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Sexing up stories about those 'evil Arabs' : Comments

By Joseph Wakim, published 15/3/2006

Tim Priest capitalises on the fear factor - aiding, abetting and profiting from Australia's Arab-phobia.

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To Narcissist.

Detective Sergeant Tim Priest was the NSW police officer who put his career on the line to inform the public that the NSW Police Force had officially instructed their own rank and file to take a three monkee approach to ethnic criminal behaviour in the Vietnamese Ghetto of Cabramatta. Cabramatta is the heroin capitol of Australia.

He even had the guts to confront his own Police Comissioner face to face when the Comissioner, Peter Ryan, finally responded to the scandal of Cabramatta, and dragged his butt down to the Cabramatta railway station to look at all the drug pushers openly selling heroin on the platform surounded by comotose junkies and frantic ambulance officers.

Priest recounted in his book "To Protect and to Serve" how the minions of the ABC did a hatchet job on him for daring to expose the extent of ethnic related crime in Sydney. The local ALP member smeared him as a "disgruntled detective." When Ms Meagher later attended a public meeting, hundreds of ordinary, decent people screamed at her to apologise to Tim Priest. Looks like the politically exquisite SMH has stooped to new lows to smear Tim again.

Tim Priest is considered a man of unimpeachable integrity, it is no wonder that the Islamic lobby and their academic, anti everything mates are also trying to shut him up. Their biggest problem in Sydney is that Mr Priest's credibility preceedes him like a shining light.

If you want to appear fashionably intelligent, Mr Narcissist, you had better figure out who is lying around here and get onside with the smart people who have guts.
Posted by redneck, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 5:22:28 PM
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I fail to see the relevance of this article, are you actually saying that because some aspects of Priest's stories of raids are doubted that middle-eastern crime is a myth?

If you are, there is obviously not much point in trying to communicate with you.

If you're not, so what?

For anybody to doubt that our major organised crime syndicates are ethnic based, you need to speak with not only the ABS, but ASIO and the AFP.

Why ethnics always believe that an attack on a member of their community means the person is racist is indicative of the type of mindset that those of that ethnicity have themselves.

And we see this all the time with Islamic leaders, writers, clerics, and so on. I have seen enough over the years to feel I'm totally accurate in saying that Muslims are largely un-critical of themselves or their community. A thousand plus years of being taught that infidels are inferior may be to blame, but for me, it's plain racism.

Why does the entire Muslim community feel attacked, victimised whenever somebody says something about members of that community? Do you not see that this is an obvious example of a horde, herd mentality?

Does the writer doubt that basically everytime we see on the news a middle-eastern person being arrested or going to caught, they attack our police and media? Women even, mothers, have called gang-rape victims "sluts".

When an SBS crew did a story on it at Lakemba (apparently a holy place) mosque they were bashed, but before they were they got some excellent footage. Footage of about twenty Muslims laughing after one Muslim male said "those girls were just sluts anyway".
Posted by Benjamin, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 6:28:41 PM
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Do you not know what the average Australian thinks of this? If that happened at a church, other parisheners would out such misoginistic bigots.

But no, once again, another writer who is in denial as to the extreme Muslim problem we face.

Are they all lying in Denmark, Holland, Germany, France, and so on, where, in EVERY Islamic diaspora, there is similiar behaviour? Racially motivated gang rapes are common, bashings on those of the host culture by hordes of youth are common, as is crime - both fraud types, with welfare rorting, compensation rorts, and violent crime. In France alone, according to TIME magazine, 55% of ALL that nations inmates are Muslims.

Is it poverty you say?

No, don't buy that. Where I live, on the central coast, unemployment is on par with unemployment in Muslim communities yet there are no major drug dealers, organised crime robbing ATM's, thugs bashing people based on their skin colour, and so on.

You can't trick me, you may be able to trick some, but I have lived amongst it. I know how racist & intolerant many Muslims are.

Somebody in the Muslim community has to answer my question: Why does your entire community feel attacked when somebody comments on individuals within that community?

I liken it to the KKK. There are white people who don't want ethnics here, yet whenever the media attack them I don't feel victimised. Our leaders don't come out saying "Oh, that's a bit racist".

Do you not know how bad this looks? That your leaders protect the KKK in your community? I believe the problem is that, sadly, the Islamic community by far has the most racists within any community Australians have ever seen.

Clerics say the most wicked things yet nobody leaves the audience. At an Insight forum last year, Muslim leaders clapped after the bigoted American Sheik Yassin commented that the media did "a sound bite" on his words about Muslims not allowed to mix with us.

Do you even think Sheik Yassin IS a bigot?
Posted by Benjamin, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 6:37:06 PM
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Actually, Tim Priest is a bit of a self-promoter who took a well-publicised stance on Cabramatta in order to sell a book he had just co-written.
While stood-down from the Police force and in cahoots with Alan Jones, he helped put pressure on Minister Costa to have Police Commissioner Peter Ryan removed from office. The fact that Jones and Priest are mutual fans of each other should tell you something.
The day he was re-appointed to the Police Force he was immediately retired due to "ill-health" thereby walking away with $455,000 of taxpayers money, so his re-appointment was a financial strategy rather than a moral victory.

It's not surprising that his most recent Quadrant speech, where he repeated his previous claims but toward a different racial group came just in time to promote yet another book (surprise surprise).

Not much has really changed in Cabramatta - talk is cheap.
Posted by wobbles, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 6:42:44 PM
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The second SMH story about Priest's apparent economy with the truth is at

This has to do with his alleged claim that he was once a member of the Australian Army' Special Air Service Regiment.

The writers interviewed Paddy McGuinness, editor of Quadrant, in which Priest's original article appeared:

'Asked if he would publish further articles by Mr Priest, Mr McGuinness said: "I'll look at it very carefully and question it. People make mistakes. In his case it's stupid; it's worse than that if everything that's been reported is true. [If] he's silly enough to falsify situations, well, he's a fool."'

Even so, opinion-creature Miranda Devine wrote the following day,

"regardless of the miserable attack, his critique of the NSW Police [in 2003-04] and the continuing failures to deal with crime, from Cabramatta to Cronulla, is as valid as ever and as unpalatable as ever to his enemies. His courage in blowing the whistle in Cabramatta remains unchallenged."

Oddly, Dr Don Weatherburn, head of the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics, was quoted by Ross Gittins in the SMH in April 2004 as pointing out that,

'You wouldn't believe it - at long last we're making progress in the war against drugs. Evidence is mounting that we've succeeded in limiting the supply of heroin available, which has led to a decline in its consumption and the harm it causes.

'What's more, the decline in heroin use has led to a decline in property crime. And these good outcomes flow from the workings of simple market forces.

'This encouraging chain of events is demonstrated in a study by Dr Don Weatherburn and colleagues at the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, which was presented to a conference of criminologists late last year.'

If this is the police's "continuing failures to deal with crime", let's have more of it.
Posted by MikeM, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 7:10:19 PM
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I strongly agree with Leigh that stories about muslims hardly need to be 'sexed up'. But what I really want to say is why anyone expressing a negative view of them is regarded as 'racist'? As I recall, islam is a religion, not a race. And does religion belong in any discussion of the politics of a democratic country? May I further suggest that someone who claims they are Australian, but also Something Else, is not Australian at all?
Posted by Gitmo Guy, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 7:13:13 PM
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