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Misguided and misogynistic religiosity : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 27/10/2006

Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali's latest gaffe illustrates the widespread misogyny that exists among Muslim religious leaders.

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It may be factual that educated Westerners are more promiscuous. Though I dissaprove of this consenting behaviour, at least it is mutual and nor rape. The link has little relevance to the political agenda of Muslims view of mini skirts. Rape [not consenting sex] occurrs even on burka and fully clad women.

You will recognise the political scheming Muslim community use their criminal element to exploit free Western societies rapeing and committing acts of violence in an endeavour to have shari'ah laws introduced. It is not merely about mini skirts or burkas it is about political laws that wish to outlaw free choice and demean equality for women. At least 40 incidents of female genital mutilation is occurring right here in Sydney each year have been recorded at Auburn Hospital. Such mutilation is not consentual by the victim. Objection to Western dress is Eastern political and not any other purpose.

Muslims generally believe all sexual sins are schemed by women, as indicated by the words of several contriversial Sheiks with regard to women. Only women in the Muslim communities are punished by death for sexual sins, that is why their dismay at a 65 year sentence given to males involved in pack rape [ref Hilaly's speech]. That is why honour killings of girls who have engaged in consentual sex outside marriage. These criminal elements have propagated their vile acts in Western Countries into which they have transmigrated in an endeavour to enforce shari'ah.

On religious oppression I happen to agree with you, it is not a genuine Christian view.
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 2 November 2006 10:17:28 AM
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Although I knew that some FGM had been done here, I had no idea that the rate was as high as that. Can you supply more details or the source please and, as it is against the law, I wonder why no one has been charged. Do not medical people have to report it, like gunshot wounds?

This is an entirely unacceptable affront on the girls and to our culture.
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 2 November 2006 12:42:55 PM
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Agree a great deal with your example with few comments if I may:
- I disagree with the sheikh ‘s example degrading human relations to women being ‘meat’ and men being ‘hungry cats’. Honestly I find it more offensive to me as a man. He can preach modesty without comparing.

- The sheikh ‘s comment even if I dislike it, it is still a freedom of speech. A year ago in an Orthodox church in Arncliffe I heard a priest referring to women as ‘tools of satin’ which is deeply seated in their belief. This guy is alive and well and no-one is asking him to apologise or leave the country.

- The youth problem I noticed in Australia is not exclusive to Lebanese and I believe its in essence an identity problem where they feel rejected by Lebanese and Australians. Identity problems and youth anger is a 2 way streets and many countries (such as the US, Germany). Ignoring or inflaming angry youth have a history of generating ugly results and we should think of mechanisms to deal with this youth and resolve the root cause of their problems whether real or perceived.
Australia had many examples of angry implosive young people (ie Martin Bryant).


Good to read from you after a long disappearance I thought you reverted and became sheikh Kaktuz!
I was disturbed by the article of what happened in Egypt. It was all over the local TV channels and the minister of police is still in denial.

Re Copts: all Egyptians are copts (Muslims & Christians). The issue in Egypt is absence of anti-discrimination laws and hence every part of the society have problems (women, Muslims, Christians, Atheists, gays, etc..). Why is there 60,000 Muslims in Egyptian prisons held without charge then? Be objective please.

You can quote the dodgy missionaries hadith until the cows fly. Muslims practice the Qu’ran and the hadith is taken with caution. What conflicts with the Qu’ran (ie God’ word in our belief) discredits the hadith and its source.
Posted by Fellow_Human, Thursday, 2 November 2006 2:22:49 PM
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"Why is there 60,000 Muslims in Egyptian prisons held without charge then? Be objective please."

FH, the way I understand it, in Egypt, as in other countries, there
are degrees of religious fanatacism, going from the secular, to the
total religious nutcases. There is constant competition between
these forces, for power and influence.

Egypt is the home of the Muslim Brotherhood. They are extremists,
including their violent branches, as per the Sayyid Qutb school,
which is the philophical basis of Zawahiri, bin Laden etc. They
preach a violent overthrow of the planet, all for Allah.

Remember the bombing of tourists in Egypt? Presidents assasinated

As secular forces don't really want to see religious zealots take
over their country, thousands are thrown in jail. That seems
to be the problem with Islam, wherever Islam goes, violence and
extremism seem to follow.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 2 November 2006 2:51:57 PM
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The issue was raised in NSW parliament this week by Dr Moyes.

Quote: "Female genital mutilation is an criminal practice that is wholly unacceptable within Australia,” Dr Moyes said.
Dr Moyes questioned the State Government why not one person had been prosecuted for the crime of female genital mutilation. “Resources should be allocated to catching those responsible, and if that means changing the laws to require medical practitioners to report incidents to police, then so be it.”

“The authorities need to lift the vale of silence on this crime in order to protect the vunerable,” Dr Moyes said."
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 2 November 2006 2:53:33 PM
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Hi Fellow_Human,

(1) How can you follow a paedophile mohammed(cbuh), a person who took a 9 yr old girl as his 14 th wife and also took his adopted son's wife as his wife once he saw her naked?

(2) Why do you call paedophile mohammed(cbuh) a perfect man and a role-model for all humanity?

(3) Have you ever thought of the plight of non-muslims in islamic countries? Can you ever find a non-muslim equivalent of sheik in islamic countries?

(4) If a muslim converts to non-muslim religion, why should he die/suffer?

Please answer to the point and dont bring any comparisons.
Posted by tit_for_tat, Thursday, 2 November 2006 3:06:24 PM
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