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The Forum > General Discussion > Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

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"The vaccine can't stop infections. It just can't. But it can reduce the progress of the infection once it moves into the bloodstream.

A month or three back I reported on the admission from Pfizer that not only doesn't their vaccine stop infections, it wasn't designed to do so"

Well, der ... this was widely transmitted right from the start of vaccination.

You appear to believe you have suddenly discovered it.

(Well done! - better late than never!)

What Musk has done re twitter is wreck his investment - interfered with the algorithm so much so that even he is now complaining about his tweets not being seen.

Hilarious really ...
Posted by Poirot., Wednesday, 15 February 2023 8:26:40 AM
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No I didn't suddenly discover it. I knew it from the outset but only now are the authorities owning up to it. That's the difference.

If, as you assert, the fact that vaccines can't stop the transmission was always known, how do you explain the vaccine mandates which were sold as ways to stop the transmission? We were told it was selfish to be anti-vax since we'd give the virus to grannie and the kids.

We even had soft-totalitarians in this group calling for anti-vaxers to be gaoled and forcibly vaccinated. That makes no sense in any adult world but especially makes no sense if we all knew that the vaccine couldn't stop transmission.

I suspect, Poirot, that you are just re-writing history to suit new information - Oceania has always been at war with East Asia.

As to Musk....he was once a hero of the woke crowd - building EV cars, opening up space with reusable equipment, providing Ukraine with the eyes and ears via Starlink to allow them to fight that evil Mr Putin. But as soon as he started showing the authoritarian muscle behind the woke's velvet glove, then he was suddenly transformed in the mind of the anxiously gullible into a Bond villain. Its been interesting to watch how they are able to change their views virtually overnight.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 9:11:43 AM
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As with the vaunted vaccine, the issue of masks was one the authorities sought to shut down all dissent. From the outset there were voices raised saying that masking was unnecessary for adults and outright cruel for kids.

And as with vaccines, Big Media suppressed dissenting views, banning, shadow banning or demonetising even expert views that differed from what the authoritarians deemed right. Who can forget people being arrested for failing to mask up while walking alone in bushland or, in one famous case, while canoeing in open waters.

Now, as we can expect, data is being bought forth showing that the whole mask-mania was so much gumph. The recent Cochrane study, a meta-analysis including studies covering a million people, showed the science is now clear: “Face coverings make little to no difference in Covid infection and fatality rates. Even when the hallowed N95 is worn."

Thankfully the authorities have given up their mask obsession but only after two years of spreading lies about their efficacy while doing nothing about the spreading of the dreaded WuFlu
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 10:21:14 AM
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>Well I hate to say it Aiden, but it seems like you just stepped in your own turd there.

If I've stepped in a turd, it's not my own, but the one that's fallen on your head!

>You've just admitted that Hillary Clinton (who had control of the DNC finances) and
>the DNC paid Fusion GPS and Crowdstike for the purposes of running a smear
>campaign including the fake Christopher Steele dossier for the purposes of
>influencing the results of the election.

Firstly, trying to influence the results of the election is CAMPAIGNING, not election tampering! Election tampering is preventing the election being free and fair. And you also seem to have failed to notice that Trump was running a smear campaign (based on lies) against Hillary Clinton.

Secondly, the payment to Crowdstrike was for cybersecurity measures, not for campaigning of any sort.

Thirdly, they paid Fusion GPS to gather GENUINE information about Trump. The fact that a lot of the information they actually got was fake backfired on them badly.

Fourthly. I notice you've been silent about your preposterous allegation that "Hillary Clinton paid the FBI $6million to find something incriminating to take Trump down". Do you now admit there's no real evidence for it?

>Not to mention that the so-called 'Russian trolls' themselves were most likely Ukrainians, and that the US just found
>some Russian dupes to pin it on knowing full well that they would never come to the US to answer the allegations.

The evidence against Rusia is clear, but there's no doubt at all that it wasn't ONLY russia where the mass libelling of Clinton occurred. But Ukrainians, having seen Russia unofficially invade a substantial piece of their country, are by far the least likely to participate in it. I know you despise the Ukrainian people for refusing to capitulate to Russian tyranny, but that's no excuse to try to shift the blame onto them!
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 10:47:12 AM
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Vaccine efficacy is analogue not digital! Like everyone else, I'd hoped that the vaccines would train the immune system to respond so fast that nobody ever gets Covid again. Unfortunately they don't. And contrary to what some people claim, that's never been a defining feature of vaccines.

But the vaccines do slightly reduce the chance of becoming infected, substantially reduce the chance of becoming infectious, and also reduce the severity and duration of infection. Yes there are possible side effects, but it's still a lot safer than getting infected unvaccinated.
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 10:48:19 AM
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"But the vaccines do ... substantially reduce the chance of becoming infectious"

Well Aidan perhaps we should tell that nice Mr Fauci this vital new data since he has specifically said "all of these viruses [Endemic respiratory viruses] replicate extremely rapidly in the surface epithelium and are quickly transmitted to other hosts, within a narrow window of time before adaptive immune responses are fully marshaled.

Perhaps we should also let the CEO of Pfizer know that his vaccine does stuff that he told the EU commission it wasn't designed to do. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to learn that all his scientists got it wrong.

But again, to bring this back to the main point here, the issue was that the vaccine was pushed as a sure-fire means of stopping the transmission and thus the vaccine mandates were born. When other experts tried to show that that wasn't the case and indeed couldn't possibly be the case (as Fauci now admits), Big Pharma/Big Media/Big Government sought to censor those views. People were then encouraged and sometimes forced to inject things without being given access to all the information.

A collaboration between major corporation, the media and government - the very definition of Fascism.

They called Trump a fascist but they were merely projecting.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 15 February 2023 1:07:17 PM
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