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The Forum > Article Comments > Osama bin Laden: He's back ... > Comments

Osama bin Laden: He's back ... : Comments

By Brad Berner, published 31/1/2006

Brad Berner gives an explanation to the meaning of the latest announcement from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida.

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Nice Poem Arjay, although it lost something after editing.

Meredith, liked you joke re dancing.

Darn it my partner as saying how her grandparents were aware of the sin of dancing, they were not muslim but I think pentecostal.

As for dear osama or usama, whatever, using the "O" version he is an anagram of "Am One Bad Snail" of course alternatively he would be "Am Une Bad Snail" which if you like mixing English and French might be OK but personally I think all we need to find is a blackbird with an appetite to drop this "bad snail" from an extraordinary height, alternatively using the french spelling... and the french cullinary practices, maybe boiled in oil with a little garlic would be an appropriate passing.

And for all the stuff going on about muslims not liking the bodily fluids being taken out of their particular religion, they really should grow up and get over it. Respect for other peoples right of expression even when it is in bad taste is a test of the enduring nature and strength of all religions. Descent into censorship is not a place we should be prepared to even contemplate a return to.
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 5 February 2006 1:43:39 PM
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One and All. Thanks for your humour in recent posts. If we cannot laugh at our own human foibles then we have indeed lost our 'humanity'.

Perhaps in the way the Irish look at themselves there could be an answer, unfortunately this is not the way of some amongst us today.
Too serious, too busy, too far up themselves. The Russians have an altogether different spin on that one.

Unfortunately, I'm off to work in wilder parts of this wide brown land to ensure Mr Costello's retirement fund is adequately catered for. Email access here is not reliable.

Good luck to You all and Carpe diem!
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Sunday, 5 February 2006 3:16:08 PM
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Chris Shaw,

I printed your post and took it to Timothy Leary's love child who read it and then proceeded to eat it. I asked why and he said that you stole his Greatful Dead records and that was his revenge. What a trip man.
Posted by FRIEDRICH, Sunday, 5 February 2006 5:21:09 PM
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Hi all

Kenny (post 9:01:43 AM 1/2/06)
Not all religious leader preach & espouse violence. That is an unfair & untruthful statement.
Your quote: "the goals of Christian Jewish and Muslim fundamentalists are the same." is inaccurate.
Demonstrate your argument(s), about violence, giving quotes (with references) where Christ said kill or harm another human being. He didn't. Show me where the Hindu (all sects), Buddhist (all sects), the Parsismist (Zoroastrian), Judaic & especially the Jainist foundational religious leaders, or their text, were hateful & incited violence. Muhammad was unique amongst leaders & prophets - he was a ruthless, military leader who documented his deeds & was supported in this documentation by others who witnessed his actions.
Most (really all) Christians - especially nominal - will disobey some of the Ten Commandments. If they aren't Christ-focussed they'll struggle with some of the first 4. The next most likely to suffer is # 10 - all of humanity contravenes that one.
Having said that, people who follow any religion - & atheism, Humanism etc are religions - don't always emulate their leaders.
There is nothing wrong with being a fundamentalist if the fundamentals are high ethics, morals, compassion, truth & the belief in racial equality.
You need to understand the semantics of language, & the connotation behind words. "Sick" is being unhealthy, not 'fantastic'. "Fundamental" means basic or essential. A fundamentalist seeks to adhere to truth. A "fundamentalist" is not necessarily a terrorist or a violent person - often the contrary. The doctrines will determine their path. Bin LABEN's is determined by his doctrines & dogma.

BOAZ_David (post 9:10:17 AM 1/2/06)
Well stated & accurately referenced.

Cheers all
Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Sunday, 5 February 2006 5:51:59 PM
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Hi all

Realist (post 9:11:05 AM 1/2/06)
No one should condone some of what the CIA has done in the past & may do in the future. But bin LADEN had choices too.
As to whether he's alive or dead: none of us will really probably ever know. If he is a figment of imagination then it was another guy, possibly called Archmed Archmed, who did it. Who cares what his name was/is? He's a bad 'bastard' anyway, who ought to be incarcerated to protect others who suffer because of his twisted sense of values - based on the Qur'an, Sunna & Hadith teachings.
Oh I was starting to get a little morbid thinking about allthis man kills man stuff, then I read your last sentence, "Wake me when it ends." Should I send over the stimulants, set my alarm clock or simple follow your lead?

Leigh (post 2:37:12 PM 1/2/06)
A great American business associate of mine from yester-year once said:
"If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around."
I guess that's why we have a lot of good people willing to spend their time posting on these sites. Our hope is that those who know less than we will learn from us - just as we learn from those who are better-informed than us.
Masons? Now don't get me started. Let's focus of Osama bin Lately.

Minuet (post 10:00:59 PM 1/2/06)
I understand your comment. But what it fails to recognise is - the belief within Islam - that the lands which they conquered & occupied post 624AD belongs to them & not the rest of humanity. Further, because they believe that all the world belongs to Allah, their underlying hope & aim is to convert all nations to Islam. Pretty simple! Can you imaging "planet earth" as a despotic theocracy?

Plantagenet (post 12:55:49 AM 2/2/06)
Well answered!

Cheers all
Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Sunday, 5 February 2006 6:00:28 PM
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What you refer to as God’s land in the Holybook was in reference to when persecuted you can emigrate. Last I checked it was not Muslims who invaded and slaughtered natives in India, Africa, the Americas and Australia.

Fuhrer Friedrich,

As mentioned above, my posting addressed moderate intellects to Christian Taliban. I excluded religious perverts on purpose. Sounds like you need an enemy to live, go back to “Lord of the rings"

L.A. Buddy,

In my comment above, I made it clear that Hadith is not part of the Islamic faith and few of it are used for interpretations.

Another 'copy & paste' expert pretending to be an intellect. You fell into the Merediths too soon :-)
Posted by Fellow_Human, Monday, 6 February 2006 8:48:41 AM
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