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Sexing up stories about those 'evil Arabs' : Comments

By Joseph Wakim, published 15/3/2006

Tim Priest capitalises on the fear factor - aiding, abetting and profiting from Australia's Arab-phobia.

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Dear Scout...
don't doubt my sincerity on this...


Sorry.. u just cannot criticize some one as being 'insincere'....

I don't know if you had a bad day or whatever..but dont attack me unless ur sure.. and in this case, you are way out !

All you did by that response is demonstrate a 'small minded' attitude which cannot accept positive reinforcement from those with whom you disagree..

You are part of the mosaic of ideas here, and agree or not, your posts, as are mine (in my opinion) are valuable.

I'm not smiling in writing this because you need a dressing down on this one.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 8 April 2006 10:16:12 PM
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I agree that my opinion is but a part of what makes OLO a complete whole. But MY OPINION is no less valid than yours - the fact that you take such issue with me reveals your inability to accept other people who think differently to you.

Therefore, I think I need to reiterate the following:

To all Religious extremists:

1. I will continue to oppose religious fundamentalism – this applies to all religions.

2. I will continue to defend any people who are derided and vilified for their faith.

3. I will defend the right of all to express their opinions.

4. I will protest those who condone abuse as ‘passion’.

But thank you for the increase in my already abundant determination to never give up the fight for liberty, equality and humanity.

If I was out of line, BD, I am sure that the OLO moderator would delete/suspend me.
Posted by Scout, Sunday, 9 April 2006 10:44:54 AM
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You posts rarely give us new understanding on the topic. You are obsessed with personal interaction. [Maybe it reflects your interpersonal skills in the workplace?] Debate the topic, not the people.

That extreme points of view are held does not make them invalid, even as you claim your mundane points of view does not make them more valid. Galileo was an extremist in his day and he had to establish his conclusions against people who preferred not to change.

I will repeat: Debate the topic and refrain from personalising attacks on people you consider extreme. There are extreme points of view and those holding them have every right to express them if they relate to the topic [As your defence states].

You may prefer to live in a mediochre opinionated forum because it does not conflict or move boundaries of thought, so please refrain from personalising opinion and identify your defence with the topic.
Posted by Philo, Sunday, 9 April 2006 4:32:42 PM
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Could we have some balance on this issue? Quote, "I will continue to oppose religious fundamentalism – this applies to all religions."

How about give us your opinion on the behaviour of Muslim Arabs in Sydney. Was Tim Priest position valid or mere scare mongering? Was he also right about the Asian gangs in Western Sydney; or is he merely capitalising on creating fear?

I happen to believe Tim Priest was substantially accurate in his observations and conclusions. In fact the Iemma Government also believes we have the problem he foretold and has now given us a force of 150 special Police to deal with Middle Eastern Crime in Western Sydney.

We do not have a problem with Middle Eastern Christian Youth [though nominal Christian youth can be equally criminal]. However they are not the target of the new task force. Lebanese Christian youth do not congreate in gangs with a strategy to cause havoch on a community. Are they extremist? How about some evaluation on: Are these Muslim youth extremist? Could your opinion be? "Well they may have been bedwetters and abused by their parents so we must allow for their social disfunction."
Posted by Philo, Sunday, 9 April 2006 4:56:58 PM
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You raised some good points in your last post about Lebanese young males. I have worked with Christian Lebanese young people and have found them to be impeccable in their behaviour.

Why do you think that Lebanese young males who are of the Muslim faith generally behave in such awful gang-like ways? Could it be that as a result of so much inter-breeding that their intellectual functioning is not within the range of average? I am not being trite when I ask this question.

I agree with you about Tim Priest. I think that he has done a marvellous job. I have heard him interviewed on many occasions. He always comes across to me as a very sincere person who has the community's best interest at the forefront. I think that he is a man of integrity.

Posted by kalweb, Sunday, 9 April 2006 7:10:03 PM
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I was responding to BD's rant. If you were being equitable you should have rebuked him for his continual failures to engage the topic.

Again, I notice that the more extreme christians never call out their brethren when they are out of line.

As for myself, the bulk of my posts make reference to the topic. I have made many comments on how the "fear factor" is being promoted by the Pro-Christian contingent.

The "fear Factor" is used constantly across OLO and directly relates to how Arab youth are being singled out for special denigration.

Unfortunately, unemployed male youth - with too much testosterone and time on their hands are a problem across society. The continual vilification of 'middle eastern appearance' males simply adds fuel.

When will you behave like the christian you claim to be and offer help to your fellow human beings instead of perpetuating hate?

This is why I made my statement. It is entirely a part of the topic and the overall problems we face.

You try to denigrate me and only succeed in making yourself appear ignorant and intolerant.

The Lebanese boys need help - they are born here and, therefore, are Australia's responsibility. They are a part of our society. And we have failed if they are hostile.
Posted by Scout, Monday, 10 April 2006 9:54:43 AM
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