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Palestine a democracy? : Comments

By Taya Fabijanic, published 10/3/2006

Israel needs to be reminded as much as Hamas about not using violence for political gains.

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I urge you to read the posted article - yes the itis from a political blog, but the article itself links to a journalistic interveiw (pegassus suggests whatever is posted on a blog is fantassy).

The article outlines the IslamoFacist sentiment of Muslims in theWest where they chose to live because of the liberal society, now they want to bring it down. I ask you to consider what a Palestinian state would look like, and appreciate the need for a strong Israeli hand against Isalmic terror and suicide attacks on women and children in the name of the 'so-called' Religion of Peace, Islam, unless you prefer a policy of appeasemnet of Islamic terror and Islamic Facists.

Norway’s most controversial refugee, Mullah Krekar, told an Oslo newspaper on Monday that there’s a war going on between “the West” and Islam. He said he’s sure that Islam will win, and he also had praise for suspected terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

“We’re the ones who will change you,” Krekar told Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet in his first interview since an uproar broke out over cartoons deemed offensive to Muslims.

“Just look at the development within Europe, where the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes,” Krekar said. “Every western woman in the EU is producing an average of 1.4 children. Every Muslim woman in the same countries are producing 3.5 children.

“By 2050, 30 percent of the population in Europe will be Muslim.”

He claimed that ”our way of thinking... will prove more powerful than yours.“ He loosely defined “western thinking” as formed by the values held by leaders of western or non-islamic nations. Its “materialism, egoism and wildness” has altered Christianity, he claimed.

Krekar, who’s been supported by the Norwegian government since arriving as a refugee from northern Iraq in the early 1990s, now faces deportation after violating the terms of his refugee status and being deemed a threat to national security.

“Those who say Osama bin Laden is a terrorist are themselves killing our women and children,” Krekar said.
Posted by Thor, Tuesday, 14 March 2006 6:18:23 PM
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Part One

Thanks for further info, All, but I must say different than you, I have trust in what I have learnt over 25 years of contact with philosophers and social scientists. Included in that is a political science degree majoring in history and international relations with Honours.

Talking about wars these days, ALL, it must be said that there are wars that a different. This one in particular, unlike great wars like WW1 and WW2, couild last for fifty years, even more, especially if Iran is overrun. The hatred from ME Islamics could be so intense, that the fixing of the present trouble in Iraq could be a cakewalk. In fact, the anger could be so intense it could almost need a genocide to overcome it.

We then have the problem of which side China might take, especially as she gets most of her oil from Iran, also Japan, as well as India.

The world could be in real trouble, ALL, even more so with the economic hate that is building up against the US over her breaking of her own WTO trade laws with her massive subsidies, enabling her to steal other markest by her dumping of cheap subsidised grains
Posted by bushbred, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 2:43:03 AM
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Part Two

Finally, ALL, I present a portion of a copy of a thesis by Immanuel Kant, the 18th century German philosopher, and called the Plan for Perpetual Peace.

What set Kant off was when Napo;eon after the French Civil war got carried away with his early European victories and declared himself Emperor thus denouncing his role of Enlightenment Liberator.

Sounds ridiculous these days, but the opening paragraph is interesting:

"From this day hence, not one person alone, nor ome nation can be trusted to run our future world. Humans throughout history have proven not to be trusted, because being of earth they have senses and emotions which cannot always be controlled. Even a human ruler under God has too often proven untrustworthy under certain circumstances.

Kant went on to write about a Federation of Nations from which was later born the League of Nations then the present United Nations. Both pracically ruined, sadly, by Kant's detailed human weaknesses.

With the United Nations, first it was the veto demanded by the Soviet Union, then the same by the United States. Then more lately by the Republican George Bush/2 regime that Perpetual Peace could only be solved by one powerful nation alone policing the world while fully armed, while other nations must stay only lightly armed, which incidently, has not come about, especially with China
Posted by bushbred, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 3:29:07 AM
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A practical question: does one know how much de-facto siphoned into HAMAS pockets from the Australian Government-sponsored via at least AusAid and World Vision humanitarian projects?
Posted by MichaelK., Wednesday, 15 March 2006 11:02:41 AM
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Anyone still with us on this post should bear in mind that the Islamophobic rantings of Thor, with his Jihadis under the bed hysteria, are carefully calculated to divert attention from Israel's dirty war in the Palestinian territories. Such racist and cynical constructions as "Islamic cultures of rape", "self-hating Leftists" and "Muslims numbers expanding like mosquitoes" are akin to the diversionary camouflage ink squirted by the octopus to cover its tracks. Unsuspecting readers are diverted to Islamophobic Zionist hate-sites such as littlegreenfootballs and the real agenda, emerging from the ooze, is: "I ask you to consider what a Palestinian state would look like, and appreciate the need for a strong Israeli hand". It is a sure sign of the desperation of the propagandists of Zion and the banruptcy of their 'cause' that, in the absence of any real justification for why the world should tolerate "a strong Israeli hand" any longer, they should stoop to the politics of fear.
Posted by Strewth, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 11:22:59 AM
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Commentary on, “The Islamophobic Rantings of Thor, The Zionists and The Idiot Leftist”.

In response to an Islamic Mullah’s comment published in a Norwegian newspaper, ‘Dagbladet’ [ ] and other European newspapers, such as ‘Aftenposten’ [ ], which I linked to in an above post, the comment is referred to by a Leftist on the forum as a “racist … construction” [Strewth].

If the comment is a “racist … construction” as she [Strewth] suggests, then it is “racist” in and of itself. Yet, an Islamic Mullah uttered the particular comment to which she [Strewth] refers, “ … [in Europe] the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes” and he also stated “We’re the ones who will change you,” and, “our way of thinking [Islam]... will prove more powerful than yours [Western]“ [ ].

The Leftist [Strewth] refers to the Islamic Mullah’s comments as a “racist … construction” - that the Islamic Mullah is racist to the religion he represents, Islam… An ‘Islamophobic’ Islamic Mullah… Is The Idiot Leftist joking?!


In response to three Muslim organiation’s comments published in a Danish newspaper, ‘The Copenhagen Post’ [ ], which recognised a need “to fight the ever-growing problem of young second and third-generation immigrants involved in rape cases against young Danish girls” . She [Strewth] refers to the comments as “racist … constructions as [an] ‘Islamic culture of rape’ [against local girls and as recognised by three Muslim organizations]…” [Strewth].

She [Strewth] clearly suggests the Muslim organizations listed below have uttered “racist … constructions” against the religion they represent, Islam;

Babar Baig from Minhaj ul Quran’
Union of Muslim Students (FASM)’; and
The Organisation of Pakistani Students and Academics (OPSA
[ ]

Is The Idiot Lefitst joking?!
Posted by Thor, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 6:16:31 PM
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