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Sexing up stories about those 'evil Arabs' : Comments

By Joseph Wakim, published 15/3/2006

Tim Priest capitalises on the fear factor - aiding, abetting and profiting from Australia's Arab-phobia.

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Fellow Human

One thing posting to OLO has made me aware of is the one-eyed fanaticism of some people. If its not Muslims, its homosexuals, or feminists or whatever this minority of bigots can project their hate on.

Reason doesn't work. Stating the bleeding obvious like: the behaviour of the few does not represent the behaviour of all, will not stop them from scouring the news or websites for any negative item they can find in a puerile attempt to validate their negative view.

Fear Factor at work.
Posted by Scout, Friday, 24 March 2006 11:13:23 AM
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RObert That we work from "reasonable assumptions" is stating the obvious - more a reflection on folks you are debating than on your postings. However, in respect to the claim that bloggers (Rancitas especially) base their responses on some movie or other (RObert and Boaz are especially inclined to make this mistaken assumption) is an unfair and unreasonable assumption. No I don't draw my conclusiuons from movies. What a nasty, elitist f@*king insult. A typical Christian rationalisation?

RObert it also is handy to read the blogger one is responding to for some context. Nevertheless, Boaz and his crew are clearly more than just naughty they're downright evil troublemakers. And too bookish to boot -as the posts above show.

Certain "Christians", especially Liberals, are capitalising on the fear factor - aiding, abetting and profiting from Australia's Arab-phobia. Now from my experience that is the Goddamned truth. Just read OLO's bigoted brigade's bullshieet. And all that welcoming diverse opinion, contradictory, and thus, pretentious bullshieet. (Three Dollars)
Posted by rancitas, Friday, 24 March 2006 4:42:21 PM
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rancitas, "However, in respect to the claim that bloggers (Rancitas especially) base their responses on some movie or other (RObert and Boaz are especially inclined to make this mistaken assumption) is an unfair and unreasonable assumption. No I don't draw my conclusiuons from movies. What a nasty, elitist f@*king insult. A typical Christian rationalisation?"

I'm trying to work out where I have made that assumption. I don't recall doing so - not recently anyway. Please feel free to point me at an example and if it seems unfair in context I will gladly tender my apologies. I try and avoid nasty, elitist f@*king insult's and christain rationalisations.

redneck, I don't think we have 300,000 muslims "in Australia fermenting rapes, drive by shootings, civil strife, “honour killings, terrorism and drug trafficking.", instead we appear to have a few hundred in a fairly concentrated area causing a lot of grief in that area and 290,700 fairly law abiding easy to get on with muslims across most of the rest of Australia. Give or take a bit. Most of the Muslim world has not implemented sharia law, the countries which seem to have done so are ones with a long history of external interferance. I believe that many of the muslims who come to this country do so in part because they don't want to live in a country where people are stoned to death or have hands lopped of etc.

Some will struggle with the freedoms we enjoy just as some christains struggle with the freedoms we enjoy (BD recently posted about his desire for increased censorship of movies). I don't think that it is wishful thinking to assume that most muslims moving to live in a "secular society" will not be ones who really want to live under religious law, a percentage will get here and wish for the good old days, most will say Yippee!

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 25 March 2006 4:03:31 PM
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Fellow_Human has given himself away. By attacking my claim, which according to Muslim scholars themselves - and IS accepted by Muslims today, he has shown himself to be someone who reacts on emotion instead of reason.

How does my claim that after Mohammed came to power he massacred an entire, and very prominent Jewish tribe, women, kids, and all, mean that all Muslims massacre people?

Are you serious?

Jews likely lived in Muslim nations because depending on the Caliph, (some were reasonably tolerant)they had relatively good lives, providing they paid the jizya.

Further, Muslims probably treated Jews better than the barbaric Christians did at that point in history.

You attack without reason Fellow_Human, don't jump to conclusions.

Think a little.

Do you deny my point, about Mohammed being, in all honesty, quite a poor role model, even for those times?

Further, I'd like to hear what you think of Sharia Law. Irfan, and the other Muslims who write here (I don't know if you are, are you?) always defend Sharia, but none of them have offered their support for President of Afghanistan, Ahmed Kharzai's position on apostacy.

Did I say that right? No, sorry. It's not Kharzai's position, it's Islam's position isn't it?

No chance of getting out of it by saying it's just an interpretation this time is there?

Killing apostates is Islam through and through. How anybody believes Islam is tolerant is outrageous. To want to kill somebody for leaving Islam only says that Muslims have NO respect for anyone other than themselves.

After all, if you're willing to kill someone who becomes a Christian, you can't really think much of Christians can you?
Posted by Benjamin, Saturday, 25 March 2006 4:18:37 PM
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To RObert.

Middle Eastern criminals are very disproportionately represented in NSW jails. There are over 12,000 prisoners in NSW jails alone right now. So your unreasonable assumption that there are only “a few hundred” Muslim bad eggs in Australia looks preposterous to me.

Muslims are also very disproportionately represented in social welfare dependency. Could you explain to me why Australia should continue to import people into this country who are simply going to be a drain upon our expenditures? Add terrorism, and the creation of Muslim only no go areas where Australians flee their own suburbs to escape the consequences of a failed multiculturalism, and preventing any more Muslims from creating social polarisation appears to be a very good idea.

The reason why so many Muslim countries have not adopted Sharia Law is because almost every Muslim country is a dictatorship, and dictators do not relish sharing power with clerics. If you think that Muslims in Australia do not want Sharia Law, then that is another unreasonable assumption of yours based entirely upon wishful thinking.

Your implication that Muslim societies which have Sharia Law only have it in response to Western colonial oppression is more worthy of mirth than serious consideration. The coming of white civilisation was the best thing that ever happened to Islamic societies and it was a response to 1000 years of Muslim aggression against Christendom.

The bottom line is, wherever Muslims congregate in significant numbers in any society, there is serious trouble. People from this political/religious conviction should therefore be excluded from Australia’s immigration program. If Australia's immigration program has become inimical to the interests and safety of Australians, it should be terminated.
Posted by redneck, Saturday, 25 March 2006 7:31:23 PM
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Islamophobia: a fanatical and fearful avoidance of acknowledging the sad truth about Islam.
Posted by Martin Ibn Warriq, Saturday, 25 March 2006 10:03:40 PM
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