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Misguided and misogynistic religiosity : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 27/10/2006

Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali's latest gaffe illustrates the widespread misogyny that exists among Muslim religious leaders.

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I guess MuslimHater has never heard oif Chris Ellison or Muhammad Ali ...
Posted by Irfan, Friday, 27 October 2006 3:29:50 PM
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This is a very irritating discussion. I am a young migrant women who happens to have physical features that are uncommon to local australians. I experience sexual attension regularily. And it is the local aussie boys who need educating! I have never been approached by a Muslim man with the request to "show us your tits". Local anglo men and boys (particularily those working cass heros everyone around here worships) are often more offensive and insulting than any migrant man I have ever encountered. Educate the anglo men before you start telling foreigners how to behave!
Posted by vivy, Friday, 27 October 2006 4:26:13 PM
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Hi Irfan:

Here's the full transcript of the sick sheik's speech:,20867,20653032-601,00.html

Sheik says:

1) Those atheists, people of the book (Christians and Jews), where will they end up? In Surfers Paradise? On the Gold Coast?

"Where will they end up? In hell. And not part-time. For eternity. They are the worst in God's creation.

Any atheists/jews/christians.. please note that we are going to hell for eternity.

2) Who commits the crimes of theft? The man or the woman? The man. That's why the man was mentioned before the woman when it comes to theft because his responsibility is providing.

Wow.. what a logic.

3) "But when it comes to adultery, it's 90 per cent the women's responsibility. Why? Because a woman possesses the weapon of seduction. It is she who takes off her clothes, shortens them, flirts, puts on make-up and powder and takes to the streets, God protect us, dallying. It's she who shortens, raises and lowers. Then it's a look, then a smile, then a conversation, a greeting, then a conversation, then a date, then a meeting, then a crime, then Long Bay jail. (laughs).

"Then you get a judge, who has no mercy, and he gives you 65 years.

Weapon of Seduction? So, his wife, his sister, his daughter all have Weapons of Seduction..

In other words, he is referring to Sydney gang rapes... He seems to say that the Lebanese rapists noticed the Aussie girls who have lowered, raised their dresses and involved in a conversation and 'they' did a crime i.e rape.. And finally judge gave them 65 yrs jail sentence as punishment.

Note: He is referring to Aussie non-muslim women who were raped; not muslim women.

Posted by obozo, Friday, 27 October 2006 4:45:52 PM
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4) Woman compared to a kilo of meat

If you take a kilo of meat, and you don't put it in the fridge or in the pot or in the kitchen but you leave it on a plate in the backyard, and then you have a fight with the neighbour because his cats eat the meat, you're crazy. Isn't this true?

"If you take uncovered meat and put it on the street, on the pavement, in a garden, in a park or in the backyard, without a cover and the cats eat it, is it the fault of the cat or the uncovered meat? The uncovered meat is the problem.

"If the meat was covered, the cats wouldn't roam around it. If the meat is inside the fridge, they won't get it.

"If the meat was in the fridge and it (the cat) smelled it, it can bang its head as much as it wants, but it's no use.

So, women are meat and "WE" (males) have to keep them in Fridges. Fridges refer to Hijabs/Jijabs/Kababs etc..

So, the sheik instructs the Aussie non-muslim girls to be kept in "Fridges" lest Muslim male cats prey upon them.

Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!

Posted by obozo, Friday, 27 October 2006 4:46:49 PM
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I do appreciate your views Irfan but must confess that you are somewhat eclectic in the use of Muhammeds sayings about women (in this case the prostitute) There are numerous quotes in the Hadith where Muhammed has been given visions of Hell from Allah and he says: "the majority of hell dwellers are women." This coupled with him saying that the wives of muslim men are a "tilth" (play thing) and that women are mentally and spiritually deficient doesn't exactly paint a great attitude towards women. I lived and worked in Saudi Arabia (the heart land of Islam) for a number of years and found it stifling. The women are not allowed out of their houses without a male supervisor and without being totally covered. They are not allowed to drive or mingle with non-related males. Does this stop sexual attacks and perversions? NO! One only needs to visit Bahrain and Dubai on the weekend to see the copious amounts of "righteous" Saudi males in the brothels and pubs located there. This shows that the "cat" is the problem and not the "meat" - to penalise the women for the mens lack of self-control is truly punishing the inncocent.
Posted by Flissy, Friday, 27 October 2006 4:49:07 PM
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Chris C

Your claims of finding 5 passages in the New Testament that put the blame on men raping women is either totally absurd or you show a complete ignorance of the bible.
Posted by runner, Friday, 27 October 2006 4:51:26 PM
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