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Misguided and misogynistic religiosity : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 27/10/2006

Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali's latest gaffe illustrates the widespread misogyny that exists among Muslim religious leaders.

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Tit_4 ...,

To make an opinion about Islam (as I can see its a matter of interest) you need two views:

1- The anti-Islam views (which I can see your posting referring to).
2- Islam as Muslims see it, practice it and believe (available in books like Íslam for Dummies'and "Quran for idiots" in most book stores).

I can see from your postings you are stuck in the ánti' views which is fine but your questions can only be answered if you see islam as Muslims see it.
I am afraid noone can help you but you: you can make a balanced opinion or live in the Islamophobia land.

Posted by Fellow_Human, Sunday, 5 November 2006 1:14:59 AM
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Another thing which I have not heard anyone address is the fact that Australian Women often refer to each other as 'sluts' and 'whores' because they are judged to be dressing too provocatively. There have been so many occasions in my life where I have been taken aback by the vitriol that women spray on each other over how 'slutty' other women look.

Is it really consistent to hold that certain types of comments are or are not acceptable depending on who says it?
Posted by Rob513264, Sunday, 5 November 2006 4:21:06 AM
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Thank you for that. I thought you may have missed the question earlier as there were quite a few posts after mine. Your post gave me information I was not aware of.

So it is those persons of Arabic culture that consider western dressed women to be decadent. This could apply also to Christens of Arabic heritage/culture. I take it that muslims of Indonesian, indian, Parkistani and some others like Serbian/croatian muslims are normally NOT brought up to think that women in western dress are decadent. This is why you say it is a cultural issue rather than a religous issue.

Will you let me know if I do not have this correctly as it is important not to be critical of those that do not hold those views.

Mind you there may be other issues that I may disagree on.

But this attitude to women in Western dress is one of the main reasons that Arabic muslims have not a very good reputation.
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 5 November 2006 11:54:28 AM
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"Is it really consistent to hold that certain types of comments are or are not acceptable depending on who says it?"

Yup Rob, it is consitent, who says something matters greatly.

A girl who passes a bitchy comment about another girl, is
most likely doing it for entirely different reasons, then
if say an Islamic preacher makes the same comment. Thats
just girl talk and bitchiness, fairly common. They are
competing with each other after all.

A preacher saying the same thing, which could encourage
young males to forget the rights of others, is a whole
different story, different perspective.

Think about it. If I, as a middle aged male, made a comment
about your say 12 year old daughter, would you treat it the
the same as if one of her female friends said it?
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 5 November 2006 12:53:41 PM
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Clothing is a direct response to the elements. They keep us warm or dry, and change with the climate. It's religion that brought the idea of shame to the human body. All three Middle Eastern religions share this sense of shame and guilt around the human body.
A woman should be able to walk about stark naked and not fear being assaulted. She should be able to flaunt her sexuality and be proud of it. just as a well muscled man should be able to feel the natural pride in being young and healthy and virile. To educate your children that God wants you to hide his greatest gift to the perpetuation of the species is a moral and social crime. And in my opinion is one most exclaimed by those who can or could only dominate any society by using God as a weapon of restriction not liberation. The transfer of human genetics is no different than that of the animal world. Do you think a male peacock feels shame with tail feathers in full bloom. Or that the male lion would rather shave his majestic mane. That giraffes would rather be plain. Or is it that we are made in Gods image and he too is ashamed. I do not believe that shame and guilt are necessary tools. That with out them society would degrade into a perverted sexual miasma
of uncontrolled appetites
Posted by aqvarivs, Sunday, 5 November 2006 7:00:07 PM
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"Is it really consistent to hold that certain types of comments are or are not acceptable depending on who says it?" Yup Rob, it is consitent, who says something matters greatly.
Think about it. If I, as a middle aged male, made a comment
about your say 12 year old daughter, would you treat it the
the same as if one of her female friends said it?
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 5 November 2006 12:53:41 PM

It is extraordinary that you cite an example of inconsistency as an example of consistency - I thought only women used logic like that. I would find it unacceptable if anybody spoke about a 12yr old girl like that.
Posted by Rob513264, Sunday, 5 November 2006 10:13:19 PM
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