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The Forum > General Discussion > Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

Don't worry - its just corporate fascism

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Protectionism gives the short term illusion of prosperity, but it eventually just results in less competitiveness.

Trump funnelled money TO the big corporations by way of a huge corporate tax cut. That did improve the economy, as before that America was running too small a deficit, but as usual the people most in need got least.

>The Department of Justice, in America never investigates the left wing government
...Because the USA never has left wing government!

>Truth is Hillary Clinton paid the FBI $6million to find something incriminating to take Trump down.
ITYF that's just a conspiracy nut's claims, not actual truth.
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 1:03:47 AM
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>Truth is Hillary Clinton paid the FBI $6million to find something incriminating to take Trump down.
"ITYF that's just a conspiracy nut's claims, not actual truth."

- Who paid off Crowdstrike and Christopher Steele then?
Don't forget even Alexander Downer was mixed up in that mess.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 8:50:56 AM
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Dear mhaze,

You write: "There is now ample evidence that, even after adjusting for claimed WuFlu deaths, deaths from other causes is inexplicably high. I'd walk you through the numbers, but we know how statistics confuse you."

You see this will forever be the difference between us. I gave two references in my post to you including one from Lancet a highly respected medical journal.

You gave nothing just doubled down on unsupported claims with nothing to back them up. This is how cookers operate, I understand that. You have your 'own' studies which you rely on to back up your world view but you are loathe to cite them because deep down you know they are suspect. But you don't want your bubble burst so they can only be pulled out of you with great reluctance.

It is kind of endearing in a way but also really tiring when others are trying to have a rational discussion with you lot.

Oh well.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 9:04:37 AM
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Is there a reason why they call these 'vaccines' vaccines
- And not 'innoculation'?

Yes there is, it's because they don't bloody work mate.
They don't stop people from getting Covid.

Are you saying there's no side effects?
- People just dropping dead left right and centre.
People having blot clots and strokes and 100+ other different adverse heath events (death being the most untreatable) with 'experts' sending people away because they have absolutely no idea of whats going on?
- And being placed on gag orders.

- Forcing it on pilots of all people, there's one story where a pilot carrying hundreds of people nearly dropped out of the sky because of ad adverse event.

Are you saying they weren't fast tracked and were adequetely tested?
Some of these 'vaccines' were on the market a few weeks after the pandemic was declared.
- Which I might add wasn't until they ALLOWED it to spread to over 100 countries first.

We live on an island continent.
You think Scomo could've quarantined the country until we knew what was going on?
- They don't build a quarantine facility offshore like on QLDS abandoned tropical islands - No.
They let everyone in because they're scared of what the Chinese might say.
- Then put quarantine facilities right in the centre of all our capital cities, in hotels with shared ventilation.
Then later Scomo wants to pick a fight with the CCP
- And costs the country billions upon billions in reduced exports.

Some people really need to get real here.
Are all these people just dumb (inc. some of the commenters), or incompetent, or did they deliberately want to create a global crisis for vaccine and medical profits and so the WEF and WHO can take control over peoples lives?


H5N1 coming next.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 9:26:26 AM
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Hey everyone,
Lets just all give a good ole NAZI salute to Furer Schwab right now
- Like the good little slaves, labrats they want us to become

Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 9:31:09 AM
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Dear Armchair Critic,

More unsubstantiated blather from a cooker.

Mate, every single one of your statements are off some Facebook page.

You state: "it's because they don't bloody work mate."

Yet I had earlier in the thread given you a link to a meta study which showed just how effective they are. Yet you obviously didn't read it because it would have conflicted with your conspiracy ridden world view.

Now we have done this dance before and from memory you tend to come off second best, but how about you give me a link to your best evidence the Covid vaccines don't work and we can dissect it together.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 9:31:49 AM
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