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Palestine a democracy? : Comments

By Taya Fabijanic, published 10/3/2006

Israel needs to be reminded as much as Hamas about not using violence for political gains.

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To ‘The Idiot Leftist’ [Strewth].

Hamas targets Israeli women and children – bloody parts of human flesh of young mothers and their infants hanging from the wreckage of bombed busses, parts scattered about the bloody street – A rational person would not call this ‘an absence of justification’ – in what else ever would a strong Israeli response be more expedient?

This is why I attack the idealist, liberalist, leftists on this forum – you have absolutely no comprehension of the horror of a terrorist attack. You protect terrorists’ plight, but do not say one word to proteSt the terrorist attacks or protect those murdered women and children – you are inconsistent and immoral – I will not say you are ‘anit-Semitic’… I don’t need to, your inconsistency shows that you are the racist ones.

And your heads are so far in the sand you cannot see that in the purported “racist constructions” against Islam, the comments have come from Islam itself.

Muslim organizations recognise that Muslims are over-represented in rape statistics in Denmark, responsible for 68% of all rapes (but make up less than 5% of the population), and the clear underlying culture of rape behind such statistics, as documented in official police statistics, [], but you leftists say it is racist to recognise it, even though Muslim organisations recognise it themselves…

I have unequivocally shown you to be inconsistent anti-Semitic racists, who paint people with the ‘racist’ or ‘Islamophobia’ brush who merely post what Muslims themselves have stated about themselves.

This is why I attack you on this forum, the Muslim orgaisations have recognised the problem and have commenced a campaign to fight the problem – sincere congratulations to Babar Baig from Minhaj ul Quran’, The Organisation of Pakistani Students and Academics (OPSA), and Union of Muslim Students (FASM)’ for such COURAGE - but you leftists paint everyone with the 'racist' brush and put your heads in the sand and do not recognise the problem, and therefore, you are not letting the problem be worked out, to the detriment of Australian women – you COWARDS.
Posted by Thor, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 6:23:59 PM
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Basing an alleged "IslamoFascist sentiment of Muslims in the West" on the rantings of one Islamist nutter in Denmark and an "Islamic culture of rape against Australian, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Dutch and French gilrs" [his spelling, not mine] on the involvement in rape of a minority of the disaffected sons of Muslim immigrants in Denmark, suggests that Thor has placed his failure to think straight at the service of a disturbing Islamophobia. Likewise, his selective concern ("Israeli women and children") for the innocent victims of Israel's colonization of Palestine suggests a racist assumption that only Israeli deaths matter. He cynically praises the efforts of Muslim organizations in Denmark to do something about the issue of rape in that country but cannot explain why, if Islam is characterised by a "clear underlying culture of rape", they would even bother. Finally, until Thor has the "COURAGE" to speak out against Israel's mailed fist (or "strong Israeli hand" to use his own words), his nonsense about "idiot leftist COWARDS" will only serve to highlight his hypocrisy.
Posted by Strewth, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 9:53:23 PM
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Golly Strewth..I thought the counselling had worked... nope.. ur still wasting your life and keystrokes over this

Israel 'BAD'
Palestinians 'GOOD'

trip you are on...

I advised you to put away the drugs but clearly you have not done so.

Ok..ribbing aside. Lets get a few things clear.

"All ..have (and continue to) sinned" and that includes me, and it includes you.

I find your approach to the Israel/PLO problem surprising. You appear to have the view that Israel can be persuaded to suddenly committ 'modern massada' and give all the land (Israels land) to the Palestinians after which the Jews will commit mass suicide.

Are you in fact an Indigenous Australian who converted to Islam ?

Either that or...

Its possible that you write for the Green Left weekly, because they seem to have a rather 'unusual' way of assessing reality.

When you judge Israel, you also judge yourself. Because the land you are sitting on as you type.. is of the same status as the land in Israel.. 'taken'... yet.. you seem to want to continue up the ladder.. from bishop to Cardinal and fron Cardinal to Pope.. in the church of leftist hypocrisy. (unless you are as I suggested above)

Is it likely that Modern Australia will suddenly 'give back' vast tracts of suburban land, on which MILLIONS of people live ?

Its as likely that Israel will also do so.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 11:01:02 PM
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I understand your perspective, Though Western Nations are disintegrating within quite rapidly, USA, UK, Europe, Australia etc, the warning bells have been sounding for sometime. The riches of the world are worthless without proper knowledge and philosophy. China on the other has adopted exactly what the British Liberals have trashed, and that was the standard of epistemology required and the philosophy that drives them. Old Communist states are breaking free and using models that were ours, and our Elites have adopted their Communist manifestoes by default, simplistic way of describing it, but the future for what Kant Espouses is bleak indeed.
“David Stove”, on the other hand, and a local boy, makes a lot of scene;
Posted by All-, Thursday, 16 March 2006 12:43:44 AM
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Baoz says that I "appear to have the view that Israel can be persuaded to suddenly commit 'modern massada' and give all the land (Israels land) to the Palestinians after which the Jews will commit mass suicide." No, Baoz, worse, much worse: I think Israel should become a binational, secular, democratic state for all of its citizens, Jewish and non-Jewish, just like the kind of land you're living in right now. Pretty apocalyptic, eh? As for Australia being "of the same status as the land in Israel...taken", you're so right. Both are colonial-settler states created at the expense of their indigenous inhabitants, but with key differences: our indigenous inhabitants are living as full citizens, equal before the law, whereas Palestine's indigenes are either stateless refugees, second class Israeli citizens or under Israeli occupation.
Posted by Strewth, Thursday, 16 March 2006 1:28:25 PM
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“I think Israel should become a binational, secular, democratic state for all of its citizens, Jewish and non-Jewish” [Strewth]


People, will someone PLEASE show the idealist liberalist leftists the ‘Charter of Hamas’!!

The Charter of Hamas

Preface: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it."

Article 11: "The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up."

Article 7: ... the Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharqad tree would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews."

Hamas, and the majority of Palestine and its people who voted for them, want ALL of the land as outlined in the Charter of Hamas articles’ above.
Posted by Thor, Thursday, 16 March 2006 7:04:09 PM
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