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The Forum > Article Comments > Osama bin Laden: He's back ... > Comments

Osama bin Laden: He's back ... : Comments

By Brad Berner, published 31/1/2006

Brad Berner gives an explanation to the meaning of the latest announcement from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida.

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L A Buddy,

1. Comments re your Arabic language: Aslama is not an origin of word in Arabic. All origins in Arabic language are on the 3 letters ‘faeel’ weight which is "salama" (sa’la’ma’= peace, safety)Anybody who studied Arabic more than 6 months would tell you that.

2. Origin of the word Allah: the word Allah is used in the Arabic bible (Please check the Van dyek bible of Egypt). The word itself Yahweh (Hebrew), Elahi (Aramaic), Allah (Arabic) are used for the very same meaning. Allah is a preferred word because it have no plural and no sex (God is neither male nor female and there is no ‘it’ in the Arabic language). Also you mix pronounciation signs as it changes depending on its position in the sentence. The word Elah (pronounced by Jesus PBUH as Elahi in the Aramaic Bible when he was on the cross).

3. Quran is probably the clearest scripture on monotheism I ever examined. The word “I” or “we” swap places for self glorifying and are inline with language and with the Torah. The statement “God is One’, and ‘if there was more than it would be corrupt’ is used more than any other Abraham faith scripture.

Anyway, not sure what your religion is and I don’t care, but I am surprised at the level of anger and attacks on our faith. You are living a myth often believed by African missionaries that Muslims don’t know their religion or other religions.

In an earlier posting I read about your mum. My condolences and sympathy although late. It hard to lose a parent, I know because I lost both.

Posted by Fellow_Human, Tuesday, 7 February 2006 9:02:44 AM
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LA Buddy

Fellow Human is a far more generous and patient person than I. For one, I find your posts too convoluted with all the referencing and quotes. For example, I missed the news regarding your mother. I am sorry to hear that - I lost my father 30 years ago.

I'm sure you have many relevant comments to make, please make them a little more reader friendly.

FH, I too find the level of hatred expressed by many posters here to be extreme. Particularly as these posters apparently do not personally know many muslims as friends or neighbours. These posters are either christian or anti-religion. While I find formal religion hard to empathise with, I believe in tolerance - something these afore-mentioned posters don't.

As such, they fail repeatedly to make the distinction between al-Qaida and mainstream Islam. Interestingly, many of these same posters make similar assumptions about feminism, that is they see women wanting equality as some kind take over bid for female supremacy. I can only conclude that these people are very easily threatened and insecure. If their self-esteem was firm they would have no problem with people who are a little different. And it is a small difference; we are all human and in the greater scheme our differences are superficial.
Posted by Scout, Tuesday, 7 February 2006 9:30:18 AM
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Scout and F.H.

a small point here.. "hate" ? -I see passion, I see vigour, I see determination, but.. I don't see any one suggesting 'cut the heads of the criminal muslims for insulting Christ' But I DO see many signs like that in the British protests. "kill those who insult Islam" lots and lots of signs.. in FREE Britain.... I mean.. gee...
they are trying to committ suicide.. its only a matter of time b4 the Brits actually respond in kind... but somehow... this is lost of missed on those rampaging screaming crowds.

I don't see 'hate' in these pages, nor do I even see it in Europe in response to the obvious and unambiguous total hate being directed against them. Have you seen any of the interviews with Danes ? They are not emotional, they are humble, thoughtful and look at it in a rational way.

Nuclear Armed Pakistan's foreign minister said "There is no such thing as an 'over' reaction to this" A friend of mine emailed me this morning about a story he read in the paper about some Lebanese Muslims from the UK using 'UNpublished'cartoons, much worse than what was published while visiting Lebanon and middle east.. stirring up trouble. (Yet to verify this)

How many times have you seen "cut up Alchemist, kill him.. burn him.. behead him" after one of his incessant diatribes scorning and riduculing Christ and 'The Religious' ? I think 'zero' :) So, please you and F.H. stop attributing 'hate' when you refer to the emotions of those posting disagreeable thoughts here.

Have you noticed the emotion in 'Proud to be Indonesian's posts ?
P.S. as one Muslim cleric said this morning (o'seas) "This has delivered the Muslim world into the hands of Osama Bin Ladin."

If that occurrs, then I pity Muslims in Australia. (and Christians in Muslim countries) Anglo's don't organize themselves because we rely on the police, but pushed too far, well.. it remains to be seen.
More armed men in the SSAA than our regular army.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 7 February 2006 11:52:25 AM
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What's your point about the "SSAA" (Shorthanded Sailing Association of Australia) mate?

Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 7 February 2006 12:17:25 PM
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For your edification

"Islam is a vicious wicked faith.

Posted by FRIEDRICH, Saturday, 4 February 2006 1:14:54 PM"

Repeated twice within the one post.

I rest my case.

Cheers m'dear
Posted by Scout, Wednesday, 8 February 2006 10:20:18 AM
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Why on earth is it a common theme to call lies, deception, and misrepresentation 'passion'?

In a public document on the CTF issue last year, the judge asked the pastor 'you quoted verse 38 & 40 from the Quran, why didn't you quote verse 39 which explains the context? The pastor response was he "didn't have the time"!!

How can you claim to be missionaries, pastors, blabber about Jesus this and Jesus that if you are dishonest and unethical?
Islam and Christianity have opposing views on Jesus (PBUH), but do you really believe the 'means to an end' approach you are using will please your Jesus? I think not.

So to you, coach, Kaktuz, the Fried Rich, LABuddy, etc..I would like to suggest a more appropriate symbol......May I suggest Pinnochio?
Posted by Fellow_Human, Wednesday, 8 February 2006 11:29:50 AM
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