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The Forum > General Discussion > Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

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Aidan is upset with my using the term 'WuFlu'. He says its because of the 'flu' part but I suspect its because of the 'Wu' part. In some circle it's verboten to remind everyone that it arose in China. Indeed, continuing the censorship issue, at one point it was considered disinformation and people were censored for using terms that linked it to China.
As regards to it not being a 'flu, you should read the latest paper from Fauci wherein he explains the great similarities between the two and how those similarities mean that the vaccine couldn't stop the transmission of Covid, contra to the claims made by many, including Fauci, at the height of the hysteria.

(it looks like you'll have to copy-paste the link since the software can't interpret the brackets in the middle of the link)

Aidan asserts "the ONLY member of the Biden family it [the laptop] MAY show was corrupt is Hunter."
Like his claim about the laptop being tampered with (which he simply fabricated), this is rubbish borne of a lack of understanding and examination. The laptop data (primarily the emails, none of which are denied) show Frank Biden up to his neck in the graft. It also shows Joe, who claimed to know nothing of his son's affairs, not only fully aware and involved, but also the recipient of the proceeds of the graft (10% for the big guy). Additionally it shows the efforts the family made to give Joe 'plausible deniability' in regards to the bribe taking.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 10:09:34 AM
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The trouble you have with these issues is your propensity to re-imagine the points made and then seek to refute these re-imagined claims. Your Lancet link is an example. Sure, it shows or purports to show, that the vaccine was good at reducing the severity of the virus in those infected. But that isn't the issue and wasn't my point. I agree that the so-called vaccine works to reduce the risks of death and hospitalisation. But my point is that the claims made by the medical fraternity and the political elite was that the vaccine reduced the chances of spreading the virus and that is now shown to be false. Whatismore, it was known to be false at the time. But that was suppressed in order to defend the vaccine mandates.

So you've misunderstood or re-imagined my point, found something that refutes the re-imagined point (but not the actual point) and then claimed vindication. Oh dear!

Just something for you to go on with and get thoroughly confused by....

The ABS found that there had been 128,797 deaths from January 1 to August 31, 20022, which was 17 per cent higher than the historical average or an extra 18,671 deaths. Of those, 7727 were attributed to the WuFlu leaving 10,944 non-Covid excess deaths.

Deaths due to dementia are up 18.9 per cent, diabetes up 20.8 per cent, cancer up 6.1 per cent, and ischaemic heart disease up 3.3 per cent, according to ABS data
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 10:11:10 AM
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The responses to the post are as expected.

The Twitter Files shows a loose collaboration between government and corporate media/social media to suppress views and information that was detrimental to the power and interest of those bodies. Information was and is being withheld in order to further the power, wealth and interests of the already powerful and wealthy.

Yet this is being ignored by those who, for whatever reason, have fallen for the claims of that elite and believe the elite is working for their benefit. Even as the Twitter Files show that data and information suppression was rampant, the elite media and the government are working to suppress the evidence of suppression.

And yet we have people here, who I'm sure are representative of many others, who don't deny the censorship but applaud because it helped their side. We know that these people have a very poor understanding of history and fail to recognise that the collaboration between government and corporations over the heads of the populace is the very definition of fascism. But they are happy to be lied to, to have decisions taken out of their hands, so long as their side is doing the taking.

Most won't see the 1930's parallels. We might yet avoid the pitfalls ahead, but a dark period in our history surely awaits.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 10:26:00 AM
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>- Who paid off Crowdstrike and Christopher Steele then?

The phrase "paid off" when applied to people other than blackmailers, means paying them to fail to do their job. Is that what you meant? If so, it's quite a serious allegation, and one I've never heard before.

But if you mean who paid them to do their jobs:
Crowdstrike was paid by the DNC.
Christopher Steele was paid by Fusion GPS who were paid by the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Schwab is powerless and foolishly trying to exploit conspiracy theories to stay relevant.


I've got nothing against the "Wu" part. And everyone knows Covid originated in China (well almost everyone - I expect a few people still believe the conspiracy nuts who claimed otherwise) so reminders are redundant but not objectionable. Having said that, I do also object to it being called "the China virus" but only because there are lots of viruses from China, and there are likely to be more in the future.

If there are circles where it's verboten to remind people of it, I'm certainly a very VERY long way outside them, but I do value technical accuracy.

>The laptop data (primarily the emails, none of which are denied) show Frank Biden up to his neck in the graft.

>It also shows Joe, who claimed to know nothing of his son's affairs, not only fully aware and involved,
Again I ask for evidence!
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 11:13:10 AM
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"Yet I had earlier in the thread given you a link to a meta study which showed just how effective they are. Yet you obviously didn't read it because it would have conflicted with your conspiracy ridden world view."

No I didn't read it.
If it's shown to have reduced severity and deaths then I'll accept that,
- But it's the other half of the calculation that you can't gauge.

Let's start at ground zero...

The benefits of the vaccine (reducing severity and deaths)
AS OPPOSED TO short and long term side effects of the vaccine.

How do the reduction of severity and deaths weigh up against the true total number and results of all these side effects?

Did they study 10,000 vaccinated people from various age groups against 10,000 unvaccinated people from various age groups over a 10 year period?
- And how would the results then stack up if they did?
None of us can know the bigger picture, and lets face it;

As far as statistics were concerned:
If you had covid and fell down the stairs broke your neck and died,
Many of the worlds reports would have reflected that you died from Covid, not from falling down the stairs.
So how can anyone even rely on any of the numbers when the process for determining the statistics was flawed in the first place?

When was your study done - a year back maybe?
If so there's no way it included people such as Rickson 'Ricko' Williams who dropped dead in his bed a month back in QLD or people who are yet to have further health issues.
- And probably isn't included even now
(They'd say there's no evidence to suggest he dropped dead from the vaccine blah-blah-freaking-blah...)

They're still promoting more booster shots, (not even the 20th Feb yet) so this means there will be more side effects forthcoming.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 11:18:55 AM
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Well I hate to say it Aiden, but it seems like you just stepped in your own turd there.

You've just admitted that Hillary Clinton (who had control of the DNC finances) and the DNC paid Fusion GPS and Crowdstike for the purposes of running a smear campaign including the fake Christopher Steele dossier for the purposes of influencing the results of the election.


Which is far worse form of manipulation the election that what so-called 'Russian trolls' (That one would expect nothing less from and which is actually fair play)
- Foreign governments and individuals have as much right as anyone to hold a position on a foreign election, and if they don't then the US should stop meddling in other nations election.

Not only that, you fail to acknowledge that when Democrats used these tactics they set a precedent that says there was every chance they did meddle in the election results of the 2020 election where Trump lost to Biden.

Not to mention that the so-called 'Russian trolls' themselves were most likely Ukrainians, and that the US just found some Russian dupes to pin it on knowing full well that they would never come to the US to answer the allegations.

You'd better go clean your shoes, before you trot shite all around the forum and start stinking up the place.
- Sorry, but you've just settled the matter for all of us here.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 11:58:12 AM
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