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Palestine a democracy? : Comments

By Taya Fabijanic, published 10/3/2006

Israel needs to be reminded as much as Hamas about not using violence for political gains.

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“I think Israel should become a binational, secular, democratic state for all of its citizens, Jewish and non-Jewish” [Strewth]

Palestine and its people do not what a "binational, secular, democratic state" as stated in the charter of Hamas, the 'policitcal party', co-called, that the MAJORITY of Palestine voted for -

I put it to the Left that you are racist for saying that they cannot have a middle age, opressive to women, no freedom of expression, Islamic state (I thought I'd throw a leftist smear back at one of them).


Muslims are disproportionately represented in official rape statistics in Denmark – Muslims are responsible for 68% of all rapes, but make up just 4% of the population. Hence, using ‘inductive reasoning’ there must be an underlying culture of rape present – the comments of an Australian Sheik who stated that Australian girls dressed ‘strapless [and] backless’ are “targets for rape” provides the link between the undisputable statistical correlation between the particular 4% of the population who are Muslims, the religion they prescribe to and the rapes – The stark over-representation is NOT accounted for STATISTICALLY by ‘a handful of disaffected youth’ as the number of rapes are too high for a ‘handful’ to have committed that many rapes to bring the proportion for that 4% of the population up to 68% of all rapes.

If there is not a ‘culture of rape’ and Muslims do not listen to Sheiks who preach to encourage rape, then what else accounts for the undisputable statistical correlation? Sociologists have commented that in Arab Islamic culture the women is seen as responsible for rape, and a man does not feel he has done anything wrong – I suggest this culture is what underlies the statistics, it is a reasonable inference…

But what is the point discussing ‘reason’ with someone who refers to the Islamic Mullah’s comments as a “racist … construction” - that the Islamic Mullah is racist to the religion he represents, Islam… An ‘Islamophobic’ Islamic Mullah… I have never heard anything more ridiculous in my life…
Posted by Thor, Thursday, 16 March 2006 7:12:36 PM
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to Achieve Peace in Palestine there is a way if there will be the will first Palestine one State no Israel the Jewish State that is a Creation of the Zionists and of Course America and The British one State for everyone Jews Arabs and Christians alike Israel the Jewish State Create Hatred i do not Understand why the Leaders of Israel do not Get-it-? they Assume that they have all the Right Answer and the other Side are all Idiots -Israel have one of the most Formidable Armies in the World Thanks to the American Tax-Payer Israel is only Viable because of America Injecting Huge amounts of Money and Supplying Israel with the Latest Technology -Etc Etc America should not be in Iraq or Afghanistan Fighting a War that no one will ever Win the American Army should be moved to Palestine and Rule the Place for as Long as it is Necessary Because that will be the only way to try to have Peace The Israelis Keeping the Arabs in Captivity with no Rights to have Borders Contron Air-Space Control a Huge wall-of Separation that is Apartheid in my Book under this Conditions i doubt that there ever will be Peace i love Peace and i would like to see peace in my lfe time
Posted by ozevic, Thursday, 16 March 2006 8:06:43 PM
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Thanks, Thor, we're back on topic with Hamas. I agree with Saree Makdisi (The Tempest Over the Hamas Charter) that its charter is "not only xenophobic, sectarian, and racist, but also ill-conceived, inaccurate, retrograde and intellectually vacuous." However, as he points out, the Zionist propagandist's obsession with this bit of paper is designed to divert attention from the actual, material racism of Israel: "Israel's Basic Laws...discriminate between Jews and non-Jews...And Israel's unique existence as a country that expressly claims to be not the state of its actual citizens, but rather of a globally dispersed people manifestly privileges the (non-Israeli) Jews of New York and Chicago [not to mention Australia] over Israel's actually existing non-Jewish citizens. Although they amount to some 20% of the state's population, the latter are literally written into 2nd class status by virtue of their non-Jewishness in what loudly proclaims itself to be the Jewish state." And check out the equally uncompromising, maximalist Likud party manifesto which sanctions the land-grabbing Israeli coloniser movement in the occupied Palestinian territories: "The right of the Jewish people to Eretz Yisrael is eternal and indisputable...The State of Israel has a right and a claim to sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip...Any plan involving the handover of parts of western Eretz Yisrael to foreign rule...denies our right to this country." Watch this space as Thor rushes to the defence of The Likud Manifesto.
Posted by Strewth, Friday, 17 March 2006 6:21:19 AM
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As to your other obsession, Thor, rape in Denmark. Your sole interest is to smear Muslims and their faith by suggesting that Islam sanctions rape. Otherwise your attention would be on South Africa or Canada. Re the situation in Denmark for those with a genuine interest puts the matter in perspective: "Surveys conducted by Statistics Denmark, published in 1998, show a proportionally higher crime-rate amongst populations of non-Danish/European origin, vis-a-vis the populations of Danish/European origin. Especially the so-called second generation...This survey...has been used by the right-wing parties and the media [and Propagandists of Zion like Thor]...However, this statistical material does not take into account various factors which could have important implications for the differences accounted for. Socio-economic factors such as levels of employment, housing, schooling and education, family and social network are important aspects when considering crime-rates and must be taken into account when dealing with crime-rates among immigrants." Thor, as always, you wear your agenda on your sleeve.
Posted by Strewth, Friday, 17 March 2006 2:44:57 PM
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Strewth –

I commented on government statistics that stated Muslim immigrants – ‘second and third generation immigrants’, as referred to by the Danish government – are responsible for 68% of all rapes – but Muslim immigrants represent about 4% of the Danish population and therefore are extremely over-represented.

It is true; these government statistics do not take into account;

““socio-economic factors such as levels of employment, housing, schooling and education, family and social network..."

But, the statistics itself does not seek to explain the over-representation in rape by an ‘underlying Muslim culture of rape’ – this is my inference, not the inference of the statistics, the statistics merely prove an over-representation – I have made such inductive inference of an ‘underlying Islamic culture of rape’ based on two points;

1) some of Islam’s Sheiks, in Australia, Europe, and the Middle East, have preached that women who are not covered are “targets for rape” and that such women are responsible for the rape – it is true that not every Muslim cleric holds this view, but young middle eastern men, who are disaffected in Western societies may prescribe to it, and I believe they have indeed. It is also stated in the Hadiths about women’s responsibility to cover up lest they attract men’s attention – and some Mullah’s have taken this too far, maybe as part of the traditional Arab cultures, as I know of no Muslim Indonesian clerics who preach this.

2) There has been absolutely no gang rapes against Australian women who were referred to as “Aussie sluts” by Chinese immigrants, by Italians, by Greeks, or by any other immigrant group whatsoever – they only logical inference is that it must have something to do with the particular culture, i.e. either Arab culture, or Islam, and as ‘some’ Islamic sheiks are saying rape is ok to their young impressionable men, I don’t see how it is so unreasonable to make that inference, given Chinese and Greeks are not raping motivated by race, im sure there are some rapists but not such scale.
Posted by Thor, Friday, 17 March 2006 7:47:22 PM
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And even if you take the figures of unemployment in Muslim immigrant communities which may be high, no other group who happens to have high unemployed, i.e. the Chinese or Greeks, rape the local girls because they don’t have a job – lets say 90% of Muslim immigrants are unemployed, and it is the reason for rapes as you suggest, then the Chinese may have say 10% unemployed, then you would expect, according to your explanation of unemployment housing etc causes rapes, that the Chinese would be responsible for a ratio of rapes to unemployment equal to the ratio of Muslims.

Think about it, STREWTH, Muslims may have high rates of unemployment, but it is no excuse for rape, and as they only make up 4% of the population, there are still more unemployed in aggregate in other groups, although not as high a proportion – i.e. Muslims may make up no more than 20% of all unemployed as they only account for 4% of the population (an arbitrary high number for the purpose of discourse , which is a high proportion of unemployed, consistent whith your site suggests) but they still make up 68% of rapes, and then what about the other 80% of unemployed people who make up the other 96% of the population – in other words, Muslims in unemployment STILL are overrepresented in rape amongst all the unemployed – 4% population, 20% of all unemployed people, 68% of rapes as opposed to the other groups – 96% of population, 80% of all unemployed people, but only 32% of rapes. So it CANNOT be the cause, it must be something about Muslims which other groups don’t share - ie Islam.

Muslim unemployment is NO excuse for rape, and muslism still overrepresented amongst people you are unemployed and uneducated – based on your argument, which makes excuses for rapists, if it were VALID AT ALL one would expect unemployed and uneducated Danish people to be raping at higher rates than just 32% given they make up 96% the population and hence a higher aggregate of unemployed than muslims.
Posted by Thor, Friday, 17 March 2006 7:58:02 PM
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