian trolls' themselves were most likely Ukrainians, and that the US just found some Russian dupes to pin it on knowing full well that they would never come to the US to answer the allegations.

You'd better go clean your shoes, before you trot shite all around the forum and start stinking up the place.
- Sorry, but you've just settled the matter for all of us here.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 11:58:12 AM
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Dear mhaze,

You engaged in another falsehood: “But my point is that the claims made by the medical fraternity and the political elite was that the vaccine reduced the chances of spreading the virus and that is now shown to be false.”

This is what the Lancet Study found: “For infections caused by any SARS-CoV-2 strain, vaccine effectiveness for the primary series reduced from 83% (95% CI 80–86) at baseline (14–42 days) to 62% (53–69) by 112–139 days.

Read the damn study.

And this was rich from you as a Trump apologist: “Most won't see the 1930's parallels”

Dear Armchair Critic,

Why are you bringing up Rickson 'Ricko' Williams. You don’t know whether he was vaccinated or not. You don’t know if or when he had a recent Covid infection.

Here are some impacts of Covid infections.

“Very sick kids”
“When first admitted to the hospital, most of the 45 children (median age 9 years old) in the study were critically ill and required intensive care. Nearly 80% of the children had some type of cardiac dysfunction, and almost half had moderate to severe cardiac abnormalities, including decreased ability of the heart to pump properly, coronary artery dilation, and leaking heart valves. Two-thirds of the children experienced a temporary decrease in the number of white blood cells during their hospital stay. The majority had an increase in inflammatory markers, and more than half also had elevated cardiac-specific markers indicating heart injury.”

Why are you so determined to milk this tragic death to feed your conspiracy theories?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 12:18:03 PM
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SR wrote: "Read the damn study."

I did and it doesn't say what you claim for it. Its simply showing a declining effectiveness for the vaccine over time. But it has nought to say about the vaccine as regards to further transmission, which was my point and which seems to continually fly over your head.

Read the Fauci paper I linked to earlier. It explains it rather well but I'll further dumb it down it for you.

The vaccine works in the blood-stream. That's where it resides. So it can only be effective against the virus once the virus enters the blood-stream. But the virus initially enters the body through the nasal systems and infects the "human respiratory mucosa". That's where it replicates and that's where further transmission occurs. But the vaccine doesn't and can't attack the virus there. Therefore it can't and doesn't reduce the incidence of transmission.

Read the Fauci paper.

This has been known from the outset yet the people who were trying to get this information out were censored. Why? Because the justification for the vaccine mandates was that the vaccine stopped transmission. It doesn't. They knew it. They lied. And the media helped them lie.

Now I get that you're okey-dokey with being lied to in a 'good' cause but many aren't. But the mandates were enforced based on the lie and people lost livelihoods and possibly lives due to the lies and the censorship of the truth.

As to your assertion that Trump was fascist, it just shows a lack of understanding as to what that term means. Standard SR there.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 1:28:59 PM
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Recent data carried out by other countries,not Western countries put the serious adverse effects from the vaccines as 1 in 800.
Dr Campbell, the latest Covid statistics reviewer using well known credited sources shows the numbers and discusses them online

Also myocarditis may not kill you weakens the heart and at any point in the future,1 year, 5 years if you really exert yourself
It will kill you then. It's part of the Big Pharma gaslighting, that most people recover. No they are left with a ticking timebomb.
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 1:29:08 PM
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Also I've seen a long list of the names of fit athletic sportsmen and some women as well, who have died over the last couple of years.
A few spectacularly collapsing on the field.

The last count was 160.

The ridiculous New York Times thought they'd cover this story, only one time and they actually showed a big stack of photos being tossed on top of each other on their online video on Twitter, of all the sportsmen who had suddenly died.

The reason they gave was,"more sports people are smoking cannibals these days". Yeah right!
The one thing these sports people all have in common is they are forced to be vaxed to be allowed to play.

Dr Campbell doing the stats on the excess deaths in the UK and around the world, said in the UK it was up to 16% more deaths.
700 to 15,000 extra deaths across all ages a week.

Might account for the huge demands for ambulances that seemed to occur after Omnicron was causing very little hospitalisations.
Why the sudden big shortages of ambulances?
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 1:49:23 PM
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Dear mhaze,

you really are holding on for dear life on this aren't you. Wonder why.

The Lancet paper clearly states the effectiveness against documented infections which it pegs at the following percentages:

0-13 71%
14-42 87%
112-139 66%
140-167 57%


These are not the figures for hospitalisations nor mortality.

Reducing infections reduces its transmission.

Why is this so hard for you?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 4:44:15 PM
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As usual SR misunderstands the numbers, but continues to push his misunderstanding because that's all he's got.

SR , they're not measuring the numbers of infections, their measuring the severity of or longevity of it. Remember this is a meta study and they are combining numbers of symptomatic and asymptomatic infections from all sorts of different methodologies. Struth!

But did you read the Fauci paper I linked? More to the point, did you understand it? The vaccine can't stop infections. It just can't. But it can reduce the progress of the infection once it moves into the bloodstream.

A month or three back I reported on the admission from Pfizer that not only doesn't their vaccine stop infections, it wasn't designed to do so and they never even bothered to test what effect it had on initial infections. Did you miss that or did you delete it because the real world doesn't comply with this fantasy world you've constructed.

So again, the vaccine mandate was based on a lie about how the vaccine worked. A lie that was known to the authorities who used censorship via the levers of the media and social media to suppress contrary and more accurate data. Lives were lost, careers destroyed, families rent asunder.

Rather revealing that you're good with that so long as it done in a cause that suits your side of politics.

History is replete with examples of free societies slowly giving up their freedom in the pursuit of partisan politics. History is also replete with a-historic fools failing to learn these lessons.

What Elon Musk has done with the Twitter Files is lift a curtain to reveal the true horror of what goes on behind the scenes and how the anxiously gullible are led down the garden path. He's already done much good in the world, but this one thing outweighs all the others.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 7:46:09 AM
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"The vaccine can't stop infections. It just can't. But it can reduce the progress of the infection once it moves into the bloodstream.

A month or three back I reported on the admission from Pfizer that not only doesn't their vaccine stop infections, it wasn't designed to do so"

Well, der ... this was widely transmitted right from the start of vaccination.

You appear to believe you have suddenly discovered it.

(Well done! - better late than never!)

What Musk has done re twitter is wreck his investment - interfered with the algorithm so much so that even he is now complaining about his tweets not being seen.

Hilarious really ...
Posted by Poirot., Wednesday, 15 February 2023 8:26:40 AM
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No I didn't suddenly discover it. I knew it from the outset but only now are the authorities owning up to it. That's the difference.

If, as you assert, the fact that vaccines can't stop the transmission was always known, how do you explain the vaccine mandates which were sold as ways to stop the transmission? We were told it was selfish to be anti-vax since we'd give the virus to grannie and the kids.

We even had soft-totalitarians in this group calling for anti-vaxers to be gaoled and forcibly vaccinated. That makes no sense in any adult world but especially makes no sense if we all knew that the vaccine couldn't stop transmission.

I suspect, Poirot, that you are just re-writing history to suit new information - Oceania has always been at war with East Asia.

As to Musk....he was once a hero of the woke crowd - building EV cars, opening up space with reusable equipment, providing Ukraine with the eyes and ears via Starlink to allow them to fight that evil Mr Putin. But as soon as he started showing the authoritarian muscle behind the woke's velvet glove, then he was suddenly transformed in the mind of the anxiously gullible into a Bond villain. Its been interesting to watch how they are able to change their views virtually overnight.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 9:11:43 AM
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As with the vaunted vaccine, the issue of masks was one the authorities sought to shut down all dissent. From the outset there were voices raised saying that masking was unnecessary for adults and outright cruel for kids.

And as with vaccines, Big Media suppressed dissenting views, banning, shadow banning or demonetising even expert views that differed from what the authoritarians deemed right. Who can forget people being arrested for failing to mask up while walking alone in bushland or, in one famous case, while canoeing in open waters.

Now, as we can expect, data is being bought forth showing that the whole mask-mania was so much gumph. The recent Cochrane study, a meta-analysis including studies covering a million people, showed the science is now clear: “Face coverings make little to no difference in Covid infection and fatality rates. Even when the hallowed N95 is worn."

Thankfully the authorities have given up their mask obsession but only after two years of spreading lies about their efficacy while doing nothing about the spreading of the dreaded WuFlu
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 10:21:14 AM
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>Well I hate to say it Aiden, but it seems like you just stepped in your own turd there.

If I've stepped in a turd, it's not my own, but the one that's fallen on your head!

>You've just admitted that Hillary Clinton (who had control of the DNC finances) and
>the DNC paid Fusion GPS and Crowdstike for the purposes of running a smear
>campaign including the fake Christopher Steele dossier for the purposes of
>influencing the results of the election.

Firstly, trying to influence the results of the election is CAMPAIGNING, not election tampering! Election tampering is preventing the election being free and fair. And you also seem to have failed to notice that Trump was running a smear campaign (based on lies) against Hillary Clinton.

Secondly, the payment to Crowdstrike was for cybersecurity measures, not for campaigning of any sort.

Thirdly, they paid Fusion GPS to gather GENUINE information about Trump. The fact that a lot of the information they actually got was fake backfired on them badly.

Fourthly. I notice you've been silent about your preposterous allegation that "Hillary Clinton paid the FBI $6million to find something incriminating to take Trump down". Do you now admit there's no real evidence for it?

>Not to mention that the so-called 'Russian trolls' themselves were most likely Ukrainians, and that the US just found
>some Russian dupes to pin it on knowing full well that they would never come to the US to answer the allegations.

The evidence against Rusia is clear, but there's no doubt at all that it wasn't ONLY russia where the mass libelling of Clinton occurred. But Ukrainians, having seen Russia unofficially invade a substantial piece of their country, are by far the least likely to participate in it. I know you despise the Ukrainian people for refusing to capitulate to Russian tyranny, but that's no excuse to try to shift the blame onto them!
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 10:47:12 AM
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Vaccine efficacy is analogue not digital! Like everyone else, I'd hoped that the vaccines would train the immune system to respond so fast that nobody ever gets Covid again. Unfortunately they don't. And contrary to what some people claim, that's never been a defining feature of vaccines.

But the vaccines do slightly reduce the chance of becoming infected, substantially reduce the chance of becoming infectious, and also reduce the severity and duration of infection. Yes there are possible side effects, but it's still a lot safer than getting infected unvaccinated.
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 10:48:19 AM
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"But the vaccines do ... substantially reduce the chance of becoming infectious"

Well Aidan perhaps we should tell that nice Mr Fauci this vital new data since he has specifically said "all of these viruses [Endemic respiratory viruses] replicate extremely rapidly in the surface epithelium and are quickly transmitted to other hosts, within a narrow window of time before adaptive immune responses are fully marshaled.

Perhaps we should also let the CEO of Pfizer know that his vaccine does stuff that he told the EU commission it wasn't designed to do. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to learn that all his scientists got it wrong.

But again, to bring this back to the main point here, the issue was that the vaccine was pushed as a sure-fire means of stopping the transmission and thus the vaccine mandates were born. When other experts tried to show that that wasn't the case and indeed couldn't possibly be the case (as Fauci now admits), Big Pharma/Big Media/Big Government sought to censor those views. People were then encouraged and sometimes forced to inject things without being given access to all the information.

A collaboration between major corporation, the media and government - the very definition of Fascism.

They called Trump a fascist but they were merely projecting.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 1:07:17 PM
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"No I didn't suddenly discover it. I knew it from the outset but only now are the authorities owning up to it. That's the difference.

If, as you assert, the fact that vaccines can't stop the transmission was always known .."

Still rubbish.

The "authorities" always maintained that despite being vaccinated, one could still become infected.

If you give it a bit af thought ... you might come to the conclusion that vaccinations were encouraged in order to contain the severity of the virus ... um ... so as not to overload our hospitals.

Did that ever occur to you?

Every strategy during this pandemic has been with a possible collapse of medical infrastructure in mind.

I realise that if you have a mind that seeks conspiracies in every corner, this may be a difficult scenario.
Posted by Poirot., Wednesday, 15 February 2023 2:39:37 PM
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The "authorities" always maintained that despite being vaccinated, one could still become infected."

Well that's not the point we are arguing, but nice try changing to change the point. The issue is whether the vaccine stops transmission.

But sit down Poirot, this is gunna be brutal.

Resident Bush...“you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations”.

Fauci..."vaccinated people become dead ends for the virus."

CDC Director Walensky...“vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick”.

D'ya want something closer to home?

Berejiklian...."get vaccinated not only to protect yourself and your loved ones but also the community" because "Unvaccinated people spread the disease more readily. "

Hazzard...."you’re being extremely selfish if you think you can not have a vaccine just because you don’t want to have a vaccine, well you should think about what you’re doing to your family".

Chairman Dan...."Two doses of this vaccine is the greatest protection that you can have for your health and the health of those you love"

Dan again..."[Take] three doses … to be protected or to minimise the likelihood that you get it and that you give it to the people that you love.”

Dan again...."with three doses that you’ll be prevented not just from serious illness but from getting this virus, this Omicron variant, and therefore giving it to others.”

and many more.

Its a standard human trait, Poirot, to change history in their mind to suit later knowledge. (My favourite is JFK - about 30% of USians voted for him, but surveys show 70% of those alive at the time claim to have voted for him!!).

The lockdowns were used to stop the spread. the vaccines were used as a way governments could extract themselves from the lockdown hole they'd dug for themselves.

Of course, (and this seems to be hard for others to follow) the issue isn't whether the vaccines worked or didn't work. The issue is that dissenting voices were suppressed and censored by government/media/pharma and democracy can't work like that. Its interesting watch the soft-authoritarians here trying to justify this censorship.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 3:23:53 PM
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"Well that's not the point we are arguing, but nice try changing to change the point. The issue is whether the vaccine stops transmission."

I quoted you banging on about the other aspect.

Any "authorities" will an ounce of expertise never said the vaccine would stop transmission.

Who's "Resident Bush"?

If it's President Bush, then he's as thick as two short planks - no surprise

You're the one who keeps darting about introducing different angles every time your argument is whittled away to ... zilch.
Posted by Poirot., Wednesday, 15 February 2023 3:43:56 PM
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"Firstly, trying to influence the results of the election is CAMPAIGNING"

Lies aren't campaigning, there was no truth to the Christopher Steele Dossier.
I'm starting to think people cling to the lies rather than admit they were wrong.
Russiagate was a hoax.

"And you also seem to have failed to notice that Trump was running a smear campaign (based on lies) against Hillary Clinton."
- You mean the Podesta emails and the data leaked by Seth Rich?

"I know you despise the Ukrainian people for refusing to capitulate to Russian tyranny, but that's no excuse to try to shift the blame onto them!"
I'm not shifting the blame, I heard the info years before Russia invaded.
Just as I also heard the DNC Server Trump was looking for went to the US Embassy in Ukraine.

And I don't despise the Ukrainian people, I think it's tragic whats happening to them largely because of the US but I do think little of the Ukrainian government for shelling innocent people in the Donbass for years and dragging high school kids, disabled and pensioners off the street and sending them to the front to prolong a war they can't win, and I do support Russia in this conflict.
I do despise the neoconservatives who started this war and the US governments foreign policy who are now largely comparable to the NAZIS themselves.
And also I don't like the Ukrainians bombing hospitals, killing POW's and innocent people or using chemical weapons, and plenty of other things that I've seen during this war.
In the end it will all have been pointless, because Russia will win.
- And stories out of the MSM over the last few days seem to be preparing everyone for this eventuality.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 10:54:27 PM
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ooops not Bush. The quote was from Resident Biden.

I quote...

Fauci..."vaccinated people become dead ends for the virus."

CDC Director Walensky...“vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick”.

You double down saying no authority "wil[h] an ounce of expertise never said the vaccine would stop transmission."

If you're going to just ignore the facts because they don't suit your narrative, there's little point continuing.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 16 February 2023 7:54:08 AM
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It was my understanding right from the start of vaccines being available that they did not stop transmission,, but at a societal level, they would at least hinder the severity of the disease in most people.

This was widely promulgated.

Here's Fauci again - "One of the things that’s clear from the data [is] that even though vaccines - because of the high degree of transmissibility of this virus - don’t protect overly well against infection, they protect quite well against severe disease leading to hospitalisation and death”

You do realise the nature of this virus, and the efforts made by people to mitigate it - yes?

And here you are bellyaching about a few quotes, obviously rattled off before the true effect of emerging vaccines could be studied.

But please do carry on! ... it's not often that I get to witness a real live conspiracy theorist do their thing (I've usually got better things to do, but this is somewhat entertaining)

What's it called? - oh yes, the "Twitter Files"

Please continue ...
Posted by Poirot., Thursday, 16 February 2023 8:44:05 AM
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Australia’s drug regulator hid vaccine deaths from the public, concerned that “disclosure could undermine public confidence”, it has been revealed.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 16 February 2023 10:04:22 AM
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"The Daily Sceptic"

Why am I not surprised : )
Posted by Poirot., Thursday, 16 February 2023 10:12:38 AM
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It is very human to remember the past as one would hope it was. So yes, people remember that they always knew the vaccines didn't stop the transmission of the dreaded virus, because that way they can convince themselves that they weren't duped.

But simply looking at the events and popular responses at the time show that the masses were duped.

If the majority didn't believe the vaccine would stop the transmission, then the vaccine mandates make no sense. But the mandates were sold on the basis that this was how to stop the virus.

Its all very well to dig up recent quotes from the authorities which now tell the truth, but the critical issue is what they were saying when it matter. My Fauci quote is from mid 2021. Your's is from mid 2022. See the difference?

Its also rubbish to say that they were speaking from lack of data therefore all is forgiven. For a start, they never expressed reservations about their take on the vaccine. But more to the point, they knew that what they were saying was wrong. The Pfizer CEO admitted to the EU Commission that the vaccine wasn't designed to stop the transmission and indeed they hadn't even bothered to check if it did so. And Fauci's recent paper which I linked earlier, shows that he knew that the vaccine couldn't possibly stop the spread. Yet he said and the majority believed that "vaccinated people become dead ends for the virus." It was a lie. He knew it was a lie. It was said for political purposes not medical ones.

So when all else fails, Poirot falls back on the 'conspiracy theory' trope:

1. These aren't theories. The Twitter Files are fact. No one is denying that this censorship occurred.

2 Perhaps you might like to go back and acquaint yourself with all the things that people like you have called 'conspiracy theories' over the past few years, that turned out to be true. Indeed it can be truly said that this year's conspiracy theory is next year's accepted truth.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 16 February 2023 10:24:02 AM
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At the end of the day, side effects will outweigh the benefits.
- And that's not a conspiracy theory.
Nor are the precedents they set to lockdown, track and trace and keep databases of vaccinated and unvaccinated, and use that data for means other than a pandemic; as opposed to quarantining the entire country from the virus.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 16 February 2023 11:35:25 AM
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In regards to quarantining the whole nation as stated above, and if there was no avoiding the eventual infection of the country they could've done it in an orderly manner.

And if the vaccines were shown to be effective in reducing severity and death, they should've been transparent about the unknown side effects and let people choose, and only used lockdowns within the country in a way that meant the most vulnerable people had the best standard of medical care when it was allowed in.

For example, open up the country and do state lockdowns 6 weeks at a time where all the excess hospital staff were sent to each state to look after the most vulnerable as slowly introduce the virus to the country.

For eg.
1. Quarantine the country, and prepare for an influx of patients.
2. Lockdown VIC, send all medical staff there and allow the release of the virus by allowing international travellers
(For a limited window depending on the amount of nursing staff available to adequately cope with infected patients needing care.)
3. 6 weeks later move medical staff to NSW and lock the state down (except the border with VIC allowing the virus in.)
4. 6 weeks later move medical staff to QLD and lock the state down
(except the border with NSW to allow the virus in.)
5, 6 weeks later SA,
6. 6 weeks later WA
7. 6 weeks later NT and TAS.

Orderly release of the virus, giving free choice of the vaccine and ensuring the best care for the most vulnerable.

Call it the PPPPP plan.
(Prior Planning Prevents Pisspoor Performance.)
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 16 February 2023 2:53:10 PM
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mhaze said "Of course, (and this seems to be hard for others to follow) the issue isn't whether the vaccines worked or didn't work. The issue is that dissenting voices were suppressed and censored by government/media/pharma and democracy can't work like that. Its interesting watch the soft-authoritarians here trying to justify this censorship."

Also "A collaboration between major corporation, the media and government - the very definition of Fascism. They called Trump a fascist but they were merely projecting."

Answer- The philosophy of science- the scientific method- falsifiability- rely on challenges from colleagues.

If Corona Authoritarianism occurred then Corona Science was probably corrupted.
In a sense democracy itself is a scientific process- it has issues similar to the economics information problem of "The Efficient Market Hypothesis"- and when authorities control and distort information democracy becomes tyranny and governments and the associated bureaucracy lose their democratic protection. In the words of Locke they become just another gang. The British Westminster System was one of the steps along the road to distribution of power- some perhaps for this reason favour more localized forms of power distribution. These different systems of political power are experimental ecosystems each competing and cooperating for survival in a dangerous world. But the woke left seems to be against popularism and localised forms of government.

When do the people stand up and say something? Or don't they have the courage to act for their own self interest and ultimately their survival? No one else will stand up for them. I suppose many people are sheep to the slaughter- there's only so much we can do to help them. It's only when you have nothing to lose that you fight- but if they take it slow enough then they can boil you alive- some are more aware than others.

When will the people see that the woke left don't embody the same beliefs as them? Communism doesn't work.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 18 February 2023 4:08:17 AM
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Edward Bernay's- Freud's nephew didn't trust in the people to vote correctly- saw to it that consumer culture worked as a form of population control. It seems the communists including Stalin didn't trust the people either- paraphrasing "ideas are more dangerous than guns so why should we let people think".

So it seems that Psychology and Communism both don't trust the people. I'm asking why?
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 18 February 2023 4:57:08 AM
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