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The Forum > Article Comments > Osama bin Laden: He's back ... > Comments

Osama bin Laden: He's back ... : Comments

By Brad Berner, published 31/1/2006

Brad Berner gives an explanation to the meaning of the latest announcement from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida.

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The Houses of Sa-Ud with their own tangled webs to unweave are just as complicit in the sad regional geo-politik as were (are) the Brits, French, Belgians and the Good Ole Boys.

Does anyone have an inkling as to why the Bosnian/Serb/Croat/Muslim vs Christian charnel house was eventually brought to light?

The only reason - quite small, but very high grade/yeilds of precious metals used in the computer industry. i.e. platinum/iridium. These were in the hidden away mountainous border region near to Slovenia. No initial concern was offered for the victims of this "Ethnic Cleansing...religious based genocide...(or whatever politically correct terms apply.

Muslim friends here in Australia who escaped this horror side-show of history will tell you this. Religion (again) was just an excuse, these people got along with one another for 600 + years in the region, despite the dogmas of empire building clerics (Christian & Muslim) about them.

Who wanted the control over these deposits of precious metals - well 1st guess and you don't get the Kewpie Doll!
Microsoft, McDonnell-Douglas, Raytheon, on & on the list of bastards grows.

Stay tuned for the upcoming series "WHEAT FOR WEAPONS" - Saddam Hussein confesses to gain a plea bargain/sentence reduction with the UN!

Weetbix of Mass Destruction.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Thursday, 2 February 2006 10:05:04 AM
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The following is a humble response to explain my views to a wide range of posters who addressed me. The response covers all posters from intellectual moderates to the Christian Taliban movement.

Main points:

Definition of Islam,

To believe in one God, his messengers, holy books, pray, fast, pay the poor dues (% of your assets) and pilgrim once in a life time. Avoid the major sins and do other good deeds illustrated in our Holy book.

Hadith is not part of religion (as it came 2 centuries later). Few hundreds are in use to help interpreting some parts of the Holy Quran and that’s all.

Myth of religious conflicts,

The foundation of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the same since the founder in our faith is the very one God. Judging through history and actions, Jewish and Christians lived amongst Muslims for the last 14 centuries. Jews specifically lived in all the Muslims countries including Mecca and Medina (until the wahhabi movement). Early muslims during and after the time of the prophet had peace treaties with most Jewish tribes. (Refer to historians work: Muir, Sale and recent articles by Dr Sherman Jackson).
Facts are, Christians persecuted Jews until mid last century (Hitler) and many times throughout history Jews hid in Muslim countries (or under Muslims ruling like in Spain) from Christians seeking blood revenge for Jesus (PBUH). Peaceful, tolerant Christianity only emerged mid last century, but until then it was teaching an eye to an eye. Please refer to slavery in the US history and the church position and treatment of slaves.
To be continued..
Posted by Fellow_Human, Thursday, 2 February 2006 10:49:50 AM
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Islam & Christianity,

Belief in Jesus as a miracle prophet is a must for every Muslim. What we don’t share is the trinity because it conflicts with the first commandment in the Torah and the bible. However, our Holy book states that followers of Jesus have many good believers amongst them. Its none of any Muslim business who chose to believe in what as God states clearly people ‘chose to believe or disbelieve’.

Islam & Judaism,

Another hate myth mainly founded in wahhabi teachings.
Our Holy book refers to many good believers amongst Jews. The criticism for Jews in the Quran is mainly about:
- Not following or manipulating the Torah or Moses teachings (interestingly same criticism can be found in the Bible by Jesus pbuh)
- Rejecting Jesus the Messiah and persecuting him.
- Accusing the Virgin Mary of Adultery (speaking ill of an honest woman is the 4th major sin in Islamic faith).

Islam and self defence,

To struggle (i.e. Jihad) means self struggle; avoid temptations, look after and support your parents, sponsor the orphan and the widow. The ‘self or territory’ defence rules have clear boundaries wherever it is mentioned in the Holy book (‘i.e. fight those who fight you and shall not transgress’). Clear, simple and plane ‘English’.

Self or territory defence is a God given right to every animal and plant on this planet. To claim that a religion is not peaceful because it insists on the right of self defence is naïve and in conflict with laws and basic common sense.


1. There are some intolerant practices by some Muslim sects in existence and I am not denying that.

2. Moderate Muslim is one that practices its spiritual tolerant teachings and co-exist with others and don’t judge people for there is only one judge. It appears to me your definition of a moderate Muslim is an ‘ex-Muslim’ or fatwa best sellers like Rushdie or Manji.

Posted by Fellow_Human, Thursday, 2 February 2006 10:53:38 AM
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Fellow - Human

Thank you for your explanations.
They raise more querries than they answer.

A basic one is this: If you believe all land is Allah's doesn't it follow that Jihad to recover all land is then acceptable to those professing a moderate belief?
Posted by keith, Thursday, 2 February 2006 1:44:26 PM
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Hi all

Count0 (posted 5:03:16 PM 31/1/06)
There's more than a subtle difference between Mohammad & all other mainstream 'spiritual' leaders. Mohammad lived by the sword. He killed almost all opposition. Buddha, Mahatma GHANDI, & especially Christ didn't act violently. Jesus gave His life. Therein is the role-model. Not all proponents of the world's religions emulate their leaders or prophets.
How could a genuine pro-lifer ever bomb an abortion clinic? That's an absurd assumption. A genuine pro-lifer would oppose abortion, but equally oppose capital punishment, & may even refuse military service.
Regards homosexuality: it is the sin of homosexuality that Christians oppose. They don't despise the person who ought to be lovingly encouraged to change his/her habit(s). In Islamic culture & legal protocols homosexuality is even more detested - Surah 4:16; 7:80; 26:166; 27:56; 29:28. The penalty under Shariah law is a beating for men, & stoning (for women) - from memory.
I can't apologise for your crimes, nor you for mine. All injustice is disgraceful. But mankind is imperfect - "All man(kind) has sinned & falls short of the glory of God (Yahweh)".

Philo (post 6:40:34 PM 31/1/06)
There are some nice Muslims - I've acknowledged that. My hairdresser is one. But I know more of the Qur'an than he does. He's appalled by its contents. I hope he finds Christ.
What individuals understand as the divine authority isn't the problem. The 'problem' is in the understanding of the doctrines & dogma beyond.
Islam is an imam-led religion. Unquestioning obedience. Some portions of Christianity follow the same principles through priest interpretation. Protestantism, in the main, is about self-determination of Scripture. Other religions follow varying means towards understanding.
Only Islam has as its leader (prophet) a man who proposed & enacted violence. Muslims may or may not follow according to what they believe or are told. But they are called to do so.
Wahhabism is not known for its gentle nature. Usama just happens to be amongst the worst of its practitioners.

Belly (post 6:56:26 PM 31/1/06)
Misinformation, apathy & indifference are killers!

Cheers all
Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Thursday, 2 February 2006 2:34:10 PM
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I just think if we're going to write about the man, at least spell his name correctly.

Literacy is important. I find it quite creepy that so many American leaders, including George W. Bush, say ‘Osama’ when it’s actually ‘Usama’, and how many of them say ‘nucular’ instead of ‘nuclear’ when talking about weapons of mass destruction.
Posted by tubley, Thursday, 2 February 2006 6:23:49 PM
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