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Osama bin Laden: He's back ... : Comments
By Brad Berner, published 31/1/2006Brad Berner gives an explanation to the meaning of the latest announcement from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida.
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Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 6 February 2006 11:04:54 AM
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I laughed out loud when I read your reference to myself as Adolf. It is a good one and I acknowledge it. Your faith is vicious and wicked. What's the story with women having to cover up their faces, female circumcision, women not even being second class. Vicious wicked. About fifteen years ago I was working with a muslim fellow and I asked him about female circumcision. He told me that women can still enjoy sex. It was just to stop them feeling horny. Vicious wicked. The Danish embassy in Damascus set on fire. This is an embassy mind you. Vicious wicked. Protestors in London promising a repeat of the underground bombings. Vicious wicked. Osama bin Laden, friend of all muslims worldwide. Posted by FRIEDRICH, Monday, 6 February 2006 12:54:27 PM
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The anti Muslim cartoon issue has now seen additional violence in Lebanon and a warning from some Muslim groups in Australia.
Everybody knows that Muslim terrorism amd mob violence is a scourge but this issue is not helped by soley knocking the religion. I get the feeling that many on this string are unable to think outside the repetitive religious dimension. What about the changing economic and social trends amongst Muslim countries? What are bin Laden's motivations other than religion? What are the nationalities and social groups who make up al Quaeda? These are all relevant but I suspect issues such as these are not on the front page of the newspaper. An excellent link on bin Laden is at . Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 6 February 2006 1:34:26 PM
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Herr Friedrich,
Sorry just realised you are a victim of an ‘ignoramium overdose’. Female circumsition is African tribalism and not religion related. ‘Vemen’ in Islam “ie in the Quran are mentioned as equal beings. Let me guess, the Bible says nothing about ‘vemen’ and also nothing about Islam (yet it mentions everyzing else)…indeed! Anyway, get a life but for the record and seriously on the Danish issue: I knew of the boycott at the street level but was surprised at the embassy burning incident. Its shameful. Although I find the mockery of prophets as religious symbols are too much (ie Prophet Jesus in urine and Prophet Mohamed with a Bomb). Peace and hell wishes for your uncle Adolph (who vas a devout Christian by the way) Boaz, Long time no argument Mr ‘Mosqueteer’. Now that you are a freedom of speech warrior, should we call to abolish anti-semitism laws because they are against freedom of speech? Vat is ur views, Herr crusader generale? Posted by Fellow_Human, Monday, 6 February 2006 2:03:47 PM
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Hi all
Chris Shaw, Carlisbrook 3464 (posted 2:45:15 PM 1/2/06) Are you serious or joking?! We can't prove Osama's existence. He's disowned by his own family - assuming they exist. Says Osama (supposedly), "I stress that I have not carried out this act, ..". Maybe not personally - otherwise he'd be scraps in a dumpster. Your question: "How then can Bin Laden be a fundamentalist follower of the Prophet and a blatant liar?" Answer? They're synonymous. Study the Qur'an, Sunna & Ahadith. Muslims are permitted to lie (1) to heal a rift (2) in Jihad (for Allah) & (3) to their wives - Sura 16:106 & 66:1-5. And El Itadayah, Vol 4, p 81 & the "Muslim Doctrine of God", p41. They're forbidden to kill? They should burn their Qur'an. It says the opposite: "Fight (qatlova) against such of those to whom the Scripture was given .....". Sura 9:29. (Sura 9 = Al-Taubah = repentance.). [qatlova = to kill] Whether the video depicts Usama, a CIA clone, or Police Commissioner Christine NIXON, matters little. He's admitted to other crimes; his family disowned him, &; the Saudi US Ambassador has distanced himself from him. Osama "doesn't weigh the full quid" no matter how he's evaluated. (1/2/06) Martin ibn Warriq (post 9:09:53 AM 2/2/06) You've got it right. Now others need comprehension & understanding. Islamic doctrines are not peaceful texts - regardless of claims. The "abrogated & abrogating .." shows it clearly. Text must be compared to text (within the Quran). The Quran corrects itself frequently, viz: (i) ".. who created the heavens & the earth in 6-days .." Surah 7:51. So too 10:3. BUT ... (ii) ".. created the earth in 2-days .." Surah 41:9, then ".. in 4-days provided .." Surah 41:10, next "In 2-days he (Allah) formed the sky .." Surah 41:12. Heh, 2+4+2=8, & he (Allah) hasn't finished yet, so this one might be a 20-day creation. That's serious contradiction. So, Osama must be confused. Some Muslims may chose peace. They're not obliged to - refer to Surah 9:29 amongst the myriad of other quotables. (2/2/06) Cheers all Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Monday, 6 February 2006 9:04:18 PM
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Hi all
Fellow_Human (post 10:49:50 AM 2/2/06) - & Attention ALL Respectfully, the definition of "Islam" is "submission". Derivation?The Arabic word "aslama" meaning "to submit". The Qur'an says, “Obey Allah and the messenger (Muhammad)” Surah 3: 32, 132. Islam DOES NOT come from the Arabic word "salama" - some Muslims say that. It's not true. "Muslim" (singular), = "one who submits". Muslimon (plural) = "those who submit". Muslims believe in "One God". That's great. So do Jews, Christians, & possibly Parsists - some believe Parsism is dualistic. But "the nature of god" differs between monotheists. The "5 Pillars of Islam" (Arkanu'd-din)? Easy. Your "Muslim Creed" (Surah 4:135)? No problem. The Surat? Again, no worries. Your 8 annual festivals? OK. I was interested in Islam when I was an Atheist. I obtained several copies of the Qur'an & the Hadiths when I began studying. Allah is not the same god as Yahweh - their natures are very different. Mohammad's father's name was Abd-Allah - his mother? Aminah. His uncle's name was Obied-Allah. Mohammad's full name was Abu Al-qusim Muhammad 'Abd Allah ibn Abd Al-Muttalib ibn Hashim. That is recorded in Arabic history. If (god) Allah didn't reveal himself to Mohammad until 610/612AD, when he was 40-years of age, then how could Mohammad & his older relatives have all been named Allah? The answer? Islam has its roots in a pagan Arabic polytheseistic religion. That is revealed in Surah 53:17 - though the Qur'an tries to then refute it. But Allah was a concept & a name prior to 610AD. [to be continued ... (2/2/06) Cheers all Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Monday, 6 February 2006 9:29:21 PM
your suggestion that the Hadith not being part of Islamic faith wellll... I think you need a *pat* :)
I kinda wish it was YOU in those crowds in Syria and Lebanon where they are holding up signs which are based on the Hadith about those mocking/insulting the prophet should be killed. I don't know any specific one actually, but I've seen some 'cumulative' evidence and the fatwahs of some of the major schools if Islam do feel it is legal.
The cartoon violence is just proving to the West that 'Muslims' in reality want to force/impose 'Sharia' law on us by either trade sanctions or yelling loud enough with death threats... I think one I saw this morning was 'cut up the cartoonists and send the pieces to all corners of the globe' hmmm now I wonder where 'that' came from ? aah.. now I remember it was done by the Moorish invaders of Spain.. they cut up some animal but told the onlookers it was some of their leaders or something.
F.H. enjoy your wonderful freedom from violent 'ranting religious' mobs here in Aussie land mate :) (except for the lefists and 'so called' anti racists) and I reserve the legal right to make cartoons of your prophet anytime.. under our law.. not that I'd make them :)
But its a bit silly doing that.. much more material available in the Quran and hadith and histories anyway.. more effective I think.
Please alert your fellow Muslims about the new anti semitic cartoons now coming out in the Arab world.. kinda hypocritical and childish, that they say "We don't insult religions" but insulting whole races and maybe calling them 'apes' is ok ? :)
Or describing Christians as (add various derogatory names) from the Quran.
Aah.. we have much to teach you yet young Jedi :)
Mullah Boaz signing off
*Peace* (with a harsh "mullah" like frown :)